Данная инструкция на русском языке предназначена для автомобиля
Kia Rio X FB PE (2020 — нв), описывает принцип работы и основные моменты эксплуатации устройства.
Производитель настойчиво рекомендует перед включением автомобиля
внимательно изучить настоящую инструкцию.
Инструкция для автомобиля
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Table of Contents
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Dear Customer,
Thank you for selecting your new Kia vehicle.
As a global car manufacturer focused on building high-quality vehicles with exceptional value, Kia Motors is dedicated to pro-
viding you with a customer service experience that exceeds your expectations.
If technical assistance is needed on your vehicle, authorized Kia dealerships can provide you with factory-trained technicians,
recommended special tools, and genuine Kia replacement parts.
This Owner’s Manual will acquaint you with the operation of features and equipment that are either standard or optional on this
vehicle, along with the maintenance needs of this vehicle. Therefore, you may find some descriptions and illustrations not appli-
cable to your vehicle. You are advised to read this publication carefully and follow the instructions and recommendations. Please
always keep this manual in the vehicle for your, and any subsequent owner’s, reference.
All information contained in this Owner’s Manual was accurate at the time of publication. However, as Kia continues to make
improvements to its products, the company reserves the right to make changes to this manual or any of its vehicles at any time
without notice and without incurring any obligations.
Please drive safely, and enjoy your Kia vehicle!
8:00 PM
Page 1
© 2020 Kia Canada Inc.
All rights reserved. Reproduction by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any
information storage and retrieval system or translation in whole
or part is not permitted without written authorization from Kia
Canada Inc..
Printed in Mexico
Summary of Contents for Kia Rio 2021
Dear Customer,
Thank you for selecting your new Kia vehicle.
As a global car manufacturer focused on building high-quality vehicles with exceptional value, Kia Motors is dedicated to pro-
viding you with a customer service experience that exceeds your expectations.
If technical assistance is needed on your vehicle, authorized Kia dealerships can provide you with factory-trained technicians,
recommended special tools, and genuine Kia replacement parts.
This Owner’s Manual will acquaint you with the operation of features and equipment that are either standard or optional on this
vehicle, along with the maintenance needs of this vehicle. Therefore, you may find some descriptions and illustrations not appli-
cable to your vehicle. You are advised to read this publication carefully and follow the instructions and recommendations. Please
always keep this manual in the vehicle for your, and any subsequent owner’s, reference.
All information contained in this Owner’s Manual was accurate at the time of publication. However, as Kia continues to make
improvements to its products, the company reserves the right to make changes to this manual or any of its vehicles at any time
without notice and without incurring any obligations.
Please drive safely, and enjoy your Kia vehicle!
© 2020 Kia Canada Inc.
All rights reserved. Reproduction by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any
information storage and retrieval system or translation in whole
or part is not permitted without written authorization from Kia
Canada Inc..
Printed in Mexico
Решил написать серию статей по «Руководство по эксплуатации» КИА РИО/РИО Х.
Догадываюсь, что не все его читали, и по этой причине решил прочесть для себя, и поделиться интересными на мой взгляд моментами. Понимаю, что написанное в книге для многих не является как руководство к действию, но все же. Может и вы что новое узнаете. И так начнем…
Тут мне приглянулся порядок обкатки автомобиля. Стр. 1.7
Не требуется специального периода обкатки. Однако предосторожность в течении первых 1000км пробега позитивно скажутся на характеристиках авто.
— НЕ превышать обороты в 3000 об/мин.
— НЕ двигаться с неизменной скоростью длительное время. Разная частота вращения нужна для обкатки коленвала.
— НЕ буксировать первые 2000км.
— Характеристики двигателя, а также расход стабилизируются к 6000км.
На этом по вступлению вроде все. Хочу отметить, при прочтении на сколько была бы книга тоньше, если бы заголовки ВНИМАНИЕ и ОСТОРОЖНО не дублировали написанное ранее, да и вообще очень много информации дублируется, перефразируется.
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