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Почему барабан моей сушилки для белья больше, чем барабан стиральной машинки, хотя у них одинаковая вместимость? Проверенный
Чтобы хорошо высушить белье, сушилке нужен воздух. А воздуху требуется пространство, поэтому объем барабана должен быть больше.
Это было полезно (2827)
Я хочу знать возраст моего прибора Electrolux. Как мне это сделать? Проверенный
Вы можете определить возраст вашего продукта по серийному номеру. Это можно найти на вашем устройстве. Первый символ серийного номера указывает год (например: 1 = 2001), а два символа после этого указывают неделю производства (например: 35 = 35 неделя этого года). Таким образом, серийный номер 13500016 указывает на то, что машина начиная с 35 недели 2001 года.
Это было полезно (732)
В чем разница между конденсационной и вентиляционной сушильной машинами? Проверенный
В конденсационной сушильной машине конденсированный водяной пар выводится во внутренний резервуар и накапливается в нем. В вентиляционной сушильной машине горячий влажный воздух выводится через дренажную трубку, например в окно. Эксплуатация вентиляционной сушильной машины обходится дешевле, чем конденсационной
Это было полезно (663)
Можно ли ставить сушильную и стиральную машину одну на другую? Проверенный
В целом сушильную и стиральную машину возможно поставить прямо одну на другую. Это относится только к моделям с фронтальной загрузкой. Тем не менее для этого рекомендуется использовать крепежные элементы. Это позволит избежать вибрации и падения верхней машины и повреждения нижней машины.
Это было полезно (527)
Могу ли я подключить сушилку к удлинителю? Проверенный
Приборы, требующие большого количества энергии, такие как сушилка, не могут быть подключены ко всем удлинителям. Посмотрите, какова потребляемая мощность сушилки, которая указана в ваттах, и проверьте, может ли удлинитель с этим справиться. Существуют удлинители с более толстыми кабелями, предназначенные для работы с более крупными приборами.
Это было полезно (399)
В чем разница в использовании стиральной машины с сушилкой и отдельной стиральной машины и сушилки? Проверенный
Самым большим преимуществом стирально-сушильной машины является то, что она занимает меньше места. Однако отдельная сушилка сможет сушить больше, чем стирально-сушильная машина. Стирально-сушильная машина также потребляет относительно больше энергии и требует больше времени.
Это было полезно (374)
Table of Contents
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Summary of Contents for Electrolux EDC 3250
Page 2: Table Of Contents
Contents For the user For the installer Safety information Technical data – Installation and servicing Unpacking the machine – Child safety – Damages – During use – Accessories supplied – At the end of the dryer’s life – Optional extra accessories Description of the appliance –…
Page 3: Safety Information
Safety information Before installing and first using the tumble dryer, read this instruction booklet carefully, including its hints and warnings. To avoid unnecessary mistakes and accidents, it is important to ensure that all people using the dryer are thoroughly familiar with its operation and safety features. Save these instructions and make sure they remain with the tumble dryer if it is moved or sold, so that everyone using it through its life can be properly informed on appliance use and safety.
Page 4: Components View
Description of the appliance Door Latch (push the knob to the right to open) Avoid opening the door while a program is in progress. Space for programme chart (Self-adhesive label) Control panel Warm air discharge Air ducts — These should not be obstructed. Condenser This is built into the door and needs to be cleaned at regular intervals.
Page 5
Description of the appliance 13. Connector for drain hose There is a drain hose as an extra accessory for you who want and can connect the tumble dryer directly to a drain outlet. Fix the hose to the connector (13) after releasing the hose clip and removing the plug. -
Page 6: Using Your Appliance
Using your appliance Before using the dryer for the first time Capacity (dry items) Dampen some clean pieces of unwanted cloth and dry Cotton max. 3,4 kg them for about 15 minutes the very first time, to make Synthetics max. 1,5 kg sure that there is no dust or dirt in the dryer.
Page 7: General Information
General washing and drying information Sorting Starched items Always sort loads for drying according to the type of fabric Laundry which has been starched can also be dried in a (check the care labels) and how much you want to dry them. tumble dryer.
Page 8: Program Chart
Program chart The programs can be divided into two types: automatic programs and timed programs. The automatic programs (A – D) switch off the tumble dryer when the load has been dried to the extent required. The timed programs are for special requirements or finishing drying individual items. Using these, the dryer will continue to dry through the time you have set, unless the load is dry before that time has elapsed.
Page 9: The Indicator Lights
The indicator lights The indicator lights on the panel have three possible statuses: fixed light, flashing slowly and flashing rapidly. The table below explains the meanings of the various lights or combinations of lights. Fixed light Drying stage in progress. Cool-down stage in progress.
Page 10: Maintenance
Maintenance The filters For your tumble dryer to function correctly, the filters need to be cleaned before or after every load dried. To clean them: 1. Open the door. 2. Open the coarse filter upwards (Fig. A). 3. Brush the fluff off the fluff filter, which is under the coarse filter (Fig.
Page 11: The Filters
Maintenance Emptying the water tank If you have connected the tumble dryer directly to a waste pipe with the accessory hose, you can ignore this section. But note that even if the water tank has been bypassed in this way, the indicator light warning that the tank is full will flash intermittently during the anti-crease stage.
Page 12: If The Machine Is Not Working
If the machine is not working Before calling out an engineer, please check through the details below because some faults can be rectified easily without the need to call out an engineer. If service is called to resolve a problem listed below or to repair a fault caused by incorrect installation or mis-use, there is a risk that you will be responsible for the cost.
Page 13: Service
Service Service and Spare Parts You can note these details here: TYPE: …………Before calling service, use the trouble shooting table «If the machine is not working» to try to attend to the fault MOD: …………yourself. PROD.NO: …………Servicing and repairs must be carried out by a service company authorised by the supplier.
Page 14: Unpacking The Machine
Unpacking the machine Damages If the dryer has been damaged during transport, you should immediately notify the company responsible for delivering it. Check that the dryer is undamaged. If you discover any damage, faults or that anything is missing, you should notify the dealer immediately.
Page 15: Installation
Installation Positioning You can install this dryer in a number of different ways. We will show you the most suitable of these. Whichever way you install it, here are some points to bear in mind: Always ensure that the dryer is level for optimum functioning.
Page 16: Wall Mounting
Installation Wall mounting Different wall materials require different types of mounting If you are installing the dryer between wall-mounted cup- hardware. Purchase mounting hardware suited to the walls boards, you should use the wall mounting console. If the in your home. Use a minimum of 3 suitable fasteners to adjacent cupboards are more than 370 mm deep, don’t attach your mounting console to the wall.
Page 17: Rukowodstwo Po Kspluatacii
Technical changes possible Prawo na izmeneniq sohranqetsq…
Инструкция и руководство для
Electrolux EDC3250
на русском
на английском
30 страниц подробных инструкций и пользовательских руководств по эксплуатации
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Сушильная машина Electrolux
Сушильная машина Electrolux не крутит барабан ????
Как собрать сушильную машину самостоятельно, схема
Диагностика сушильной машины, не греет.
Electrolux Electric Drive Belt Replacement #134719300
Roller Assembly Replacement – Electrolux Electric Dryer #134715900
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Ш electrolux, Instruction book руководство по эксплуатации
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- Содержание
3 2 5 0
822 61 1 3 — 6 2
Ш Electrolux
Contents For the user For the installer Safety information…
Страница 2
- Изображение
- Текст
For the user
For the installer
Safety information
— Installation and servicing
— Child safety
— During use
— At the end of the dryer’s life
Description of the appliance
Using your appliance
— Before you use the dryer for the first time
— Capacity
— Examples of laundry item weights
General information
3 Technical data
Unpacking the machine
— Damages
— Accessories supplied
— Optional extra accessories
— Identification of materials
Program chart
— Consumption
The indicator lights
— The filters
— The condenser
— Emptying the water tank
If the machine is not working
— Service and spare parts
— Positioning
— Electrical supply
— Wall mounting
Руководство no эксплуатации 17
— 2 —
A safety information, During use, At the end of the dryer’s life
Safety information, Installation and servicing, Child safety
- Изображение
- Текст
Safety information
Before installing and first using the tumble dryer, read this instruction booklet carefully, including
its hints and warnings. To avoid unnecessary mistakes and accidents, it is important to ensure
that all people using the dryer are thoroughly familiar with its operation and safety features.
Save these instructions and make sure they remain with the tumble dryer if it is moved or sold, so
that everyone using it through its life can be properly informed on appliance use and safety.
During use
This dryer is intended only for normal domestic drying of
laundry and only in accordance with these instructions.
Using it for other purposes could lead to physical injury
or damage to property and invalidate the guarantee.
Do not overload the dryer (see “Using your appliance”).
Never start the dryer unless the fluff filter is clean and
correctly in place, or if the fluff filter is damaged (this
could cause overheating or damage your laundry).
Get into the habit of cleaning the condenser at regular
intervals. Keeping the condenser as clean as possible
makes the dryer more efficient and means shorter
drying times.
Laundry which has been in contact with chemicals such
as dry cleaning fluid and similar, should not be dried in
the machine, since volatile chemicals can be a fire risk.
The following items/materials should not be dried in
the machine either:
Pillows, cushions, down-filled items etc. (these
cause a build-up of heat and can make the dryer
— Wool, on account of its tendency to mat
Especially sensitive textiles, such as synthetic
curtains, silk etc.
— Garments made of foam rubber or rubber-like
materials must not be dried in the machine.
Always switch off and unplug the appliance after use.
When removing the electrical plug, grip the plug, not
the lead.
At the end of the dryer’s life
The symbollp^n the product or on its packaging indicates
that this prdauot may not be treated as household waste.
Instead it shall be handed over to the applicable collection
point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment.
By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will
help prevent potential negative consequences for the
environment and human health, which could otherwise be
caused by inappropriate waste handling of this product.
For more detailed information about recycling of this product,
please contact your local city office, your household waste
disposal service or the shop where you purchased the
Installation and servicing
All installation and service work done on the product
must be carried out by a qualified technician. Work
performed by persons with inadequate knowledge may
adversely affect the satisfactory functioning of the
product and may cause personal injury or damage.
Before any work is carried out on the tumble dryer, it
must be isolated from the electrical supply. To do this
the power plug must be removed from the wall socket.
The machine is heavy, so take care when moving it.
If the dryer is installed in a bathroom without fixed
wiring to the electrical supply, an earth leakage circuit
breaker (or RCD) must be used.
The power cable must be plugged into an earthed
socket, which must be easily accessible. Permanent
installation must only be carried out by an authorized
If the power cord is damaged, it must be replaced
by a special cord or assembly available from the
manufacturer or its service agent.
Make sure that the power cable is not nipped or other
wise damaged when moving the machine in connection
with installation or cleaning etc.
The ventilation opening at the bottom of the door should
not be obstructed if the dryer is on a carpeted floor.
The adjustable feet must not be removed, these
ensure that the underside of the dryer is ventilated.
Servicing and repairs must be carried out by a service
company authorised by the supplier. Use only spare
parts supplied by these. Never try to repair the machine
Child safety
The tumble dryer should be used by adults only. Do not
let children play with the controls or other parts of it.
Keep all packaging well away from children.
Before loading the machine, check that there are no
foreign objects or pets inside the drum.
— 3 —
822 61 13-62
Description of the appliance, Space for programme chart, Control panel
Warm air discharge, Condenser, Filters, Adjustable feet, Rating plate, Drum, Electrical lead
- Изображение
- Текст
Description of the appliance
1. Door Latch
(push the knob to the right to open)
Avoid opening the door while a program is in
2. Space for programme chart
(Self-adhesive label)
3. Control panel
4. Warm air discharge
5. Air ducts
— These should not be obstructed.
6. Condenser
This is built into the door and needs to be cleaned
at regular intervals.
7. Filters
Should be cleaned before or after each load. The
fluff filter is behind the coarse filter and can be
removed for cleaning.
8. Adjustable feet
If the dryer is not being wall mounted the feet need
to be adjusted so that the dryer is level.
9. Rating plate
10. Drum
11. Electrical lead
12. Holder for wall mounting console
— 4 —
Description of the appliance, Connector for drain hose, Water tank for condensed water
Buttons, Program selector, Cancel program, 3 — e — b a g- 1-f c ■hd h, Lights
- Изображение
- Текст
Description of the appliance
13. Connector for drain hose
There is a drain hose as an extra accessory for you
who want and can connect the tumble dryer directly
to a drain outlet. Fix the hose to the connector (13)
after releasing the hose clip and removing the plug.
When a drain hose is fitted, the water tank will not
be filled with water.
14. Water tank for condensed water
This fills up with the water condensed by the dryer
and should be emptied after each load. When the
tank is full, a warning light (D) will flashing and a
buzzer will sound. The dryer will stop automatically
and will not restart until the tank has been emptied.
If the dryer should stop on account of a full tank
during an automatic program and you fail to empty
the tank within 5 minutes, the program may not be
able to continue successfully. If this happens, the
current program will need to be cancelled and a
new one started. For this reason it is best always
to check that the tank is empty before starting to
dry a new load.
• Lights
(see also chapter ”The indicator lights”).
iiL A.
Lit during drying stage.
Lit during cool-down stage.
Flash alternately during anticrease stage.
Flashes when water tank is full.
• Buttons
O E.
Start button. After selecting program, press and
hold the start button intil one of the indicator
lights comes on (1-2 seconds).
Button for reduced heat for timed programs.
If this button is pressed, the drying heat will be
reduced and the load will dry at a lower temperature.
Suitable for especially delicate textiles.
• Program selector
For selecting electronic or timed drying programs
(see also chapter ”Program chart”).
• Cancel program
If the program selector is turned to this position
during a program, the program will be cancelled
and a different program can then be selected.
To start the new program, press the start button.
3 —
E —
— 5 —
Using your appliance, Before using the dryer for the first time, Examples of laundry item weights
Capacity, Af e d
- Изображение
- Текст
Using your appliance
Before using the dryer for the first time
Dampen some clean pieces of unwanted cloth and dry
them for about 15 minutes the very first time, to make
sure that there is no dust or dirt in the dryer.
Check that the dryer is connected to the electrical
Open the door by pushing the knob to the right (A).
Check that the fluff filter (B) is clean and that the
coarse filter (C) is lowered and has snapped into
Check that the water tank (D) is empty and pushed
correctly into place.
Put the load for drying into the machine. Make sure
that it is right inside the drum. Do not mix synthetics
with natural materials.
Close the door.
Use the Program selector (E) to select the type of
drying program required, either automatic or timed.
8. Press the start button (F) inwards.
It is advisable not to open the door during a
programme as this could cause water to leak
from the machine.
(dry items)
max. 3,4 kg
max. 1,5 kg
Examples of laundry item weights
(dry items)
To help you load your tumble dryer correctly, here are
some examples of average garment or item weights.
These are based on cotton goods.
Duvet cover
Towel (Terry)
Underpants (long)
~1.2 kg
~0.7 kg
~0.5 kg
~0.1 kg
~0.2 kg
~0.2 kg
~0.2 kg
~0.2 kg
~0.1 kg
~0.3 kg
~0.2 kg
~0.1 kg
— 6 —
General washing and drying information, Sorting, Spinning (water extraction)
Getting the load size right, Fluff, Shrinkage, Starched items, Items which should not be tumble dried
- Изображение
- Текст
General washing and drying information
Always sort loads for drying according to the type of fabric
(check the care labels) and how much you want to dry them.
Load items loosely into the drum. Do up zip fasteners and
tie loose ribbons, tapes or fabric belts. Close any tapes
or fasteners on duvet covers and pillow cases to prevent
smaller items from getting trapped inside.
Spinning (water extraction)
Loads should be well spun. We recommend that you use
a washing machine with a minimum spin speed of
rpm, or a separate spin-dryer (“Hydro-extractor”) if
available. The higher the spin speed, the faster your
tumble dryer will dry the load and the more energy-
efficient the whole process will be.
Even permanent press garments such as shirts should
be spun for 10 to 30 seconds before tumble drying.
Getting the load size right
An overloaded tumble dryer will cause creasing. Drying
loads which are too small is uneconomical.
The first time you use the tumble dryer, you will probably
be surprised at the amount of fluff produced. This is
perfectly normal, and does not mean that your tumble
dryer is wearing out your clothes. When garments are
worn and washed by hand or machine, fibres and fluff
are released, but remain on the surface of the material.
If dried outdoors on a line these fibres will be blown away
by the wind. In a tumble dryer the fluff is collected in the
filter and accumulates through the drying process. This
is very significant to those who suffer from asthma or
Depending on their quality, tricot fabrics in particular vary
considerably in their tendency to shrink. To avoid
shrinking, garments should not be overdried. Where it
occurs, shrinkage can sometimes be rectified by
stretching. We recommend that you bear possible
shrinkage in mind when choosing the size of new tricot
Starched items
Laundry which has been starched can also be dried in a
tumble dryer. For best results you should choose a
drying time which ensures that the items are still slightly
damp, e.g. by following the recommendations to achieve
“damp dry (for ironing)”. After removing the load, wipe
the drum clean with a damp cloth. Then dry the drum to
remove any last traces of starch.
Items which should not be tumble dried
Items which are especially delicate, such as curtains of
synthetic fabric, woollen garments, silk, textiles with a
metal component, nylon socks/stockings. Garments made
mostly from foam rubber or rubber-like materials must
be dried in the tumble dryer.
Obviously, you must not dry garments in the
machine which are unsuitable for tumble
drying. These are usually labelled with this
Garments which have been treated with
flammable liquids (benzine, alcohol, stain
removal products) should not be dried in the
tumble dryer on account of the risk of fire.
Always follow the recommendations of the
garment/item manufacturer.
Tumble drying beneficial
□ Dry flat
— 7 —
Program chart
The programs can be divided into two types:
programs and
The automatic programs (A — D) switch off the tumble dryer when the load has been dried to the extent required.
The timed programs are for special requirements or finishing drying individual items. Using these, the dryer will
continue to dry through the time you have set, unless the load is dry before that time has elapsed. When the load is
dry the program switches automatically to a cool-down stage of 9 minutes. If the load is not removed from the dryer
at the end of the cool-down stage, an anti-crease stage of 30 minutes will then start automatically to keep the load in
motion, thereby preventing creasing.
Type of dry laundry and
load weight
How dry?
Load weight,
Spun at approx.
800 rpm
before drying
Cotton, max. 3,4 kg.
105 — 120
Extra dry
80 — 90
Non-delicate items.
55 — 65
Cotton, max. 3,4 kg.
95 — 110
Cupboard dry
70 — 80
Towelling (terry), tricot e.d.
50 — 60
Cotton, max. 3,4 kg.
80 — 95
Iron dry
55 — 75
Bed linen, towels e.d.
45 — 55
Synthetics, max 1,5 kg.
45 — 55
Automatic heat reduction.
Cupboard dry
40 — 50
Delicate items.
38 — 48
Timed drying
Depends on
20 — 90
Cotton, max. 3,4 kg.
time set
Timed drying.
Synthetics, max. 1,5 kg.
Depends on
20 — 90
Reduce heat by pressing the
button in the control panel.
time set
Cool-down program,
lasts 9 minutes.
Consumption according to the EN 61121 Europa standard
2,47 kWh/3,4 kg cotton
The consumer information on the energy declaration is in accordance with directive EEC 92/75
and refers to the 90 minutes timed programme.
— 8 —
The indicator lights, Fixed light, Flashing slowly
Flashing rapidly
- Изображение
- Текст
The indicator lights
The indicator lights on the panel have three possible statuses: fixed light, flashing slowly and flashing rapidly.
The table below explains the meanings of the various lights or combinations of lights.
Fixed light
i ! L
f 1
^ ^ 6
Drying stage in progress.
Cool-down stage in progress.
Flashing slowly
Door open during drying stage.
Door open during cool-downg stage.
Anti-crease stage will run for 30 min.
The lights will go on flashing until the
door is opened.
altern ately
Water tank full (buzzer).
Water tank full and door open.
( • )
( • )
Alarm, program selector is between two
programs. If not, call service.
in sequence
in sequence
in sequence
in sequence
Flashing rapidly
* The door has been opened during
the drying stage and closed again.
* The door has been opened during
the cool-down stage and closed
The water tank has been emptied.
* The door has been opened and
closed again.
( • )
( • )
( • ) Depending on whether the dryer was in the drying or cool-down stage when the door was opened and whether
the water tank was full/was emptied.
* For the children safety, the dryer will not restart automatically while a program is still in progress if the door has
been opened and then closed again — the indicator light will flash rapidly. First make quite sure that the drum
contains nothing other than the load of laundry before restarting the dryer by pressing the start button.
— 9 —
The filters
For your tumble dryer to function correctly, the filters need
to be cleaned before or after every load dried.
To clean them:
1. Open the door.
2. Open the coarse filter upwards (Fig. A).
3. Brush the fluff off the fluff filter, which is under the
coarse filter (Fig. B). Sometimes you may need to
remove the fluff filter to clean it on both sides.
Make sure that you put the fluff filter back correctly
after cleaning, before closing the coarse filter.
Never start the dryer unless the fluff filter
is clean and correctly in place, or if the
fluff filter is damaged (this could cause
The condenser
As in all types of tumble dryer, the air circulated through the
dryer picks up fluff. As a result, some fluff will accumulate
in the condenser, so it needs to be cleaned occasionally.
To clean the condenser:
1. Open the door and open the coarse filter upwards.
Remove the fluff filter and close the coarse filter
Grasp the recesses at the top of the condenser
with your fingers and use your thumbs to press
against the door (Fig. C & D).
The condenser will come free, allowing you to lift
it outwards/upwards. Be careful not to damage
the sensitive aluminium section.
4. Turn it upside down and clean it on both sides,
using a vacuum cleaner. Remove the red drain
plug on the lower edge of the condenser (Fig E).
Lay the condenser flat and fill it with water through
the filter opening. Now leave the condenser to
soak in water for about 5 minutes, then shower
both sides with hot water. (Fig. F).
Dry the condenser carefully afterwards. Don’t
forget to put back the red drain plug (Fig. G).
5. Put the condenser back in the dryer. Make sure
that its base is lined up in the slots in the condenser
cavity inside the dryer door.
Press the condenser carefully into place until you
feel and hear a gentle “snap”. Put back the fluff
filter and close the coarse filter.
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Инструкции по эксплуатации
Electrolux EDC3250 инструкция по эксплуатации
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Contents For the user For the installer Safety information – – – – 3 Description of the appliance 13 Unpacking the machine Installation and servicing Child safety During use At the end of the dryer’s life Technical data 14 – – – – 4-5 Using your appliance 6 Installation – Before you use the dryer - Страница 3 из 33
Safety information Before installing and first using the tumble dryer, read this instruction booklet carefully, including its hints and warnings. To avoid unnecessary mistakes and accidents, it is important to ensure that all people using the dryer are thoroughly familiar with its operation and - Страница 4 из 33
Description of the appliance 1. Door Latch (push the knob to the right to open) Avoid opening the door while a program is in progress. 2. Space for programme chart (Self-adhesive label) 3. Control panel 4. Warm air discharge 5. Air ducts — These should not be obstructed. 6. Condenser 2 This is - Страница 5 из 33
Description of the appliance 13. Connector for drain hose There is a drain hose as an extra accessory for you who want and can connect the tumble dryer directly to a drain outlet. Fix the hose to the connector (13) after releasing the hose clip and removing the plug. When a drain hose is fitted, - Страница 6 из 33
Using your appliance Before using the dryer for the first time Capacity (dry items) Cotton Synthetics Dampen some clean pieces of unwanted cloth and dry them for about 15 minutes the very first time, to make sure that there is no dust or dirt in the dryer. max. 3,4 kg max. 1,5 kg Examples of - Страница 7 из 33
General washing and drying information Sorting Starched items Always sort loads for drying according to the type of fabric (check the care labels) and how much you want to dry them. Load items loosely into the drum. Do up zip fasteners and tie loose ribbons, tapes or fabric belts. Close any tapes - Страница 8 из 33
Program chart The programs can be divided into two types: automatic programs and timed programs. The automatic programs (A – D) switch off the tumble dryer when the load has been dried to the extent required. The timed programs are for special requirements or finishing drying individual items. - Страница 9 из 33
The indicator lights The indicator lights on the panel have three possible statuses: fixed light, flashing slowly and flashing rapidly. The table below explains the meanings of the various lights or combinations of lights. Fixed light Drying stage in progress. G Cool-down stage in progress. G - Страница 10 из 33
Maintenance The filters For your tumble dryer to function correctly, the filters need to be cleaned before or after every load dried. A To clean them: 1. Open the door. 2. Open the coarse filter upwards (Fig. A). 3. Brush the fluff off the fluff filter, which is under the coarse filter (Fig. B). - Страница 11 из 33
Maintenance Emptying the water tank If you have connected the tumble dryer directly to a waste pipe with the accessory hose, you can ignore this section. But note that even if the water tank has been bypassed in this way, the indicator light warning that the tank is full will flash intermittently - Страница 12 из 33
If the machine is not working Before calling out an engineer, please check through the details below because some faults can be rectified easily without the need to call out an engineer. If service is called to resolve a problem listed below or to repair a fault caused by incorrect installation or - Страница 13 из 33
Service Service and Spare Parts You can note these details here: Before calling service, use the trouble shooting table «If the machine is not working» to try to attend to the fault yourself. TYPE: …………………………………………………… MOD: - Страница 14 из 33
Unpacking the machine Damages If the dryer has been damaged during transport, you should immediately notify the company responsible for delivering it. Check that the dryer is undamaged. If you discover any damage, faults or that anything is missing, you should notify the dealer immediately. Never - Страница 15 из 33
Installation Positioning You can install this dryer in a number of different ways. We will show you the most suitable of these. Whichever way you install it, here are some points to bear in mind: G Always ensure that the dryer is level for optimum functioning. G The temperature in the room should - Страница 16 из 33
Installation Wall mounting Different wall materials require different types of mounting hardware. Purchase mounting hardware suited to the walls in your home. Use a minimum of 3 suitable fasteners to attach your mounting console to the wall. Before deciding on the wall mounting site, it is - Страница 17 из 33
Sodervanie Dlq polxzowatelq Dlq ustanow]ika Informaciq po bezopasnosti – – – – 18 Ustanowka i tehni^eskoe obsluviwanie Bezopasnostx detej Ispolxzowanie pribora Utilizaciq otsluviw[ego swoj srok pribora Ob]aq informaciq Opisanie pribora Tehni^eskie dannye 28 Raspakowka 29 – – – – 19 20-21 Instrukcii - Страница 18 из 33
Informaciq po bezopasnosti Pered ustanowkoj i ispolxzowaniem su[ilxnogo barabana wnimatelxno pro^itajte instrukci@, w tom ^isle prawila i sowety po bezopasnosti. Znanie instrukcii pozwolit wam ispolxzowatx pribor maksimalxno ffektiwno i prodlitx srok ego kspluatacii. Kavdyj polxzowatelx - Страница 19 из 33
Ob]aq informaciq po stirke i su[ke belxq Sortirowka Nakrahmalennye izdeliq Wsegda sortirujte belxe w zawisimosti ot materiala (prowerqjte po qrlyku na izdelii) i wremeni, kotoroe wy namereny ego su[itx. Belxe dolvno swobodno levatx w barabane. Zastegnite zastevki molnii i zawqvite wse tesemki, - Страница 20 из 33
Opisanie pribora 1. Dwernaq za]elka (^toby otkrytx dwercu podwinxte za]elku wprawo). Izbegajte otkrywatx dwerx wo wremq su[ki. 2. Mesto dlq shemy programm (samokle@]aqsq tiketka) 3. Panelx uprawleniq 4. Wypusk teplogo wozduha 5. Wentilqcionnye otwerstiq — ne dolvny 2 bytx zablokirowany. 6. - Страница 21 из 33
Opisanie pribora 13. Otwod dlq podkl@^eniq sliwnogo [langa 12 Esli wy hotite podkl@^itx su[ilxnyj baraban naprqmu@ k sliwu, wy movete dopolnitelxno priobresti sliwnoj [lang. Udalite so [langa zavim, wynxte zaglu[ku i podsoedinite [lang k otwodu (13). Posle togo, kak wy prisoedinite sliwnoj [lang, - Страница 22 из 33
Instrukcii po ispolxzowani@ Pered perwym ispolxzowaniem Wmestimostx (suhoe belxe) Pered perwym ispolxzowaniem pribora namo^ite wodoj kaku@-nibudx nenuvnu@ odevdu i prosu[ite ee w barabane w te^enie 15 minut, ^toby proweritx, net li wnutri grqzi ili pyli. Hlopok Sintetika Maks. 3,4 kg Maks. 1,5 kg - Страница 23 из 33
Tablica programm Programmy movno razdelitx na dwe gruppy: awtomati^eskie i s zadannym wremenem. Pri ispolxzowanii awtomati^eskih programm (A-D) su[ilxnyj baraban otkl@^aetsq, kogda belxe wysu[eno do nuvnoj kondicii. Programmy s zadannym wremenem ispolxzu@tsq dlq su[ki izdelij, trebu@]ih - Страница 24 из 33
Indikatory Indikatornye lampy na paneli uprawleniq mogut nahoditxsq w treh razli^nyh sostoqniqh: postoqnno goretx, medlenno migatx i bystro migatx. Tablica wnizu poqsnqet zna^eniq indikatorow i ih so^etanij. Postoqnnoe gorenie Idet su[ka. G Idet faza ohlavdeniq. G Medlennoe miganie G Dwerx otkryta - Страница 25 из 33
Uhod i o^istka ~istka filxtrow ~toby su[ilxnyj baraban rabotal normalxno, neobhodimo pro^i]atx filxtry pered ili posle kavdogo ispolxzowaniq. A Dlq togo: 1. Otkrojte dwerx. 2. Podnimite wwerh filxtr gruboj o^istki (ris. A). 3. }etkoj o^istite wors s worsowogo filxtra, nahodq]egosq pod filxtrom - Страница 26 из 33
Uhod i o^istka Oporovnenie emkosti dlq wody Esli wy podkl@^ili su[ilxnyj baraban ^erez [lang (dopolnitelxnyj aksessuar) naprqmu@ k sliwnoj trube, to wy movete ne ^itatx tot razdel. No imejte w widu, ^to dave esli woda i wywoditsq ^erez [lang w sliw, indikator, preduprevda@]ij o perepolnenii - Страница 27 из 33
Esli su[ilxnyj baraban ne rabotaet Nekotorye nepoladki w rabote su[ilxnogo barabana mogut wozniknutx iz-za naru[eniq prawil uhoda ili neprawilxnoj zkspluatacii izdeliq, nekotorye iz ztih nepoladok movno legko ustranitx samostoqtelxno, bez pomo]i specialista iz serwisnogo centra. Prevde, ^em - Страница 28 из 33
Tehni^eskoe obsluviwanie Rekomenduem wam zapisatx dannye w nivepriwedennu@ tabli^ku: Tehni^eskoe obsluviwanie i zap^asti Esli woznik kakoj-libo sboj w rabote pribora, sna^ala pro^itajte glawu ”Esli su[ilxnyj baraban ne rabotaet” i popytajtesx i ubeditesx, ^to wy ne movete ustranitx nepoladku - Страница 29 из 33
Raspakowka Powrevdeniq Esli su[ilxnyj baraban byl powrevden pri transportirowke, wam nuvno nemedlenno postawitx ob tom w izwestnostx postaw]ika. Prowerxte, ne powrevden li su[ilxnyj baraban. Esli wy obnaruvili kakoe-libo powrevdenie, defekt ili nedosta^u, wam nuvno nemedlenno izwestitx ob tom - Страница 30 из 33
Ustanowka Raspolovenie pribora Wy movete raspolovitx su[ilxnyj baraban razli^nymi sposobami. My prodemonstriruem wam naibolee priemlemye iz nih. Kak by wy ne raspolovili pribor, nekotorye aspekty wsegda nado imetx w widu: G Dlq normalxnogo funkcionirowaniq pribor dolven obqzatelxno bytx wyrownen. G - Страница 31 из 33
Ustanowka Kreplenie k stene Dlq sten iz razli^nyh materialow trebuetsq raznoe montavnoe oborudowanie. Priobretite montavnoe oborudowanie, podhodq]ee dlq sten w wa[em dome. Ispolxzujte minimum 3 podhodq]ih krepleniq dlq Ustanowki montavnogo kron[tejna na stene. Prevde ^em prikrepitx pribor k stene, - Страница 32 из 33
Technical changes possible Prawo na izmeneniq sohranqetsq - Страница 33 из 33
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