- Администратор
- Сообщения: 1668
- Зарегистрирован: 17 дек 2014, 03:43
- Благодарил (а): 2 раза
- Поблагодарили: 6 раз
Mitsubishi Canter 1993-2002 / Митсубиси Кантер 1993-2002
Руководство по эксплуатации, техобслуживанию и ремонту Mitsubishi Canter / Митсубиси Кантер
Operation, Maintenance and Repair Manual Mitsubishi Canter
- Года выпуска: 1993-2002
Year of release: 1993-2002
Дизельные двигатели: 4D33 (4,2 л.), 4D34-T4 (3,9 л.), 4D35 (4,6 л.), 4D36 (3,6 л.), 4M40 (2,8 л.), 4M51 (5,2 л.)
Diesel engines: 4D33 (4.2 l.), 4D34-T4 (3.9 l.), 4D35 (4.6 l.), 4D36 (3.6 l.), 4M40 (2.8 l.), 4M51 (5.2 l.)
- Язык: Русский
Формат: PDF
Размер: 370 Мб
Russian language
Format: PDF
Size: 370 MB
Скачать документацию Mitsubishi Canter / Митсубиси Кантер
Download the documentation of Mitsubishi Canter
для распаковки используйте пароль — avto-ok.info
use the password to unpack — avto-ok.info
Crash test
Руководство на английском языке по монтажу кузовов/надстроек для автомобилей Mitsubishi Canter серий FE/FG.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Mitsubishi Fuso Service
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 318
- Формат: PDF
- Размер: 46,0 Mb
Руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Mitsubishi Canter 1993-2002 годов выпуска с дизельными двигателями
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Легион-Автодата
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 484
- Формат: —
- Размер: —
Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Mitsubishi Fuso Canter с 2010 года выпуска с дизельным двигателем модели 4M50 (4,9 л).
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Легион-Автодата
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 416
- Формат: —
- Размер: —
Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобиля Mitsubishi Fuso Canter с 2010 года выпуска с дизельным двигателем объемом 4,9 л.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Монолит
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 376
- Формат: —
- Размер: —
Спецификации на английском языке автомобилей Mitsubishi Canter серий FB/FE/FG.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Mitsubishi Motors
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 94
- Формат: PDF
- Размер: 3,0 Mb
Скачать книги по ремонту ⇐ Canter
Модератор: Dimon80
- Новичок
- Всего сообщений: 4
- Зарегистрирован: 01.05.2015
- Авто: Mitsubishi Canter 1999
Скачать книги по ремонту
Вышлите, пожалуйста, книги по ремонту и эксплуатации Mitsubishi Canter 1999 4М40 [email protected]
Особенно книгу в 25 мегабайт, а то на планшете 1 гиг разворачивать, дабы поковырять машину, не факт что получится.
Юра арамильский
- Новичок
- Всего сообщений: 4
- Зарегистрирован: 21.12.2013
- Авто: Nissan Atlas 1995 fd42
- Откуда: Екатеринбург
- Возраст: 44
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
Юра арамильский » 27 авг 2015, 11:44
помогите найти книгу на кантер 2003 года FB 70 .рулевую рейку надо перебрать
- Полёт нормальный
- Всего сообщений: 3589
- Зарегистрирован: 16.02.2013
- Авто: Canter
- Откуда: ростов-дон
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
Дед » 27 авг 2015, 15:15
Юра арамильский
- Новичок
- Всего сообщений: 4
- Зарегистрирован: 21.12.2013
- Авто: Nissan Atlas 1995 fd42
- Откуда: Екатеринбург
- Возраст: 44
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
Юра арамильский » 27 авг 2015, 18:52
Да вроде то что надо
Отправлено спустя 1 час 51 минуту 10 секунд:
да да то что надо ,что это за страница откуда?
- Полёт нормальный
- Всего сообщений: 3589
- Зарегистрирован: 16.02.2013
- Авто: Canter
- Откуда: ростов-дон
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
Дед » 27 авг 2015, 19:01
иванов иван02
- Полёт нормальный
- Всего сообщений: 1007
- Зарегистрирован: 03.11.2014
- Авто: Hyundai HD78, D4DD (CRDI), МКПП
- Откуда: РФ, Белгород
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
иванов иван02 » 27 авг 2015, 19:08
Дак ссылка на эту мурзилку-камасутру здесь, та что верхняя
Или качай сразу отсюда
Юра арамильский
- Новичок
- Всего сообщений: 4
- Зарегистрирован: 21.12.2013
- Авто: Nissan Atlas 1995 fd42
- Откуда: Екатеринбург
- Возраст: 44
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
Юра арамильский » 29 авг 2015, 12:35
вот спасибо добрые люди .мурзилка помогла нехватало одной шайбы ,пришлось токарю заказать. сейчас все работает.будете у нас на колыме милости просим
- Полёт нормальный
- Всего сообщений: 3589
- Зарегистрирован: 16.02.2013
- Авто: Canter
- Откуда: ростов-дон
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
Дед » 29 авг 2015, 14:04
Юра арамильский: будете у нас на колыме милости просим
спасибо. обязательно!!
- Новичок
- Всего сообщений: 2
- Зарегистрирован: 16.12.2015
- Авто: Mitsubishi Canter, 1997г., рефка
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
ВладимирНП » 16 дек 2015, 16:09
кто скажет где скачать или поделится мануалом для MITSUBISHI CANTER
1997 года с двигателем 4D33 шасси № FE507B-431709 ?
- Полёт нормальный
- Всего сообщений: 3589
- Зарегистрирован: 16.02.2013
- Авто: Canter
- Откуда: ростов-дон
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
Дед » 16 дек 2015, 16:33
ВладимирНП: Здравствуйте!
предыдущую страницу глянь
- Новичок
- Всего сообщений: 2
- Зарегистрирован: 16.12.2015
- Авто: Mitsubishi Canter, 1997г., рефка
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
ВладимирНП » 16 дек 2015, 18:14
Спасибо огромное! искал через поиск ничего не выдало поэтому обратился за помощью:)
- Новичок
- Всего сообщений: 1
- Зарегистрирован: 01.04.2016
- Авто: mitsubishi CANTER 1996 год кузов 638 дв.4д35
- Откуда: Красноярский край
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
джо » 01 апр 2016, 09:15
здрасьте, купил Кантер 96 год, 638 кузов, 4д35 борт, есть проблемы с электрикой. может кто скинет ссылку где скачать литературу
- Модератор
- Всего сообщений: 673
- Зарегистрирован: 15.04.2009
- Авто: Canter,FE507B, БЫЛ! FE568C-530081, ЕСТЬ!
- Откуда: Тюмень
- Возраст: 42
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
Kostyan_72 » 01 апр 2016, 21:53
че за проблеммы? полюбому гдето коротыж! ССОЛЬ МАТЬ ЕЁ
Skype: Kostyan_07
Земля-Народу!, Заводы-Рабочим!, Деньги-ВОДИТЕЛЮ!!!
- Зажигание
- Всего сообщений: 23
- Зарегистрирован: 13.02.2014
- Авто: QD32T
- Откуда: Хакасия
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
Borisych » 23 окт 2016, 14:08
Drek: Привет всем. Подскажите где можно скачать мануал на кантера Электрическую часть.
_мужики тоже есть интерес, тему всю просмотрел, часть ссылок битых уже не работают. Один мануал скачал но, там разрешение ужасное, эл. схему вообще не прочитать. Мне нужны предохранители и свет дальнийближний. Помогите кто лучше ориентируется по форуму, по любому есть!?
- Зажигание
- Всего сообщений: 23
- Зарегистрирован: 13.02.2014
- Авто: QD32T
- Откуда: Хакасия
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
Borisych » 23 окт 2016, 14:09
Mitsubishi Canter выпуска с 1993 г.
- Зажигание
- Всего сообщений: 23
- Зарегистрирован: 13.02.2014
- Авто: QD32T
- Откуда: Хакасия
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
Borisych » 23 окт 2016, 14:54
или хоть 372 стр. вот этого мануала
- Полёт нормальный
- Всего сообщений: 3589
- Зарегистрирован: 16.02.2013
- Авто: Canter
- Откуда: ростов-дон
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
Дед » 23 окт 2016, 15:31
- Зажигание
- Всего сообщений: 23
- Зарегистрирован: 13.02.2014
- Авто: QD32T
- Откуда: Хакасия
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
Borisych » 23 окт 2016, 15:35
Дед, _вот и у меня в таком же качестве, честно не чего не видно, только можно догадываться. У нас коротыш в цепи конкретный, нужно по проводочку перетряхивать.
- Новичок
- Всего сообщений: 1
- Зарегистрирован: 11.11.2016
- Авто: Canter 4m40 2003
- Откуда: Новосибирск
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
parkerrr » 11 ноя 2016, 07:34
Мужики, скиньте книгу на кантер 2002 г.в. двигатель 4m40 с читаемыми! электрическими схемами
[email protected]
Очень нужно!
- Новичок
- Всего сообщений: 1
- Зарегистрирован: 19.08.2012
- Авто: Isuzu Elf 1998г.
- Откуда: Краснодарский край
- Возраст: 60
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
masteravn » 01 июн 2017, 01:37
Здравствуйте мастера и любители своего дела!
Очень нужна помощь по скачиванию элекрон. руководства по mitsubishi fuso с 1999 г. Перекапала весь интернет информация есть только для тех авто которые с 1990-1999г, а мне ОЧЕНЬ нудна для авто с 1999 (конкретно 2003г машина с правым рулем). За ранее благодарю!!!
- Новичок
- Всего сообщений: 1
- Зарегистрирован: 31.08.2017
- Авто: Кантер 1998 4м51
- Откуда: Забайкальский край
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
Мосн » 31 авг 2017, 12:04
Привет всем, не могу найти схему элекрооборудование на кантер двиг. 4м51 с элекронной аппаратурой, у кого есть скиньте на адрес [email protected], заранее благодарю
- Новичок
- Всего сообщений: 1
- Зарегистрирован: 18.10.2017
- Авто: Mitsubishi Canter
- VIN: 0000572
- Откуда: Москва
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
Boomerovod » 18 окт 2017, 12:45
скиньте пожалуйста книгу по движку 4м50, не могу выставить метки на валах. [email protected]
- Полёт нормальный
- Всего сообщений: 3589
- Зарегистрирован: 16.02.2013
- Авто: Canter
- Откуда: ростов-дон
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
Дед » 18 окт 2017, 17:07
Boomerovod, легче букварь купить.
- Зажигание
- Всего сообщений: 41
- Зарегистрирован: 19.10.2016
- Авто: mmc canter 4m42 не comman rail
- VIN: bfb634e4
- Откуда: nsk
- Возраст: 29
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
Андрей54 » 04 ноя 2017, 06:26
всем привет. есть книга по европейскому кантеру 2004 г.в 4м42?
- Зажигание
- Всего сообщений: 39
- Зарегистрирован: 14.11.2017
- Авто: MMC Canter, 1992г.в. 4D32, МКПП, автовышка.
- Откуда: Иркутск
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
sjanich » 14 ноя 2017, 10:55
Скиньте пожалуйста книгу! Очень требуется!))) [email protected]
- Новичок
- Всего сообщений: 3
- Зарегистрирован: 24.11.2017
- Авто: canter 97
- VIN: fe568****
- Откуда: Екб
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
ромашкин » 24 дек 2017, 15:12
что наверняка нет схем на кантера 70,72 ?
- Полёт нормальный
- Всего сообщений: 3589
- Зарегистрирован: 16.02.2013
- Авто: Canter
- Откуда: ростов-дон
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
Дед » 24 дек 2017, 17:10
что за цифры? типа FB70, FE72 что ли?
- Новичок
- Всего сообщений: 3
- Зарегистрирован: 24.11.2017
- Авто: canter 97
- VIN: fe568****
- Откуда: Екб
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
ромашкин » 25 дек 2017, 06:56
canter c 2003 г 2 т кузова 70, 72 типа fe 72
- Полёт нормальный
- Всего сообщений: 3589
- Зарегистрирован: 16.02.2013
- Авто: Canter
- Откуда: ростов-дон
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
Дед » 25 дек 2017, 10:05
нет по 4m42 ничего. ни книги ни электронки.
- Вторая ступень
- Всего сообщений: 258
- Зарегистрирован: 17.08.2012
- Авто: Mitsubishi Fuso Canter 4M42
- Откуда: Тюмень
- Возраст: 50
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
smoljan » 25 дек 2017, 12:34
Дед: ↑25 дек 2017, 10:05
нет по 4m42 ничего. ни книги ни электронки.
Ну не знаю,не знаю…..у кого как? А у мну есть
Отправлено спустя 5 минут 56 секунд:
Так что как то так…..
Mitsubishi Canter
- Полёт нормальный
- Всего сообщений: 3589
- Зарегистрирован: 16.02.2013
- Авто: Canter
- Откуда: ростов-дон
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
Дед » 25 дек 2017, 13:02
smoljan: ↑25 дек 2017, 12:40А у мну есть
воот. теперь значит есть.
- Вторая ступень
- Всего сообщений: 258
- Зарегистрирован: 17.08.2012
- Авто: Mitsubishi Fuso Canter 4M42
- Откуда: Тюмень
- Возраст: 50
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
smoljan » 25 дек 2017, 13:04
Дед: ↑25 дек 2017, 13:02
smoljan: ↑25 дек 2017, 12:40А у мну есть
воот. теперь значит есть.
У Ильи тоже есть,вот он и решил куплять Электричку
Mitsubishi Canter
- Полёт нормальный
- Всего сообщений: 3589
- Зарегистрирован: 16.02.2013
- Авто: Canter
- Откуда: ростов-дон
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
Дед » 25 дек 2017, 13:12
- На орбите
- Всего сообщений: 793
- Зарегистрирован: 11.11.2012
- Авто: Fuso canter 3c13 4m42 2007г.
- Откуда: москва
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
denis1441 » 26 дек 2017, 20:41
smoljan: ↑25 дек 2017, 12:40
Дед: ↑25 дек 2017, 10:05
нет по 4m42 ничего. ни книги ни электронки.Ну не знаю,не знаю…..у кого как? А у мну есть
Отправлено спустя 5 минут 56 секунд:
Так что как то так…..
хорошие картинки Ю нам подходят , на ХР ? или обновились ?
у меня семь , старые плохо ставятся .
- Отрыв
- Всего сообщений: 79
- Зарегистрирован: 24.07.2015
- Авто: MMC Canter Custom, 4M51 2000 год, МКПП, RWD
- Откуда: Улан-Удэ
- Возраст: 31
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
BuRG3D » 02 янв 2018, 18:21
masteravn: ↑01 июн 2017, 01:37
Здравствуйте мастера и любители своего дела!
Очень нужна помощь по скачиванию элекрон. руководства по mitsubishi fuso с 1999 г. Перекапала весь интернет информация есть только для тех авто которые с 1990-1999г, а мне ОЧЕНЬ нудна для авто с 1999 (конкретно 2003г машина с правым рулем). За ранее благодарю!!!
e-mail отправь
MMC Canter Custom 2000 год 4М51 5,2 литра мощи
- Новичок
- Всего сообщений: 1
- Зарегистрирован: 03.05.2018
- Авто: MMC CANTER 4M40 рама FB70ABX
- Откуда: Иркутск
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
Raketoss » 03 май 2018, 17:02
Добрый вечер. Мужики скиньте мануал Кантер 2003 4М40 2кабинник. [email protected]
- Новичок
- Всего сообщений: 4
- Зарегистрирован: 05.08.2018
- Авто: Mitsubishi canter, 1996г, 4d35, МКПП. КMУ UNIC 290.
- Откуда: Кузбасс, Ленинск-Кузнецкий
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
Quebec87 » 06 авг 2018, 09:23
Кому интересно приобрел такую книгу…если что нужно спрашивайте. Кому смогу, помогу.
- Мануал
- Новичок
- Всего сообщений: 1
- Зарегистрирован: 07.08.2018
- Авто: MMC Canter, 2003, FE72CE, японец
- Откуда: г.Усолье-Сибирское
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
MNXACb » 07 авг 2018, 11:49
Добрейшего времени суток!
Подскажите, а бывают ли электронные мануалы и схемы на мой кузов — FE72CE ?
- Новичок
- Всего сообщений: 1
- Зарегистрирован: 29.12.2018
- Авто: Mitsubishi canter 1983 fb120b, МКПП
- Откуда: Амурская область
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
chesnok20 » 29 дек 2018, 16:19
Принимайте новичка, ищу схему подключения приборной панели на canter fb120, помогите пожалуйста.
Отправлено спустя 48 секунд:
Круглый штекер обрезан, не могу найти схему и распиновку
Отправлено спустя 2 минуты 6 секунд:
Можно и книгу буду благодарен, [email protected]
- Новичок
- Всего сообщений: 1
- Зарегистрирован: 01.02.2019
- Авто: Canter
- Откуда: Екатеринбург
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
dinar.hanov » 01 фев 2019, 12:40
Скиньте пожалуйста книгу по ремонту и эксплуатации Мицубиси Кантер на почту: [email protected]
Очень буду благодарен!)
Отправлено спустя 4 минуты 54 секунды:
Quebec87, Скиньте пожалуйста книгу по ремонту и эксплуатации Мицубиси Кантер на почту: [email protected]
Очень буду благодарен!)
- Новичок
- Всего сообщений: 1
- Зарегистрирован: 28.01.2021
- Авто: canter
- Откуда: Брянск
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
VitalySV » 28 янв 2021, 18:45
Скиньте пожалуйста книгу по ремонту и эксплуатации Мицубиси Кантер на почту: [email protected]
Очень буду благодарен!) ссылки удаляют моментально, а книгу купить доставка три дня. Очень срочно нужны электрические схемы
Отправлено спустя 4 минуты 10 секунд:
Кантер 1996 года
- Новичок
- Всего сообщений: 3
- Зарегистрирован: 31.01.2021
- Авто: Mitsubishi Canter 2001 4м51 FE63EEY560574
- Откуда: Сахалин
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
Diosta » 31 янв 2021, 16:04
Добрый день. Если есть возможность, скиньте книгу по Mitsubishi Canter 2001 г, FE63EEY560574, 4M51. ostdi собака mail точка ru
- Новичок
- Всего сообщений: 3
- Зарегистрирован: 31.01.2021
- Авто: Mitsubishi Canter 2001 4м51 FE63EEY560574
- Откуда: Сахалин
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
Diosta » 02 фев 2021, 12:12
На авто два привода дроссельной заслонки управления горным тормозом, у меня которая вверх смотрит легко двигается от руки, а вторая, которая в сторону выпускного коллектора, не двигается. Не подскажите, в книге есть принцип работы этой системы? И если вторая должна двигаться, принцип её работы и как её разбирать-собирать? Canter 2001 4M51 FE63EEY560574
- Новичок
- Всего сообщений: 7
- Зарегистрирован: 14.04.2014
- Авто: Mazda Titan 2003 г.в. 2.0 бензин АКПП
- Откуда: Краснодар
- Возраст: 35
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
Сергей918 » 21 апр 2021, 21:20
Дед: ↑25 дек 2017, 10:05
нет по 4m42 ничего. ни книги ни электронки.
Дружище нашёл какие нибудь книги-мануалы???
Отправлено спустя 1 минуту 45 секунд:
smoljan: ↑25 дек 2017, 12:40
Дед: ↑25 дек 2017, 10:05
нет по 4m42 ничего. ни книги ни электронки.Ну не знаю,не знаю…..у кого как? А у мну есть
Отправлено спустя 5 минут 56 секунд:
Так что как то так…..
Простите, неразбераюсь, в поисках литературы по 4М42 нашёл эту тему…. это что? И как этим пользоваться?
- Новичок
- Всего сообщений: 1
- Зарегистрирован: 26.02.2022
- Авто: Canter 1994
- Откуда: Чеченская республика
Re: Скачать книги по ремонту
1ed1 » 26 фев 2022, 00:27
Может есть у кого электросхема и распиновка фишек акпп с 4м40?
Отправлено спустя 2 минуты 52 секунды:
Может есть у кого электросхема и распиновка фишек акпп с 4м40?
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28 ноя 2011, 22:02
Руководство по ремонту Mitsubishi Canter, а также устройство, руководство по техническому обслуживанию и эксплуатации заднеприводных и полноприводных автомобилей Мицубиси Кантер (модели 2WD, 4WD) с 1993 г. выпуска, оборудованных дизельными двигателями 4M40 рабочим объемом 2,8 л., 4D36 рабочим объемом 3,6 л., 4D34-T4 (с турбонадувом) рабочим объемом 3,9 л., 4D33 рабочим объемом 4,2 л., 4D35 рабочим объемом 4,6 л., 4M51 рабочим объемом 5,2 л.
Книга содержит большой объем информации по ремонту автомобиля, подробно описаны процедуры по ремонту двигателя, системы охлаждения, системы впрыска топлива, системы зажигания, системы запуска, сцепления, механической и автоматической коробки передач, раздаточной коробки, карданного вала, редукторов переднего и заднего моста, приводных валов, подвески, рулевого управления, тормозной системы, кузова, систем отопления, вентиляции и кондиционирования, электрооборудования кузова, электрооборудования автомобиля в целом (приводятся полные электросхемы Mitsubishi Canter).
В отдельные разделы книги входят инструкция по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Canter и рекомендации по техническому обслуживанию. Также материалы книги помогут подобрать нужные запчасти Мицубиси Кантер.
Пособие предназначено для владельцев автомобиля Мицубиси Кантер, механиков, работников автосервисов и станций техобслуживания.
MITSUBISHI CANTER дизель c 1993 г.в., ремонт, эксплуатация, техническое обслуживание
Издательство: Легион-Aвтодата
Кол-во страниц: 424
Цветность: Ч/Б
Тип бумаги: Газетная
Тип иллюстраций: Рисунки
Руководство по ремонту, устройству, техническому обслуживанию и эксплуатации заднеприводных и полноприводных автомобилей Mitsubishi Canter (модели 2WD, 4WD) с 1993 года выпуска, с дизельными двигателями 4M40 рабочим объемом 2,8 л., 4D36 рабочим объемом 3,6 л., 4D34-T4 (с турбонадувом) рабочим объемом 3,9 л., 4D33 рабочим объемом 4,2 л., 4D35 рабочим объемом 4,6 л., 4M51 рабочим объемом 5,2 л.
Сокращения и условные обозначения 3
Идентификация 3
Расшифровка кода модели 4
Общие инструкции по ремонту 5
Точки установки домкрата 5
Инструкция по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Canter 6
Блокировка дверей 6
Одометр и счетчик пробега 6
Тахометр 7
Указатель количества топлива 7
Указатель температуры охлаждающей жидкости 7
Счетчик моточасов 7
Указатель уровня жидкости в бачке омывателя 7
Указатель уровня рабочей жидкости тормозной системы 7
Указатель температуры моторного масла 7
Часы 8
Индикаторы комбинации приборов 8
Стеклоподъемники 9
Световая сигнализация на автомобиле 10
Фальшфейер 11
Крышка топливно-заливной горловины 11
Управление стеклоочистителем и омывателем 11
Регулировка положения рулевого колеса 11
Управление зеркалами 11
Стояночный тормоз 12
Дополнительный стояночный тормоз 12
Сиденья 12
Ремни безопасности 12
Управления частотой вращения холостого хода 13
Управление отопителем и кондиционером 13
Магнитола — основные моменты эксплуатации 14
Антиблокировочная система тормозов (ABS) 15
Горный тормоз 15
Управление автомобилем с АКПП 16
Управление автомобилем с МКПП 16
Особенности трансмиссии моделей 4WD «PART TIME 17
Особенности трансмиссии моделей 4WD «FULL TIME 17
Советы по вождению в различных условиях 18
Откидывание и опускание кабины 18
Перед откидыванием кабины 18
Откидывание кабины 18
Опускание кабины 19
Откидывание и опускания кабины в случае неисправности электропривода механизма откидывания кабины 20
Подъем и опускание грузового кузова (автомобили-самосвалы) 21
Буксировка автомобиля 21
Запуск двигателя 21
Неисправности двигателя во время движения 23
Домкрат и инструменты 23
Поддомкрачивание автомобиля 23
Замена колеса 24
Рекомендации по выбору шин 25
Проверка давления и состояния шин 26
Замена шин 26
Замена дисков колес 26
Проверка и замена предохранителей 26
Замена ламп 27
Техническое обслуживание и общие процедуры проверок и регулировок 29
Интервалы обслуживания 29
Правила выполнения работ в моторном отсеке 29
Моторное масло и фильтр 31
Охлаждающая жидкость 32
Замена топливного фильтра 33
Удаление конденсата из топливной системы (4М40) 33
Удаление воздуха из топливной системы 33
Проверка воздушного фильтра 34
Проверка состояния аккумуляторной батареи 34
Проверка давления конца такта сжатия 34
Проверка зазоров в приводе клапанов 36
Проверка и регулировка ремней привода навесных агрегатов 36
Проверка и регулировка угла опережения впрыска топлива 37
Проверка и регулировка частоты вращения холостого хода 37
Проверка и регулировка системы повышения частоты вращения холостого хода 37
Проверка уровня тормозной жидкости гидропривода сцепления и тормозной системы 37
Проверка уровня масла в МКПП 38
Замена масла в МКПП 38
Проверка уровня и состояния рабочей жидкости в АКПП 38
Замена рабочей жидкости в АКПП 38
Проверка уровня и замена масла в коробке отбора мощности 38
Проверка и замена масла в раздаточной коробке (4WD) 39
Проверка масла в редукторах заднего и переднего мостов 39
Замена масла в редукторах заднего и переднего мостов 39
Проверка уровня рабочей жидкости усилителя рулевого управления 39
Замена рабочей жидкости усилителя рулевого управления 40
Снятие и установка двигателя 41
Снятие двигателя и трансмиссии (модели с одиночной кабиной) 41
Слив охлаждающей жидкости, масел, снятие и установка шлангов 41
Снятие и установка брызговика и задней стойки кабины 43
Снятие и установка двигателя в сборе (без турбокомпрессора) 44
Снятие и установка двигателя в сборе (4D34-T4) 44
Снятие и установка МКПП 45
Снятие и установка АКПП 46
Снятие двигателя и МКПП в сборе сопор 46
Снятие двигателя и АКПП с опор (модели FD, FG) 48
Двигатели серии 4D3 — механическая часть 49
Общая информация 49
Проверка и регулировка тепловых зазоров в приводе клапанов 49
Головка блока цилиндров 49
Снятие 49
Разборка 51
Разборка, проверка, очистка и ремонт головки блока цилиндров 52
Сборка 52
Установка 52
Привод распределительного механизма 53
Распределительный вал 54
Проверка 54
Снятие 55
Разборка 55
Проверка 55
Ремонт 55
Сборка 56
Установка 57
Маховик 57
Коробка отбора мощности 58
Двигатель 4М40 — механическая часть 60
Общая информация 60
Проверка и регулировка зазоров в приводе клапанов 60
Головка блока цилиндров 61
Распределительный вал 64
Крышка распределительных шестерен 66
Распределительные шестерни 67
Маховик (модели с механической КПП) 68
Пластина привода гидротрансформатора (модели с автоматической КПП) 69
Блок цилиндров 69
Замена сальников коленчатого вала 69
Двигатель 4М51 — механическая часть 71
Общая информация 71
Проверка и регулировка зазоров в приводе клапанов 71
Распределительные валы 73
Ось коромысел и коромысла е сборе 75
Головка блока цилиндров и механизм газораспределения 76
Крышка распределительных шестерен 78
Распределительный и балансирный механизмы 78
Проверка и ремонт 78
Установка балансирных валов 81
Маховик (модели с механической КПП) 81
Замена сальников коленчатого вала 82
Втулки балансирных валов 82
Двигатель — общие процедуры ремонта 85
Головка блока цилиндров 85
| Проверка и ремонт деталей головки блока цилиндров 85
| Шатунно-поршневая группа 89
Проверка перед снятием 89
I Снятие и разборка 89
Проверка 90
Ремонт 92
Сборка 93
Установка 94
Коленчатый вал и блок цилиндров 94
Снятие и разборка 94
Проверка 95
Ремонт 98
Сборка 99
Топливная система 102
Топливный фильтр 102
Форсунки 102
Снятие и установка 102
Проверка 103
Разборка 105
Сборка 105
Очистка и проверка 105
Регулировка форсунок двухпружиного типа (4D33, 4D35, модели выпуска до 1995 г.) 106
Регулировка форсунок двухпружиного типа (4D33, 4D35, 4D34-T4, модели выпуска с 1995 г. и 4М51) 107
ТНВД 108
Снятие и установка серия 4D3) 108
Снятие и установка (4М40) 109
Снятие и установка (4М51) 111
Регулировка угла опережения впрыска (серия4ОЗи4М51) 111
Регулировка угла опережения впрыска (4М40) 112
Регулировка минимальной и максимальной частоты вращения холостого хода без нагрузки 113
Проверка исполнительного механизма системы повышения частоты вращения холостого хода 114
Клапан отсечки топлива 115
Тросы управления 115
Педаль акселератора 117
Топливный бак 118
Система рециркуляции отработавших газов (4D33, 4D35, 4М51) 119
Общая информация 119
Клапаны и датчики системы рециркуляции ОГ 122
Снятие и установка 123
Системы турбонадцува, впуска и выпуска 128
Система турбонадцува 128
Предупреждения 128
Проверка давления наддува 128
Турбокомпрессор 129
Снятие 129
Разборка 129
Очистка 130
Проверка 130
Сборка 131
Установка 132
Промежуточный охладитель наддувочного воздуха (4D34-T4) 132
Впускной и выпускной коллекторы 132
Снятие и установка 132
Проверка 134
Воздушный фильтр 135
Система смазки 139
Общая информация 139
Масло и масляный фильтр 139
Проверка давления масла 139
Масляный поддон и маслоприемник 141
Маслоохладитель 142
Масляный насос 142
Снятие и разборка 142
Проверка 142
Сборка и установка 144
Система охлаждения 145
Общая информация 145
Проверка охлаждающей жидкости 145
Замена охлаждающей жидкости 145
Проверки на автомобиле 145
Вентилятор 146
Радиатор 147
Термостат 148
Насос охлаждающей жидкости 149
Система зарядки 151
Общая информация 151
Меры предосторожности 151
Проверка генератора на автомобиле 151
Проверка регулятора напряжения на автомобиле 151
Проверка генератора на испытательном стенде 151
Проверка регулятора напряжения на испытательном стенде 151
Генератор 152
Снятие и установка 152
Разборка 152
Проверка 153
Сборка 154
Система запуска 155
Общая информация 155
Проверки и регулировки стартера 155
Стартер 155
Снятие 155
Разборка 156
Проверка 156
Сборка 158
Проверка реле стартера 158
Система облегчения пуска 158
Сцепление 159
Прокачка гидропривода сцепления 159
Педаль сцепления 159
Система гидропривода сцепления 160
Главный цилиндр привода выключения сцепления (FB, FD) 160
Главный цилиндр привода выключения сцепления (FE, FG) 161
Рабочий цилиндр привода выключения сцепления 162
Сцепление в сборе 164
Вилка выключения сцепления (С2) 166
Вилка выключения сцепления (СЗ, С4) 166
Датчик-выключатель износа диска сцепления 166
Механическая коробка передач 167
Снятие и установка 167
Механизм выбора и переключения передач 168
Задняя крышка и промежуточная шестерня передачи заднего хода (S5) 170
Удлинитель картера коробки передач (S6) 171
Шестерня шестой передачи и шестерня передачи заднего хода (S6) 171
Первичный, промежуточный и вторичный валы 173
Снятие и установка 173
Разборка и сборка 173
Проверка 179
Механизм переключения передач 179
Вилки и штоки переключения передач 179
Механизм отбора мощности 180
Раздаточная коробка (FD) 182
Снятие и установка 182
Разборка и сборка 183
Механизм управления раздаточной коробкой, крышка раздаточной коробки и задняя крышка раздаточной коробки 183
Рычаг переключения раздаточной коробки 185
Регулировка рычага переключения раздаточной коробки 185
Раздаточная коробка (FG) 186
Снятие и установка 187
Разборка и сборка J89
Передний выходной вал 189
Задний выходной вал и промежуточная шестерня 192
Карданный вал 193
Идентификация 193
Снятие и установка 193
Разборка и сборка 194
Проверка 196
Подвеска и мосты 197
Предварительные проверки 197
Проверка и регулировка углов установки передних колес 197
Проверка и регулировка схождения 197
Проверка углов установки передних колес 198
Регулировка углов установки передних колес 198
Проверка и регулировка углов поворота колес 199
Передняя зависимая (рессорная) подвеска (модели 2WD (FE, FB) и 4WD (FG)) 200
Поддомкрачивание автомобиля при снятии элементов подвески 200
Ступица передней оси (модели 2WD с зависимой передней подвеской) 200
Поворотный кулак и балка переднего моста (модели 2WD с зависимой передней подвеской) 205
Ступица передней оси (модели 4WD с зависимой передней подвеской) 207
Поворотный кулак и полуось (модели 4WD с зависимой передней подвеской) 211
Передний мост (модели 4WD с зависимой передней подвеской) 214
Редуктор переднего моста (модели 4WD с зависимой передней подвеской) 215
Рессора передней подвески (модели с зависимой передней подвеской) 218
Амортизатор передней подвески (модели с зависимой передней подвеской) 220
Стабилизатор поперечной устойчивости (модели 2WD с зависимой передней подвеской) 221
Передняя независимая (пружинная) подвеска (модели 2WD (FE, FB)) 222
Поддомкрачивание автомобиля при снятии элементов подвески 222
Ступица передней оси и поворотный кулак (модели 2WD с независимой передней подвеской) 222
Нижний рычаг передней подвески (модели 2WD с независимой передней подвеской) 225
Верхний рычаг передней подвески (модели 2WD с независимой передней подвеской) 226
Передняя независимая (торсионная) подвеска (модели 4WD (FD, FG)) 227
Поддомкрачивание автомобиля при снятии элементов подвески 227
Проверка высоты расположения кузова 227
Ступица передней оси (модели 4WD с независимой передней подвеской) 227
Снятие и установка поворотного кулака и редуктора передней оси (модели 4WD с независимой передней подвеской) 232
Передние приводные валы (модели 4WD с независимой передней подвеской) 234
Редуктор передней оси (модели 4WD с независимой передней подвеской) 236
Торсион (модели 4WD с независимой передней подвеской) 240
Нижний рычаг передней подвески (модели 4WD с независимой передней подвеской) 242
Верхний рычаг передней подвески (модели 4WD с независимой передней подвеской) 244
Задняя рессорная подвеска 245
Поддомкрачивание автомобиля при снятии элементов подвески 245
Ступица задней оси и полуось (модели с задними барабанными тормозами) 245
Ступица задней оси и полуось (модели с задними дисковыми тормозами) 249
Задний мост 250
Редуктор заднего моста (№7, D1H, D2H, D3H) 251
Разборка 251
Сборка 253
Проверка и регулировка 255
Редуктор заднего моста (D033H) 256
Разборка 256
Сборка 257
Проверка и регулировка 259
«Открытый» дифференциал повышенного трения (LSD) 260
Рессора задней подвески 263
Амортизатор задней подвески 269
Стабилизатор поперечной устойчивости 270
Пневматическая подвеска задней оси трехосные автомобили) 271
Регулировка высоты задней подвески 271
Проверка осушителя воздуха в системе 271
Осушитель воздуха 271
Снятие и установка деталей пневматической подвески задней оси 272
Блок компрессоров 274
Рессора задней подвески 274
Амортизатор задней подвески 274
Клапан регулировки высоты задней подвески 274
Клапан поддержания давления в системе 274
Предохранительный клапан 275
Шины и диски 277
Рулевое управление (модели с зависимой передней подвеской) 281
Предварительные проверки 281
Проверка люфта рулевого колеса 281
Проверка уровня рабочей жидкости 281
Схема движения рабочей жидкости 281
Замена рабочей жидкости усилителя рулевого управления 281
Прокачка системы усилителя рулевого управления 281
Проверка давления рабочей жидкости 282
Рулевая колонка 282
Рулевой редуктор 286
Система гидроусилителя рулевого управления 288
Бачок системы гидроусилителя рулевого управления 288
Продольная рулевая тяга 289
Поперечная рулевая тяга 289
Насос усилителя рулевого управления 290
Рулевое управление (модели с независимой передней подвеской) 292
Предварительные проверки 292
Проверка люфта рулевого колеса 292
Проверка уровня рабочей жидкости 292
Схема движения рабочей жидкости 292
Замена рабочей жидкости усилителя рулевого управления 292
Прокачка системы усилителя рулевого управления 292
Проверка давления рабочей жидкости 293
Рулевая колонка 294
Угловой редуктор 294
Рулевой механизм 295
Насос усилителя рулевого управления 297
Бачок системы гидроусилителя рулевого управления 297
Система гидроусилителя рулевого управления 298
Тормозная система 299
Прокачка тормозной системы 299
Педаль тормоза 300
Проверка толщины накладок тормозных колодок 301
Проверка работоспособности вакуумного усилителя 302
Проверка работоспособности гидравлического усилителя 303
Вакуумный насос 304
Главный тормозной цилиндр 304
Гидравлический усилитель тормозов 305
Передние барабанные тормоза (тип 1) 305
Передние дисковые тормоза (FB и FD) 307
Передние дисковые тормоза (FB, FE (одинарный суппорт)) 308
Передние дисковые тормоза (FE (Canter 20 (пружинная подвеска, одинарный суппорт))) 310
Передние дисковые тормоза (FE (Canter 30, 35 (двойной суппорт))) 312
Задние барабанные тормоза 313
Задние дисковые тормоза 316
Клапан перераспределения тормозных усилий в зависимости от нагрузки на заднюю ось 317
Горный тормоз (заслонка в системе выпуска) 319
Стояночный тормоз 321
Расположение компонентов 321
Проверка и регулировка 321
Разборка и сборка 322
Снятие и установка 324
Кузов 325
Передняя дверь 325
Задняя дверь (модели с четырехдверной кабиной) 330
Стеклоочистители и омыватели 330
Лобовое и заднее стекло 331
Грузовой кузов автомобиля 331
Боковое зеркало 331
Механизм откидывания кабины 334
Кабина 338
Кондиционер, отопление и вентиляция 346
Меры безопасности при работе с хладагентом 346
Вакуумирование, зарядка и проверка системы 346
Установка блока манометров 346
Вакуумирование системы 346
Зарядка системы 346
Проверка герметичности системы 346
Дозаправка хладагента 346
Снятие блока манометров 347
Проверка системы блоком манометров 347
Компрессор 348
Конденсатор 348
Панель управления кондиционером и отопителем 350
Ресивер 350
Электрооборудование кузова 352
Меры предосторожности 352
Плавкие вставки и предохранители 353
Точки заземления 353
Реле и блоки управления 353
Регулировка направления света фар 356
С раздельной регулировкой фар ближнего и дальнего света 356
С общей регулировкой дальнего и ближнего света фар 356
Комбинация приборов 357
Стеклоподъемники и центральный замок 359
Пояснения к схемам электрооборудования 359
Обозначения схем электрооборудования 359
Нумерация выводов разъемов 359
Схемы электрооборудования (Электросхемы) Митсубиси Кантер 360
Mitsubishi Canter PDF Workshop and Repair manuals, Wiring Diagrams, Spare Parts Catalogue, Fault codes free download
See also:
- Mitsubishi ASX PDF Workshop and Repair manuals
- Mitsubishi Engines and Transmissions PDF Manuals
- Mitsubishi PDF Owners Manuals
Mitsubishi Canter
Title | File Size | Download Link |
Mitsubishi Canter Body Repair Manual.rar | 46Mb | Download |
Mitsubishi Canter FB/FE/FG Specifications.pdf | 3Mb | Download |
Mitsubishi Fuso Canter
Mitsubishi Fuso Canter is a series of compact trucks manufactured by the Japanese company Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corporation in various modifications since 1963.
First generation (T720) 1963-1968
For the first time, the name Canter was presented in March 1963 on light trucks T720. Which originated from the previous series “T710”, presented in 1960. These early models were almost entirely sold in Asia. The cars were equipped with four-cylinder 4DQ1 diesel engines of 2.0 l capacity of 68 hp.
In 1964 the car was upgraded. There were four round headlights for the main light instead of two round headlights.
Second Generation (T90) 1968-1978
In January 1968, Canter appeared second generation with a new cabin.
In July 1970, the model was upgraded, and a new radiator grille appeared. The diesel engine was replaced by the new 4DR5 2.7 l with a power of 80 hp.
Fourth Generation (FE1 / FE2) 1978-1985
The fourth generation of Canter has a wider cab and has a capacity up to 3 tons.
Seventh Generation (FE7 / FE8) 2002-2010
Mitsubishi Fuso Canter 7
The range of Canter Japanese cars produced by the lifting capacity of 1.0-4.5 tons includes rear-wheel drive models FB, FC, FE and option FG (4×4). The lightest 1.5-ton Canter Guts model features an updated narrow cabin, and Canter’s export options have cabins of the old model. They use gasoline and diesel engines (2.8-4.2 liters, 94-130 hp), 5-speed manual gearboxes, or 4-speed, with an improved Inomat-II automatic switching system without a clutch pedal.
Eighth Generation (FBA / FEA · B · C) since 2010
In 2010, a new 8-th generation Canter model was introduced. This is the first upgraded generation that satisfies the new Japanese emission standards JP09. Moreover, NOx and PM emissions are 30% lower than those required by JP09 standards. In addition, all of the updated versions of Canter not only satisfy the fuel efficiency requirements for trucks (FES2015), but also exceed them by 2-7%. The new generation is equipped with a diesel 3.0L 4P10 with BlueTec® system, which combines the selective catalytic neutralization of the SCR and the DPF particulate filter, which is used for the first time in light trucks. New trucks are equipped with DUONIC gearboxes with dual-clutch couplings. The exterior and interior design have been updated, improvements have been made to the frame, suspension and brake system of the truck, which reduced the weight by 90 kg and increased the safety. The new design truck was awarded the Good Design Award 2010.
In the spring of 2011, the MFTBC began selling a new generation of Canter trucks in North America, which was presented at the NTEA Work Truck Show. North America has become the first country outside of Japan, where the new Canter will be marketed.
Fuso eCanter
Fuso eCanter
In September 2016, an electric 6-ton truck Mitsubishi Fuso eCanter debuted at the IAA Commercial Vehicle Show. The car is equipped with two rechargeable batteries with a total capacity of 48 kWh. The traction electric motor develops a power of 110 kW (150 hp.), And the maximum torque reaches 650 Nm. The truck’s stock is about 100 km.
We have 16 Mitsubishi
Canter manuals
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Our most popular manual is the
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How to download a Mitsubishi Canter
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These Canter manuals have been provided by our users,
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What topics does the Mitsubishi Canter
Service/Repair Manual cover?
In total, that’s over 1073 pages of content dedicated to your
Mitsubishi Canter. Here’s a non exhaustive list
of what’s covered;
- Mitsubishi Canter service manual for roadside repairs
- Mitsubishi Canter owners manual covering weekly checks
- Mitsubishi Canter workshop manual covering Lubricants, fluids and tyre pressures
- Mitsubishi Canter service PDF’s covering routine maintenance and servicing
- Detailed Mitsubishi Canter Engine and Associated Service Systems (for Repairs and Overhaul) (PDF)
- Mitsubishi Canter Transmission data Service Manual PDF
- Mitsubishi Canter Brakes and suspension PDF
- Mitsubishi Canter Wiring Diagrams
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Название: Mitsubishi Canter — Service Manual
Автор: Mitsubishi
Издательство: Mitsubishi
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 421
Размер: 12,7 MB
Язык: Русский
Модели 2WD и 4WD выпуска с 1993 года с двигателями 4D33, 4D34-T4, 4D35, 4D36, 4M40, 4M51.
Устройство, техническое обслуживание и ремонт.
Категория: КНИГИ » ТЕХНИКА
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- Mitsubishi
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- Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Mitsubishi Canter 1993-2002 гг.
Год выпуска:
1993 — 2002 гг.
Найдено 5 книг стоимостью от 440 руб.
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Найдено 2 книги стоимостью от 2180 руб.
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Иметь представление об устройстве, особенностях обслуживания и ремонта необходимы каждому водителю, как начинающему, так и профессионалу. Заднеприводные и полноприводные автомобили Mitsubishi Canter с дизельными двигателями 4D33 (4,2 л), 4D34-T4 (3,9 л с турбонаддувом), 4D35 (4,6 л), 4D36 (3,6 л), 4М-40 (2,8 л) и 4М51 (5,2 л), выпускаются с 1993 года. Руководство по ремонту Mitsubishi Canter представлено на нашем сайте в разных вариантах. Можно скачать в PDF формате на свой телефон или планшет, для удобства использования в дороге. Если вы предпочитаете бумажные носители, есть возможность заказать книгу по ремонту по почте.
Основные главы руководства
- сведения по устройству автомобиля;
- советы по устранению поломок в пути;
- рекомендации по техническому обслуживанию;
- сборочно-разборочные работы и ремонт;
- устранение неполадок электрооборудования.
Книга по ремонту Mitsubishi Canter (двигатель 4D321 также включен в содержание) предназначена не только для автовладельцев, но и работников автосервисов и станций обслуживания. Материалы, которые представлены в руководстве составлены на основе богатого опыта полученного в процессе сборки и разборки автомобиля квалифицированными автомеханиками. Вся информация по ремонту автомобиля представлена от простого к сложному. Начиная от замены мелких деталей до сборочно-разборочных работ. Все ремонтные работы описаны в подробной и доступной форме.
Магазин | Тип книги | Цена | Информация |
AUTODATA | Книга | 2180 руб. | |
AUTOINFORM96 | Книга | 3255 руб. |
Эксплуатация Mitsubishi Canter
Похожие руководства на сайте
Mitsubishi Canter PDF Workshop and Repair manuals, Wiring Diagrams, Spare Parts Catalogue, Fault codes free download
See also:
- Mitsubishi ASX PDF Workshop and Repair manuals
- Mitsubishi Engines and Transmissions PDF Manuals
- Mitsubishi PDF Owners Manuals
Mitsubishi Canter
Title | File Size | Download Link |
Mitsubishi Canter Body Repair Manual.rar | 46Mb | Download |
Mitsubishi Canter FB/FE/FG Specifications.pdf | 3Mb | Download |
Mitsubishi Fuso Canter
Mitsubishi Fuso Canter is a series of compact trucks manufactured by the Japanese company Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corporation in various modifications since 1963.
First generation (T720) 1963-1968
For the first time, the name Canter was presented in March 1963 on light trucks T720. Which originated from the previous series “T710”, presented in 1960. These early models were almost entirely sold in Asia. The cars were equipped with four-cylinder 4DQ1 diesel engines of 2.0 l capacity of 68 hp.
In 1964 the car was upgraded. There were four round headlights for the main light instead of two round headlights.
Second Generation (T90) 1968-1978
In January 1968, Canter appeared second generation with a new cabin.
In July 1970, the model was upgraded, and a new radiator grille appeared. The diesel engine was replaced by the new 4DR5 2.7 l with a power of 80 hp.
Fourth Generation (FE1 / FE2) 1978-1985
The fourth generation of Canter has a wider cab and has a capacity up to 3 tons.
Seventh Generation (FE7 / FE8) 2002-2010
Mitsubishi Fuso Canter 7
The range of Canter Japanese cars produced by the lifting capacity of 1.0-4.5 tons includes rear-wheel drive models FB, FC, FE and option FG (4×4). The lightest 1.5-ton Canter Guts model features an updated narrow cabin, and Canter’s export options have cabins of the old model. They use gasoline and diesel engines (2.8-4.2 liters, 94-130 hp), 5-speed manual gearboxes, or 4-speed, with an improved Inomat-II automatic switching system without a clutch pedal.
Eighth Generation (FBA / FEA · B · C) since 2010
In 2010, a new 8-th generation Canter model was introduced. This is the first upgraded generation that satisfies the new Japanese emission standards JP09. Moreover, NOx and PM emissions are 30% lower than those required by JP09 standards. In addition, all of the updated versions of Canter not only satisfy the fuel efficiency requirements for trucks (FES2015), but also exceed them by 2-7%. The new generation is equipped with a diesel 3.0L 4P10 with BlueTec® system, which combines the selective catalytic neutralization of the SCR and the DPF particulate filter, which is used for the first time in light trucks. New trucks are equipped with DUONIC gearboxes with dual-clutch couplings. The exterior and interior design have been updated, improvements have been made to the frame, suspension and brake system of the truck, which reduced the weight by 90 kg and increased the safety. The new design truck was awarded the Good Design Award 2010.
In the spring of 2011, the MFTBC began selling a new generation of Canter trucks in North America, which was presented at the NTEA Work Truck Show. North America has become the first country outside of Japan, where the new Canter will be marketed.
Fuso eCanter
Fuso eCanter
In September 2016, an electric 6-ton truck Mitsubishi Fuso eCanter debuted at the IAA Commercial Vehicle Show. The car is equipped with two rechargeable batteries with a total capacity of 48 kWh. The traction electric motor develops a power of 110 kW (150 hp.), And the maximum torque reaches 650 Nm. The truck’s stock is about 100 km.
Руководство на английском языке по монтажу кузовов/надстроек для автомобилей Mitsubishi Canter серий FE/FG.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Mitsubishi Fuso Service
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 318
- Формат: PDF
- Размер: 46,0 Mb
Руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Mitsubishi Canter 1993-2002 годов выпуска с дизельными двигателями
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Легион-Автодата
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 484
- Формат: —
- Размер: —
Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Mitsubishi Fuso Canter с 2010 года выпуска с дизельным двигателем модели 4M50 (4,9 л).
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Легион-Автодата
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 416
- Формат: —
- Размер: —
Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобиля Mitsubishi Fuso Canter с 2010 года выпуска с дизельным двигателем объемом 4,9 л.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Монолит
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 376
- Формат: —
- Размер: —
Спецификации на английском языке автомобилей Mitsubishi Canter серий FB/FE/FG.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Mitsubishi Motors
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 94
- Формат: PDF
- Размер: 3,0 Mb
- Manuals
- Brands
- Mitsubishi Manuals
- Automobile
- Fuso Canter 2013
- Owner’s manual
Table of Contents
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Related Manuals for Mitsubishi Fuso Canter 2013
Summary of Contents for Mitsubishi Fuso Canter 2013
Page 2
Page 3
Please keep this manual in the vehicle so it is always available for reference. If you sell the vehicle, make sure the next owner receives this manual and is aware of its contents. © 2012 Mitsubishi Fuso Truck & Bus Corporation Printed in Japan… -
Page 4
Reading the handbook The information in this manual is accurate as of the time of printing. Because of differ- ences in specifications and improvements that may be added after preparation of this manual, some of the explanations and illustrations in this handbook may not apply to your vehicle. -
Page 5: Table Of Contents
CONTENTS 1. Recommendation to drivers ……… . . 1-1 2.
Page 6: Table Of Contents
1. Recommendation to drivers Chassis and engine numbers ……………….. 1-2 Vehicle identification number (VIN) ………………1-3 Maintenance ……………………1-4 Fuels ……………………..1-5 DEF (Diesel exhaust fluid) ………………..1-8 Handling of the new vehicle ………………… 1-13 Reporting safety defects ………………..1-14 Obtaining service ………………….
Page 7: Chassis And Engine Numbers
Recommendation to drivers Chassis and engine numbers 1 Chassis number The chassis number is indicated on the left frame, near the left front wheel. Example: FEC52 — Chassis number Vehicle model 2 Engine number The engine number is indicated on the front side of the cylinder head.
Page 8: Vehicle Identification Number (Vin)
G: 3.8 to 4.09 m (12.46 to 13.41 ft.) 4.1 to 4.39 m (13.45 to 14.40 ft.) 4.7 to 4.99 m (15.41 to 16.37 ft.) Cab chassis type Chassis cab for Mitsubishi Fuso and make Engine 2.998 L Diesel turbo charged and charge air cooled…
Page 9: Maintenance
Recommendation to drivers Maintenance Checking your vehicle at regular intervals is very important for maximizing performance and extend- ing service life. It is recommended that you make a habit of performing the following inspections. This manual describes simple maintenance checks and procedures that can be carried out by the owner.
Page 10: Fuels
Mitsubishi Fuso trucks. 1 Diesel-fuel properties The following recommendations concerning diesel fuel used with Mitsubishi Fuso diesel engines are given for optimum fuel economy and performance. Use condition Recommendation Normal operation at…
Page 11
Recommendation to drivers 3 Danger of fire and explosion by using mixed fuel Fuel containing 5% gasoline has a flash point as low as 0°C (32°F), which can lead to a fire or explo- sion while the engine is running. DANGER NEVER MIX DIESEL FUEL WITH GASOLINE, GASOHOL OR ALCOHOL. -
Page 12
5 Refueling WARNING • Stop the engine before fueling. • Never smoke when fueling since diesel fuel could ignite or explode. Never operate lighters or other items that emit sparks. • If you inadvertently put gasoline in the fuel tank, pump it all out. Running the engine with gasoline in the tank could cause a fire or explosion endangering your or other people’s lives. -
Page 13: Def (Diesel Exhaust Fluid)
Recommendation to drivers • 113-liter fuel tank The fuel tank is at the rear of the vehicle. To open the fuel tank cap, slowly turn it counterclockwise. To close the cap, turn it clockwise until you hear a click. Fuel tank capacity 113 liters (29.8 gallons) •…
Page 14
WARNING DEF is a colorless, transparent, odorless and harmless water solution (urea 32.5%, water 67.5%; Freezing temperature -11°C (12°F)), so no problem will occur if you get it on your skin. However, some persons with delicate skin may in very rare cases get a rash, so carry out the following procedure. -
Page 15
1-10 Recommendation to drivers CAUTION Do not rest your foot on the DEF tank or step on it, because this may damage the tank and/or the sensors on it. NOTE: • Replenish the DEF well before it is used up. •… -
Page 16: In Cold Weather
1-11 3 Method for canceling the driving restric- tion that has engaged due to an empty DEF tank If the DEF tank becomes empty, a driving restriction automatically engages, locking the gear in first or reverse, so the vehicle can be driven only slowly. In the event of a driving restriction, replenish the DEF and then disengage the restriction as follows.
Page 17
1-12 Recommendation to drivers NOTE: • You can use frozen DEF after allowing it to thaw, without loss of quality. • If you seal the container so as to prevent the water from evaporating, the quality of the DEF will not change. •… -
Page 18: Handling Of The New Vehicle
1-13 4000 km Handling of the new vehicle (2500 miles) The way the vehicle is handled when new greatly affects its subsequent performance and service life. Observe the following precautions when handling the new vehicle. 1 Maintenance The “first maintenance at 4,000 km (2,500 miles)” is Z18524 very important for extending the service life of your vehicle.
Page 19: Reporting Safety Defects
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the Mitsubishi Fuso Truck of America, Inc. (MFTA). If NHTSA receives similar complaints, it may open an investigation, and if it finds that a safety defect exists in a group of vehicles, it may order a recall and remedy campaign.
Page 20
Name of Dealer contacted under Step 1, if appli- cable • Details of the Complaint/Comment You also may correspond with the Customer Ser- vice Representative in writing, addressed to: MITSUBISHI FUSO TRUCK OF AMERICA, INC. CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE 2015 CENTER SQUARE RD. LOGAN TOWNSHIP, NJ 08085… -
Page 21: Warning Labels
2. Warning labels Labels inside the cab ………………….2-3 Exterior labels ……………………2-5…
Page 22
Warning labels • The caution and warning labels show important information. Be sure to read them before using the vehicle. • If any label has peeled so it is difficult to read, is scratched or otherwise damaged, or has peeled off completely, please inform an authorized dealer. -
Page 23
Labels inside the cab 1 Around the driver’s seat Z23258 Location Category Information Ref. page WARNING High temperatures of exhaust system components 5-50 WARNING Handling of DPF system with regeneration control 5-50 WARNING Handling of DEF WARNING Use of specified fuses 13-10 WARNING Engine oil level check 12-23… -
Page 24
Warning labels 2 On driver’s door and door pillar Z21446 Location Category Information Ref. page CAUTION Handling of PTO <option> 5-45 WARNING Handling of DUONIC 5-20 WARNING 4WD <FG> CAUTION Towing precautions 13-32 Standard value Tire pressure 12-67 WARNING 113-liter fuel tank refilling precaution Precautions for vehicles with limited slip differential WARNING 12-70… -
Page 25
Exterior labels 1 On frame and exterior equipment Z23259 Location Category Information Ref. page DANGER High temperatures of exhaust system components 5-50 CAUTION Use of diesel fuel WARNING Fuel to use WARNING 113-liter fuel tank refilling precautions CAUTION Prohibition against standing on DEF tank CAUTION Use of DEF CAUTION… -
Page 26
Warning labels 2 On cab outside and engine Z21197 Location Category Information Ref. page Handling of cab tilt function (Vehicles other than WARNING 12-6 Crew-cab models) WARNING Handling of pressure cap 12-57 CAUTION Inspection and replacement of engine oil 12-23 CAUTION Oil to use for clutch and transmission 12-28… -
Page 27: Opening And Closing
3. Opening and closing Starter key …………………….. 3-2 Engine immobilizer (theft prevention device) …………..3-3 Doors ……………………..3-6 Central door locks ………………….3-8 Keyless entry system ………………….3-9 Entering and leaving the vehicle ………………3-13 Door window glass ………………….3-15…
Page 28: Starter Key
Opening and closing Starter key • Your vehicle comes with a two-piece starter key • The starter key can be used to start and stop the engine and lock and unlock the doors. • Be sure to remove the number plate and keep it in a safe place.
Page 29: Engine Immobilizer
Engine immobilizer (theft prevention device) 1 Engine immobilizer NOTE: The immobilizer complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two con- ditions: (1) The immobilizer may not cause harmful inter- ference. (2) The immobilizer must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Page 30
Opening and closing • A metallic ring is on top of the handle of the engine immobilizer starter key. Z20929 • The handle of the engine immobilizer starter key is in contact with a metallic part of another key. Z20930 •… -
Page 31
The engine immobilizer starter key is an electronic device containing a signal transmitter. Bear in mind the following cautions: • Do not bend the engine immobilizer starter key or subject it to strong shocks. • Do not leave the engine immobilizer starter key in any part of the cab where it could be exposed to direct sunlight and get extremely hot (60°C (140°F) or higher). -
Page 32
Opening and closing Doors WARNING • To help prevent accidents, always check for vehicles and pedestrians approaching from behind before opening the doors. • Driving with a door ajar can be very dan- gerous. Make sure the doors are com- pletely closed before starting. -
Page 33
1 From the outside • To open, pull the outer handle toward you. • Use the starter key to lock or unlock the door. • It is possible to lock each door without using the starter key. With the driver’s door or assistant driver’s door, push the lock knob toward the front of the vehicle then pull the outer handle… -
Page 34: From The Inside
Opening and closing 2 From the inside • To close, use the door waist bar . Close the door completely. • To lock the driver’s door or assistant driver’s door, push the lock knob toward the front of the vehicle. To lock a rear door, push the lock knob down.
Page 35: Keyless Entry System
Keyless entry system 1 The Grant of Equipment Authorization certificate for wireless transmitter (remote control switch) 1. FCC ID: OBIH7079TX 2. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: • This device may not cause harmful interference.
Page 36
3-10 Opening and closing 2 Keyless entry system The keyless entry system allows you to lock/unlock the driver’s door, assistant driver’s door and rear doors (Crew-cab model vehicles) by operating the remote control switch WARNING If you carry the keyless entry remote control switch with you when traveling on an air- Z21332 plane, avoid pressing any button on the… -
Page 37
3-11 • When you press the buttons, be sure to press them for at least one second. If a button does not work after one press, press the button again after one or two seconds. • After locking the doors with the remote control switch, always check that the doors are locked by lifting the outside handle of a door. -
Page 38
3-12 Opening and closing CAUTION • Use the designated standard type of battery. If the battery is replaced with an incorrect type, the battery could explode. • Attach the battery with the “+” mark facing upward. • Do not use a metal tool such as tweezers to replace the battery. -
Page 39: Entering And Leaving The Vehicle
3-13 Entering and leaving the vehicle WARNING • Always use the step to climb into or down from the vehicle. Never put your foot on the wheel or tire since it could easily slip off. • The step can become slippery in rain or snow.
Page 40
3-14 Opening and closing Z23260 CAUTION • Climb into and out of the cab by holding only the grip. If you hold onto any other parts of the vehicle, they could break or fail. • When entering or leaving an FG model truck, do not place your feet or hands on the fender . -
Page 41: Power Window Switches
3-15 Door window glass WARNING Do not allow a child to put its hands or head out of a window. The child’s head or hands could hit an object outside the vehicle, and the child could be seriously injured in the event of hard braking.
Page 42
3-16 Opening and closing To fully close the driver’s window with a single touch of the switch, pull the switch firmly. If you wish to stop the window part-way, give the switch a gentle push. CAUTION Do not keep any door or window open in rainy weather, and be careful not to spill a drink on any of the window switches. -
Page 43: Seat And Steering Wheel Adjustments
4. Seat and steering wheel adjustments Seats ……………………..4-2 Seat belts ……………………… 4-5 Steering wheel ……………………4-9…
Page 44
Seat and steering wheel adjustments Seats WARNING • Adjusting the seat while the vehicle is in motion is dangerous as the seat may move more than you intend. Be sure to stop the vehicle and set the parking brake before performing any adjustment of the seat. -
Page 45
Making adjustments • Slide seat forward or backward while holding slide adjustment lever raised. After making the adjustment, release the lever and move the seat back and forth slightly to lock it in position. • To adjust the angle of the seatback , raise reclining lever •… -
Page 46
Seat and steering wheel adjustments 3 Rear seat – Crew-cab models Storage compartments are located under the rear seat. The rear seat can be folded up for access to them. When you wish to stow or remove something from these compartments, release the clamps the base of the seat and raise the seat cushion To retain the seat cushion, use the retaining bands that are attached to the seatback. -
Page 47: Seat Belts
Seat belts • To help prevent injury in the event of a sudden stop or accident, the driver and all passengers must wear their seat belts correctly. • When wearing your seat belt, sit back in your seat with your back straight. If a seat belt is used incorrectly, its effectiveness is greatly dimin- Z21338 ished and it could aggravate injuries in the event…
Page 48
Seat and steering wheel adjustments 1 Lap and shoulder belts with ELR NOTE: It is not necessary to adjust the length of these seat belts. An ELR seat belt extends and retracts automatically as its wearer moves but locks automatically for pro- tection in the event of a sudden stop or shock. -
Page 49: Lap Belt
Seat belt anchor <Driver’s seat> WARNING The shoulder belt can be dangerous if worn across the neck. Adjust its position so that it does not cross over the neck. Adjust the seat belt anchor upward or downward Z08772 to ensure that the belt passes across your shoulder. You will need to keep the lock button pulled while moving the seat belt anchor downward.
Page 50: Pregnant Women
Seat and steering wheel adjustments 3 Children and babies • When carrying children or babies, they must be restrained properly to minimize the risk of injury in the event of a sudden stop or accident. Never allow children to stand or kneel on the seats. For maximum safety, we recommend fitting and using a restraint system that complies with Fed- eral Motor Vehicle Safety Standards.
Page 51: Steering Wheel
Steering wheel WARNING • After every adjustment, try to move the steering wheel back and forth to make sure that it is securely locked. Unless the lever returns to its original position, the steering wheel may move while the vehicle is in motion and cause an accident.
Page 53: Switches And Controls
5. Switches and controls Arrangement of switches and controls …………….5-2 Starter switch ……………………5-3 Starting the engine ………………….5-5 Warming up the engine ………………..5-10 Stopping the engine ………………….5-12 Pedals ……………………..5-14 Parking brake lever ………………….5-15 Combination switch ………………….5-16 DUONIC ……………………
Page 54
Switches and controls Arrangement of switches and controls Starter switch Accelerator pedal Brake pedal Gearshift lever Parking brake lever Hazard warning lamp switch Combination switch (wiper and washer switch, exhaust brake switch <option>) Combination switch (lighting switch, passing/dimmer switch, turn sig- nal switch) Front drive switch <FG>… -
Page 55: Starter Switch
Starter switch 1 Starter switch position WARNING Never turn the starter switch to any position other than the “ON” position while driving the vehicle. Turning the starter switch to the “ACC” position would be dangerous because the engine would stop and the following problems would occur: •…
Page 56
Switches and controls • LOCK The starter key can be inserted and removed in this position only. To place the key in the “LOCK” position, turn it to the “ACC” position then press it in. Keep it pressed in while turning it to the “LOCK”… -
Page 57: Starting The Engine
Starting the engine WARNING • Do not start or warm up the engine in a garage or other closed area. When starting the engine or entering or leaving a garage, do not run the engine for longer than is necessary as the accumulation of exhaust gas in closed areas is very dangerous.
Page 58
Switches and controls CAUTION • Do not try to push-start the engine. Push- starting the engine is impossible for this vehicle and could damage the transmission. • Do not use ether or other vapor compound type starting aids. Use of such fluid on this engine could result in serious damage. -
Page 59: Starting Procedure
2 Starting procedure 1. Depress the brake pedal fully. CAUTION For safety, keep the brake pedal depressed until the engine has started. Z15222 2. Turn the starter switch to the “ON” position. Z21163 3. Check whether the indicator lamp illumi- nates or not.
Page 60
Switches and controls • When the indicator lamp illuminates Wait until the indicator lamp goes out. While holding down the brake pedal, turn the starter switch to the “START” position to start the engine. NOTE: If the engine is difficult to start after the indicator lamp has gone out, there may be a problem with the engine preheating system. -
Page 61
CAUTION • To ensure maximum safety, be sure to pull the parking brake lever fully to apply the parking brake and block the wheels with chocks thus preventing the vehicle from accidentally moving. • Performing the cranking is of essential importance in terms of protecting the turbo- charger. -
Page 62: Warming Up The Engine
5-10 Switches and controls Warming up the engine Let the engine warm up for 1 to 2 minutes before starting the vehicle. WARNING • Do not warm up the engine in a garage or other closed area. When starting the engine or entering or leaving a garage, do not run the engine for longer than is nec- essary as the accumulation of exhaust gas…
Page 63
5-11 NOTE: • Idling the engine for long time wastes fuel, and is therefore detrimental to environmental protec- tion and resource conservation. So shut down the engine whenever you leave the vehicle, even for a short period. If you start to drive immediately after starting the engine (while the engine is still cold), you will encounter the following problems: •… -
Page 64: Stopping The Engine
5-12 Switches and controls Stopping the engine WARNING • Never allow the vehicle to coast with the engine stopped as braking may be danger- ously sluggish and extremely difficult steering may result. This may also cause trouble in the fuel injection system. •…
Page 65
5-13 CAUTION • If you stop the engine immediately after uphill or high-speed driving, the oil supplied to the rotor shaft of the turbocharger will rise to an abnormally high temperature and the rotor shafts could seize up. To avoid this, run the engine at idle for at least 3 minutes instead of stopping it immediately. -
Page 66
5-14 Switches and controls Pedals Accelerator pedal WARNING If you use a floor mat, be sure to use a Mitsu- bishi Fuso genuine floor mat and lay it cor- rectly. Do not lay the floor mat over the accelerator pedal or accelerator pedal stop- per. -
Page 67: Parking Brake Lever
5-15 Parking brake lever WARNING • Do not use the parking brake when driv- ing except in an emergency, like if the ser- vice brakes have failed. Such use of the parking brake may make the vehicle spin or, at worst, roll over. It may also cause faults in vehicle components.
Page 68: Combination Switch
5-16 Switches and controls Combination switch 1 Arrangement of switches Lighting switch Passing/dimmer switch Turn signal switch Exhaust brake switch <option> Wiper and washer switch Z21344 2 Lighting switch CAUTION Keeping the headlamps on for a long period without the engine running can drain the bat- tery, making the engine impossible to start.
Page 69
5-17 3 Passing signal/dimmer switch Passing signal Pulling the lever up activates the high beams until the lever is released. Use this to flash a signal when overtaking another vehicle. Dimmer With the headlamps illuminated, pushing the lever down activates the headlamp high beams and pull- ing it back to the original position reactivates the low Z21346 beams. -
Page 70
5-18 Switches and controls NOTE: • Do not keep the exhaust brake switch in the activation position at all times. Keeping the switch in the activation position worsens fuel consumption, as doing so causes the exhaust brake to work frequently and thus the vehicle to decelerate and accelerate frequently. -
Page 71
5-19 • Do not operate the wipers when the rubber parts of the wiper blades are frozen onto the windshield or otherwise stuck to the wind- shield. The wiper blades could get damaged, and the wiper motor could fail. • When the wipers are not used for a long time, dust, sand, and other substances can collect between the wiper blades and wind-… -
Page 72
5-20 Switches and controls DUONIC The DUONIC system combines the controls of the clutch, transmission and engine into a single system to achieve automatic clutch engagement/ disengagement and gear shifting during start-out and driving. The clutch mechanism incorporates two clutch sys- tems (called “dual-clutch”),… -
Page 73
5-21 Brake pedal operation CAUTION Get into the habit of always using the right foot to depress the brake pedal. If you use the left foot, the pedal-pressing action will not be fully responsive, which could lead to an accident especially in the case of emergency braking. -
Page 74
5-22 Switches and controls Towing If it becomes necessary to tow the vehicle, observe the following. Doing otherwise could damage the DUONIC system. Never attempt to push-start the engine. • On an FE model vehicle, disconnect the propel- ler shaft or rear axle shafts, or get the towing vehicle to raise the rear wheels before towing the vehicle. -
Page 75: Controls And Indicators
5-23 2 Controls and indicators Z21533 Gearshift lever Used to control the operation of the DUONIC system. Move the lever until it completely engages in each position. Gear position indicator Indicates the selected gear of the transmission. Automatic shift mode indicator This indication appears while driving in the auto- matic shift mode.
Page 76: Gearshift Lever
5-24 Switches and controls • (amber) Indicates that the DUONIC system is faulty (but the vehicle may be driven if auto- matic or manual gear shifting is possible). 3 Gearshift lever This lever is used to control the operation of the DUONIC system.
Page 77
5-25 Gearshift positions P: Parking • Use this position when starting or warming up the engine of a stopped or parked vehicle. • The starter key can be removed when the gear- shift lever is in this position. • Use this position when using the PTO. R: Reverse •… -
Page 78
5-26 Switches and controls 4 ECO mode switch You can use the ECO mode switch only while driv- ing in the automatic shift mode. When the ECO mode is turned on using this switch, the DUONIC system applies the following con- trol: •… -
Page 79
5-27 • On downhill roads, never start the vehicle with the gearshift lever in the “N” position. Be sure to place the lever in the “D” position instead. If the gearshift lever is in the “N” position, engine braking does not work, which increases the risk of an accident. -
Page 80
5-28 Switches and controls 2. Check that the multi-information display is show- ing “ ” and that the gear position indicator is showing “1” or “2”. Z21300 NOTE: • The DUONIC system selects the starting gear automatically according to the steepness of the slope and the vehicle loading. -
Page 81
5-29 • Start the vehicle only when the gear position indicator indicates “1”, “2” or “3”. When starting after the ABS has been activated, the system may take longer than usual to engage the starting gear. 1. Fully depress the brake pedal. 2. -
Page 82
5-30 Switches and controls Reversing 1. While holding the brake pedal fully depressed, place the gearshift lever into the “R” position. 2. Check that the gear position indicator shows “R”. NOTE: • While the vehicle is moving, the reverse gear does not engage even if you place the gearshift lever into the “R”… -
Page 83
5-31 NOTE: • In cold weather when the temperature of the transmission oil is low, you may experience slower automatic shift-downs from 3rd to 2nd and from 2nd to 1st than usual. This does not indicate any problem; shifting will return to nor- mal speed as the oil temperature rises. -
Page 84
5-32 Switches and controls In the manual shift mode, the gear is fixed at the presently selected one even when the vehicle speed changes. So you should change the gear appropriately according to the vehicle speed. • The gear shifts up by one gear each time you move the gearshift lever to the “+”… -
Page 85
5-33 7 Moving out of mud, snow or sand WARNING Be sure to check safety around the vehicle before moving the vehicle by using fore-and- aft rocking motion. Failure to do so could result in an accident. CAUTION Do not try to free a stuck vehicle for more than 5 minutes. -
Page 86
5-34 Switches and controls When you stop the vehicle to wait at signals or in a traffic jam, the clutch automatically disengages as the vehicle slows down and an automatic gear change takes place as follows: • When driving in the automatic shift mode, the 2nd gear will be automatically engaged. -
Page 87
5-35 10 If a transmission system warning is displayed The multi-information display indicates a warning if there is a problem with the DUONIC system. If a transmission system warning is displayed, take nec- essary action according to the following instruc- tions. -
Page 88: Cruise Control
5-36 Switches and controls • Actions to take after stopping the vehicle 1. Place the gearshift lever in the “P” position and shut off the engine. 2. Restart the engine. If the engine cannot be started, contact an authorized dealer. 3.
Page 89
5-37 NOTE: For the sake of safety, do not use the cruise control in the following driving conditions: • In heavy traffic which does not allow sufficient vehicle to vehicle distance • On roads with sharp turns or poor visibility •… -
Page 90
5-38 Switches and controls SET/RESUME switch SET: Turn this switch to set a desired speed and to reduce the set speed as well. The switch returns automatically to the neutral position after having been turned. RESUME: Turn this switch to change the set speed to a higher speed and to return to the previously set speed as well. -
Page 91
5-39 3. When the desired speed is reached, turn the RESUME/SET switch toward the “SET” side. indicator lamp will illuminate indicating that the cruise control is activated. Now the desired speed is memorized, so release the accelerator pedal. The vehicle will run maintain- ing that speed automatically. -
Page 92
5-40 Switches and controls 2. When the desired speed is reached, turn the SET/RESUME switch to the “SET” side for 1 second or longer. The vehicle will then cruise at the new, higher speed. Z21526 4 To decrease the set speed in cruise con- trol mode Turn the SET/RESUME switch toward the “SET”… -
Page 93
5-41 CAUTION Placing the gearshift lever in the “N” position temporarily deactivates the cruise control. How- ever, such practice is dangerous during driving because engine braking will no longer be possi- ble. It will also cause malfunction of the trans- mission. -
Page 94: Hazard Warning Lamp Switch
5-42 Switches and controls 8 To deactivate the cruise control Deactivate the cruise control by doing either of the following: • Press the “OFF” side of the main switch • Press the cancel switch CAUTION When there is a problem with the engine control system, the cruise control cannot be used.
Page 95: Front Fog Lamp Switch
5-43 Front fog lamp switch CAUTION Avoid using the front fog lamps unless visibility is poor, as they may prove distracting to other motorists during normal driving conditions. Use the front fog lamps when visibility is poor due to fog or snow. The front fog lamps can be used with the lighting switch in the position.
Page 96: Mirror Heater Switch
5-44 Switches and controls WARNING • During normal driving, the mirrors must be in their outward positions and adjusted so that clear rear views may be obtained through them. • When turning right or left, bear in mind the difference in tracking of the front and rear inner wheels, and use the rearview mirrors to confirm safety behind you.
Page 97: Horn Switch
5-45 Horn switch Press the horn switch pad at the center of the steering wheel to sound the horn. Z21355 Transmission PTO CAUTION • Engage the PTO only with the engine run- ning at idle. • Pay careful attention to the indicator lamp when using the PTO.
Page 98
5-46 Switches and controls NOTE: • The transmission PTO delivers power taken from the truck’s transmission to a hydraulic pump or other equipment/implement. • Both automatic DPF regeneration and parked DPF regeneration do not work while the PTO is being used. •… -
Page 99
5-47 Disengagement Press the “OFF” side of the PTO switch. Make sure the multi-information display indicates neither Z21735… -
Page 100
5-48 Switches and controls ® BlueTec system Z20011 DPF muffler Pump module Dosing module Muffler with SCR/Oxidation catalyst DEF tank DEF tube NOTE: ® BlueTec : A brand of Daimler AG • ® The BlueTec system is a combination of the regeneration controlling DPF system and the ®… -
Page 101
5-49 • Continuous filter regeneration is impossible under certain conditions such as low-speed driv- ing. Under these conditions, the system auto- matically raises the exhaust temperature to burn the PM to regenerate the filter (automatic DPF regeneration). However, even automatic DPF regeneration is sometimes impossible if the vehicle is repeatedly driven very slowly and the engine is frequently started and stopped. -
Page 102
5-50 Switches and controls 1 Regeneration controlling DPF system Controls and indicators Z23271 DPF cleaning switch Use this switch for parked DPF regeneration to burn PM in the DPF. Multi-information display The multi-information display indicates the amount of PM in the DPF, a prompt for performing parked DPF regeneration, the predicted time until comple- tion of parked DPF regeneration, and warnings. -
Page 103
5-51 PM indicator If you select the DPF monitor on the multi-informa- tion display, you can check the amount of PM col- lected in the DPF. • Select the DPF monitor mode by pressing the MODE switch to see the PM indicator •… -
Page 104
5-52 Switches and controls Indication by Warning/indicator Parked/automatic Ref. PM indicator lamp regeneration page When the number of displayed segments is 7 or 8: Perform parked DPF regenera- lamp tion within 50 km (amber) (31 miles) or 5-55 flashes slowly 1 hour, which- 5-56 (0.5-second… -
Page 105
5-53 Indication by Warning/indicator Parked/automatic Ref. PM indicator lamp regeneration page When automatic DPF regeneration is in progress: • The lamp (green) lights. • If a prompt for parked DPF regeneration has been issued Automatic DPF following indica- regeneration is in 5-53 tion of 7 or more progress. -
Page 106
5-54 Switches and controls • If you select the DPF monitor mode on the multi- information display during automatic DPF regeneration, the “CLEANING” message is dis- played above the PM indicator, and the PM indi- cator flashes. WARNING If the vehicle must be stopped during auto- matic DPF regeneration, do so after checking that there are no flammable materials, such as dead grass or paper, near the exhaust pipe… -
Page 107
5-55 Parked DPF regeneration (performed fol- lowing illumination of the (amber) indi- cator lamp) system sometimes cannot automatically remove the DPF trapped PM by oxidation, typically when you drive the vehicle at very low speeds or start and stop the engine frequently during opera- tion. -
Page 108
5-56 Switches and controls CAUTION If the (amber) indicator lamp flashes quickly or the warning appears on the multi-informa- tion display, promptly perform parked DPF regeneration by using the DPF cleaning switch to remove PM in the DPF by burning. Continuing to drive with an overloaded DPF will result in system failure. -
Page 109
5-57 • While the accelerator pedal or brake pedal is being depressed • While the vehicle is moving • When the gearshift lever is in any position other than “P” or “N” 1. Park the vehicle in a safe place and warm up the engine. -
Page 110
5-58 Switches and controls ® 2 BlueTec exhaust gas aftertreatment ® Warnings for BlueTec exhaust gas after- treatment Five different combinations (patterns) of warning lamp/indicator lamp operation and buzzer sound warn you of the different abnormal conditions with ® the BlueTec exhaust gas aftertreatment as shown below. -
Page 111
5-59 *1: If you drive more than another 160 km (100 miles) or additional 2 hours, the warning lamp, which has been lit, starts flashing. *2: If you drive more than another 320 km (200 miles) or additional 4 hours, the warning lamp, which has been lit, starts flashing. -
Page 112
5-60 Switches and controls Further reduced DEF level (warning pattern 2) If the DEF level drops further, you are warned of the condition as follows. Refill the DEF tank immedi- ately. P. 1-9 • A buzzer sounds. • indication changes from amber to red. •… -
Page 113
5-61 CAUTION If you continue to drive with the warning lamps lit and/or flashing and a buzzer sounding, the NOx level of exhaust emissions will increase, damaging the environment. In addition, the ® BlueTec exhaust gas aftertreatment will be damaged. Continuing to drive in this condition also results in reduced engine output and finally in the engagement of driving restrictions after which the vehicle can be driven only at slow… -
Page 114
5-62 Switches and controls ® Faulty BlueTec exhaust gas aftertreat- ment (warning pattern 5) ® If there is a problem with the BlueTec exhaust gas aftertreatment, warning lamps will come on, the engine power will be reduced, and a buzzer will sound. -
Page 115
5-63 3 Precautions for inspection and mainte- nance • DEF dosing system The DEF dosing system (pump module plus dosing module) continues to operate for about 2 minutes after the starter switch has been put in the “LOCK” position. Wait for at least 2 min- utes before disconnecting the battery and elec- trical system connectors in order to carry out an inspection, maintenance and so on. -
Page 116
5-64 Switches and controls NOTE: • Because the exhaust gas is cleaned before it is emitted, the odor of the exhaust gas will be dif- ferent from that of a conventional diesel vehicle. • When starting the engine, or moving off immedi- ately after starting it in cold weather, white smoke (water vapor) may be emitted from the muffler, however this does not indicate an… -
Page 117: Instruments And Warning Lamps
6. Instruments and warning lamps Arrangement of instruments and warning lamps …………… 6-2 Speedometer ……………………6-2 Tachometer ……………………6-2 Water temperature gauge ………………..6-3 Fuel gauge ……………………. 6-4 DEF level indicator ………………….6-5 Multi-information system ………………..6-7 Warning/indicator telltale ………………..6-22 Warning/indicator lamps ………………..
Page 118: Warning Lamps
Instruments and warning lamps Arrangement of instruments and warning lamps Speedometer Tachometer Fuel gauge Warning/indicator lamps DEF level indicator Multi-information display Z21356 Speedometer The speedometer indicates vehicle speed in miles or kilometers per hour. Z21357 Tachometer • The tachometer indicates engine speed in revo- lutions per minute.
Page 119: Water Temperature Gauge
Water temperature gauge • The water temperature gauge is displayed on the multi-information display and indicates the temperature of the engine coolant. • With the engine running normally, the coolant temperature indicator will indicate around the middle point of the scale. •…
Page 120: Fuel Gauge
Instruments and warning lamps Fuel gauge The fuel gauge indicates the amount of fuel still remaining in the fuel tank. F: Full E: Empty When the Low-fuel warning lamp is illuminated, Z20965 the approximate quantity of fuel remaining in the tank is as indicated below.
Page 121
DEF level indicator CAUTION Do not let the DEF tank become empty. If the tank becomes empty, the vehicle’s operation is automatically restricted, so you can drive only at low speeds. We recommend carrying DEF in a portable con- tainer on your vehicle in case the DEF tank becomes empty. -
Page 122
Instruments and warning lamps • If the DEF level drops further, a different type of warning is issued and additional engine power control is applied as follows: • A buzzer sounds. • indication changes from amber to red. • warning lamp comes on. •… -
Page 123
Multi-information system 1 Outline of multi-information system MODE switch SELECT switch SET/RES switch Multi-information display Information area Warning/indicator area Transmission information area Odometer/trip meter area Time/outside temperature area (outside temper- ature indication is available for vehicles with a fully automatic air conditioner) The multi-information system indicates the following types of information on the multi-information display located on the meter cluster. -
Page 124
Instruments and warning lamps 2 Odometer/trip meter When the starter switch is turned to “ON”, either “ODO” (odometer) or “TRIP” (trip meter) is dis- played. The display toggles between “ODO” and “TRIP” each time the ODO/TRIP switch pressed. • ODO (odometer) Indicates the total distance covered by the vehicle to the nearest mile. -
Page 125
Z21552 Display mode Ref. page Calendar and clock 6-10 Outside air temperature (vehicles with fully automatic air conditioner) 6-12 DPF monitor 6-13 Fuel mileage information 6-14 Maintenance information 6-16 Illumination intensity (brightness adjustment) 6-20… -
Page 126
6-10 Instruments and warning lamps Calendar and clock • Date/time Press the MODE switch to display the date and time on the screen. Z22061 • If you press the SELECT switch while the date and time are displayed on the screen, the month part of the date will change from numeri- cal representation to English representation. -
Page 127
6-11 1. Give a long press on the SET/RES switch while the date and time indication is displayed on the screen. The adjustment screen will appear. 2. Each time you press the SET/RES switch, one of the indication items is selected in the sequence shown below with the selected item flashing. -
Page 128
6-12 Instruments and warning lamps Outside air temperature <vehicles with fully automatic air conditioner> If you select the outside air temperature mode by pressing the MODE switch , the outside air tem- perature around the front of the cab is indicated. NOTE: As the temperature is sensed at the outside air inlet on the cab, the indicated temperature may differ… -
Page 129
6-13 1. Select the outside air temperature mode pressing the MODE switch Give a long press on the SET/RES switch display the adjustment screen 2. Select the adjusting/setting item using the SET/ RES switch. Each time you press the SET/RES switch, the display changes in the following sequence: →… -
Page 130
6-14 Instruments and warning lamps Fuel mileage information The fuel mileage information includes: average fuel mileage , real-time fuel mileage , instantaneous fuel mileage , and average speed • The average fuel mileage indicates the average of the fuel mileage from the time it was last reset to the present. -
Page 131
6-15 NOTE: If you press the SET/RES switch for more than 1 second in the correction coefficient change screen, the coefficient will return to the default value. • The fuel mileages can be indicated in units of “mpg”, “km/l”, or “l/100 km”. •… -
Page 132
6-16 Instruments and warning lamps Maintenance information If you select this mode, the multi-information display indicates the running distance and the number of months since the distance was last reset after replacing oils, fluids, or filter elements according to your selection of screen. Z21556 •… -
Page 133
6-17 • How to set replacement intervals Set the replacement interval for each replacement item according to the table below. Item Replacement interval Every 30,000 km (18,000 miles) or every 12 months Engine oil (Every 15,000 km (9,000 miles) at the severe condi- tion) Engine oil filter (OIL FILTER) Every 30,000 km (18,000 miles) or every 12 months… -
Page 134
6-18 Instruments and warning lamps 1. Press the MODE switch to select the mainte- nance information mode 2. Press the SELECT switch to select the screen for the replacement item for which you want to set the interval. 3. Press the SET/RES switch to select the inter- val distance setting screen (with “mi”… -
Page 135
6-19 • Maintenance alarm indication • For each item for which you have set the replacement interval, an alarm is indicated at 621.5 miles (1,000 km) or 1 month before the set distance or period of time is reached. If this condition is met for an item, an alarm will be indicated for the item every time the starter switch is turned to “ON”. -
Page 136
6-20 Instruments and warning lamps Illumination intensity (brightness adjust- ment) • Selection and adjustment of illumination intensity • Both the illumination intensity screen and the adjustment screen provide different displays between the time when the light switch is in the “OFF”… -
Page 137
6-21 1. Press the MODE switch to select the illumina- tion intensity mode 2. Press the SELECT switch . Each time you press the switch, the display toggles between “DISP (DAY)” and “GAUGE (DAY)” . When the light switch is in the position, the display toggles between “DISP (NIGHT)”… -
Page 138
6-22 Instruments and warning lamps Warning/indicator telltale The warning/indicator telltale function provides warning and indicator indications on the multi-infor- mation display in the following situations: • When a problem occurs with a vehicle system • When a system is activated •… -
Page 139
6-23 Red and amber indications Ref. Indication Warning/indicator Condition for lighting/flashing page Engine power is being automatically Engine system warning 6-25 restricted. (red) Engine system warning Engine must be inspected. 6-25 (amber) Transmission oil temperature Clutch control fluid temperature is too 6-25 warning high. -
Page 140
6-24 Instruments and warning lamps Black indications Ref. Indication Warning/indicator Condition for lighting/flashing page <Vehicles with transmis- sion PTO> Lights when transmission PTO is engaged. 5-45 PTO indicator <Vehicles with transmis- sion PTO> Lights when transmission PTO is preparing to 5-45 PTO engagement engage. -
Page 141
6-25 Engine system warning • Red warning If an engine system warning is shown, have the vehicle inspected by the nearest authorized dealer. • Amber warning If an engine system warning is shown, have the vehicle inspected by the nearest authorized dealer. Z21711 Transmission oil temperature warning This warning is displayed when the clutch control… -
Page 142
6-26 Instruments and warning lamps 3. Turn the starter switch to “ON”. 4. If the warning remains displayed but driving in the manual gearshift mode is possible, take the vehicle to an authorized dealer for inspection as soon as possible. 5. -
Page 143
6-27 Meter cluster warning This warning is displayed when the electrical sys- tem of the meter cluster is faulty. If this warning appears while driving, stop the vehi- cle in a safe place and do the following: 1. Firmly apply the parking brake and move the gearshift lever to “P”. -
Page 144
6-28 Instruments and warning lamps Warning/indicator lamps Z21716 The illustration shows the standard arrangement of the warning and indicator lamps. Some lamps shown here, however, may not be installed on your vehicle. Illumination of certain warning lamps is accompa- nied by sounding of a buzzer. CAUTION The red warning lamps, if illuminated, warn you of vehicle component failures and possible dan-… -
Page 145
6-29 Lamp Ref. Warning/indicator lamp If illuminates or flashes symbol page Level of fuel in fuel tank excessively • Fuel level warning lamp Turn signal or hazard warning lamps Turn signal indicator lamp 5-17 flashing Headlamp high beam indicator Headlamp high beams illuminated 5-17 lamp Exhaust brake indicator lamp… -
Page 146
6-30 Instruments and warning lamps Lamp Ref. Warning/indicator lamp If illuminates or flashes symbol page Slow flashing (0.5-second inter- val; amber) DPF contains a lot of PM Fast flashing (0.25-second interval; amber) DPF indicator lamp 5-50 Parked DPF Illumination regeneration in (amber) progress Automatic DPF… -
Page 147
6-31 The warning lamps shown below come on when the starter switch is turned from the “ACC” position to the “ON” position but almost immediately go off. Lamp Warning lamp Operation symbol Goes off when the parking brake is released. However, when the engine is Brake warning lamp not in operation, this lamp does not go off even if the parking brake is released. -
Page 148
6-32 Instruments and warning lamps 1 Vacuum pressure warning lamp WARNING Braking is dangerously sluggish when the vacuum warning lamp is illuminated. For safety, never drive with the vehicle in this condition. This lamp illuminates when the starter switch is Z10909 turned to the “ON”… -
Page 149: Brake Warning Lamp
6-33 2 Brake warning lamp WARNING If the brake warning lamp comes on owing to an excessively low level of brake fluid, the brakes will not be fully effective and driving will thus be dangerous. Do not drive the vehi- cle in this condition.
Page 150
6-34 Instruments and warning lamps 4 Engine oil pressure warning lamp The engine oil pressure/level warning lamp lights up when the starter switch is turned to the “ON” posi- tion and goes out as soon as the engine is turned over. -
Page 151: Abs Warning Lamp
6-35 6 ABS warning lamp This lamp comes on when the starter key is turned to “ON”. It should go out a few seconds later. If the lamp comes on again, this indicates there is a mal- function in the antilock braking system (ABS). Should this lamp illuminate during driving, stop the vehicle in a safe place and perform the following inspection.
Page 152
6-36 Instruments and warning lamps 8 Engine immobilizer warning lamp This lamp should normally come on when the starter switch is turned to “ON” and go out a few seconds later. If the lamp fails to go out, communi- cation with the engine immobilizer starter key may be obstructed or the engine immobilizer itself may be faulty. -
Page 153: Starting And Driving
7. Starting and driving Precautions when setting the vehicle in motion …………..7-2 Precautions for driving ………………….. 7-3 Tips for improving fuel economy ………………7-7 Braking ……………………..7-8 Antilock braking system (ABS) ………………. 7-9 On uphill and downhill roads ……………….. 7-12 On rough roads and in bad weather …………….
Page 154
Starting and driving Precautions when setting the vehicle in motion • Do not carry containers of fuel or spray cans in the cabin. WARNING • Carrying fuel in the cabin is extremely dan- gerous because an increase in the cabin temperature could cause fuel vapor to catch fire or cause the container to rup- ture. -
Page 155
• Do not attach anything to the windshield. • You should be familiar with how to use the DUONIC system controls before starting your vehicle. P. 5-20 • Check the immediate area around the vehicle, using mirrors as necessary: there should be no persons or obstacles under, in front of, on either side, or behind the vehicle. -
Page 156
Starting and driving WARNING • Never place the starter switch in any posi- tion other than the “ON” position while operating the vehicle. If you turn the starter switch to the “ACC” position, the engine will stop. This is dan- gerous. -
Page 157
• If you notice a strange noise, vibration, or smell, or if steering or braking feels unusual, pull the vehicle off the road as soon as it is safe to do so and check for the source of the trouble. If you cannot determine the cause of the problem and/ or cannot rectify it, contact the nearest autho- rized dealer. -
Page 158
Starting and driving • When driving at high speeds in the rain, it some- times happens that the tires ride on a film of water and lose contact with the road surface. This is known as “hydroplaning”. If this should happen, you will lose control of both steering and braking. -
Page 159
• If you stop temporarily when driving uphill, depress the brake pedal and pull the parking brake lever. Do not attempt to stop the vehicle from rolling backwards with the accelerator pedal. Tips for improving fuel economy Observe the following precautions to achieve maxi- mum fuel economy and to extend tire life. -
Page 160
Starting and driving Braking When driving downhill, use engine braking as well as exhaust braking <option> in combination with the foot brake. P. 7-12 WARNING • When warning lamps and/or light up, immediately stop the vehicle and per- form necessary checks. P. -
Page 161
WARNING Never operate the vehicle if the brake system is faulty or brake fluid is leaking. Failure to observe this instruction could lead to a seri- ous accident. Antilock braking system (ABS) If a vehicle is driven on a slippery road or it is run- ning with no or only light load, the wheels can lock and then skid when the brake pedal is strongly depressed. -
Page 162
7-10 Starting and driving 1 Driving tips NOTE: • If the ABS is malfunctioning and the ABS warn- ing lamp stays on, no ABS functions are avail- able. Even if this condition happens, the brakes work normally. If the warning lamp stays on, have the vehicle repaired by an authorized dealer as soon as possible. -
Page 163
7-11 Brake pedal operation Hold the brake pedal depressed as necessary even when the ABS is in operation. When the ABS is working, you may feel very slight or slow vibration through the brake pedal, but this does not indicate an abnormal condition. Continue depressing the brake pedal. -
Page 164
7-12 Starting and driving On uphill and downhill roads 1 Uphill roads When driving the vehicle using the manual shift mode, downshift early if the vehicle speed begins to drop to minimize the load on the engine. 2 Downhill roads •… -
Page 165
7-13 • First decelerate the engine sufficiently before downshifting. Shifting down will be prohibited by a safety device if the vehicle is driving fast. In such cases, depress the brake pedal and reduce the vehicle speed. NOTE: “Overrev” refers to an operating state of the engine in which it rotates at an RPM higher than the recom- mended maximum RPM. -
Page 166
7-14 Starting and driving CAUTION Do not operate more than 5 minutes since it causes the transmission oil to heat up rapidly. • Drive very slowly on bumpy roads and take care not to allow the undercarriage to bottom out. When the muffler strikes a rock or other obsta- cle, its internal catalyst and ceramic filter may be damaged. -
Page 167
7-15 Parking WARNING • Park the vehicle on a level, flat surface if possible. Do not park on a slope. If it is unavoidable to park the vehicle on a slope, do the following: Firmly apply the parking brake while fully depressing the brake pedal, place the gearshift lever in the “P”… -
Page 168
7-16 Starting and driving WARNING • Never leave lighters, cans of carbonated drink, and spectacles in the cabin when parking the vehicle in hot sunshine. The cabin will become extremely hot, so light- ers and other flammable items may catch fire and unopened drink cans (including beer cans) may rupture. -
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7-17 CAUTION • Before stopping the engine, allow it to idle so the coolant temperature comes down. Engine parts are particularly hot immediately after the vehicle has been driven uphill or on an expressway. Let the engine idle for at least three minutes. -
Page 170
7-18 Starting and driving NOTE: A vehicle with limited slip differential can be identi- fied by precautionary stickers near its driver’s seat and on the rear axle housing. Z21359 The limited slip differential actions take place auto- matically, but you are recommended to pay atten- tion to the following points: •… -
Page 171: Loading Cargo
7-19 Loading cargo 1 Do not overloading the vehicle. • Overloading the vehicle causes braking per- formance to deteriorate and can thus cause an accident. Also, overloading the vehicle places excessive stress on vehicle parts, shortening their service lives. The vehicle is designed to perform best when loaded within its Gross Vehi- cle Weight Rating (GVWR) and within its front and rear Gross Axle Weight Ratings (GAWR).
Page 172
7-20 Starting and driving 2 How to load cargo Improperly loaded cargo not only is unstable but also may result in uneven weight distribution which could damage the cargo deck and frame. WARNING • When roping up cargo or covering it with a tarpaulin, make sure that neither the rope nor the end of the tarpaulin hang down between the cab and the cargo deck as a… -
Page 173
8. 4WD operation <FG models> Control and indicator lamps for 4WD operation …………..8-2 Advice on use of the 4WD mode ………………8-6 Precautions to be taken when selecting the 4WD mode ……….. 8-8… -
Page 174
4WD operation <FG models> Control and indicator lamps for 4WD operation Select the 2WD (rear-wheel-drive) mode or 4WD (all-wheel-drive) mode as necessary for the condi- tion of the road surface. The 4WD mode can be used for extra traction on rough road surfaces and on snow-covered road surfaces (in mountainous regions, for example). -
Page 175
1 Location of control and indicator lamps Front drive switch 4WD indicator lamp Z21361 Front drive switch The front drive switch is used to select either the two-wheel drive (2WD) mode that uses only the two rear wheels as driving wheels or the four-wheel drive (4WD) mode in which the engine power is transmitted to all four wheels. -
Page 176
4WD operation <FG models> 2 Selecting drive mode-transfer gear range combinations You can select any desired drive mode and transfer gear range combination from among those shown in the following table. Select the most suitable com- bination according to the driving conditions. Illumi- Mode-range nated… -
Page 177
4 Free-wheeling hub • Even when the 4WD vehicle is running in the two-wheel drive mode with the engine power transmitted only to the rear wheels, the front wheels are always connected to the power train (differential, propeller shaft and transfer). The free-wheeling hub is a device to release the wheels from the power train to allow them to rotate freely, thus saving energy and improving… -
Page 178
4WD operation <FG models> Advice on use of the 4WD mode When you select the 4WD mode to drive on off-road terrain (sandy or muddy ground) or snow-laden or frozen roads, take sufficient care to avoid inappro- priate operation. 1 Driving on snow-covered or frozen roads Select the 4WD mode if necessary for the snow or road surface conditions. -
Page 179
4 Descending steep hills • Select 4WD mode and descend slowly using engine braking so that the wheels do not slip. • Quick braking can slip the wheels and result in a loss of vehicle control. Check road conditions before descending. •… -
Page 180
4WD operation <FG models> Precautions to be taken when selecting the 4WD mode • In the 4WD mode, you may feel the steering wheel move differently from the way it does in the 2WD mode. Operate the steering wheel carefully until you get the complete feel of 4WD operation. -
Page 181: Heating And Air Conditioning
9. Heating and air conditioning Front air outlets ……………………9-2 Rear air outlets ……………………9-3 Manual air conditioner ………………….9-4 Fully automatic air conditioner ………………9-10 Rear heater ……………………9-15 Outside air inlets ………………….9-15…
Page 182: Front Air Outlets
Heating and air conditioning Front air outlets Z21365 1 Adjusting the airflow direction • Adjust the up/down direction of airflow from each outlet as desired by moving up or down the knob or fin • Adjust the left/right direction of airflow from each outlet as desired by pressing the right or left side of the outlet.
Page 183: Rear Air Outlets
Rear air outlets Air outlets in vehicle equipped with rear heater Z13164…
Page 184: Manual Air Conditioner
Heating and air conditioning Manual air conditioner WARNING Never leave children alone in the cab espe- cially when the air-conditioning is on. They will suffer from dangerously high interior temperatures should the air conditioning accidentally stop. CAUTION To protect the environment, your vehicle’s air conditioning system uses refrigerant HFC-134a which does not harm the ozone layer.
Page 185: Control Panel
1 Control panel Z22312 Mode selector dial Fan speed dial Temperature adjustment dial Air selector switch Air conditioner switch…
Page 186
Heating and air conditioning Fan speed dial Fan speed dial allows you to select 4 fan speeds. Select the desired speed. 0: Turned off 1: Breeze 2: Weak 3: Medium 4: Strong Z21037 Temperature adjustment dial Turn the dial in the direction of arrow to increase the air temperature and in the direction of arrow to reduce it. -
Page 187
Air conditioner switch Pressing the air conditioner switch activates the air conditioner, which has cooling and dehumidifying functions. The indicator lamp in the switch comes on at this time. Pressing the air conditioner switch once more stops the air conditioner. NOTE: •… -
Page 188
Heating and air conditioning • For airflow toward the feet and toward the windshield Place the mode selector dial in the position. Z21370 • For airflow toward the windshield Place the mode selector dial in the position. Z21371 2 Using the controls To heat the cab Place the mode selector dial in the position or… -
Page 189: Cleaning The Air Filter
To defog the windshield Place the mode selector dial in the position. If you wish to defog the windshield quickly, use the fan speed dial to select the maximum fan speed and use the temperature adjustment dial to select the maximum temperature. Z22325 To ventilate the cab Press the air selector switch to select outside air,…
Page 190: Fully Automatic Air Conditioner
9-10 Heating and air conditioning Fully automatic air conditioner WARNING Never leave children alone in the vehicle. If the air conditioner stops for some rea- son or other, the temperature inside the vehicle will rise, and can cause heat stroke, for example.
Page 191
9-11 1 Using the air conditioner automatically 1. Set the air volume adjustment dial to “AUTO”. Z21055 2. Set the desired temperature using the tempera- ture adjustment dial. You can adjust the set temperature to a value between 65°F and 85°F (18°C and 29°C). Z21373 3. -
Page 192
9-12 Heating and air conditioning 2 Using the air conditioner manually • Operate each dial as desired. Even during automatic (AUTO) operation, the operated function will take priority. • Functions other than the operated one will be controlled automatically. • To stop operation, set the air volume adjustment dial to OFF. -
Page 193
9-13 Changing the air volume To increase the air volume, turn the air volume adjustment dial to the right, and to reduce the air volume, turn the dial to the left. : Strong : Weak Z21061 Dehumidifying and air conditioning Pressing the air conditioner switch activates the air conditioner, which has cooling and dehumidifying functions. -
Page 194
9-14 Heating and air conditioning • Blowing air toward your feet Z21379 • Blowing air toward your feet and the wind- shield Z21380 • Blowing air toward the windshield Z21381 Stopping all operations Set the air volume adjustment dial to OFF. Z21068… -
Page 195: Rear Heater
9-15 Rear heater <Crew-cab vehicle> The rear heater blows warm air from below the rear seat. Select the desired blower speed by pressing the LO or HI side of the rear heater switch. When operation of the rear heater is not required, keep the switch in its middle position (with neither the LO nor HI side pressed).
Page 197: Interior Equipment And Accessories
10-1 10. Interior equipment and accessories Cigarette lighter …………………… 10-2 Ashtrays ……………………… 10-3 Coat hooks ……………………10-4 Sun visors ……………………10-4 Interior lamp ……………………10-5 Step lamp ……………………. 10-6 Small article compartments ………………..10-7 Using the radio ………………….. 10-11 AM/FM radio and CD player ………………10-11 Accessories ……………………
Page 198: Cigarette Lighter
10-2 Interior equipment and accessories Cigarette lighter The cigarette lighter can be used when the starter switch is in the “ON” or “ACC” position. Push the cigarette lighter all the way in. It will soon pop back to the original position with its core red hot.
Page 199
10-3 Ashtrays Remove and empty the ashtrays when they become full. WARNING • Be sure to put out cigarettes and match- sticks before putting them in the ashtrays. Close ashtrays completely. Leaving an ashtray open could cause a fire, as the heat from cigarettes or matchsticks may ignite things in the ashtray. -
Page 200: Coat Hooks
10-4 Interior equipment and accessories 2 Rear ashtray in crew-cab model • Pull the lid of the ashtray toward you for use. • When you wish to empty the ashtray, push down the spring and pull the ashtray out toward you.
Page 201
10-5 Interior lamp The interior lamp(s) can be used with the starter switch in any position. WARNING Do not leave the interior lamp or spot lamps lit while driving. Otherwise, the light reflected by interior surfaces will form images on the windshield which will disturb your forward vision, increasing the risk of an accident. -
Page 202
10-6 Interior equipment and accessories 2 Interior lamp with built-in spot lamps <Option> • “ON” position The interior lamp is illuminated regardless of the door positions. • “•” position The interior lamp comes on when a door is opened and goes off when the door is closed. If the engine is stopped, the lamp will gradually dim and go out 10 seconds after closing the Z23265… -
Page 203: Small Article Compartments
10-7 Small article compartments Z23266 WARNING Always close the glove compartment before operating the vehicle. If left open, their covers could cause injury in the event of a collision or sudden stop. CAUTION • Fuses, relays, and other electrical items are located below the tray .
Page 204
10-8 Interior equipment and accessories Overhead shelf WARNING Do not use the overhead shelf to hold items that are heavy and/or prone to rolling. Such items could fall down and cause injuries as the vehicle starts and stops moving. Vertical compartment Hook <Vehicles other than Crew-cab models>… -
Page 205
10-9 Cup holder Pull out the cup holders to use them. Keep them pushed in when they are not being used. WARNING • The contents in a cup or can held in the cup holder may spill during movement of the vehicle. -
Page 206
10-10 Interior equipment and accessories Lower pocket NOTE: If you accidentally drop something like a pen into the lower pocket, take it out through one of the holes that open at both sides of the pocket’s inside bottom using a long, thin rod or similar object. Z21738 Key-locked glove compartment Lock… -
Page 207: Using The Radio
10-11 Using the radio The radio (optional) can be used with the starter switch in the “ON” position or “ACC” position. CAUTION Using the radio for an extended period without the engine running could drain the battery. • Extend the antenna before using the radio. Retract the antenna when it is likely to cause an obstruction, for example, when tilting the cab.
Page 208
10-12 Interior equipment and accessories CAUTION • Do not put coins or any other objects in the disc slot of the CD player. • Press the buttons gently; pressing them roughly could cause system malfunctions. Also, avoid touching the display screen (LCD). -
Page 209
10-13 • Use a soft cloth to remove dirt from the disc. Wipe it in straight lines from the center toward the outer edge. Never use thinner or antistatic fluid to clean a CD. • Do not use cracked or evidently warped CDs. Also avoid using CDs with a printable label sur- face. -
Page 210
10-14 Interior equipment and accessories • MP3/WMA files • MP3 (MPEG1/2 Audio Layer III) is a standard coding format for digital audio data compres- sion. • ® WMA (Windows Media Audio) is the coding format for digital audio data compression devel- oped by Microsoft Corporation. -
Page 211
10-15 • The system cannot reproduce the following files: • MP3i and MP3PRO format files • MP3 files in an inappropriate format • Layer 1/Layer 2 format files • When reproducing WMP 10/WMP 9 encoded WMA files, those parts with functional expan- sion from WMA 8 (i.e., Pro, Lossless and Voice) are not supported. -
Page 212
10-16 Interior equipment and accessories 2 Volume and tone adjustments Power/volume knob SOUND button Display Volume/adjustment mode indication Z21760 Volume • Use the power/volume knob to adjust the vol- ume. • Press the knob to turn on the audio system. Give the knob a long press to turn off the sys- tem. -
Page 213
10-17 Adjusting the tone and fade/balance Use both the “SOUND” button and power/volume knob to adjust the tone of the sound and the fader (frond-rear audio level balance)/balance (right-left audio level balance). 1. Press the “SOUND” button to select the desired adjustment mode. -
Page 214
10-18 Interior equipment and accessories • Adjustment modes Display Adjustable Adjustment mode Description indication range If the displayed number has a minus sign, bass tone is de-emphasized as the number increases; bass tone is Bass tone adjustment BASS –5 to +5 emphasized if the number has a plus sign. -
Page 215
10-19 3 Radio “AM/FM” button (FM1/FM2/AM1/AM2 selec- tor button) “ ” and “ ” tuning buttons Scan search button “PS/AS” button (automatic tuning/memory button) Preset buttons Z21761 To listen to the radio 1. With the starter switch in the “ACC” or “ON” position, press the power/volume knob or the “AM/FM”… -
Page 216
10-20 Interior equipment and accessories • To tune to a preset station, use either of the fol- lowing methods: • Press one of the preset buttons “1” to “6”. • Press the “PS/AS” button. The radio will automatically tune to a preset station and receive signals from the station for 10 sec- onds before tuning to the next preset station. -
Page 217
10-21 Programming stations to preset buttons • Manual programming 1. Select the desired band from FM1, FM2, AM1 and AM2 using the “AM/FM” button. Z21762 2. Make the frequency of your desired station appear on the display by using the “ ”… -
Page 218
10-22 Interior equipment and accessories • Automatic programming 1. Select the desired band from FM1, FM2, AM1 and AM2 using the “AM/FM” button. 2. Give the “PS/AS” button a long press. The radio will start automatic tuning. Each time the radio tunes to a station with good reception, the station is automatically programmed to a preset button. -
Page 219
10-23 4 CD player Z21766 “CD” button Disc slot Display Disc eject button Upward track search button/fast forward but- Downward track search button/fast reverse button “DISP” button (display selector button) Upward folder search button (MP3/WMA) Downward folder search button (MP3/WMA) Directory button (MP3/WMA) Random play button Repeat button… -
Page 220
10-24 Interior equipment and accessories Playing a CD 1. Insert the CD into the disc slot with the labeled surface facing up. 2. The CD player will automatically turn on and start playback. • In the case of a music CD, the track number and the playing time are displayed. -
Page 221
10-25 Basic operations • Fast forwarding/fast reversing • Press the “ ” or “ ” tuning button for as long as necessary. Rapid disc reading con- tinues forward or backward until the button is released. : Press this button for fast forwarding. : Press this button for fast reversing. -
Page 222
10-26 Interior equipment and accessories Repeating the music programs in a folder (MP3/WMA file CDs) • Press the “4” preset button. • The display will show “DIR”. • Pressing the same button again cancels the repeated playback mode. Z21084 Playing the tracks in random order •… -
Page 223
10-27 Scan search playback The player plays back the first 10-second part of each track one after another. This function is useful for finding your favorite piece of music. • Press the “1” preset button. • The display shows “INT”, and the player starts playing the first 10-second part of each of the next and following tracks one after another. -
Page 224
10-28 Interior equipment and accessories NOTE: To protect the disc from dust or other contamination, the disc is drawn back inside the player automati- cally if it is left in the ejected state for 10 seconds. Automatic playback does not start in this case. 5 Clock Power/volume knob “DISP”… -
Page 225
10-29 Setting the clock 1. Give the “DISP” button a long press while the display is showing the time of day. A short beep will sound, and the hour part of the time display will start flashing. Z21847 2. Adjust the hour by turning the power/volume knob. -
Page 226
10-30 Interior equipment and accessories 5. Press the power/volume knob to complete the clock setting. The original display will resume about 5 sec- onds later. Z21093 6 Alarm If you set the alarm to the desired time, a buzzer will sound at the preset time. -
Page 227
10-31 3. Adjust the hour by turning the power/volume knob. Clockwise: The hour increases. Counterclockwise: The hour decreases. Z21096 4. Press the “DISP” button. A short beep will sound, and the minute part of the time display will start flashing. Z21850 5. -
Page 228
10-32 Interior equipment and accessories Activating the alarm • Giving the “ALARM” button a long press acti- vates (arms) the alarm; giving another long press deactivates (disarm) the alarm. A short beep sounds every time the alarm is activated or deactivated. -
Page 229
10-33 7 Audio system problems, probable causes and actions • General problems Symptom Probable cause Action System pro- • The mute is turned on. • Turn off the mute. duces no • Fader adjustment is inappropriate. • Adjust the fader appropriately. sound. -
Page 230
10-34 Interior equipment and accessories Accessories • See an authorized dealer if you are considering adding accessories to your vehicle. • Your vehicle contains electronic devices. Even though these are protected against interference from electromagnetic emissions, you should refer to an authorized dealer before fitting equip- ment that emits strong signals, such as mobile telephones. -
Page 231
11-1 11. In cold weather Coolant ……………………..11-2 Engine oil ……………………. 11-2 Fuels ……………………..11-2 When parking the vehicle after replenishing the DEF (Diesel exhaust fluid) ….11-3 Other recommendations for cold weather operation …………11-3 Installing tire chains ………………….11-4… -
Page 232
11-2 In cold weather Coolant • When vehicles are shipped from the factory, genuine FUSO DIESEL LONGLIFE COOLANT is added to the coolant in their cooling systems. This additive combines both antifreeze and anti- rust capabilities to sufficiently protect the cooling system from freezing up. -
Page 233: Diesel Exhaust Fluid
11-3 When parking the vehicle after replenishing the DEF (Diesel exhaust fluid) If the DEF tank becomes empty in cold weather, perform the driving restriction canceling procedure immediately after refilling the tank with DEF. P. 1-11 Other recommendations for cold weather operation •…
Page 234
11-4 In cold weather • Do not apply the parking brake in extremely cold conditions that could cause it to freeze up and become impossible to release. In such condi- tions, take the following steps: 1. Stop the vehicle and pull the parking brake lever. -
Page 235
11-5 1. Place the chains over the tires with the hook ends of cross chains facing outward. Z09325 2. Connect the hook of inside chain , leaving no excess links. Then, take up the slack in the inside chain by pulling cross chains for the inside tire outward. -
Page 236
11-6 In cold weather 6. Ensure that hooks are flat on the tire sidewalls. Also make sure that the chains are not twisted. 7. Fasten extra chain links with a metal wire to pre- vent them from hitting against other vehicle parts. -
Page 237: Simple Inspection And Service
12-1 12. Simple inspection and service General precautions for servicing the vehicle …………..12-2 To reach the access opening ………………. 12-4 Tilting the cab ……………………12-6 Pre-operational checks ………………..12-11 Lubrication ……………………12-18 Greasing ……………………12-19 Oils and fluids …………………… 12-23 Filter elements …………………..
Page 238: The Vehicle
12-2 Simple inspection and service General precautions for servicing the vehicle WARNING • Never run the engine in a poorly ventilated area. Exhaust emissions contain carbon monoxide, which can cause unconscious- ness or death if breathed. • Never smoke when servicing your vehicle since its fuel and the gases given off by its battery are highly flammable.
Page 239
12-3 Please take the following precautions when servic- ing your vehicle: • Make sure the vehicle is on safe, level ground. • Prevent the vehicle from moving by pulling the parking brake lever and blocking the wheels with chocks. • Remove the starter key unless you need to run the engine. -
Page 240: To Reach The Access Opening
12-4 Simple inspection and service To reach the access opening <Crew-cab models> 1 Engine access opening There is an opening under the assistant driver’s seat which provides access to the engine for inspection and servicing. Uncover and cover the opening as follows: •…
Page 241
12-5 2 Power steering fluid and engine coolant level inspection opening In front of the rear seat, there is an opening for inspecting and replenishing the power steering fluid and engine coolant. Uncover and cover the opening as follows: 1. Remove the cover 2. -
Page 242: Tilting The Cab
12-6 Simple inspection and service Tilting the cab <Vehicles other than Crew-cab models> NOTE: A Crew-cab cannot be tilted. 1 Preparation WARNING • Before tilting or lowering the cab, make sure that the area around the cab is clear of people and obstructions. •…
Page 243
12-7 • Park the vehicle on a flat and level surface and stop the engine. Tilting the cab on a slope is dangerous since the cab could swing up unexpectedly. This could also damage the mechanism because of the huge, sudden stresses on it. •… -
Page 244: Lowering The Cab
12-8 Simple inspection and service 2. Grasp tilt grip and pull lever C . The cab will rise slightly. Z09215 3. Hold the tilt grip and raise the cab until the end of cab stay engages with the notch of the lock lever .
Page 245
12-9 1. Release the stopper and retain it in the clip Z11913 2. Hold the tilt grip to support the cab. Lift the lock lever and fold the cab stay WARNING • When you have unlocked the cab stay, immediately move your hands away from the lock lever. -
Page 246
12-10 Simple inspection and service 4 Checking locking of the cab When the cab is lowered down, the state of locking should be checked as follows. If incomplete locking is identified, repeat the cab tilting procedure and lower once again. If incomplete locking still exists, never drive the vehicle and contact your authorized dealer. -
Page 247
12-11 Pre-operational checks Be sure to perform the pre-operational checks for the items listed below at the start of each day’s operation in order to ensure safe and comfortable driving. If you find anything unusual which you are unable to repair yourself, you should have this cor- rected at an authorized dealer before operating the vehicle. -
Page 248
12-12 Simple inspection and service Coolant level Check that the coolant level is between the “FULL” and “LOW” marks on the reservoir tank. P. 12-56 Z15730 Engine oil level Check that there is sufficient engine oil using the oil level gauge. Change the engine oil if its level is above the circle mark on the oil level gauge. -
Page 249
12-13 Engine conditions Check the engine for smooth starting and quiet running. Z09197 Parking brake lever stroke Check that the parking brake lever stroke is 7 to 9 notches when the lever is pulled with a force of 294 N (66 lbs., 30 kgf). P. -
Page 250
12-14 Simple inspection and service Windshield washer fluid level Confirm that the windshield washer fluid level is above the bottom of the inspection window. P. 12-82 Z21402 Steering wheel free play Gently turning the steering wheel, check that its play is more than 10 mm (0.39 in.) and less than 20 mm (0.79 in.). -
Page 251
12-15 Defroster Make sure that warm air blows properly onto the windshield. P. 9-4, 9-9 Z22325 Lighting system Make sure that each lamp lights up or flashes properly. Check lamp lenses for dirt and dam- age. P. 5-16 Z21403 Gauge, warning/indicator lamp operation Check that gauges, warning lamps and indi- cators are working properly. -
Page 252
12-16 Simple inspection and service Door locks Push the lock knob and verify that the door does not open even when the inner handle is operated. Z11951 Seat belts Confirm that the seat belt buckles function correctly when fastening and unfastening. Z11943 3 While walking around the vehicle Z23268… -
Page 253
12-17 Wheels and tires Check the disc wheels for cracks and other damage. Check the tires for inflation pres- sure, tread groove depth, foreign objects in grooves, cracks, and uneven wear. P. 12-67 Z21588 Suspension springs Check for broken springs and tilt of vehicle body toward either side. -
Page 254
12-18 Simple inspection and service 4 While driving at slow speeds Perform the following checks while driving in a safe place at speeds lower than 20 km/h (12 mph). Steering wheel operation Check that the steering wheel does not vibrate or pull to one side and that it is not unduly heavy. -
Page 255
12-19 CAUTION • Apply and replace lubricants regularly. Use of lubricants beyond their designed service life could cause bearings or other compo- nents to seize up and cause an accident. • Any checking, application, or replacement of lubricants should be carried out with the vehicle parked on level ground. -
Page 256
12-20 Simple inspection and service <FE> Z21409 <FG> Z21410… -
Page 257
12-21 Z21152 Z09226 Grease nipple Dust cover Z09227 Z09228 Grease nipple Dust plug hole Z16543 Z09498… -
Page 258
12-22 Simple inspection and service Recommended lubricant: Chassis grease NLGI No. 1 (Li soap) Every 30,000 km Greasing intervals (18,000 miles) or every 12 months Rear spring pin, front (2 points each on both sides) Rear spring pin, rear (4 points each on both sides) King pin bearing (4 points in total on both sides) Recommended lubricant:… -
Page 259
12-23 3 Anchor hooks (two places) <Not applicable to Crew-cab models> Every 30,000 km Greasing intervals (18,000 miles) or every 12 months Recommended lubricant: Chassis grease NLGI No. 1 (Li soap) Z21154 Atmospheric temperatures when engine is started. Oils and fluids 1 Engine oil Performance, life, and startability of the engine depend to a large degree on the engine oil. -
Page 260
12-24 Simple inspection and service Recommended lubricant: Engine oil API classification CJ-4 or ACEA C2 SAE40, 5W-30, 10W-30, 15W-40 CAUTION • Use only the specified engine oil. Any other oils may contain substances that cause the ceramic filter inside the DPF to be loaded with particulate matter (PM) prematurely to the capacity and thus shorten the effectively functioning period of the DPF. -
Page 261
12-25 1. Tilt the cab. P. 12-6 If the vehicle is a Crew-cab model, uncover the engine access opening under the assistant driver’s seat. P. 12-4 2. Remove oil level gauge and wipe off oil with a cloth. 3. Fully insert the oil level gauge in the crankcase, and gently draw it out. -
Page 262
12-26 Simple inspection and service WARNING Take care not to spill engine oil as engine oil on the exhaust manifold or other hot sec- tions of engine could catch fire. Wipe clean the oil if spilt. CAUTION • The added oil should be of the same grade and viscosity as the oil originally placed in the engine. -
Page 263
12-27 3. Remove drain plug from the oil pan to remove the oil. Replace the oil filter at the same time. P. 12-40 WARNING The engine oil is extremely hot immediately after the vehicle has been operated. Take care to avoid being scalded when draining hot oil. -
Page 264
12-28 Simple inspection and service WARNING Take care not to spill engine oil as engine oil on the exhaust manifold or other hot sec- tions of engine could catch fire. Wipe clean the oil if spilt. Resetting the engine control unit 1. -
Page 265: Transmission Gear Oil
12-29 3 Transmission gear oil Every 60,000 km Replacement intervals (36,000 miles) or every 24 months Recommended oil: Gear oil Viscosity Classification SAE viscosity Condition number General API GL-3 Warm region General API GL-4 Tropical region Quantity required: Approx. 3.5 liters (3.7 qts) Plus approx.
Page 266
12-30 Simple inspection and service Check WARNING Do not check the oil level immediately after driving, as you could be scalded by extremely hot oil. Give the oil time to cool before performing the inspection. NOTE: Do not confuse the transmission oil inspection plug with the clutch control fluid inspection plug and drain plug , which are located nearer to the front… -
Page 267
12-31 WARNING Do not replace the oil immediately after driv- ing, as you could be scalded by extremely hot oil. Give the oil time to cool before drain- ing it. NOTE: • Oil removal is quicker if performed not so long after the vehicle has been stopped and while the oil is still warm. -
Page 268
12-32 Simple inspection and service 4 Transfer gear oil <FG> Every 60,000 km Replacement intervals (36,000 miles) or every 24 months Recommended oil: Gear oil API classification GL-3 SAE 80 (general) API classification GL-3 SAE 90 (warm regions) API classification GL-4 SAE 80 (general) API classification GL-4 SAE 90 (tropical regions) Quantity required: Quantity… -
Page 269
12-33 4. Coat the inspection plug’s threads with the specified sealant and install and tighten the plug. Sealant ThreeBond 1105 68.6 ± 14.7 N·m (51 ± 11 Tightening torque ft.lbs., 7.0 ± 1.5 kgf·m) Replacement 1. Remove inspection plug and drain plug let the oil flow out. -
Page 270
12-34 Simple inspection and service 7. Like with the drain plug, replace the gasket of the inspection plug with a new one, coat the plug’s threads with the specified sealant, and then install and tighten the plug. 68.6 ± 14.7 N·m (51 ± 11 Tightening torque ft.lbs., 7.0 ±… -
Page 271
12-35 Check WARNING Do not check the oil level immediately after driving, as you could be scalded by extremely hot oil. Give the oil time to cool before performing the inspection. Z09245 1. Remove inspection plug 2. Check that the oil surface reaches the open- ing of the inspection plug hole by putting your… -
Page 272: Brake Fluid
12-36 Simple inspection and service 4. After oil has drained out completely, install and tighten the drain plug. Tightening 110 ± 10 N·m (81 ± 7 ft.lbs., torque 11 ± 1 kgf·m) 5. Add oil through the inspection plug hole until it reaches the bottom of the hole.
Page 273
12-37 WARNING • Be sure to use the recommended brake fluid. • Use only one brand of recommended brake fluid. Mixing of different brands or types of fluid will change the properties of the fluid possibly resulting in a lower fluid boiling point and damaged brake compo- nents. -
Page 274
12-38 Simple inspection and service Check The fluid level should be between the “MAX” and “MIN” lines on reservoir tank . Check whether the reservoir tank contains foreign matter. If you see foreign matter in the reservoir tank, have the reser- voir tank inspected and cleaned by an authorized dealer. -
Page 275: Power Steering Fluid
12-39 7 Power steering fluid Every 30,000 km Replacement intervals (18,000 miles) or every 12 months Have an authorized dealer replace the fluid. Recommended fluid: Automatic transmission fluid DEXRON II or DEXRON III type CAUTION When adding power steering fluid, be sure to use fluid of the same brand as the existing fluid.
Page 276: Filter Elements
12-40 Simple inspection and service 8. If the fluid level is below the “MIN” line, clean the reservoir tank’s cap and the surrounding area then open the cap and add power steering fluid until it reaches the “MAX” line. 9. Securely fit the cap. CAUTION •…
Page 277
12-41 WARNING • Spilt engine oil should be wiped off clean. Oil remaining on the engine surface could catch fire. • Do not replace the oil filter immediately after operating the vehicle since the engine, transmission, exhaust pipe, engine oil, and other items will be extremely hot. -
Page 278
12-42 Simple inspection and service 6. Remove the oil filter case by turning it counter- clockwise. Use a rag to prevent oil from drip- ping down. Z21175 7. Remove the filter element from the filter case. If the claw of the filter element is too firmly engaged to remove the element, insert an Allen wrench and tap it with a hammer… -
Page 279
12-43 If the engine oil is replaced, add the necessary quantity of engine oil. P. 12-26 13. Tighten the oil filter case. 25 to 30 N·m Tightening (18.4 to 22.1 ft.lbs., torque 2.5 to 3.0 kgf·m) 14. After cranking the engine according to the instructions on page 5-8, start the engine. -
Page 280
12-44 Simple inspection and service CAUTION • Fuel filter element must not be cleaned and reused. • Always replace with a new, genuine fuel filter element. Do not use the filter element beyond the recommended replacement inter- vals. Failure to observe these may damage the fuel injection parts. -
Page 281
12-45 6. Disconnect the sensor connector . Do this after pulling up the connector’s lock knob then pulling out the top part of the connector. Z21455 7. Disconnect the connector from the fuel filter case. Do this by pulling the bottom part of the connector toward you to release the lock then pulling the connector directly upward. -
Page 282
12-46 Simple inspection and service 11. Install a new, genuine filter element into the filter case as shown in the illustration, paying atten- tion to its direction. Insert the filter element in a straight line. CAUTION Do not reuse the filter element. Z21460 12. -
Page 283
12-47 WARNING When cleaning air cleaner element, wear gog- gles and a mask to protect your eyes and res- piratory organs from dust. And, use a dust collector to prevent dust from dispersing into the surroundings. CAUTION Clean the air cleaner element at the specified interval. -
Page 284
12-48 Simple inspection and service • Resetting the dust indicator After cleaning the air cleaner element, push the reset button . The red signal will disappear from the window of the dust indicator. Z21263 The air cleaner is located in the illustrated position. •… -
Page 285
12-49 3. Pull element straight down to remove. Z21181 • Installation 1. Insert the air cleaner element into the air cleaner element case in a straight line. 2. Move the lock lever in the air cleaner element case to the “LOCK” position. Z21182 3. -
Page 286
12-50 Simple inspection and service • Inspection and cleaning 1. Remove dust by blowing compressed air over every surface of the air cleaner element from its end fitted with the gasket CAUTION • Dust can damage your health. Wear a dust mask to avoid inhaling dust while cleaning the air cleaner element. -
Page 287: Draining Water From Fuel Filter
12-51 4. Replace the element with a new one if the check reveals a defective cleaner element or when the recommended replacement interval expires. Use a genuine cleaner element for replacement. Remove the air cleaner element from the case and replace it with a new one. Z21187 Draining water from fuel filter If the…
Page 288
12-52 Simple inspection and service 5. If only fuel starts flowing out, tighten the drain plug by turning it clockwise. 1.5 N·m (1.1 ft.lbs., Tightening torque 0.15 kgf·m) 6. Bleed the fuel system. P. 13-31 7. Start the engine and check that fuel does not leak. -
Page 289
12-53 1 Recommended coolant Use a coolant containing the FUSO DIESEL LONGLIFE COOLANT additive and soft water in the specified proportions. Having both corrosion preventive and anti-freezing properties, the additive protects the cooling system all year around. Replace and top off the coolant only with water con- taining FUSO DIESEL LONGLIFE COOLANT or an equivalent. -
Page 290
Page 291
12-55 CAUTION Do not use methanol-based or methoxypro- panol-based antifreeze products. They can severely damage the engine. Never mix FUSO DIESEL LONGLIFE COOLANT with other brands of long-life coolant or any antifreeze or corrosion-preventive additives. Doing so would reduce the performance of the coolant. -
Page 292
12-56 Simple inspection and service CAUTION Use FUSO DIESEL LONGLIFE COOLANT at a concentration of between 50% and 60%. The proper concentration under normal tempera- tures is 50%. At a concentration below 30%, this additive performs poorly as an anticorrosive, while at a concentration exceeding 60%, it per- forms poorly as an antifreeze. -
Page 293: Adding Coolant
12-57 5 Adding coolant CAUTION • Coolant should normally be added through the reservoir tank without opening the pres- sure cap on the surge tank. • When adding coolant, use new coolant addi- tive of the same brand and concentration as the additive that is already in the vehicle.
Page 294
12-58 Simple inspection and service 6 Replacement Be sure to flush the cooling system when replacing the coolant. WARNING • Do not replace the coolant immediately after operating the vehicle since the engine, radiator, coolant, and other items will be extremely hot. If you try to drain the coolant immediately after driving the vehi- cle, you may be scalded. -
Page 295
12-59 4. Remove the pressure cap of the surge tank by turning it counterclockwise. Z21190 5. Open the radiator drain cock to drain engine coolant. NOTE: You can prevent splashes from draining engine coolant by connecting a hose (commercially avail- able with a 7 mm (0.28 in.) inside diameter) to the drain cock nipple 6. -
Page 296
12-60 Simple inspection and service 9. Tilt the cab. If the vehicle is a Crew-cab model vehicle, uncover the engine coolant inspection opening. 10. Pour coolant (FUSO DIESEL LONGLIFE COOLANT plus soft water) up to the top of the pressure cap opening. Pour the coolant slowly to prevent air from mixing with it. -
Page 297
12-61 7 Cleaning the intercooler and radiator core If the front of the intercooler or radiator gets clogged with dirt or dust, cooling efficiency will decrease. It could also be a cause of rust. Clean the intercooler and radiator at regular intervals. P. -
Page 298
12-62 Simple inspection and service 1 Check 1. Confirm that the parking brake lever is pulled. Prevent the vehicle from moving by blocking the wheels with chocks. Tilt the cab. P. 12-6 If the vehicle is a Crew-cab model, uncover the engine access opening under the assistant driver’s seat. -
Page 299
12-63 Steering wheel – check The steering wheel is a safety-critical part of the vehicle. If an inspection reveals any abnormality, contact an authorized dealer and have the abnor- mality rectified before you again drive the vehicle. Driving the vehicle with the abnormality unrectified could result in a serious accident. -
Page 300
12-64 Simple inspection and service 2 Steering wheel looseness Every 30,000 km Inspection intervals (18,000 miles) or every 12 months 1. Try moving steering wheel up and down and also right and left to check for excessive loose- ness. 2. If anything abnormal is found, contact an autho- rized dealer. -
Page 301
12-65 1 Brake pedal play 1. With the engine stopped, turn the starter switch to the “ON” position. 2. Make sure that the gearshift lever is in the “P” position. 3. Pump the brake pedal several times to release all the vacuum from the brake system (zero vac- uum). -
Page 302
12-66 Simple inspection and service WARNING Perform brake tests in a safe place that pro- vides good visibility all around. During the tests, be attentive to surrounding traffic con- ditions. Parking brake – check and adjustment Inspection At the time of pre-operational intervals check 1 Parking brake lever stroke check… -
Page 303
12-67 Tires – check At the time of pre-operational Inspection check and every 30,000 km intervals (18,000 miles) or 12 months 1 Inflation pressure check • Use an air pressure gauge to check for proper tire inflation pressure. If the pressure is incorrect, adjust it to the indi- cated standard pressure. -
Page 304
12-68 Simple inspection and service CAUTION • Your vehicle’s tires will heat up during use, with a corresponding increase in air pres- sure. This is normal; do not release air from the tires when they are hot. Always check tire pressures before driving, when the tires are cold. -
Page 305
12-69 2 Checking tread depth Check the entire circumference of each tire to make sure that the remaining depth of the tread pattern on the part that contacts the road surface is sufficient. Tread groove depth 1.6 mm (0.06 in.) limit When the tread wears down, wear indicators (interrupted sections of the grooves) appear across… -
Page 306: Tire Replacement
12-70 Simple inspection and service Tire replacement 1 Preparation for tire replacement • Park the vehicle on a flat, hard surface. Pull the parking brake all the way on. Place the gearshift lever in the “P” position. • Be sure to stop the engine. •…
Page 307: Removing The Wheel
12-71 2 Removing the wheel Front axle jacking points <FE> Bottom surface of the leaf spring at the rear of tie rod. Z12085 <FG> Jack support under the front axle. Z12567 Rear axle jacking point <FE> Bottom surface of the axle housing (beside leaf spring U-bolt mounting).
Page 308
12-72 Simple inspection and service How to remove a wheel WARNING • After raising the vehicle slightly, confirm that the jack is securely in position. If the jack slipped out of position with the vehicle fully raised, the vehicle could fall and cause a serious injury. -
Page 309
12-73 WARNING • Fit the socket wrench securely on the wheel nut. If fitted improperly, the wrench will slip off the nut, and could cause injury. • Do not loosen the wheel nuts too much or you could damage the threads. 4. -
Page 310
12-74 Simple inspection and service WARNING • If the above items are dirty, the nuts will become loose during vehicle operation. If wheel bolt or nut threads are damaged or the disc wheel is cracked or otherwise damaged, replace the wheel with a new genuine part. -
Page 311
12-75 NOTE: • The wheel bolts and nuts on the right-hand wheels have right-hand threads, and those on the left-hand wheels have left-hand threads. The bolts and nuts have stamped marks easy identification; an “R” mark for right-hand wheels and an “L” mark for left-hand wheels. •… -
Page 312
12-76 Simple inspection and service WARNING • Fit the socket wrench securely on the wheel nut. If fitted improperly, the wrench will slip off the nut, and could cause injury. • Do not jump or jerk on the wrench handle when tightening the nut by using your own weight. -
Page 313
12-77 6. If only the outer wheel of dual wheels is replaced, retighten the inner wheel nuts to the specified torque before mounting the outer wheel. WARNING As the vehicle is driven after a wheel has been replaced, the wheel nuts loosen up somewhat during the early stages of driving due to “wear-in.”… -
Page 314
12-78 Simple inspection and service WARNING • A loose wheel nut could cause parts dam- age, and result in a tire falling off. This could result in impossibility of driving, and damage of the vehicle and physical injury. Be sure to check the wheel nuts regularly. •… -
Page 315: Tire Rotation
12-79 NOTE: The wheel bolts and nuts on the right-hand wheels have right-hand threads, and those on the left-hand wheels have left-hand threads. The bolts and nuts have stamped marks for easy identification; an “R” mark for right-hand wheels and an “L”…
Page 316
12-80 Simple inspection and service WARNING • Be sure to use the specified type of tires. Mixing bias and radial tires results in poor steering and should be avoided at all cost. • As the vehicle is driven after a wheel has been replaced, the wheel nuts loosen up somewhat during the early stages of driv- ing due to “wear-in”. -
Page 317: Replacing Wiper Blade
12-81 Wiper blade – replacement 1 Replacing wiper blade 1. Raise wiper arm , and then push clip spring in the direction of the arrow (see figure). Z05981 2. With the clip spring kept in the pushed position, press wiper toward the wiper arm.
Page 318: Fluid Level Check
12-82 Simple inspection and service Windshield washer – fluid level check and refilling 1 Fluid level check Check the washer fluid level through level check window When the level has dropped to the lower part of the window or is not visible at all, refill the tank with washer fluid.
Page 319
12-83 Battery – check Inspection At the time of pre-operational intervals check WARNING • The battery generates flammable hydro- gen gas and should be kept away from open flame and spark. • When removing the battery, always dis- connect the negative (–) terminal first and reconnect it last. -
Page 320
12-84 Simple inspection and service 2 Inspecting the battery • The battery fluid level should be between the “UPPER LEVEL” line and “LOWER LEVEL” line marked on the battery case. If the battery fluid level is low, add electrolyte or distilled water to the “UPPER”… -
Page 321
12-85 CAUTION • Whenever battery fluid has been added, either charge the battery or run the vehicle for a while. It is especially important in cold weather as the battery can freeze up and be damaged. • Do not add so much fluid that the fluid in the battery rises above the “UPPER LEVEL”… -
Page 322
12-86 Simple inspection and service 4 Battery removal and installation 1. Disconnect the battery cables (each indicated by an arrow in the illustration) from the bat- tery terminals. WARNING When disconnecting the battery cables, dis- connect the (–) cable first. When connecting the battery cables, connect the (–) cable last. -
Page 323
12-87 CAUTION Install the battery securely in position. If it is left loose, shocks and vibrations from road surface could damage the battery case and electrode plates, shortening battery life. Air filters – cleaning Remove and clean the air filters (heater or air condi- tioner filters) with water or compressed air to elimi- nate dust and dirt at regular intervals (6 months or so). -
Page 324: Cleaning Your Vehicle
12-88 Simple inspection and service 2 Dashboard air filter 1. Remove the lower panel in front of the assis- tant driver’s seat. 2. Pull out the air filter while pushing inward both the tabs on the filter. 3. Reinstall the lower panel by first aligning the claws with the corresponding slots and then pushing the panel forward.
Page 325: Exterior Cleaning
12-89 1 Exterior cleaning Cleaning glass surfaces Keep the vehicle’s windows and screens clean at all times. Use glass cleaner and wipe it off with a sponge or soft cloth. CAUTION Never apply rubbing compound to glass since it leaves scratches. Washing You must wash the vehicle whenever it has experi- enced any of the following:…
Page 326
12-90 Simple inspection and service • In cold weather, the key holes and rubber parts of the door sometimes freeze, making it hard to open the door. After washing, remove moisture on and around the doors. Applying silicone with antifreeze capabilities is one solution to this problem. -
Page 327
12-91 NOTE: Aluminum wheels may become whitish as oxide film forms on their surface over time. The color on the wheel near the exhaust pipe end may become yel- lowish. Regardless of the color, you can remove the oxide film by using a commercially available polish when washing the wheel. -
Page 328
12-92 Simple inspection and service • The outside air inlets Z21896 Waxing Wax the vehicle once or twice a month or whenever the wax on the vehicle ceases to repel water. Apply wax out of direct sunlight and only when the vehicle’s paintwork is cooler than human body tem- perature. -
Page 329
12-93 3 Interior cleaning • Do not use any organic solvent (for example, thinner or gasoline) or any acidic or alkaline sol- vent. It could cause discoloration and/or stains. • Dirt can leave marks or stains and should be cleaned off as soon as possible. •… -
Page 330
12-94 Simple inspection and service • Shoe polish, wax, crayon, tar, and asphalt can stain the trim if not cleaned off quickly. Carefully use cleaner because it dissolve these contaminants and can cause a smudge. Organic contaminants Use this method to remove marks resulting from tomato ketchup, black coffee, egg, fruit, fruit juice, milk, cold drinks, wine, vomit, urine, and blood. -
Page 331
12-95 Removing floor mat for cleaning 1. Remove the accelerator stopper by removing its screws 2. Install the accelerator stopper being careful not to let the cut edge of the floor mat become caught under the stopper. CAUTION After cleaning the floor mat, dry the felt backing before putting the mat back on the floor. -
Page 333: Useful Advice For Emergencies
13-1 13. Useful advice for emergencies Possible failures, causes and remedies …………….13-2 Stopping your vehicle in an emergency …………….13-7 If the engine overheats ………………..13-8 When a fuse has blown ………………..13-10 When a lamp has burned out ………………13-18 When braking is sluggish ………………..
Page 334
13-2 Useful advice for emergencies Possible failures, causes and remedies Performing daily checks and good maintenance are keys to preventing mechanical failures and the resultant accidents. Be sure to check and service your vehicle regularly. Should your vehicle suffer a mechanical failure or malfunction, the measures needed to correct the problem can be found using the following chart. -
Page 335
13-3 Possible cause Remedy Ref. page The engine preheating time is insuffi- Follow the preheating instructions. cient. The fuel injection system is malfunc- Have an authorized dealer perform – tioning. necessary inspection. ® The BlueTec exhaust gas aftertreat- Add the specified DEF. ment is short of DEF. -
Page 336
13-4 Useful advice for emergencies Possible cause Remedy Ref. page The engine pressure cap is not closed Install the cap firmly. – completely. The fan belt is loose. Have an authorized dealer perform – necessary inspection. The coolant is contaminated. Flush the cooling system and replace 12-52 the coolant. -
Page 337
13-5 Drive power is insufficient. Possible cause Remedy Ref. page The parking brake is activated. Release the parking brake com- 5-15 pletely. The air cleaner is clogged. Clean or replace the air cleaner ele- 12-46 ment. The fuel filter is clogged. Replace the filter element. -
Page 338
13-6 Useful advice for emergencies Steering is difficult. Possible cause Remedy Ref. page Cargo is over-loaded on the front Load cargo evenly. 7-19 side. Power steering fluid is insufficient. Add power steering fluid. 12-39 Front tire pressure is insufficient. Inflate tires to recommended pres- 12-67 sures. -
Page 339
13-7 Possible cause Remedy Ref. page Idling speed setting is too low. Have an authorized dealer perform – necessary inspection. Vehicle is used only at nighttime. Charge the battery. – Switches are left on. Be sure to turn off the switches. –… -
Page 340: If The Engine Overheats
13-8 Useful advice for emergencies 2 Repair Check the mechanical failure and if you judge it readily repairable, fix it while paying attention to the traffic. If you are unable to repair it, call an autho- rized dealer for help. WARNING Never attempt to perform repairs on an expressway or in a tunnel as doing so is very…
Page 341
13-9 If the warning lamp comes on, the multi-informa- tion display shows (red), and a buzzer sounds, the engine has overheated. Stop the vehicle in a safe place, stop the engine, and perform the following inspections: 1. Tilt the cab. P. -
Page 342
13-10 Useful advice for emergencies When a fuse has blown Your vehicle uses a 12V electrical system. WARNING • Be sure to use fuses of the specified amperages. A fire could result if a fuse of incorrect amperage is used. If a fuse is blown, have the vehicle inspected and the blown fuse replaced by an authorized dealer. -
Page 343
13-11 1 Blade-type fuses Removal and installation of lower panel in front of assistant driver’s seat 1. Remove the lower panel in front of the assis- tant driver’s seat. 2. Reinstall the lower panel by first aligning the claws with the corresponding slots and then pushing the panel forward. -
Page 344
13-12 Useful advice for emergencies Inspection and replacement of blade-type fuses 1. Place the starter switch in the “LOCK” position and turn all other switches OFF. 2. To remove the fuse that is to be replaced, grip it using the fuse puller in the fuse box . -
Page 345
13-13 How to remove the spare fuse Insert the puller into the gap on the outer side of the fuse holder wall to remove the spare fuse Z21577 CAUTION Do not force the puller into the gap on the inner side of the fuse holder wall. -
Page 346
13-14 Useful advice for emergencies Z21425 Fuse Amperage Protected circuit Starter – – Accessory power supply (ignition circuit) Power window (driver’s) – Power window (assistant driver’s) Identification lamp Meter cluster, diagnostic connector – Air conditioner blower fan Z21747 Audio system, room lamp Starter switch, engine immobilizer control unit Horn… -
Page 347
13-15 Fuse Amperage Protected circuit Audio system – Fuel heater ABS control unit Engine control unit – – Meter cluster, air condi- tioner control, rear air con- ditioner – DUONIC control unit Accessory power supply (starter switch ACC circuit) Accessory power supply (battery circuit) Van body dome lamp Engine control unit… -
Page 348
13-16 Useful advice for emergencies Fuse Amperage Protected circuit – – Spare fuse 2 High-current fuse The high-current fuses, which protect circuits in the same way as regular fuses, are fitted in a box next to the battery. If a high-current fuse is blown, most of the vehicle’s electrical circuits become inopera- tive. -
Page 349
13-17 Amperage Protected circuit (casing color) HF08 HF01 140A (russet) HF02 – – HF07 HF03 80A (black) HF06 HF04 – – HF04 HF05 60A (yellow) Glow ECU HF05 HF03 HF06 40A (green) Starter relay HF07 – – HF02 HF08 50A (red) Hydraulic unit HF01 HF21… -
Page 350
13-18 Useful advice for emergencies When a lamp has burned out Whenever replacing a lamp, be sure to place the starter switch in the “LOCK” position and all other switches in the OFF position. WARNING • Use a lamp of the specified voltage and wattage shown in the following table. -
Page 351
13-19 Z23270 Ref. No. Lamp Bulb wattage (bulb type) Q’ty Headlamp 12V-60/55W (HB2) Parking lamp 12V-5W (W5W) Front and side turn signal lamp 12V-21W (W21W) Front fog lamp <option> 12V-55W (H3) Stop/tail lamp (double filament) 12V-21/5W (P21/5W) Rear turn signal lamp 12V-21W (P21W) Backup lamp 12V-21W (P21W) -
Page 352: Headlamp Bulb Replacement
13-20 Useful advice for emergencies 1 Headlamp bulb replacement For safety and simplicity, bulb replacement is per- formed with the headlamp removed. The radiator grill and the front and side turn signal lamp must be removed before the headlamp can be removed. Headlamp removal and installation •…
Page 353
13-21 • Headlamp removal 1. For removal of the headlamp , first remove the screw and rivet , then move the lamp rub- under the headlamp toward the centerline of the vehicle and release it from the tabs CAUTION When removing the lamp rubber, do not pull it with excessive force or the tabs could break. -
Page 354
13-22 Useful advice for emergencies 6. Remove the screws of the garnish , then remove the garnish toward the outside of the vehicle. Z21431 NOTE: Do not remove the end rubber piece from the garnish. Z22067 7. Remove the headlamp’s bolts Z21750 8. -
Page 355
13-23 9. Remove the connectors from the headlamp thus pulled out. CAUTION • Do not turn the beam adjusting gear . Turn- ing the beam adjusting gear would change the beam setting, thus creating a nuisance for drivers of other vehicles. If you acciden- tally turn the beam adjusting gear, have an authorized dealer perform necessary inspec- Z21752… -
Page 356
13-24 Useful advice for emergencies 4. Insert the grommet on the garnish into the grommet hole , fit the garnish in place, and tighten the screws CAUTION Do not tighten the screw too tightly or the mounting could get damaged. Z21433 5. -
Page 357
13-25 Headlamp bulb replacement CAUTION • Do not directly touch the glass part of a halo- gen bulb with your fingers. Any oil and other substances contaminating the glass surface could shorten the bulb’s service life. • Do not clean lamps with alcohol and thinner, because their lenses are made of plastic. -
Page 358
13-26 Useful advice for emergencies 2 Replacing the fog lamp bulb • Removal 1. Tilt up the cab if it has a tilting mechanism. 2. Remove the cover after turning it counter- clockwise to a stop. 3. Disconnect the bulb connector 4. -
Page 359
13-27 Type 2 <option> 1. Insert a flat-blade screwdriver into the notches and use it to release the tabs on the top end of the lens . Remove the lens. 2. Remove the bulb by turning it counterclock- wise while pushing inward. 3. -
Page 360
13-28 Useful advice for emergencies When braking is sluggish WARNING • Never use the parking brake during driving except in an emergency. Pulling the park- ing brake lever with full force while driving could cause the vehicle to topple over. •… -
Page 361
13-29 When the battery has run down Perform the following procedure to start your engine by connecting your battery to the well charged bat- tery of another vehicle with booster cables. WARNING • Check the battery’s fluid level before con- necting booster cables. -
Page 362
13-30 Useful advice for emergencies Z22249 1. Stop the engine of the vehicle giving the boost. 2. Remove the battery cover. P. 12-83 3. Connect one end of the red booster cable to the positive (+) terminal of the dead battery. Con- nect the other end of the red booster cable to the positive (+) terminal of the booster bat-… -
Page 363: Bleeding The Fuel System
13-31 If fuel tank becomes empty (Bleeding the fuel system) When the vehicle runs out of fuel and the engine stalls, also when the fuel filter has been replaced, or if water has been drained from the fuel filter, air that has entered the fuel system prevents the engine from being started even if the engine has been refu- eled after running dry.
Page 364
13-32 Useful advice for emergencies Towing If you are forced to tow the vehicle, take the follow- ing precautions: • On an FE model vehicle, disconnect either the propeller shaft or the rear axle shaft, whichever is easier. If you disconnect the rear axle shaft, cover the opening to prevent oil and grease from escap- ing. -
Page 365
13-33 • Never use the tie-down hook(s) under the frame for towing purpose. The tie-down hook is to secure the vehicle when transporting it. If the hook is used for towing, damage to the front bumper or frame may result. Z21440 When the vehicle becomes stuck in soft ground… -
Page 366
13-34 Useful advice for emergencies • Never use the tie-down hook(s) under the frame for towing purpose. The tie-down hook is to secure the vehicle when transporting it. If the hook is used for towing, damage to the front bumper or frame may result. Z21440 1. -
Page 367
13-35 6. Slowly drive both vehicles forward. Do not race either vehicle’s engine. 7. When the towed vehicle becomes free, promptly stop it each vehicle by applying the brake pedal. To make the rope or wire rope easy to remove from the towing hooks, let it become slightly slack before stopping the towed vehicle. -
Page 369: Service Data
14-1 14. Service data Recommended lubricants/hydraulic fluids and quantities ……….14-2 Service data ……………………14-4…
Page 370
14-2 Service data Recommended lubricants/hydraulic fluids and quantities 1 Quantities of lubricants/hydraulic fluids liters (qts) Item Quantity Engine Approx. 6.2 (6.5) Clutch Approx. 2.0 (2.1) Transmission Approx. 3.5 (3.7) Transfer <FG> Approx. 3.6 (3.8) Approx. 4.5 (4.8) Axle housing Front axle Approx. -
Page 371
14-3 2 Recommended lubricants/hydraulic fluids Be sure to use the specified lubricants. Viscosity Parts Category Classification Atmospheric SAE viscosity temperature number Below 0°C (32°F) 10W–30 API CJ-4 Above –15°C (5°F) 15W–40 Engine Engine oil Above 30°C (86°F) ACEA C2 Below 0°C (32°F) 5W–30 General API GL-3… -
Page 372
14-4 Service data Service data Description Standard value Engine idling speed 650 rpm Vehicles other than those Approx. 14 liters specified below (14.8 qts) Crew cab (with rear air Approx. 15.1 liters Coolant quantity conditioner) (16 qts) Crew cab (with rear Approx. -
Page 373
15-1 15. Maintenance schedule… -
Page 374: Maintenance Schedule
15-2 Maintenance schedule Regular maintenance is vital to maximizing your vehicle’s performance, service life, and safety. Following the maintenance schedule will give optimum results. The preceding sections describe simple maintenance checks and procedures that can be carried out by the owner. If you have difficulty or your vehicle needs maintenance work that is not shown in this manual, please take the vehicle to an authorized dealer.
Page 375
15-3 Time of inspection and maintenance Inspection interval Ref. Item Working procedures page Every 120,000 km/ V-belt replacement • • 72,000 miles or Replace V-belt. – 24 months Check radiator and pressure cap for sealing performance Every 30,000 km/ and mounting condition. •… -
Page 376
15-4 Maintenance schedule Time of inspection and maintenance Inspection interval Ref. Item Working procedures page POWER TRAIN Propeller shaft Every 30,000 km/ Check flange yoke bolts for flange torque and • 18,000 miles or looseness and universal joint – universal joint loose- 12 months for play. -
Page 377
15-5 Time of inspection and maintenance Inspection interval Ref. Item Working procedures page SUSPENSION SYSTEM Check for broken springs and Suspension springs • • • • • • tilt of vehicle body toward – either side. Check U-bolt nuts for loose- Every 30,000 km/ ness. -
Page 378
15-6 Maintenance schedule Time of inspection and maintenance Inspection interval Ref. Item Working procedures page Check steering system for Every 30,000 km/ looseness, steering wheel Steering system • • 18,000 miles or play and operating condition. 12-63 12 months Inspect for oil leaks, booster and oil pump function. -
Page 379: Lubrication Schedule
15-7 Time of inspection and maintenance Inspection interval Ref. Item Working procedures page Gauge, warning/ Check that gauges, warning indicator lamp oper- • • • • • • lamps and indicators are ation working properly. Battery • • • • •…
Page 380
15-8 Maintenance schedule Time of inspection and maintenance Inspection interval Reference Item page Every 60,000 km/ Transfer gear oil replacement • • 36,000 miles or 12-32 <FG> 24 months Every 60,000 km/ Rear axle housing gear oil • • 36,000 miles or replacement 24 months 12-34… -
Page 381
15-9 Time of inspection and maintenance Inspection interval Reference Item page Every 30,000 km/ Lubrication of rear suspension • • 18,000 miles or spring pin 12 months 12-19 Every 30,000 km/ Lubrication of kingpins • • 18,000 miles or 12 months Every 30,000 km/ Lubrication of door hinge •… -
Page 383: Alphabetical Index
16-1 16. Alphabetical index…
Page 384: Maintenance Record
16-2 Alphabetical index 4WD operation <FG models> ….8-1 Engine overheats …….. 13-8 Accelerator pedal …….. 5-14 Entering and leaving the vehicle ..3-13 Air cleaner ……..12-46 Exhaust brake ……..5-17 Air conditioner ……9-4, 9-10 First maintenance at 4,000 km (2,500 miles) ………
Page 385
16-3 Alphabetical index Periodic inspection …….. 1-4 Warming up the engine …… 5-10 Possible failures, causes and Warning labels ……..2-1 remedies ……….13-2 Warning lamps ……..6-28 Power steering fluid ……12-39 Washer switch ……..5-18 Power window switches …… 3-15 Water temperature gauge …. -
Page 387
17. MAINTENANCE RECORD NOTE: • The symbols prefixed to some check items stand for Exhaust Emission Control item and Noise Control item respectively. • The latter half of the maintenance record contains the maintenance record sheets used for periodic maintenance scheduled by time (months). 17-1… -
Page 389
4,000 km / 2,500 miles 4,000 km / 2,500 miles SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Lubrication of universal joints, slip joint Address: Inspection and maintenance Power train Propeller shaft flange torque and universal joint looseness Front and rear axle Wheel nuts looseness… -
Page 391
15,000 km / 9,000 miles 15,000 km / 9,000 miles SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Engine oil replacement Address: Total mileage: Servicing dealer’s name: NOTE: If you drive your vehicle under any of the follow- ing conditions (severe conditions), the engine oil should be replaced every 15,000 km (9,000 miles) in accordance with the replacement inter-… -
Page 393
30,000 km / 18,000 miles 30,000 km / 18,000 miles SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Engine oil replacement (or 12 months) Front axle birfield joint grease replacement <FG> Address: Front axle kingpin bearing grease replace- ment <FG>… -
Page 394
Power train Propeller shaft flange torque and universal joint looseness (or 12 months) Front and rear axle Wheel and tire (or 12 months) Tie rod ball joint dust boots (or 12 months) Wheel nuts looseness (or 12 months) Suspension system U-bolts looseness (or 12 months) Braking system Disc brake pad and disc (or 12 months) -
Page 395
45,000 km / 27,000 miles 45,000 km / 27,000 miles SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Engine oil replacement Address: Total mileage: Servicing dealer’s name: NOTE: If you drive your vehicle under any of the follow- ing conditions (severe conditions), the engine oil should be replaced every 15,000 km (9,000 miles) in accordance with the replacement inter-… -
Page 397
60,000 km / 36,000 miles 60,000 km / 36,000 miles SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Engine oil replacement (or 12 months) Transmission oil replacement (or 24 months) Address: Clutch control fluid replacement (or 24 months) Transfer gear oil replacement <FG>… -
Page 398
Inspection and maintenance Engine Oil filter replacement (or 12 months) Fuel filter replacement (or 12 months) Fuel line leakage and damage (or 12 months) V-belts tension and damage (or 12 months) Cooling system (or 12 months) Air cleaner element replacement (or 12 months) Exhaust system (or 12 months) DPF (or 12 months) -
Page 399
75,000 km / 45,000 miles 75,000 km / 45,000 miles SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Engine oil replacement Address: Total mileage: Servicing dealer’s name: NOTE: If you drive your vehicle under any of the follow- ing conditions (severe conditions), the engine oil should be replaced every 15,000 km (9,000 miles) in accordance with the replacement inter-… -
Page 401
90,000 km / 54,000 miles 90,000 km / 54,000 miles SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Engine oil replacement (or 12 months) Front axle birfield joint grease replacement <FG> Address: Front axle kingpin bearing grease replace- ment <FG>… -
Page 402
Power train Propeller shaft flange torque and universal joint looseness (or 12 months) Front and rear axle Wheel and tire (or 12 months) Tie rod ball joint dust boots (or 12 months) Wheel nuts looseness (or 12 months) Suspension system U-bolts looseness (or 12 months) Braking system Disc brake pad and disc (or 12 months) -
Page 403
105,000 km / 63,000 miles 105,000 km / 63,000 miles SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Engine oil replacement Address: Total mileage: Servicing dealer’s name: NOTE: If you drive your vehicle under any of the follow- ing conditions (severe conditions), the engine oil should be replaced every 15,000 km (9,000 miles) in accordance with the replacement inter-… -
Page 405
120,000 km / 72,000 miles 120,000 km / 72,000 miles SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Engine oil replacement (or 12 months) Transmission oil replacement (or 24 months) Address: Clutch control fluid replacement (or 24 months) Transfer gear oil replacement <FG>… -
Page 406
Inspection and maintenance Engine Oil filter replacement (or 12 months) Fuel filter replacement (or 12 months) Fuel line leakage and damage (or 12 months) V-belts replacement (or 24 months) Cooling system (or 12 months) Air cleaner element replacement (or 12 months) Exhaust system (or 12 months) DPF (or 12 months) DEF line leakage and damage (or 12… -
Page 407
135,000 km / 81,000 miles 135,000 km / 81,000 miles SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Engine oil replacement Address: Total mileage: Servicing dealer’s name: NOTE: If you drive your vehicle under any of the follow- ing conditions (severe conditions), the engine oil should be replaced every 15,000 km (9,000 miles) in accordance with the replacement inter-… -
Page 409
150,000 km / 90,000 miles 150,000 km / 90,000 miles SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Engine oil replacement (or 12 months) Front axle birfield joint grease replacement <FG> Address: Front axle kingpin bearing grease replace- ment <FG>… -
Page 410
Power train Propeller shaft flange torque and universal joint looseness (or 12 months) Front and rear axle Wheel and tire (or 12 months) Tie rod ball joint dust boots (or 12 months) Wheel nuts looseness (or 12 months) Suspension system U-bolts looseness (or 12 months) Braking system Disc brake pad and disc (or 12 months) -
Page 411
165,000 km / 99,000 miles 165,000 km / 99,000 miles SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Engine oil replacement Address: Total mileage: Servicing dealer’s name: NOTE: If you drive your vehicle under any of the follow- ing conditions (severe conditions), the engine oil should be replaced every 15,000 km (9,000 miles) in accordance with the replacement inter-… -
Page 413
180,000 km / 108,000 miles 180,000 km / 108,000 miles SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Engine oil replacement (or 12 months) Transmission oil replacement (or 24 months) Address: Clutch control fluid replacement (or 24 months) Transfer gear oil replacement <FG>… -
Page 414
Inspection and maintenance Engine Oil filter replacement (or 12 months) Fuel filter replacement (or 12 months) Fuel line leakage and damage (or 12 months) V-belts tension and damage (or 12 months) Cooling system (or 12 months) Air cleaner element replacement (or 12 months) Exhaust system (or 12 months) DPF (or 12 months) -
Page 415
195,000 km / 117,000 miles 195,000 km / 117,000 miles SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Engine oil replacement Address: Total mileage: Servicing dealer’s name: NOTE: If you drive your vehicle under any of the follow- ing conditions (severe conditions), the engine oil should be replaced every 15,000 km (9,000 miles) in accordance with the replacement inter-… -
Page 417
210,000 km / 126,000 miles 210,000 km / 126,000 miles SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Engine oil replacement (or 12 months) Front axle birfield joint grease replacement <FG> Address: Front axle kingpin bearing grease replace- ment <FG>… -
Page 418
Power train Propeller shaft flange torque and universal joint looseness (or 12 months) Front and rear axle Wheel and tire (or 12 months) Tie rod ball joint dust boots (or 12 months) Wheel nuts looseness (or 12 months) Suspension system U-bolts looseness (or 12 months) Braking system Disc brake pad and disc (or 12 months) -
Page 419
225,000 km / 135,000 miles 225,000 km / 135,000 miles SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Engine oil replacement Address: Total mileage: Servicing dealer’s name: NOTE: If you drive your vehicle under any of the follow- ing conditions (severe conditions), the engine oil should be replaced every 15,000 km (9,000 miles) in accordance with the replacement inter-… -
Page 421
240,000 km / 144,000 miles 240,000 km / 144,000 miles SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Engine oil replacement (or 12 months) Transmission oil replacement (or 24 months) Address: Clutch control fluid replacement (or 24 months) Transfer gear oil replacement <FG>… -
Page 422
Inspection and maintenance Engine Oil filter replacement (or 12 months) Fuel filter replacement (or 12 months) Fuel line leakage and damage (or 12 months) V-belts replacement (or 24 months) Cooling system (or 12 months) Air cleaner element replacement (or 12 months) Exhaust system (or 12 months) DPF (or 12 months) DEF line leakage and damage (or 12… -
Page 423
255,000 km / 153,000 miles 255,000 km / 153,000 miles SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Engine oil replacement Address: Total mileage: Servicing dealer’s name: NOTE: If you drive your vehicle under any of the follow- ing conditions (severe conditions), the engine oil should be replaced every 15,000 km (9,000 miles) in accordance with the replacement inter-… -
Page 425
270,000 km / 162,000 miles 270,000 km / 162,000 miles SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Engine oil replacement (or 12 months) Front axle birfield joint grease replacement <FG> Address: Front axle kingpin bearing grease replace- ment <FG>… -
Page 426
Power train Propeller shaft flange torque and universal joint looseness (or 12 months) Front and rear axle Wheel and tire (or 12 months) Tie rod ball joint dust boots (or 12 months) Wheel nuts looseness (or 12 months) Suspension system U-bolts looseness (or 12 months) Braking system Disc brake pad and disc (or 12 months) -
Page 427
285,000 km / 171,000 miles 285,000 km / 171,000 miles SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Engine oil replacement Address: Total mileage: Servicing dealer’s name: NOTE: If you drive your vehicle under any of the follow- ing conditions (severe conditions), the engine oil should be replaced every 15,000 km (9,000 miles) in accordance with the replacement inter-… -
Page 429
300,000 km / 180,000 miles 300,000 km / 180,000 miles SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Engine oil replacement (or 12 months) Transmission oil replacement (or 24 months) Address: Clutch control fluid replacement (or 24 months) Transfer gear oil replacement <FG>… -
Page 430
Inspection and maintenance Engine Oil filter replacement (or 12 months) Fuel filter replacement (or 12 months) Fuel line leakage and damage (or 12 months) V-belts tension and damage (or 12 months) Cooling system (or 12 months) Air cleaner element replacement (or 12 months) Exhaust system (or 12 months) DPF (or 12 months) -
Page 431
315,000 km / 189,000 miles 315,000 km / 189,000 miles SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Engine oil replacement Address: Total mileage: Servicing dealer’s name: NOTE: If you drive your vehicle under any of the follow- ing conditions (severe conditions), the engine oil should be replaced every 15,000 km (9,000 miles) in accordance with the replacement inter-… -
Page 433
24 months (2 years) 24 months (2 years) SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Brake fluid replacement Address: Inspection and maintenance Engine Coolant replacement Total mileage: Servicing dealer’s name: Address: Signature:… -
Page 435
48 months (4 years) 48 months (4 years) SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Brake fluid replacement Address: Inspection and maintenance Engine Coolant replacement Total mileage: Servicing dealer’s name: Address: Signature:… -
Page 437
72 months (6 years) 72 months (6 years) SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Brake fluid replacement Address: Inspection and maintenance Engine Coolant replacement Total mileage: Servicing dealer’s name: Address: Signature:… -
Page 439
96 months (8 years) 96 months (8 years) SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Brake fluid replacement Address: Inspection and maintenance Engine Coolant replacement Total mileage: Servicing dealer’s name: Address: Signature:… -
Page 441
120 months (10 years) 120 months (10 years) SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Brake fluid replacement Address: Inspection and maintenance Engine Coolant replacement Total mileage: Servicing dealer’s name: Address: Signature:… -
Page 443
144 months (12 years) 144 months (12 years) SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Brake fluid replacement Address: Inspection and maintenance Engine Coolant replacement Total mileage: Servicing dealer’s name: Address: Signature:… -
Page 445
168 months (14 years) 168 months (14 years) SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Brake fluid replacement Address: Inspection and maintenance Engine Coolant replacement Total mileage: Servicing dealer’s name: Address: Signature:… -
Page 447
192 months (16 years) 192 months (16 years) SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Brake fluid replacement Address: Inspection and maintenance Engine Coolant replacement Total mileage: Servicing dealer’s name: Address: Signature:… -
Page 449
216 months (18 years) 216 months (18 years) SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Brake fluid replacement Address: Inspection and maintenance Engine Coolant replacement Total mileage: Servicing dealer’s name: Address: Signature:… -
Page 451
240 months (20 years) 240 months (20 years) SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Brake fluid replacement Address: Inspection and maintenance Engine Coolant replacement Total mileage: Servicing dealer’s name: Address: Signature:… -
Page 453
264 months (22 years) 264 months (22 years) SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Brake fluid replacement Address: Inspection and maintenance Engine Coolant replacement Total mileage: Servicing dealer’s name: Address: Signature:… -
Page 455
288 months (24 years) 288 months (24 years) SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Brake fluid replacement Address: Inspection and maintenance Engine Coolant replacement Total mileage: Servicing dealer’s name: Address: Signature:… -
Page 457
312 months (26 years) 312 months (26 years) SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Brake fluid replacement Address: Inspection and maintenance Engine Coolant replacement Total mileage: Servicing dealer’s name: Address: Signature:… -
Page 459
336 months (28 years) 336 months (28 years) SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Brake fluid replacement Address: Inspection and maintenance Engine Coolant replacement Total mileage: Servicing dealer’s name: Address: Signature:… -
Page 461
360 months (30 years) 360 months (30 years) SERVICE OPERATIONS SERVICE OPERATIONS Owner’s name: Date: Owner’s name: Address: Vehicle identification number: Lubrication Date: Brake fluid replacement Address: Inspection and maintenance Engine Coolant replacement Total mileage: Servicing dealer’s name: Address: Signature:… -
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Руководство по ремонту Mitsubishi Canter, а также устройство, руководство по техническому обслуживанию и эксплуатации заднеприводных и полноприводных автомобилей Мицубиси Кантер (модели 2WD, 4WD) с 1993 г. выпуска, оборудованных дизельными двигателями 4M40 рабочим объемом 2,8 л., 4D36 рабочим объемом 3,6 л., 4D34-T4 (с турбонадувом) рабочим объемом 3,9 л., 4D33 рабочим объемом 4,2 л., 4D35 рабочим объемом 4,6 л., 4M51 рабочим объемом 5,2 л.
Книга содержит большой объем информации по ремонту автомобиля, подробно описаны процедуры по ремонту двигателя, системы охлаждения, системы впрыска топлива, системы зажигания, системы запуска, сцепления, механической и автоматической коробки передач, раздаточной коробки, карданного вала, редукторов переднего и заднего моста, приводных валов, подвески, рулевого управления, тормозной системы, кузова, систем отопления, вентиляции и кондиционирования, электрооборудования кузова, электрооборудования автомобиля в целом (приводятся полные электросхемы Mitsubishi Canter).
В отдельные разделы книги входят инструкция по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Canter и рекомендации по техническому обслуживанию. Также материалы книги помогут подобрать нужные запчасти Мицубиси Кантер.
Пособие предназначено для владельцев автомобиля Мицубиси Кантер, механиков, работников автосервисов и станций техобслуживания.
We have 16 Mitsubishi
Canter manuals
covering a total of 23 years of production.
In the table below you can see 0
Canter Workshop Manuals,0
Canter Owners Manuals and 12 Miscellaneous
Mitsubishi Canter downloads.
Our most popular manual is the
Mitsubishi — Canter — Workshop Manual — 1995 — 1995
This (like all of our manuals) is available to download for free in PDF format.
How to download a Mitsubishi Canter
Repair Manual (for any year)
These Canter manuals have been provided by our users,
so we can’t guarantee completeness. We’ve checked the years that the manuals cover
and we have Mitsubishi Canter repair manuals
for the following years; 1995, 2004, 2005, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2018.
Go through the 16 different PDF’s that are displayed below,
for example this one. You’ll then be shown the first 10 pages of this specific
document, you can then scroll down and click ‘show full PDF’. Then you can click
download you’ve got a totally free car manual, forever!
What topics does the Mitsubishi Canter
Service/Repair Manual cover?
In total, that’s over 1073 pages of content dedicated to your
Mitsubishi Canter. Here’s a non exhaustive list
of what’s covered;
- Mitsubishi Canter service manual for roadside repairs
- Mitsubishi Canter owners manual covering weekly checks
- Mitsubishi Canter workshop manual covering Lubricants, fluids and tyre pressures
- Mitsubishi Canter service PDF’s covering routine maintenance and servicing
- Detailed Mitsubishi Canter Engine and Associated Service Systems (for Repairs and Overhaul) (PDF)
- Mitsubishi Canter Transmission data Service Manual PDF
- Mitsubishi Canter Brakes and suspension PDF
- Mitsubishi Canter Wiring Diagrams
Looking for a Free Mitsubishi Canter Haynes /
Mitsubishi Canter Chilton Manuals?
We get a lot of people coming to the site looking to get themselves a free
Mitsubishi Canter Haynes
manual. There are two things you need to know; firstly it’s illegal, and secondly —
there are much better ways of servicing and understanding your
Mitsubishi Canter engine than
the Haynes manual. That’s essentially what we’re here for — to give you an
alternative to the Haynes and Chilton, online and totally for free.
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