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Manufacturer: LEXUS, Model Year: 2014,
Model line: IS250,
Model: Lexus IS250 2014
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Summary of Contents for Lexus IS 250 2014 Navi
Page 1
Page 2: Navigation System
Introduction NAVIGATION SYSTEM OWNER’S MANUAL This manual explains the operation of the Navigation System. Please read this manual carefully to ensure proper use. Keep this manual in your vehicle at all times. The screen shots in this document and the actual screens of the navigation system dif- fer depending on whether the functions and/or a contract existed and the map data available at the time of producing this document.
Page 3
IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THIS MANUAL For safety reasons, this manual indicates items requiring particular attention with the following marks. CAUTION ●This is a warning against anything which may cause injury to people if the warning is ignored. You are informed about what you must or must not do in order to reduce the risk of injury to yourself and others. -
Page 4: How To Read This Manual
HOW TO READ THIS MANUAL Name Description Operational An outline of the operation is explained. Outlines Main Operations The steps of an operation are explained. Related Operations A main operation’s supplementary operations are described. Information Useful information for the user is described.
Page 5
SAFETY INSTRUCTION CAUTION ●For safety, the driver should not operate the navigation system while he/she is driving. Insufficient attention to the road and traffic may cause an accident. ●While driving, be sure to obey the traffic regulations and maintain awareness of the road conditions. -
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Page 10: Navigation Operation
1. NAVIGATION OPERATION 1. OVERVIEW BUTTON AND GUIDANCE SCREEN Name Function Page This symbol indicates whether the map orienta- North-up or tion is set to north-up or heading-up. Touching this heading-up symbol changes the map orientation. Both north- symbol up and heading-up symbols display the vehicles direction as a letter (e.g.
Page 11
1. NAVIGATION OPERATION Name Function Page Touch to register the current position or the cur- “Mark” sor position as an address book entry. “Route” Touch to change the route. 91, 93 Touch to browse information about guidance 98, 331, “Show on Map” route, to set the POI (Point of Interest) icons to be displayed on the screen, to record the route, etc. -
Page 12: Registering Home
1. NAVIGATION OPERATION 2. REGISTERING HOME Press the “DEST” button. There are 4 different methods to search your home. (See “DESTINA- TION SEARCH” on page 62.) Touch “Enter”. Touch “Go Home”. The “Edit Home” screen is displayed. If a home address has not been regis- tered, it can be registered by touching “Go Home”.
Page 13
1. NAVIGATION OPERATION Touch “OK”. Registration of home is complete. Home can also be registered by touching “Navigation” on the “Setup” screen. (See “REGISTERING HOME” on page 103.) The name, location, phone number and icon can be changed. (See “EDITING HOME”… -
Page 14: Destinations
1. NAVIGATION OPERATION 3. REGISTERING PRESET DESTINATIONS Press the “DEST” button. There are 4 different methods to search preset destinations. (See “DESTINATION SEARCH” on page 62.) Touch one of the preset destination Touch “Enter”. buttons. The “Edit Preset Destination” screen is A preset destination can be set to any pre- displayed.
Page 15
1. NAVIGATION OPERATION Touch “OK”. Registration of preset destinations is com- plete. Preset destinations can also be registered by touching “Navigation” on the “Setup” screen. (See “REGISTERING PRESET DESTINATIONS” on page 105.) The name, location, phone number and icon can be changed. (See “EDITING PRESET DESTINATIONS”… -
Page 16: Guiding The Route
1. NAVIGATION OPERATION 4. OPERATION FLOW: GUIDING THE ROUTE Press the “DEST” button. Touch “Go to ”. The navigation system performs a search for the route. There are 11 different methods to Touch “OK”, and start driving. search destinations. (See “DESTI- NATION SEARCH”…
Page 17: Destination
1. NAVIGATION OPERATION 5. SETTING HOME AS THE DESTINATION Press the “DEST” button. Touch “OK”, and start driving. Routes other than the one recommended can also be selected. (See “STARTING ROUTE GUIDANCE” on page 81.) Touch “Go Home”. Guidance to the destination is displayed on the screen and can be heard via voice guidance.
Page 18: Function Index
2. FUNCTION INDEX 1. NAVIGATION SYSTEM FUNCTION INDEX Map Displaying maps Page Viewing the map screen Displaying the current position Viewing the current position vicinity map Changing the scale Changing the map orientation Displaying Points of Interest Displaying the estimated travel/arrival time to the destination Selecting the map mode Deleting map screen buttons Displaying traffic information…
Page 19
2. FUNCTION INDEX During route guidance Page Pausing route guidance Adjusting route guidance volume Deleting the destination Displaying the entire route map Useful functions Address book Page Registering address book entries Marking icons on the map Information Page Displaying vehicle maintenance Hands-free system (for cellular phone) Page ®… -
Page 20: Quick Reference
67, 355 been stored in the system’s database. Touch to select to provide you with live assistance “Destination finding destinations via the Lexus Enform with 74, 353 Assist” Safety Connect response center. Touch to select a destination from any of the last “Previous…
Page 21
3. QUICK REFERENCE Name Function Page Touch the desired location from a registered en- try in “Address book”. (To register address book “Address Book” entries, see “REGISTERING ADDRESS BOOK ENTRIES” on page 108.) Touch to select one of the 4 categories of emer- “Emergency”… -
Page 22: Setup» Screen
3. QUICK REFERENCE 2. “Setup” SCREEN The items shown on the “Setup” screen can be set. Press the “SETUP” button to dis- play the “Setup” screen.
Page 23
Touch to set vehicle information such as mainte- “Vehicle” nance information. Touch to set Lexus Insider, XM Sports, XM “Other” 333, 361 Stocks and XM Fuel Prices. Touch to set HD Radio™ channel and iPod set- “Audio”… -
Page 24: Information» Screen
3. QUICK REFERENCE 3. “Information” SCREEN This screen can be used to display the XM satellite system, Lexus Enform, etc. Press the “INFO” button to display the “Information” screen.
Page 25
Touch to display the “Apps” screen. 346, 349 “Traffic Incidents” Touch to display traffic incidents. “LEXUS Insider” Touch to display the “LEXUS Insider” screen. “Map Data” Touch to display map data information. Touch to display current fuel prices and gas sta- “XM Fuel Prices”… -
Page 27: Basic Function
Page 28: Operation
1. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION 1. INITIAL SCREEN After about 5 seconds, the “CAUTION” When the “ENGINE START STOP” screen automatically switches to the map switch is in ACCESSORY or IGNI- screen. (If a button other than the “MAP/ TION ON mode, the initial screen will VOICE”…
Page 29: Touch Screen Operation
1. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION 2. TOUCH SCREEN OPERATION This system is operated mainly by the buttons on the screen. (Referred to as screen buttons in this manual.) When a screen button is touched, a beep sounds. (To set the beep sound, see page 46.) NOTICE ●To prevent damaging the screen, lightly…
Page 30: Operation
1. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION 3. INPUTTING LETTERS AND NUMBERS/LIST SCREEN OPERATION On certain letter entry screens, letters can When searching for an address or be entered in upper or lower case. name, or entering data, letters and num- bers can be input via the screen.
Page 31
1. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION TO DISPLAY THE LIST LIST SCREEN OPERATION Touch “OK” to search for an address or When a list is displayed, use the appro- a name. priate screen button to scroll through the list. Matching items from the database are listed even if the entered address or name is incomplete. -
Page 32
1. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION SORTING Screen button Function Touch to sort in order of The order of a list displayed on the “Distance” distance from the current screen can be rearranged. position. Touch “Sort”. Touch to sort in order of “Date”… -
Page 33: Screen Adjustment
1. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION 4. SCREEN ADJUSTMENT Adjusting the screen display The contrast and brightness of the screen display and the image the cam- era displays can be adjusted. The display can also be turned off, and/or changed to either day or night mode. (For infor- mation regarding audio/video screen adjustment, see “AUDIO SCREEN ADJUSTMENT”…
Page 34
1. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION CONTRAST AND CHANGING BETWEEN DAY BRIGHTNESS ADJUSTMENT AND NIGHT MODE The contrast and brightness of the Depending on the position of the head- screen can be adjusted according to the light switch, the screen changes to day brightness of your surroundings. -
Page 35: Map Screen Operation
1. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION 5. MAP SCREEN OPERATION CURRENT POSITION DISPLAY INFORMATION ●While driving, the current position mark When starting the navigation system, is fixed on the screen and the map moves. the current position is displayed first. ●The current position is automatically set as the vehicle receives signals from the This screen displays the current position GPS (Global Positioning System).
Page 36
1. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION TO SET THE CURSOR SCREEN SCROLL POSITION AS A DESTINATION OPERATION A specific point on the map can be set as When any point on the map is touched, a destination using the scroll function. that point moves to the center of the screen and is shown by the cursor mark Touch “Enter ”. -
Page 37: Book Entry
1. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION TO REGISTER THE CURSOR TO SEE INFORMATION POSITION AS AN ADDRESS ABOUT THE ICON WHERE BOOK ENTRY THE CURSOR IS SET Address book entry registration enables easy access to a specific point. Touch “Mark”. To display information about an icon, set the cursor on it.
Page 38
1. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION ■ ADDRESS BOOK ENTRY INFOR- Information such as the name, address, MATION position and phone number are dis- played. When the cursor is set on an address book entry icon, the name and “Info” are displayed at the top of the screen. -
Page 39
1. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION ■ DESTINATION INFORMATION If “Enter ” is touched, the cursor posi- tion will be set as a destination. When the cursor is set on a destination If a destination has already been set, “Go icon, the name and “Info”… -
Page 40
1. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION ® ■ XM NavTraffic TEXT INFORMA- SWITCHING THE SCREENS TION Any of the screen configurations can be ® When the XM NavTraffic icon on the selected. map screen is touched, the XM Touch “Map Mode”. ®… -
Page 41
1. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION SCREEN CONFIGURATIONS Screen button Function Touch to display the single ■ MAP ONLY “Map Only” map screen. (See page 41.) This is a regular map screen. Touch to display the turn “Turn List” list screen. (See page 86.) Touch to display the inter- section guidance screen “Intersection”… -
Page 42
1. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION ■ DUAL MAP Function The map screen can be split into two. Changing the orientation of the map Displaying POI icons ® Showing XM NavTraffic information (See page 331.) Displaying eDestination icons (See page 357.) Changing the map scale … -
Page 43
1. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION ■ COMPASS MAP SCALE The current position is indicated with a Touch to change the scale compass. of the map screen. Information about the destination, current The scale bar and indicator at the bottom of position and a compass is displayed on the the screen indicate the map scale menu. -
Page 44
1. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION TO DISPLAY BUILDING FOOT PRINT MAP INFORMATION For the area which is covered by the foot Information is available only for build- print map (Some areas in the following ings for which information is recorded cities: Detroit, Chicago, N.Y., L.A), you on the map data. -
Page 45
1. BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION ORIENTATION OF THE MAP STANDARD MAP ICONS The orientation of the map can be Icon Name changed from north-up to heading-up by touching the orientation symbol at Island the top left of the screen. Park Touch North-up screen Industry… -
Page 46: Setup
2. SETUP 1. GENERAL SETTINGS Used for language selection and the on/ SCREENS FOR GENERAL off settings of operation sounds and au- SETTINGS tomatic screen change, etc. Press the “SETUP” button. Touch “General”. Touch the items to be set. On this screen, the following functions can be performed: Touch “Save”.
Page 47
54.) TINGS” on page 47.) Touch to update program versions. Touch to change the language. (See For details, contact your Lexus deal- “SELECTING A LANGUAGE” on page 49.) Touch to update gracenote database Touch to change the distance unit. -
Page 48: Time Zone
2. SETUP ■ TIME ZONE Touch the items to be set. A time zone can be selected and GMT can be set. Press the “SETUP” button. Touch “General” on the “Setup” screen. Touch “System Time” on the “General Settings” screen. …
Page 49
2. SETUP SELECTING A LANGUAGE UNIT OF MEASUREMENT The language can be changed. Distance unit can be changed. Press the “SETUP” button. Press the “SETUP” button. Touch “General” on the “Setup” screen. Touch “General” on the “Setup” screen. Touch “Language”. Touch “Unit of Measurement”. -
Page 50
2. SETUP SELECTING A BUTTON SELECTING A KEYBOARD COLOR LAYOUT The color of the screen buttons can be Keyboard layout can be changed. changed. Press the “SETUP” button. Press the “SETUP” button. Touch “General” on the “Setup” screen. Touch “General” on the “Setup” screen. Touch “Keyboard Layout”. -
Page 51
2. SETUP ■ LAYOUT TYPE CHANGING THE STARTUP IMAGE “ABC” type When the “ENGINE START STOP” switch is in ACCESSORY or IGNI- TION ON mode, the initial screen will be displayed. An image can be copied from a USB memory and used as the startup image. (For information regarding the startup “QWERTY”… -
Page 52
2. SETUP ■ TRANSFERRING DATA ■ SETTING THE STARTUP IMAGE Open the cover and connect a USB Press the “SETUP” button. memory. Touch “General” on the “Setup” screen. Touch “Customize Startup Image” on the “General Settings” screen. Touch the desired image. … -
Page 53
2. SETUP Close the console box. CHANGING THE SCREEN OFF IMAGE Press the “SETUP” button. Touch “General” on the “Setup” screen. Touch “Screen Off” to turn off the screen. An image can be copied from a Touch “Customize Screen Off Image”. USB memory and can be set to display when “Screen Off”… -
Page 54
2. SETUP ■ SETTING THE SCREEN OFF IM- DELETING PERSONAL DATA Press the “SETUP” button. Press the “SETUP” button. Touch “General” on the “Setup” screen. Touch “General” on the “Setup” screen. Touch “Delete Personal Data”. Touch “Customize Screen Off Image” on the “General Settings”… -
Page 55
2. SETUP The following personal data can be deleted or returned to their default settings: • Maintenance conditions • Maintenance information off setting • Address book • Areas to avoid • Previous points • Route guidance • Route trace •… -
Page 56: Voice Settings
2. SETUP 2. VOICE SETTINGS Voice guidance etc. can be set. SCREEN FOR VOICE SETTINGS Press the “SETUP” button. Touch “Voice”. On this screen, the following functions can be performed: Touch the items to be set. Touch “Save”.
Page 57
2. SETUP VOICE VOLUME Function The voice guidance volume can be The voice guidance volume can be ad- adjusted or switched off. (See justed or switched off. “VOICE VOLUME” on page 57.) Press the “SETUP” button. Voice guidance during route guid- ance can be set to “On”… -
Page 58
2. SETUP TRAFFIC INCIDENT WARNING Traffic congestion information can be received via voice guidance while being guided to the desired destination. Press the “SETUP” button. Touch “Voice” on the “Setup” screen. Touch “On” of “Traffic Incident Warn- ing”. Touch “Save”. INFORMATION ●When the “Traffic Information”… -
Page 59
2. SETUP… -
Page 60: Destination Search
Page 61: Navigation System
Page 62: Destination Search
1. DESTINATION SEARCH 1. DESTINATION SEARCH Press the “DEST” button. SELECTING THE SEARCH AREA The selected state (province) can be changed to set a destination from a different state (province) by using “Address”, “Point of Interest” or “Intersection & Freeway”. Touch “Change State/Province”…
Page 63
1. DESTINATION SEARCH DESTINATION SEARCH BY DESTINATION SEARCH BY HOME PRESET DESTINATIONS Press the “DEST” button. Press the “DEST” button. Touch “Go Home”. Touch any of the preset destination but- tons (1-5). Your home address is set as the destination. The navigation system performs a search … -
Page 64
1. DESTINATION SEARCH SELECTING A CITY TO DESTINATION SEARCH BY SEARCH “Address” Press the “DEST” button. There are 2 methods to search a desti- Touch “Address” on the “Destination” nation by address: screen. (a) Search by city Touch “City”. (b) Search by street address Press the “DEST”… -
Page 65
1. DESTINATION SEARCH ■ SEARCHING FROM THE LAST 5 Input the street name and touch “OK”. CITIES Touch “Last 5 Cities”. When the desired street name is found, touch the corresponding screen button. Touch the screen button of the desired city name from the displayed list. -
Page 66
1. DESTINATION SEARCH When the desired street name is found, SEARCH BY STREET ADDRESS touch the corresponding screen button. Press the “DEST” button. Touch “Address” on the “Destination” screen. Touch “Street Address”. When the desired street name is selected, the “Confirm Destination”… -
Page 67
1. DESTINATION SEARCH SEARCH BY “Name” INFORMATION ●A street name can be searched using Press the “DEST” button. only the body part of its name. ●For example: S WESTERN AVE Touch “Point of Interest” on the “Desti- • A search can be performed by inputting nation”… -
Page 68
1. DESTINATION SEARCH ■ SELECTING A CITY TO SEARCH Touch the screen button of the desired destination. Touch “City”. If the same name exists in more than 1 city, a Input the city name. search can be performed more easily using “City”… -
Page 69
1. DESTINATION SEARCH ■ SELECTING FROM THE CATEGO- SEARCH BY “Category” RIES The destination can be set by touching Touch “Category”. the search point and the POI category. Press the “DEST” button. Touch “Point of Interest” on the “Desti- nation” screen. Touch “Category”. -
Page 70
1. DESTINATION SEARCH ■ SETTING THE SEARCH POINT INFORMATION FROM NEAR CITY CENTER ●The names of POIs located within approximately 200 miles (320 km) from Touch “Near a City Center in XX*”. the selected search point can be dis- Input the city center name. played. -
Page 71
1. DESTINATION SEARCH ■ SELECTING FROM THE LAST 5 ■ SETTING THE SEARCH POINT CITIES FROM NEAR A DESTINATION Touch “Near a City Center in XX*”. Touch “Near a Destination”. Touch “Last 5 Cities”. Touch the screen button of the desired destination. -
Page 72
1. DESTINATION SEARCH ■ TO SEARCH FOR POIs NEAR THE Touch the screen button of the desired SEARCH POINT item. When the search point is set, the “POI Category” screen will be displayed. Touch the desired POI category. When the desired item is selected, the “Confirm Destination”… -
Page 73
“OK”. With the eDestination feature, you can go When a phone number is input, the “Con- online, via the Lexus.com owner’ s Web site, firm Destination” screen may be displayed. to select and organize destinations of your If “Go” is touched on the “Confirm Destina- choice and then wirelessly send them to tion”… -
Page 74
Destination Assist provides you with live Touch the screen button of the desired assistance for finding destinations via the destination. Lexus Enform with Safety Connect response center. You can request either a specific business, address, or ask for help locating your desired destination by cate-… -
Page 75
1. DESTINATION SEARCH DESTINATION SEARCH BY DESTINATION SEARCH BY “Address Book” “Emergency” Press the “DEST” button. Press the “DEST” button. Touch “Address Book” on the “Destina- Touch “Emergency” on the second tion” screen. page of the “Destination” screen. The display changes to a screen to select Touch the screen button of the desired police stations, dealers, hospitals or fire sta- address book entry. -
Page 76
1. DESTINATION SEARCH Touch the screen button of the desired DESTINATION SEARCH BY destination. “Intersection & Freeway” There are 2 methods to search a desti- nation by Intersection & Freeway: (a) Search by intersection (b) Search by freeway Press the “DEST” button. … -
Page 77
1. DESTINATION SEARCH Touch the screen button of the desired SEARCH BY “Intersection” item. Press the “DEST” button. Touch “Intersection & Freeway” on the second page of the “Destination” screen. Touch “Intersection” on the “Intersec- tion & Freeway” screen. Input the name of the first intersecting … -
Page 78
1. DESTINATION SEARCH Input a freeway entrance or exit name, SEARCH BY “Freeway and touch “OK”. Entrance / Exit” Press the “DEST” button. Touch “Intersection & Freeway” on the second page of the “Destination” screen. Touch “Freeway Entrance / Exit” on the “Intersection &… -
Page 79
1. DESTINATION SEARCH DESTINATION SEARCH BY DESTINATION SEARCH BY “Map” “Coordinates” Press the “DEST” button. Press the “DEST” button. Touch “Map” on the second page of the Touch “Coordinates” on the second “Destination” screen. page of the “Destination” screen. Scroll the map to the desired point. Input the latitude and the longitude. -
Page 80
1. DESTINATION SEARCH Touch “Yes” to delete the destination(s). DELETING SET DESTINATIONS A set destination can be deleted. Press the “DEST” button. Touch “Del.Dest.” on the “Destination” screen. A message appears to confirm the request When more than 1 destination is set, a list to delete. -
Page 81: Starting Route Guidance
1. DESTINATION SEARCH 2. STARTING ROUTE GUIDANCE When “Map” is touched on the “Con- If a destination has already been set, “Go firm Destination” screen, the map ” and “Add to Route” will be dis- screen will be displayed. The map loca- played.
Page 82
1. DESTINATION SEARCH 3 ROUTES SELECTION Guidance can be paused or resumed. (See “PAUSING AND RESUMING Touch “3 Routes”. GUIDANCE” on page 97.) If “OK” is touched until a beep sounds, demo mode will start. Press the “MAP/ VOICE”… -
Page 83
1. DESTINATION SEARCH This screen is displayed. Function Function Page Time necessary for the entire trip Touch to add destinations. Distance of the entire trip Touch to delete destina- Toll road tions. Touch to reorder destina- Freeway tions. Ferry Touch to display the choic- es available when setting the conditions the system EDIT ROUTE… -
Page 84: Route Guidance
2. ROUTE GUIDANCE 1. ROUTE GUIDANCE SCREEN During route guidance, various types of DURING FREEWAY DRIVING guidance screens can be displayed de- pending on conditions. During freeway driving, the freeway exit information screen will be displayed. This screen displays the distance to the SCREEN LAYOUT next junction/exit, or POIs in the vicinity of the freeway exit.
Page 85
2. ROUTE GUIDANCE WHEN APPROACHING A WHEN APPROACHING AN FREEWAY EXIT OR INTERSECTION JUNCTION When the vehicle approaches an inter- When the vehicle approaches an exit or section, the intersection guidance junction, the freeway guidance screen screen will be displayed. will be displayed. -
Page 86
2. ROUTE GUIDANCE ■ ARROW SCREEN OTHER SCREENS On this screen, information about the ■ TURN LIST SCREEN next turn on the guidance route can be viewed. On this screen, the list of turns on the guidance route can be viewed. Touch “Turn-by-Turn Arrow”… -
Page 87: Prompts
2. ROUTE GUIDANCE 2. TYPICAL VOICE GUIDANCE PROMPTS As the vehicle approaches an intersec- 4 miles tion, or point, where maneuvering the 0.5 miles vehicle is necessary, the system’s voice guidance will provide various messages. 5 miles 0.5 miles Voice guidance “Proceed about 4 miles to the traffic circle.”…
Page 88
2. ROUTE GUIDANCE *: The system indicates a U-turn if the dis- The system announces the approach to the tance between 2 one-way roads (of oppo- final destination. site directions) is less than 50 ft. (15 m) in residential areas or 164 ft. (50 m) in non- Voice guidance residential areas. -
Page 89
2. ROUTE GUIDANCE ■ ROUTES INCLUDING IPD ROADS CAUTION Even when on IPD roads (roads that are Be sure to obey the traffic regulations and ● not completely digitized in our data- keep the road condition in mind espe- base), you will be guided along the cially when you are driving on IPD roads. -
Page 90: Destination
2. ROUTE GUIDANCE 3. DISTANCE AND TIME TO DESTINATION When the vehicle is on the guidance Icon Function route, the distance and the estimated travel/arrival time to the destination are Estimated travel time is dis- displayed. When the vehicle is not on the played.
Page 91: Destinations
2. ROUTE GUIDANCE 4. SETTING AND DELETING DESTINATIONS ADDING DESTINATIONS REORDERING DESTINATIONS Destinations can be added and routes can be searched again. When more than 1 destination is set, the arrival order of the destinations can be Touch “Route”. changed. Touch “Route”.
Page 92
2. ROUTE GUIDANCE Touch “Yes” to delete the destination(s). DELETING DESTINATIONS If “Yes” is touched, the data cannot be recovered. If more than 1 destination has A set destination can be deleted. been set, the system will recalculate the route(s) to the set destination(s) as neces- Touch “Route”. -
Page 93: Setting Route
2. ROUTE GUIDANCE 5. SETTING ROUTE “1 mile (km)”, “3 miles (km)” or “5 miles DETOUR SETTING (km)”: Touch one of these screen buttons to start the detour process. After detouring, While the route guidance is operating, the system returns to the original guidance the route can be changed to detour route.
Page 94
2. ROUTE GUIDANCE TURN LIST ROUTE OVERVIEW Touch to skip to the next page Touch “Route”. of the list of roads. Touch and hold to scroll through the list of roads. Touch “Overview”. : This mark indicates the direction in which you should turn at the intersection. -
Page 95
2. ROUTE GUIDANCE The entire route from the starting point ROUTE PREFERENCE to the destination is displayed. TO SELECT ROUTE TYPE The Preferred, Short or Alternative route can be selected. Touch “Route”. “OK”: Touch to start guidance. “Edit Route”: Touch to change a route. (See page 83.) TO SELECT ROUTE FEATURES Touch “Preferences”. -
Page 96
2. ROUTE GUIDANCE Touch “Preferences” to display condi- STARTING ROUTE FROM tions that can be selected when the sys- ADJACENT ROAD tem determines the route to the destination. The route guidance can be started from an adjacent road. (e.g. When route guidance is set on the freeway, but the vehicle is driven parallel along the freeway.) Touch “Route”. -
Page 97
2. ROUTE GUIDANCE TO RESUME GUIDANCE PAUSING AND RESUMING GUIDANCE Touch “Route”. TO PAUSE GUIDANCE Touch “Route”. Touch “Resume Guidance”. Touch “Pause Guidance”. The map screen, with the current position displayed, will be returned to. The screen will return to the current posi- tion map without route guidance. -
Page 98
2. ROUTE GUIDANCE A screen with a limited choice of POIs will SHOW ON MAP be displayed. (To change the displayed POI list, see page 122.) DISPLAY POI ICONS SELECTING POI ICONS TO BE DISPLAYED POI icons such as gas stations and res- taurants can be displayed on the map Up to 5 categories of icons can be dis- screen. -
Page 99
2. ROUTE GUIDANCE Touch the desired POI categories. TO DISPLAY THE LOCAL POI LIST Points of Interest that are within 20 miles (32 km) of the current position will be listed from among the selected cate- gories. Touch “Find Local POI”. … -
Page 100
2. ROUTE GUIDANCE When the desired POI overlaps with the cursor, touch “Enter ”. The screen changes and displays the map location of the selected destination and route preference. (See “STARTING ROUTE GUIDANCE” on page 81.) TO HIDE POI ICONS Function Touch “Show on Map”. -
Page 101
2. ROUTE GUIDANCE TO STOP RECORDING THE ROUTE TRACE ROUTE TRACE Up to 124 miles (200 km) of the trav- Touch “Show on Map”. eled route can be stored and retraced on the display. INFORMATION ●This feature is available when the map scale is 30 miles (50 km) or less. -
Page 102: Address Book
3. ADDRESS BOOK 1. NAVIGATION SETTINGS Touch the desired items to be set. Points or areas on the map can be regis- tered. The registered points can be used on the “Destination” screen. (See “DESTINA- TION SEARCH BY HOME” on page 63, and “DESTINATION SEARCH BY “Address Book””…
Page 103
3. ADDRESS BOOK REGISTERING HOME SETTING UP THE “Home” Press the “SETUP” button. If home has been registered, that infor- mation can be recalled by touching “Go Touch “Navigation” on the “Setup” Home” on the “Destination” screen. screen. (See “DESTINATION SEARCH BY Touch “Home”… -
Page 104
3. ADDRESS BOOK “Show Name on Map”: The name of a home EDITING HOME can be set to be displayed on the map by touching “On” or “Off”. (See page 110.) Press the “SETUP” button. Touch “OK”. Touch “Navigation” on the “Setup” screen. -
Page 105
3. ADDRESS BOOK REGISTERING PRESET SETTING UP THE “Preset DESTINATIONS Destinations” Press the “SETUP” button. If preset destination has been regis- Touch “Navigation” on the “Setup” tered, that information can be recalled screen. by using “Preset Destinations” on the “Navigation Settings” screen. (See Touch “Preset Destinations”… -
Page 106
3. ADDRESS BOOK Touch a position for this preset destina- Touch the screen button of the desired tion. preset destination. When registration of a preset destination is Touch “Edit” next to the item to be edit- completed, the “Edit Preset Destination” screen will be displayed. -
Page 107
3. ADDRESS BOOK DELETING PRESET SETTING UP THE “Address DESTINATIONS Book” Press the “SETUP” button. Points or areas on the map can be regis- Touch “Navigation” on the “Setup” tered. screen. Press the “SETUP” button. Touch “Preset Destinations” on the Touch “Navigation”… -
Page 108
3. ADDRESS BOOK REGISTERING ADDRESS INFORMATION BOOK ENTRIES Up to 100 address book entries can be ● registered. Press the “SETUP” button. Touch “Navigation” on the “Setup” EDITING ADDRESS BOOK screen. ENTRIES Touch “Address Book” on the “Naviga- tion Settings” screen. The icon, name, location and/or phone number of a registered address book Touch “New”. -
Page 109
3. ADDRESS BOOK ■ TO CHANGE “Icon” Touch “Edit” next to the item to be edit- Touch “Edit”. Function Page Touch the desired icon. Touch to edit the address book entry name. The name can be displayed on the map. Touch to edit location infor- mation. -
Page 110
3. ADDRESS BOOK ■ DISPLAYING ADDRESS BOOK Touch either to adjust the di- ENTRY NAMES rection. Then touch “OK”. Touch “On” to display the name on the map and touch “Off” to not display it. INFORMATION The bell sounds only when the vehicle ●… -
Page 111
3. ADDRESS BOOK ■ TO CHANGE “Phone #” Touch “Delete”. (PHONE NUMBER) Touch “Edit”. Touch the address to be deleted. Enter the number using the number keys. Screen button Function Touch to select all regis- “Select All” tered addresses. Touch “OK”. Select to cancel the The previous screen will be displayed. -
Page 112
3. ADDRESS BOOK REGISTERING AREAS TO SETTING UP THE “Areas to AVOID Avoid” Press the “SETUP” button. Areas to be avoided because of traffic Touch “Navigation” on the “Setup” jams, construction work or other rea- screen. sons can be registered as areas to avoid. Touch “Areas to Avoid”… -
Page 113
3. ADDRESS BOOK Scroll the map to the desired point. EDITING AREA TO AVOID The name, location and/or area size of a registered area can be edited. Press the “SETUP” button. Touch “Navigation” on the “Setup” screen. Touch “Areas to Avoid” on the “Naviga- “Adjust Location”: Touch to adjust the posi- tion Settings”… -
Page 114
3. ADDRESS BOOK ■ TO CHANGE “Name” Touch “Edit” next to the item to be edit- Touch “Edit”. Function Page Enter the name using the alphanumeric keys. Touch to edit the name of the area to avoid. The name can be displayed on the map. -
Page 115
3. ADDRESS BOOK ■ TO CHANGE “Location” ■ TO CHANGE “Size” Touch “Edit”. Touch “Edit”. Touch one of the 8 directional screen Touch either to change the size of the area to be avoided. buttons to move the cursor to the de- sired point on the map. -
Page 116
3. ADDRESS BOOK DELETING AREAS TO AVOID DELETING PREVIOUS DESTINATIONS Press the “SETUP” button. Touch “Navigation” on the “Setup” Previous destinations can be deleted. screen. Press the “SETUP” button. Touch “Areas to Avoid” on the “Naviga- Touch “Navigation” on the “Setup” tion Settings”… -
Page 117: Setup
4. SETUP 1. DETAILED NAVIGATION SETTINGS Touch “Detailed Navi. Settings”. Settings are available for driving speeds, favorite POI categories, automatic screen change, “ Off” function, etc. Press the “SETUP” button. Touch the items to be set. Touch “Navigation”. Touch “Save”.
Page 118
4. SETUP SCREENS FOR NAVIGATION Function SETTINGS Touch to set the average driving speed. (See “DRIVING SPEEDS” on page 119.) Touch to set the automatic input function to “On” or “Off”. Touch to set the voice guidance for the next street name to “On” or “Off”… -
Page 119
4. SETUP DRIVING SPEEDS Function Touch to adjust the current position The speed that is used for the calculation mark manually. Miscalculation of the of the estimated travel time and estimat- distance caused by tire replacement ed arrival time can be set. can also be adjusted. -
Page 120
4. SETUP AUTO AVOID TRAFFIC INFORMATION ●The displayed time to the destination is The guidance route automatically the approximate driving time that is cal- changes to another route to avoid heavy culated based on the selected speeds congestion when “Avoid Traffic” is and the actual position along the guid- ance route. -
Page 121
4. SETUP Touch “On” or “Off”. SHOW FREE FLOWING TRAFFIC Touch “Save”. When congestion information about the Free flowing traffic can be shown by an guidance route has been received, a arrow when “Show Free Flowing screen will appear to ask if it is desirable to Traffic”… -
Page 122
4. SETUP Touch the desired group. POI CATEGORY CHANGE (SELECT POI ICONS) Select up to 6 POI icons to be displayed on the map screen. Press the “SETUP” button. Touch “Navigation” on the “Setup” screen. If the desired POI category is not on the Touch “Detailed Navi. -
Page 123
4. SETUP Touch the screen buttons to be turned SCREEN LAYOUT FUNCTION off. The selected screen buttons will be (“ Off” Function) dimmed. Each screen button and current street name on the map screen can be dis- played or hidden. Press the “SETUP”… -
Page 124
4. SETUP ■ POSITION/DIRECTION CALI- CURRENT POSITION/TIRE BRATION CHANGE CALIBRATION When driving, the current position mark The current position mark can be adjust- will be automatically corrected by GPS ed manually. Miscalculation of the dis- signals. If GPS reception is poor due to tance caused by tire replacement can location, the current position mark can also be adjusted. -
Page 125
4. SETUP POP-UP INFORMATION Touch either to adjust the di- rection of the current position mark. When “Pop-up Information” is turned on, pop-up information will be displayed. Press the “SETUP” button. Touch “Navigation” on the “Setup” screen. Touch “Detailed Navi. Settings” on the “Navigation Settings”… -
Page 126
4. SETUP This message appears when the map scale is over 0.5 miles (800 m). This message appears when the map is switched to dual map screen mode. -
Page 127: Vehicle Settings
4. SETUP 2. VEHICLE SETTINGS Touch “Maintenance”. MAINTENANCE When the navigation system is turned on, the “Maintenance Reminder” screen displays when it is time to replace a part or certain components. (See page 28.) Press the “SETUP” button. Touch the desired screen button. …
Page 128
4. SETUP MAINTENANCE Screen button Function INFORMATION SETTING “Engine oil” Replace engine oil Press the “SETUP” button. “Oil filter” Replace engine oil filter Touch “Vehicle” on the “Setup” screen. “Rotation” Rotate tires Touch “Maintenance” on the “Vehicle “Tires” Replace tires Settings”… -
Page 129
4. SETUP Input the conditions. Screen button Function Touch to register dealer information. (See “DEAL- “Set Dealer” ER SETTING” on page 130.) Touch to edit dealer infor- “Dealer Info. ” mation. (See “DEALER SETTING” on page 130.) When this screen button Function is touched, the indicator is Touch to input the next maintenance… -
Page 130
4. SETUP Touch “Edit” next to the item to be edit- DEALER SETTING Dealer information can be registered in the system. With dealer information reg- istered, route guidance to the dealer is available. Press the “SETUP” button. Touch “Vehicle” on the “Setup” screen. Touch “Maintenance”… -
Page 131
4. SETUP ■ TO EDIT “Dealer” OR “Contact” ■ TO EDIT “Location” Touch “Edit” next to “Dealer” or “Con- Touch “Edit” next to “Location”. tact”. Touch one of the 8 directional screen Enter the name using the alphanumeric buttons to move the cursor to the de- keys. -
Page 132
4. SETUP ■ TO EDIT “Phone #” (PHONE NUMBER) Touch “Edit” next to “Phone #”. Enter the number using number keys. Touch “OK”. The previous screen will be displayed. -
Page 133: Limitations Of The Navigation System
5. GPS (GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM) 1. LIMITATIONS OF THE NAVIGATION SYSTEM When the vehicle is receiving signals from This navigation system calculates the satellites, the “GPS” mark appears at the current position using satellite signals, top left of the screen. various vehicle signals, map data, etc.
Page 134
5. GPS (GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM) Accurate current position may not be Inappropriate route guidance may occur in shown in the following cases: the following cases: • When driving on a small angled Y-shaped • When turning at an intersection off the road. -
Page 135
5. GPS (GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM) INFORMATION This navigation system uses tire turning ● data and is designed to work with factory- specified tires for the vehicle. Installing tires that are larger or smaller than the originally equipped diameter may cause inaccurate display of the current position. -
Page 136
Page 137: Phone
Page 138: Phone Operation
1. PHONE OPERATION 1. QUICK REFERENCE ® Bluetooth phones can be operated via the navigation system’s screen. To display the hands-free operation screen, press the button or the switch on the steering wheel.
Page 139
1. PHONE OPERATION Name Function No connection Good ® An antenna for the Bluetooth connection is built in the instrument ® panel. The condition of the Bluetooth connection may deteriorate ® and the system may not function when a Bluetooth phone is used in The condition the following conditions and/or places:… -
Page 140
1. PHONE OPERATION 2. PHONE (HANDS-FREE SYSTEM FOR CELLULAR PHONE) The hands-free system enables calls to NOTICE be made and received without having to take your hands off the steering wheel. Do not leave your cellular phone in the ● vehicle. -
Page 141
●Refer http://www.lexus.com/ MobileLink to find approved Bluetooth ® phones for this system. The microphone can be used when talking Bluetooth is a registered trademark of on the phone. -
Page 142
1. PHONE OPERATION USING THE STEERING INFORMATION SWITCHES ●The other party’ s voice will be heard from the front speakers. The audio/video sys- tem will be muted during phone calls or when hands-free voice commands are used. ●Talk alternately with the other party on the phone. -
Page 143
1. PHONE OPERATION ABOUT THE PHONEBOOK IN WHEN SELLING OR THIS SYSTEM DISPOSING OF THE VEHICLE The following data is stored for every regis- A lot of personal data is registered when tered phone. When another phone is con- the hands-free system is used. -
Page 144
1. PHONE OPERATION U.S.A. Canada FCC ID : AJDK041 IC : 775E-K041 This device complies with part 15 of the This device complies with Industry FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the Canada licence-exempt following two conditions: (1) This device standard(s). -
Page 145
1. PHONE OPERATION Under Industry Canada regulations, this CAUTION radio transmitter may only operate using an antenna of a type and maximum (or ●This equipment complies with IC lesser) gain approved for the transmitter radiation exposure limits set forth for an by Industry Canada. -
Page 146
1. PHONE OPERATION ® 3. REGISTER A Bluetooth PHONE When this screen is displayed, operate To use the hands-free system, it is neces- ® sary to register a phone with the system. the Bluetooth device. Once the phone has been registered, it is possible to make a hands-free call. -
Page 147
1. PHONE OPERATION ® This screen will be displayed when reg- When 5 Bluetooth devices have al- istration is complete. ready been registered ® When 5 Bluetooth devices have al- ready been registered, a registered de- vice needs to be deleted. Touch “Yes” to delete 1 or more. -
Page 148
1. PHONE OPERATION The system will connect with the phone that ® CONNECTING A Bluetooth was last connected, if it is nearby. PHONE When “Display Phone Status” is set to “On”, the connection status is displayed. ® (See “Bluetooth DEVICE CONNEC- AUTOMATICALLY TION STATUS DISPLAY SETTINGS”… -
Page 149
1. PHONE OPERATION This screen is displayed. MANUALLY When the auto connection has failed or “Bluetooth* Power” is turned off, it is ® necessary to connect Bluetooth man- ually. Press the button or the switch on the steering wheel. When the connection is completed, this Touch “Connect Phone”. -
Page 150
1. PHONE OPERATION RECONNECTING THE ® Bluetooth PHONE ® If a Bluetooth phone is disconnected due to poor reception from the ® Bluetooth network when the “EN- GINE START STOP” switch is in AC- CESSORY or IGNITION ON mode, the system automatically reconnects the ®… -
Page 151
1. PHONE OPERATION ® 4. CALL ON THE Bluetooth PHONE ® BY PHONEBOOK After a Bluetooth phone has been reg- istered, a call can be made using the hands-free system. There are 7 methods Calls can be made by using the phone- by which a call can be made. -
Page 152
1. PHONE OPERATION PBAP compatible models Touch the desired number from the list. PBAP incompatible but OPP compatible Touch or press the switch on models the steering wheel. WHEN THE PHONEBOOK IS EMPTY Touch “Contacts”. Transfer the phonebook data to the sys- ®… -
Page 153
1. PHONE OPERATION When the data transfer from a PBAP in- Touch the desired number to call. compatible but OPP compatible model is complete, “Done” will appear on the screen. Touch “Done”. The list to be displayed can be changed by touching the “Speed Dial 1”, “Speed Dial 2”… -
Page 154
1. PHONE OPERATION Touch “Call History”. CALLS CAN BE MADE USING THE LATEST CALL HISTORY ITEM Press the button or the switch on the steering wheel to display the “Phone” screen. Press the switch on the steering wheel to display the “Call History” Touch the desired data from the list. -
Page 155: Voice Command
1. PHONE OPERATION Say the name, or the name and type of BY VOICE RECOGNITION phone, of a registered contact. In the same manner as it is displayed on the Calls can be made by giving a voice screen, “Call <name> <type>”, after saying command.
Page 156
1. PHONE OPERATION ■ INTERNATIONAL CALL VOICE COMMAND EXAMPLE: DIAL NUMBER To dial a phone number that is not a 3, 7, 10 or 11 digit number, for example an in- Press the talk switch. ternational number, use “International “Dial <number>” is displayed in the “Short- Call”. -
Page 157
1. PHONE OPERATION CALLING USING AN SMS/ BY POI CALL MMS MESSAGE A call can be made by touching when it is displayed on the screen from Calls can be made to an SMS (Short the navigation system. (See “TO SEE Message Service)/MMS (Multimedia INFORMATION ABOUT THE ICON Messaging Service) message sender’s… -
Page 158
1. PHONE OPERATION ® 5. RECEIVE ON THE Bluetooth PHONE When a call is received, this screen is displayed with a sound. Touch or press the switch on the steering wheel to talk on the phone. To refuse to receive the call: Touch or press the switch on the steering wheel. -
Page 159
1. PHONE OPERATION ® 6. TALK ON THE Bluetooth PHONE While talking on the phone, this screen is INFORMATION displayed. The operations outlined be- ●Changing from hands-free call to cellular low can be performed on this screen. phone call is not possible while driving. ●When cellular phone call is changed to hands-free call, the hands-free screen will be displayed and its functions can be… -
Page 160
1. PHONE OPERATION TONE SIGNAL INFORMATION ●The continuous tone signal is the marked If a continuous tone signal is registered sign (p or w) and the number that follows in a phonebook, this screen appears. (If phone number. (e.g. not registered, “Send” and “Clear” are 056133w0123p#1) not displayed.) This can be operated ●When the “p”… -
Page 161
1. PHONE OPERATION INCOMING CALL WAITING INFORMATION ●If your cellular phone does not support When a call is interrupted by a third par- HFP Ver. 1.5, this function cannot be used. ty while talking, this screen is displayed. ●The ring tone that has been set in the “Phone Sound Settings”… -
Page 162: Function
1. PHONE OPERATION ® 7. Bluetooth PHONE MESSAGE FUNCTION Touch the screen button corresponding Received messages can be forwarded to the desired message. ® from the connected Bluetooth phone, enabling checking and replying using the navigation system (Quick reply). CHECKING MESSAGES Press the button or the switch on…
Page 163
1. PHONE OPERATION REPLYING (QUICK REPLY) When the received message is an e-mail and “Update Message Read Status on Phone” is set to “On”, “Mark as Unread” Touch “Reply”. or “Mark as Read” can be selected. Touch “Mark as Unread” to mark mails ®… -
Page 164
1. PHONE OPERATION EDITING REPLY MESSAGES NEW MESSAGE NOTIFICATION Reply messages can be edited while the vehicle is parked. Touch “Edit”. If “New Message Pop-up” and “New Message Voice Notification” are set to “On”, a notification appears on the screen and a voice notification will be heard when a new message arrives. -
Page 165: Setup
2. SETUP 1. PHONE SETTINGS The phonebook can be edited. Volume, PHONE SOUND SETTINGS display and message settings can also be changed. The call, transmit and ring tone volume can be adjusted. A ring tone can be se- Press the “SETUP” button. lected.
Page 166
2. SETUP RING TONE SETTING INFORMATION ●The system will automatically increase Touch “Ring Tone” on the “Phone the volume when the speed exceeds 50 Sound Settings” screen. mph (80 km/h). Touch the screen button corresponding to the desired ring tone. CALL VOLUME SETTING Touch “Call Volume”… -
Page 167
2. SETUP SETTING THE PHONEBOOK PHONEBOOK The phonebook can be transferred from The call history can be deleted and ® a Bluetooth phone to the system. The phonebook and speed dial settings can phonebook also can be added, edited be changed. and deleted. -
Page 168
2. SETUP ■ THE “Contacts” SCREEN CAN ■ TRANSFERRING A PHONE NUM- ALSO BE DISPLAYED Press the button or the switch on ® The phone numbers in a Bluetooth the steering wheel. phone can be transferred to the system. Touch “Contacts” on the “Phone” The system can manage up to 5 phone- screen. -
Page 169
2. SETUP ® For PBAP compatible Bluetooth phones Touch “Transfer Contacts”. This screen appears while transferring. To cancel this function, touch “Cancel”. ® If another Bluetooth device is connected when transferring phonebook data, Touch “Update Contacts”. depending on the phone, the connected ®… -
Page 170
2. SETUP For PBAP incompatible but OPP com- Touch “Automatically Download patible Bluetooth ® phones Contacts” to transfer the phonebook from a connected cellular phone. Touch “Transfer Contacts”. Touch “Automatically Download Call History” to transfer the call history from a connected cellular phone. Touch “Replace Contacts”… -
Page 171
2. SETUP From “Contacts” screen Transfer the phonebook data to the sys- ® tem using a Bluetooth phone. Phonebooks of PBAP incompatible but Depending on the type of cellular phone, OPP compatible phones can also be OBEX authentication may be required transferred from the “Contacts”… -
Page 172
2. SETUP ■ REGISTERING PHONE- Touch the phone type. BOOK DATA The phonebook data can be registered. Up to 3 numbers per person can be reg- istered. New phonebook data cannot be added PBAP compatible ® Bluetooth phones. Touch “New Contact”. When 2 or less numbers in total are reg- istered to this contact, this screen is dis- played. -
Page 173
2. SETUP ■ THE “Edit Contact” SCREEN CAN Touch “Edit Contacts”. ALSO BE DISPLAYED From the “Contact” screen Press the button or the switch on the steering wheel. Touch “Contacts” on the “Phone” screen. Touch the desired data from the list on Touch the desired data to edit. -
Page 174
2. SETUP From the “Call History” screen ■ DELETING THE PHONEBOOK DATA Press the button or the switch on the steering wheel. The data can be deleted. Touch “Call History” on the “Phone” When selling or disposing of the vehicle, screen. -
Page 175
2. SETUP ■ ALTERNATIVE PHONEBOOK SPEED DIALS SETTING DATA DELETION METHOD Speed dials can be registered and delet- PBAP incompatible but OPP compatible models Press the button or the switch on Press the “SETUP” button. the steering wheel. Touch “Phone” on the “Setup” screen. Touch “Contacts”… -
Page 176
2. SETUP ■ THE “Speed Dials” SCREEN CAN Touch “Manage Speed Dials”. ALSO BE DISPLAYED From the “Speed Dial” screen Press the button or the switch on the steering wheel. Touch “Speed Dials” on the “Phone” screen. Touch “Options”. ■ REGISTERING THE SPEED DIAL Speed dial numbers can be registered by selecting the desired number from… -
Page 177
2. SETUP ■ THE SPEED DIAL CAN ALSO BE Touch the desired phone number. REGISTERED From the “Speed Dial” screen Press the button or the switch on the steering wheel. Touch “Speed Dials” on the “Phone” screen. Touch “(add new)”. Touch the desired speed dial location. -
Page 178
2. SETUP Touch the desired phone number. This screen is displayed. From the “Contact” screen The following operations are performed in the same manner as when they are per- Press the button or the switch on formed from the “Setup” screen. the steering wheel. -
Page 179
2. SETUP Touch the desired data, or to delete all DELETING CALL HISTORY the data touch “Select All”, then touch “Delete”. The call history can be deleted. For PBAP compatible phones, delete the call history after setting “Automati- cally Download Call History” to “Off”. (See “PBAP compatible models auto- matic data transfer setting”… -
Page 180
2. SETUP This screen is displayed. Touch “Delete”. The following operations are performed in Touch “Yes”. the same manner as when they are per- formed from the “Setup” screen. MESSAGE SETTINGS Other call history can be operated simi- larly. -
Page 181
2. SETUP THE “Messaging Settings” Function SCREEN CAN ALSO BE Touch to set message forwarding DISPLAYED from cellular phones to “On” or “Off”. Press the button or the switch on Touch to set the new message notifi- the steering wheel. cation display to “On”… -
Page 182
2. SETUP NEW MESSAGE NEW MESSAGE NOTIFICATION VOLUME NOTIFICATION TONE SETTINGS SETTINGS The new message notification volume A new message voice notification tone can be adjusted. can be selected. Touch “New Message Notification Touch “New Message Notification Volume”. Tone”. Touch “-” or “+” to adjust the new mes- Touch the desired new message notifi- sage notification volume. -
Page 183
2. SETUP MESSAGE READ OUT EDIT QUICK REPLY VOLUME SETTINGS MESSAGES Message read out volume can be ad- Quick reply messages can be edited. 15 justed. messages have already been stored. Touch “Message Readout Volume”. Touch “Edit Quick Reply Messages”. Touch “-”… -
Page 184
2. SETUP INITIALIZING THE SETTINGS PHONE DISPLAY SETTINGS The settings can be initialized. The phone display settings can be changed. Touch “Default”. Press the “SETUP” button. Touch “Phone” on the “Setup” screen. Touch “Phone Display Settings”. Touch “Yes”. Perform each setting according to the procedures outlined on the following pages. -
Page 185
2. SETUP SCREEN FOR “Phone Display INCOMING CALL DISPLAY Settings” The type of incoming call display can be selected. On this screen, the following functions can be operated: Touch “Incoming Call Display Mode”. Function Touch to change the incoming call display. -
Page 186
2. SETUP ROTATING CONTACT INITIALIZING THE SETTINGS IMAGES The settings can be initialized. For PBAP compatible models, when Touch “Default”. “Contact Image for Incoming Calls” is set to “On”, images stored together with phone numbers in the cellular phone’s phonebook will be transferred and dis- played during the incoming call. -
Page 187
2. SETUP ® 2. Bluetooth SETTINGS ® REGISTERED DEVICES A Bluetooth device can be set up. Press the “SETUP” button. ® A Bluetooth device can be registered, deleted or set up. Press the “SETUP” button. Touch “Bluetooth*” on the “Setup” screen. -
Page 188
2. SETUP Search for the navigation system displayed ® REGISTERING A Bluetooth on the system’ s screen using your DEVICE ® Bluetooth device, and register the ® Bluetooth device. ® Bluetooth devices compatible with ® For details about operating the Bluetooth phones (HFP) and portable players device, see the manual that comes with it. -
Page 189
2. SETUP ® DELETING A Bluetooth DEVICE Touch “Remove”. ® When another Bluetooth device is cur- rently connected, this screen is displayed. ® To disconnect the Bluetooth device, touch “Yes”. Touch the desired device, or to delete ® When 5 Bluetooth devices have al- all the devices touch “Select All”, then… -
Page 190
2. SETUP ■ CHANGING A DEVICE NAME ® EDITING THE Bluetooth DEVICE Touch “Details”. ® The Bluetooth device’s information can be displayed on the screen. The dis- played information can also be edited. “Device Name”: The name of the ® Bluetooth device which is displayed on the screen. -
Page 191
2. SETUP ■ SETTING PORTABLE PLAYER Use the software keyboard to input the CONNECTION METHOD device name and touch “OK”. Touch “Connect Portable Player from”. Confirm the device name and touch “OK”. Touch the desired connection method. “Vehicle”: Touch to connect the audio sys- tem to the portable player. -
Page 192
2. SETUP Touch the phone to be connected. ® SELECTING A Bluetooth PHONE ® If more than 1 Bluetooth phone has been registered, it is necessary to select which phone to connect to. It is possible to select from up to 5 regis- ®… -
Page 193
2. SETUP When the result message is displayed, SELECTING PORTABLE ® the Bluetooth phone can be used. PLAYER If more than 1 portable player has been registered, it is necessary to select which portable player to connect to. It is possible to select from up to 5 regis- ®… -
Page 194
2. SETUP Touch the desired portable player to be When the result message is displayed, connected. the portable player can be used. The indicator of the selected portable ® When another Bluetooth device is con- player will turn on. nected ®… -
Page 195
2. SETUP The information displays the following ® DETAILED Bluetooth items: SETTINGS Screen button/ Information Screen item ® The Bluetooth settings can be con- firmed and changed. This name will be dis- played on the device Press the “SETUP” button. “Device Name”… -
Page 196
2. SETUP ® Touch “On” or “Off”. CHANGING THE Bluetooth SETTINGS ® The Bluetooth settings can be changed according to the following pro- cedures. ■ CHANGING “Bluetooth* Power” Touch “Save”. The “Bluetooth* Power” display shows the following state. In the event the state of “Bluetooth* Power”… -
Page 197
2. SETUP ■ EDITING THE PASSCODE ® ■ Bluetooth DEVICE CONNEC- TION STATUS DISPLAY SETTINGS Touch “Passcode”. When “Bluetooth* Power” is “On” and the “ENGINE START STOP” switch is in ACCESSORY or IGNITION ON ® mode, the Bluetooth phone and porta- ble player’s connection status can be displayed. -
Page 198
2. SETUP ® INITIALIZING THE Bluetooth SETTINGS The settings can be initialized. Touch “Default”. Touch “Yes”. If the state of “Bluetooth* Power” is ® changed from “Off” into “On”, Bluetooth connection will begin. *: Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc. -
Page 199
2. SETUP… -
Page 200
Page 201: Audio/Video System
Page 202: Operation
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION 1. QUICK REFERENCE Operations such as selecting a preset station and adjusting the sound balance are car- ried out on the screen. Press the “AUDIO” button to display the audio/video screen. If a Mark Levinson brand audio system is installed, the “Mark Levinson” logo is shown on the panel.
Page 203
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION Name Function Page Touch the screen tabs to select the desired audio Function menu tab mode. Function menu Use this screen to control the selected audio display screen mode. “SETUP” button Press to display the “Setup” screen. Disc slot Insert discs into the slot. -
Page 204: Some Basics
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION 2. SOME BASICS This section describes some of the basic NOTICE features of the audio/video system. Some information may not pertain to ●To prevent the battery from being dis- your system. charged, do not leave the audio/video system on longer than necessary when Your audio/video system works when the engine is not running.
Page 205
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM TURNING THE SYSTEM ON AND OFF Press this switch to operate the voice command system. “AUDIO” button: Press to display screen buttons for the audio/video system. “PWR·VOL” knob: Press to turn the audio/ … -
Page 206
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION SWITCHING BETWEEN DSP CONTROL FUNCTIONS Press the “AUDIO” button. Each time the “AUDIO” button is Touch pressed, the audio mode changes. Touch the “DSP” tab to display this The audio mode changes in the following screen. -
Page 207
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION Touch the desired screen button. SURROUND FUNCTION Screen button Function This function can create a feeling of presence. “Treble” Touch to adjust high- “+” or “-” pitched tones. Touch “Surround”. “Mid” Touch to adjust mid- Touch “On” or “Off”. “+”… -
Page 208
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION Touch “Options”. DVD PLAYER When inserting a disc, gently insert the disc with the label facing up. Touch “Wide”. NOTICE ●Never try to disassemble or oil any part of the DVD player. Do not insert anything Touch the desired screen button. -
Page 209: Controls
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION AUX PORT USB PORT The sound of portable audio players A USB memory/iPod can be connected connected to the AUX port can be en- to the USB port. For details, see “CON- joyed. For details, refer to “Owner’s NECTING A USB MEMORY”…
Page 210: Radio Operation
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION 3. RADIO OPERATION LISTENING TO THE RADIO PRESETTING A STATION Radio mode has a mix preset function, SELECTING A RADIO which can store up to 36 stations (6 sta- STATION tions per page x 6 pages) from any of the AM, FM or SAT bands.
Page 211
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION SELECTING A STATION RADIO BROADCAST DATA SYSTEM Tune in the desired station using one of the following methods. This audio system is equipped with Ra- dio Broadcast Data Systems (RBDS). Preset tuning: Touch one of the mix preset RBDS mode allows text messages to be channels on the left side of the screen or received from radio stations that utilize… -
Page 212
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION Touch “TYPE ” or “ TYPE” to move TRAFFIC ANNOUNCEMENT forward and backward through the pro- gram list. A station that regularly broadcasts traf- fic information is automatically located. Once a program type has been set, “TYPE SEEK”… -
Page 213: Hd Radio™ Technology
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION 4. HD Radio™ TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION Touch the “AM” or “FM” tab or press HD Radio ™ Technology is the digital the “AUDIO” button repeatedly to se- evolution of analog AM/FM radio. Your lect the desired tab. radio product has a special receiver which allows it to receive digital broad- casts (where available) in addition to the…
Page 214
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION When “Text” is touched, information such as the artist name, song title, album title and music genre of the track being listened to Touch “Tag” to bookmark the music in- are displayed on the text screen. To display formation. -
Page 215
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Experience Cause Action Mismatch of time align- The radio stations analog ment- a user may hear a and digital volume is not None, radio broadcast issue. A short period of program- properly aligned or the sta- user can contact the radio station. -
Page 216
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION HD Radio Technology manufactured under license from iBiquity Digital Corporation. U.S. and Foreign Patents. HD Radio ™ and the HD, HD Radio, and “Arc” logos are proprietary trademarks of iBiquity Digital Corp. -
Page 217
It is necessary to enter into a separate TECHNOLOGY NOTICE service agreement with XM Satellite Radio in order to receive satellite broad- Lexus’s satellite radio tuners are award- cast programming in the vehicle. Addi- ed Type Approval Certificates from XM tional… -
Page 218
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION LISTENING TO SATELLITE CHANNEL CATEGORY RADIO Touch either “TYPE ” or “ TYPE” to go to the next or previous category. Press the “AUDIO” button. PRESETTING A CHANNEL Touch the “SAT” tab or press the Tune in the desired channel. “AUDIO”… -
Page 219
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION SELECTING A CHANNEL DISPLAYING THE TITLE AND NAME Tune in the desired channel using one of the following methods. Touch “Text” to display additional infor- mation other than the artist name and Preset tuning: Touch the channel selector song title currently being listening to. -
Page 220
Ck Antenna A short circuit occurs in the antenna or the surrounding antenna ca- ble. See a Lexus certified dealer for assistance. You have not subscribed to XM Satellite Radio. The radio is being updated with the latest encryption code. Contact XM Satellite Radio for subscription information. -
Page 221
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION NOTICE INFORMATION ●This XM tuner supports “Audio Services” ●This device complies with Industry (Music and Talk) of only XM Satellite Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Radio and “Text Information*” linked to Operation is subject to the following two the respective “Audio Services”. -
Page 222: Radio Operation (Internet
●Some parts of “Apps” can be adjusted using the switches on the steering wheel. ●If internet radio has never been listened to by activating “Apps” from the “Informa- tion” screen, the “Apps” tab will be dimmed. *: For details, refer to http://www.lexus.com/MobileLink or call 1-800-255-3987.
Page 223: Dvd Player Operation
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION 7. DVD PLAYER OPERATION For safety reasons, the DVD video discs EJECTING A DISC can only be viewed when the following conditions are met: Press the “ ” button and remove the (a) The vehicle is completely stopped. disc.
Page 224
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION PLAYING A DISC PLAYING AN AUDIO DISC Press the “AUDIO” button if a disc has Touch the “DISC” tab. already been loaded in the disc slot. When CD-TEXT information exists, the name and artist of the CD currently being listened to will be displayed. -
Page 225
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION ■ ON THE TRACK LIST SCREEN ■ FAST FORWARDING OR RE- WINDING Touch the track name screen button to display the CD’s track list. Press and hold the “ ” or “ ” button of “PRST·TRACK” to fast forward or re- wind the disc. -
Page 226
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION RANDOM ORDER PLAYING AN MP3/WMA DISC Tracks or albums can be automatically Touch the “DISC” tab. and randomly selected. ■ PLAYING THE TRACKS ON THE DISC IN RANDOM ORDER Touch “RAND” while the disc is playing. … -
Page 227
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION ■ ON THE FOLDER LIST SCREEN ■ FAST FORWARDING OR RE- WINDING Touch the folder name screen button to display the following folder list screen. Press and hold the “ ” or “ ” button of “PRST·TRACK”… -
Page 228
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION ■ ON THE FILE LIST SCREEN ■ FAST FORWARDING OR RE- WINDING Touch the file name screen button to display the following file list screen. Press and hold the “ ” or “ ” button of “PRST·TRACK”… -
Page 229
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION Each time “RPT” is touched, the mode Each time “RAND” is touched, the mode changes as follows: changes as follows: • Random (1 Folder Random) When “RAND” is off Folder Random (1 Disc Random) … -
Page 230
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION PRECAUTIONS ON DVD PLAYING A DVD DISC VIDEO DISC Press the “AUDIO” button if a disc has When recording with a DVD video, au- already been loaded in the disc slot. dio tracks may not record in some cases while the menu is displayed. -
Page 231: Controls
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION DISPLAYING DVD DESCRIPTION OF DVD VIDEO CONTROLS CONTROLS Screen button Function “Top Menu”, Touch to display the menu “Menu” screen for DVD video. The menu control key ap- pears on the screen. (See page 231.) Touch to pause the video …
Page 232
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION SELECTING A MENU ITEM DVD OPTIONS Select the menu item using Touch the “DISC” tab. and touch “Enter”. The Touch “Options”. player starts playing the disc from the start of the selected item. This screen is displayed. … -
Page 233
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION SEARCHING BY TITLE CHANGING THE SUBTITLE LANGUAGE Touch “Search” on the “DVD Options” Touch “Subtitle” on the “DVD Options” screen. screen. Enter the title number and touch “OK”. Each time “Change” is touched, the lan- guage the subtitles are displayed in is changed. -
Page 234
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION Each time “Change” is touched, the an- Screen button Function gle is changed. Touch to strengthen the “Contrast” “+” contrast of the screen. Touch to weaken the “Contrast” “-” contrast of the screen. Touch to brighten the “Brightness”… -
Page 235
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION ■ AUDIO LANGUAGE DVD SETTINGS The audio language can be changed. Touch “DVD Settings” on the “DVD Options” screen. Touch “Audio Language” on the “DVD Touch the items to be set. Settings” screen. Touch the desired language to be heard on the “Audio Language”… -
Page 236: Menu Language
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION ■ MENU LANGUAGE ■ PARENTAL LOCK The language on the DVD video menu The level of viewer restrictions can be can be changed. changed. Touch “Menu Language” on the “DVD Touch “Parental Lock” on the “DVD Settings”…
Page 237
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION ■ SOUND DYNAMIC RANGE ENTER AUDIO/SUBTITLE/ MENU LANGUAGE CODE The difference between the lowest vol- ume and the highest volume can be ad- If “Other” on the “Audio Language” justed. screen, “Subtitle Language” screen or “Menu Language” screen is touched, Touch “Sound Dynamic Range”… -
Page 238
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION Code Language Code Language 0514 English 0214 Bengali, Bangla 1001 Japanese 0215 Tibetan 0618 French 0218 Breton 0405 German 0301 Catalan 0920 Italian 0315 Corsican 0519 Spanish 0319 Czech 2608 Chinese 0325 Welsh 1412 Dutch 0401 Danish 1620 Portuguese… -
Page 239
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION Code Language Code Language 0825 Armenian 1314 Mongolian 0901 Interlingua 1315 Moldavian 0905 Interlingue 1318 Marathi 0911 Inupiak 1319 Malay 0914 Indonesian 1320 Maltese 0919 Icelandic 1325 Burmese 0923 Hebrew 1401 Nauru 1009 Yiddish 1405 Nepali 1023 Javanese 1415… -
Page 240
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION Code Language Code Language 1912 Slovenian 2209 Vietnamese 1913 Samoan 2215 Volapük 1914 Shona 2315 Wolof 1915 Somali 2408 Xhosa 1917 Albanian 2515 Yoruba 1918 Serbian 2621 Zulu 1919 Siswati 1920 Sesotho 1921 Sundanese 1923 Swahili 2001 Tamil 2005… -
Page 241
Even if the DVD video disc does not have a If the malfunction is not rectified: Take region code, there are cases when it cannot your vehicle to your Lexus dealer. be used. INFORMATION ●If an MP3/WMA disc contains CD-DA files only, the CD-DA files can be played. -
Page 242
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION ■ MARKS SHOWN ON DVD VIDEO DVD VIDEO DISC GLOSSARY DISCS DVD video discs: Digital Versatile Disc that holds video. DVD video discs have adopted Indicates NTSC/PAL NTSC/PAL format of color TV. “MPEG2”, one of the world standards of digital compression technologies. -
Page 243
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION Multi-angle feature: The same scene can be enjoyed from different angles. Multi-language feature: The subtitle and audio language can be selected. Region codes: The region codes are pro- vided on DVD players and DVD discs. If the DVD video disc does not have the same re- gion code as the DVD player, you cannot play the disc on the DVD player. -
Page 244: Controls
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION 8. USB MEMORY OPERATION Connecting a USB memory enables us- CONNECTING A USB ers to enjoy music from the vehicle MEMORY speakers. Open the cover and connect a USB CAUTION memory. ●Do not operate the player’ s controls or connect the USB memory while driving.
Page 245
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION Folder mode PLAYING A USB MEMORY PLAYING AND PAUSING A USB MEMORY Press the “AUDIO” button if a USB memory has already been connected. INFORMATION ●If tag information exists, the file/folder names will be changed to track/album names. -
Page 246
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION Touch the desired tab and select the de- SELECTING A DESIRED sired folder, artist or album. FOLDER/ALBUM ■ ON THE USB TOP SCREEN Character screen buttons, “ABC”, “DEF” etc., allow a direct jump to list entries that begin with the same letter as the character : Touch to skip to the next or previous button. -
Page 247
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION ■ FILE/TRACK LIST SELECTING A DESIRED FILE/ SCREEN TRACK Touch the file/track name screen button ■ ON THE USB TOP SCREEN to display the following file/track list screen. “PRST·TRACK” button: Press the “ ” or “ ” button of “PRST·TRACK” repeatedly Touch the desired file/track number. -
Page 248
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION ■ FAST FORWARDING OR RE- REPEATING WINDING The file or folder currently being listened Press and hold the “ ” or “ ” button of to can be repeated. “PRST·TRACK” to fast forward or re- wind the file/track. ■… -
Page 249
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION RANDOM ORDER Files or folders can be automatically and randomly selected. ■ PLAYING FILES/TRACKS IN RAN- DOM ORDER Touch “RAND” while the file or track is playing. Each time “RAND” is touched, the mode changes as follows: •… -
Page 250: Ipod Operation
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION 9. iPod OPERATION Connecting an iPod enables users to CONNECTING iPod enjoy music from the vehicle speakers. Open the cover and connect iPod using an iPod cable. CAUTION ●Do not operate the player’ s controls or connect the iPod while driving.
Page 251
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION PLAYING iPod MUSIC INFORMATION ●Depending on the iPod, the video sound may not be able to be heard. PLAYING AND PAUSING iPod ●Depending on the iPod and the songs in the iPod, iPod cover art may be displayed. Press the “AUDIO”… -
Page 252
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION ■ ON THE TRACK LIST SCREEN Select the desired play mode. Touch the track name screen button to display the following track list screen. SELECTING A DESIRED TRACK Touch the desired track number. The player will start playing the selected ■… -
Page 253: Playing Tracks In Random
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION ■ FAST FORWARDING OR RE- RANDOM ORDER WINDING Tracks or albums can be automatically Press and hold the “ ” or “ ” button of and randomly selected. “PRST·TRACK” to fast forward or re- wind the player. ■…
Page 254: Controls
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION DESCRIPTION OF iPod VIDEO PLAYING iPod VIDEO CONTROLS When the iPod connected to the system Screen button Function includes iPod video, the system can only output the sound by touching “Video” Touch to pause the video on the “iPod”…
Page 255: Controls
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION ■ON THE FILE LIST SCREEN SELECTING A DESIRED VIDEO Touch the file name screen button to display the following file list screen. ■ON THE iPod VIDEO CONTROLS SCREEN Touch the desired file number. The play- er will start playing the selected file from “PRST·TRACK”…
Page 256
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION ■FAST FORWARDING OR REWIND- Press and hold the “ ” or “ ” button of “PRST·TRACK” to fast forward or re- wind the player. When the button is released, the player resumes playing from that position. -
Page 257: Controls
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION ® 10. Bluetooth AUDIO OPERATION ® The Bluetooth audio system enables CAUTION users to enjoy listening to music that is ●Do not operate the player’ s controls or played on a portable player on the vehi- ®…
Page 258: Audio/Video Remote
A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile) Ver. 1.0 or higher (Recommended: Ver. 1.2 or higher) Empty Full AVRCP (Audio/Video Remote Control Profile) Ver. 1.0 or higher (Recommended: Ver. 1.4 or higher) ●Refer http://www.lexus.com/ MobileLink to find approved Bluetooth ® devices for this system.
Page 259
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION U.S.A. INFORMATION ●Remaining charge is not displayed while FCC ID : AJDK041 ® the Bluetooth device is connecting. This device complies with part 15 of the ●The amount of charge left does not FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the always correspond correctly with your following two conditions: (1) This device portable player. -
Page 260
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION Canada CAUTION IC : 775E-K041 ●This equipment complies with IC This device complies with Industry radiation exposure limits set forth for an Canada licence-exempt uncontrolled environment and meets standard(s). Operation is subject to the RSS-102 of the IC radio frequency (RF) following two conditions: (1) this device Exposure rules. -
Page 261
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION ® CONNECTING A Bluetooth Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate using AUDIO PLAYER an antenna of a type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for the transmitter ® by Industry Canada. To reduce potential To use the Bluetooth audio system, it is radio interference to other users, the… -
Page 262
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION WHEN “Bluetooth* Power” IS INFORMATION ●Touching “Connect Portable Player” on the “Bluetooth*” screen also connects a Manually connect the portable player in ® Bluetooth audio player. (See page 193.) accordance with the following proce- ●When none of the selectable portable dure. -
Page 263
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION ® SELECTING A DESIRED PLAYING Bluetooth AUDIO TRACK/FOLDER/ALBUM PLAYING AND PAUSING ■ ON THE AUDIO TOP SCREEN ® Bluetooth AUDIO Press the “AUDIO” button if a ® Bluetooth audio player has already been connected. : Touch to skip to the next or previous folder/album. -
Page 264
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION ■ FAST FORWARDING OR RE- : Touch to move the list up or down by WINDING 5 track/folder groups. If either of these screen buttons is touched when the top/ Press and hold the “ ” or “ ” button of bottom page of the list is displayed, the last/ “PRST·TRACK”… -
Page 265
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION Touch the desired track number. The SELECTING A DESIRED player will start playing the selected TRACK track from the beginning. ■ ON THE AUDIO TOP SCREEN : Touch to move the list up or down by 5 track groups. -
Page 266
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION ■ FAST FORWARDING OR RE- ■ REPEATING AN ALBUM WINDING Touch “RPT” repeatedly until “ALB.RPT” appears on the screen. Press and hold the “ ” or “ ” button of “PRST·TRACK” to fast forward or re- … -
Page 267
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION ■ PLAYING TRACKS FROM ALL THE ALBUMS IN RANDOM OR- Touch “RAND” repeatedly until “ALB.RAND” appears on the screen. Once “ALB.RAND” appears on the screen, the system selects a track randomly from all ® of the existing albums on the Bluetooth device. -
Page 268: Dvd Player
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION 11. AUDIO/VIDEO REMOTE CONTROLS (STEERING SWITCHES) Some parts of the audio/video system “ ” switch can be adjusted using the switches on Radio the steering wheel. To select a preset station/channel: Quickly press and release the “ ” or “ ” switch. Re- peat this to select the next preset station/ channel.
Page 269
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION ® Bluetooth audio player “MODE” switch Press the “MODE” switch to select an Use the “ ” or “ ” switch to skip up or audio mode. Each press changes the mode down to a different track or album in either sequentially if the desired mode is ready to direction. -
Page 270
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION 12. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATING HINTS NOTICE Fading and drifting stations: Generally, the ●To avoid damage to the audio/video sys- effective range of FM is about 25 miles (40 tem: km). Once outside this range, you may no- •… -
Page 271
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION iPod Fading: AM broadcasts are reflected by the upper atmosphere — especially at night. These reflected signals can interfere with those received directly from the radio sta- tion, causing the radio station to sound al- ternately strong and weak. Station interference: When a reflected sig- nal and a signal received directly from a ra- … -
Page 272
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION COMPATIBLE MODELS USB MEMORY ® ® The following iPod , iPod nano , iPod USB memory that can be used for MP3 ® ® ® and WMA playback: classic , iPod touch and iPhone devic- •… -
Page 273
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION Transparent/translucent discs DVD PLAYER Audio CDs DVD video discs Low quality discs Use only discs marked as shown above. The following products may not be playable on your player: • SACD • dts CD • Copy-protected CD •… -
Page 274
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION NOTICE ●Do not use special shaped, transparent/ translucent, low quality or labeled discs such as those shown in the illustrations. The use of such discs may damage the player, or it may be impossible to eject the disc. -
Page 275
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION MP3 player: MP3 files are compatible with PLAYABLE BIT RATES the ID3 Tag Ver. 1.0, Ver. 1.1, Ver. 2.2 and Ver. 2.3 formats. The unit cannot display MP3 files for MP3 player: disc title, track title and artist name in other MPEG1 LAYER3 —… -
Page 276
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION CD-R/CD-RW discs may be damaged by direct exposure to sunlight, high tempera- tures or other storage conditions. The unit 001.mp3 may be unable to play some damaged 002.wma discs. Folder 1 003.mp3 If you insert a CD-RW disc into the MP3/ Folder 2 WMA player, playback will begin more 004.mp3… -
Page 277
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION ISO 9660 FORMAT Music recognition technology and related data provided This is the international standard for the for- ® Gracenote . Gracenote is the industry matting of CD-ROM folders and files. For standard music recognition the ISO 9660 format, there are 2 levels of technology and related content delivery. -
Page 278
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION You agree that your non-exclusive ® Gracenote User License license to use the Gracenote Data, the Agreement Gracenote Software, and Gracenote This application or device contains Servers will terminate if you violate software from Gracenote, Inc. of these restrictions. -
Page 279
1. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION The Gracenote Software and each item GRACENOTE DISCLAIMS of Gracenote Data are licensed to you WARRANTIES EXPRESS “AS IS.” Gracenote makes IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT representations or warranties, express LIMITED IMPLIED or implied, regarding the accuracy of WARRANTIES any Gracenote Data from in the MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR… -
Page 280: Setup
2. SETUP 1. AUDIO SETTINGS Touch “HD Radio/Analog Setting”. HD Radio™ SYSTEM SETTINGS HD Radio™ system can be set using the procedure outlined below. Press the “SETUP” button. Touch the item to be set. Touch “Audio”. Screen button Function Touch to receive both ana- “All”…
Page 281
2. SETUP Touch “On” or “Off”. iPod SETTINGS After iPod setting has been changed, When the track currently being played touch “OK”. has cover art data, it can be displayed. Press the “SETUP” button. Touch “Audio”. Touch “iPod Settings”. Touch “Display Cover Art”. -
Page 282
2. SETUP… -
Page 283: Air Conditioning
Page 284: Operation
1. AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM OPERATION 1. QUICK REFERENCE Press the “CLIMATE” button to display the air conditioning control screen. : Driver side temperature display : Outside temperature display : Passenger side temperature display…
Page 285
1. AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM OPERATION Name Function Page Press to display the air conditioning control “CLIMATE” button screen. Fan speed control but- Touch to change fan speed. tons Air flow control buttons Touch to change the air outlets. Touch to set the temperatures independently for “DUAL”… -
Page 286: Some Basics
1. AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM OPERATION 2. SOME BASICS CLIMATE CONTROL INFORMATION ●During use, various odors from inside and Air outlets and fan speed are automati- outside the vehicle may enter into and accumulate in the air conditioning sys- cally adjusted according to the temper- tem.
Page 287: Using The Air Conditioning
1. AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM OPERATION 3. USING THE AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM ADJUSTING THE SWITCHING TO AUTOMATIC TEMPERATURE SEPARATELY OPERATION MODE “DUAL” is used to set the temperatures Air outlets and fan speed are automati- independently for the driver’s side and cally adjusted according to the temper- front passenger side.
Page 288
1. AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM OPERATION SWITCHING THE AIR ADJUSTING THE SETTINGS OUTLETS AND AIR FLOW MANUALLY The outlets from which air is delivered SETTING THE FAN SPEED can be selected manually. Touch any mode on the screen. Touch “ ” on to increase the fan speed and “… -
Page 289
1. AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM OPERATION Air flows to the upper body (Panel) Air flows to the feet (Floor) Air flows to the feet and the windshield : Automatic air flow mode only. defogger operates (Floor/windshield) Air flows to the upper body and feet (Bi- level) -
Page 290
1. AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM OPERATION ADJUSTING THE SENSITIVITY SWITCHING BETWEEN OF THE AIR INTAKE OUTSIDE AIR AND CONTROL IN AUTOMATIC RECIRCULATED AIR MODES MODE (IS F/IS350C) Press the air intake control button until the “Adjust Exhaust Gas Sensor” The mode switches between outside air screen appears while the vehicle is mode (introduces air from outside the stopped. -
Page 291
1. AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM OPERATION SWITCHING BETWEEN DEFOGGING THE OUTSIDE AIR AND WINDSHIELD RECIRCULATED AIR MODES Press the windshield air flow button. (IS250C) The mode switches between outside air mode (introduces air from outside the vehicle) and recirculated air mode (re- cycles air inside the vehicle) each time the button is pressed. -
Page 292
1. AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM OPERATION Rear center outlets ADJUSTING THE POSITION OF AND OPENING AND CLOSING THE AIR OUTLETS Front center outlets Function Direct air flow to the left or right, up or down Turn the knob to open or close the Function vent Direct air flow to the left or right, up… -
Page 293
1. AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM OPERATION DEFOGGING THE REAR CAUTION WINDOW AND OUTSIDE ●When the outside rear view mirror REAR VIEW MIRROR defoggers are on, do not touch the out- side surface of the rear view mirror as it can become very hot and burn you. This feature is used to defog the rear window and outside rear view mirror. -
Page 294
●If the temperature shows “—” or “E”, take following may occur: your vehicle to your Lexus dealer. • Outside air mode does not switch to recirculated air mode. • The air conditioning system operates automatically. -
Page 295
Turn the air condi- the recirculated air mode is used for an tioning system off and have it inspected extended period. by your Lexus dealer. ●Switching between outside air and recir- ●Air conditioning filter culated air modes •… -
Page 296
Page 297: Voice Command System
Page 298: Operation
1. VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM OPERATION 1. VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM The voice command system enables the VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM navigation, audio/video, hands-free and OPERATION air conditioning systems to be operated using voice commands. Press the talk switch. The operating procedures of voice …
Page 299: Information
1. VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM OPERATION Saying “Help” prompts voice guidance to INFORMATION offer examples of commands and opera- ●If the navigation system does not respond tion methods. or the confirmation screen does not dis- appear, press the talk switch and try Say the command displayed on the again.
Page 300: Information
1. VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM OPERATION MICROPHONE INFORMATION ●In the following conditions, the system It is unnecessary to speak directly into may not recognize the command prop- the microphone when giving a com- erly and using voice commands may not mand. be possible: •…
Page 301: Information
1. VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM OPERATION Say “<street name>”. VOICE COMMAND EXAMPLE: PERFORMING A Say the desired full street name, or main body of the street name that belongs to the DESTINATION SEARCH BY set state in the place of the “<>”. ADDRESS (ENGLISH ONLY) …
Page 302: Information
1. VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM OPERATION VOICE COMMAND INFORMATION EXAMPLE: SEARCH FOR A ●Even if the state set using voice recogni- TRACK USING ARTIST NAME tion is different from the set state in the OR ALBUM NAME “Address” screen (which was set when a destination was set manually), the set state in the “Address”…
Page 303: Information
1. VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM OPERATION Music recognition technology and related data provided ® Gracenote . Gracenote is the industry standard music recognition technology and related content delivery. more information visit www.gracenote.com. INFORMATION ●A USB memory or iPod must be con- nected to enable track searching and playback.
Page 304
1. VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM OPERATION 2. NATURAL SPEECH INFORMATION (ENGLISH ONLY) Due to natural language speech recog- EXPRESSION EXAMPLES FOR nition technology, this system enables EACH FUNCTION recognition of a command when spoken naturally. However, the system cannot Command Expression examples recognize every variation of each com- Let’s go home. -
Page 305
1. VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM OPERATION Command Expression examples How’s the traffic? “Traffic” Check the traffic. What’s the weather “Weather” like? Let’s get a forecast. Team scores. “Sports Scores” How are my favorite teams doing? Stock quotes. “Stock Quotes” How are my stocks do- ing? Let’s check fuel prices. -
Page 306: Commands
1. VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM OPERATION 3. EXPANDED VOICE COMMANDS Touching “On” next to “Expanded Voice Commands” on the “Voice Set- tings” screen enables voice command operation of the audio/video and air conditioning system. (See page 56.) For more information on operations that can be controlled using expanded voice commands, refer to “COMMAND LIST”.
Page 307: Command List
Enables setting a destination by saying the ad- “Enter an Address” dress. “Go Home” Displays the route to home. Connects Lexus Enform with Safety Connect “Call Destination Assist” — response center. “Destination by Phone Enables setting a destination by saying the —…
Page 308
1. VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM OPERATION “Use the Phone” (See “BY VOICE RECOGNITION” on page 155.) Shortcut Command Action Menu Calls made by saying a name from the phone- book. “Call <name> <type>” For example: Say “Call John Smith”, “Call John Smith, mobile”… -
Page 309
Displays the sports list. “Stock Quotes” Displays the stocks list. “Fuel Prices” Displays the fuel prices list. “Lexus Insider” Displays the Lexus insider list. — Navigation command (When destinations are set) When Expanded Voice Commands are turned “On”. (See page 306.) Shortcut Command… -
Page 310
1. VOICE COMMAND SYSTEM OPERATION Audio command When Expanded Voice Commands are turned “On”. (See page 306.) Shortcut Command Action Menu “Radio” Sets the audio mode to radio. “AM” Selects the AM band. “FM” Selects the FM band. “Satellite radio” Selects the satellite radio mode. -
Page 311: Information
Page 312: Information Display
1. MAP DATABASE VERSION AND COVERAGE AREA MAP INFORMATION INFORMATION ●Map data updates are available for a fee. Coverage areas and legal information Contact your Lexus dealer for further information. can be displayed and map data can be ●The “Map Information” screen displays updated.
Page 313: Map Coverage
1. INFORMATION DISPLAY MAP COVERAGE CERTIFICATION Map data coverage areas can be dis- For vehicles sold in Canada played. This device complies with Industry Press the “INFO” button. Canada licence-exempt standard(s). Operation is subject to the Touch “Map Data” on the “Information” following two conditions: (1) this device screen.
Page 314: Xm Function-Overview
XM Satellite Radio subscription. : Available via separate XM subscrip- INFORMATION tion(s). ●For further details about the service, con- tact your Lexus dealer. SUBSCRIPTION(S) ●XM Satellite Radio is responsible for all fees and services, which are subject to ®…
Page 315
2. XM FUNCTION-OVERVIEW XM RADIO SERVICES — XM RADIO SERVICES — SUBSCRIPTION LEGAL DISCLAIMERS AND INSTRUCTIONS WARNINGS For XM Services requiring a subscription Fees and Taxes — Subscription fee, taxes, (such as XM Radio, and some Infotainment one time activation fee, and other fees may &… -
Page 316
2. XM FUNCTION-OVERVIEW It is prohibited to copy, decompile, disas- semble, reverse engineer, hack, manipu- late, or otherwise make available any technology or software incorporated in re- ceivers compatible with the XM Satellite Radio System or that support the XM web- site, the Online Service or any of its content. -
Page 317: Xm Function Operation
3. XM FUNCTION OPERATION 1. XM Sports XM Sports is a service included with an RECEIVE SPORTS XM Satellite Radio subscription. This INFORMATION service is also available with an XM TravelLink subscription. With this ser- The desired teams must be added in or- vice, you can receive updates via the der to receive information.
Page 318
3. XM FUNCTION OPERATION ADD SPORTS TEAM XM Sports SETTINGS —ADD OR DELETE TEAMS Touch “Add Sports Team”. To input your personalized XM Sports team. Press the “INFO” button. Touch “XM Sports” on the “Informa- tion” screen. Touch “Options”. Up to 5 teams can be added and saved in the system for which information will be received. -
Page 319
3. XM FUNCTION OPERATION DELETE SPORTS TEAMS Touch “Delete Sports Teams”. Touch the individual sports team to be deleted or touch “Select All” to delete all the teams, and touch “Delete”. Touch “Yes” to confirm or “No” to can- cel. -
Page 320: Xm Stocks
3. XM FUNCTION OPERATION 2. XM Stocks XM Stocks is a service included with an RECEIVE STOCK DATA XM Satellite Radio subscription. This service is also available with an XM You must first add your desired stocks TravelLink subscription. With this ser- prior to receiving data.
Page 321
3. XM FUNCTION OPERATION ADD STOCK XM Stocks SETTINGS —ADD OR DELETE STOCKS Touch “Add Stock”. To input your personalized XM Stocks settings. Press the “INFO” button. Touch “XM Stocks” on the “Informa- tion” screen. Touch “Options”. Input the desired stock symbol. Perform each setting according to the When finished, touch “OK”. -
Page 322
3. XM FUNCTION OPERATION DELETE STOCKS Touch “Delete Stocks”. Touch the individual stock to be deleted or touch “Select All” to delete all the stocks, and touch “Delete”. Touch “Yes” to confirm or “No” to can- cel. -
Page 323: Xm Fuel Prices
3. XM FUNCTION OPERATION 3. XM Fuel Prices XM Fuel Prices is a service included XM Fuel Prices SCREEN with an XM TravelLink subscription. It enables the navigation system to display current fuel prices and gas station loca- tions, which can be set as a destination if desired.
Page 324
3. XM FUNCTION OPERATION Touch “Info”. XM Fuel Prices SETTINGS The desired fuel type, preferred brand, and show prices reported can be regis- tered. REGISTER FUEL TYPE Press the “SETUP” button. When the map scale is at the maximum range of 0.5 miles (800 m), is not shown. -
Page 325
3. XM FUNCTION OPERATION Touch “Fuel Type”. REGISTER SHOW PRICES REPORTED Press the “SETUP” button. Touch “Other” on the “Setup” screen. Touch “XM Fuel Prices” on the “Other Settings” screen. Touch “Show Prices Reported”. Touch the desired fuel type. “Premium”, “Midgrade”, “Regular” or “Diesel”… -
Page 326: Xm Navweather
3. XM FUNCTION OPERATION 4. XM NavWeather™ subscription-based XM NavWeather™ SCREEN NavWeather™ service allows the navi- gation system to display weather infor- mation on the map screen. The following operations can be per- formed: • Show XM NavWeather™ information: Weather forecast information is displayed on the map screen.
Page 327
3. XM FUNCTION OPERATION Weather icons and grids Icon Weather Inclement weather information is displayed on the map using weather icons and grids. Tornado Touching an icon shows the related infor- mation at the top of the screen. Hurricane Storm Flood Winter… -
Page 328
3. XM FUNCTION OPERATION When the specified day’ s weather screen WEATHER INFORMATION button is touched, weather information for a specified day is displayed. Function Function Received time Daytime weather City name Nighttime weather Today’s date Maximum temperature Current weather Minimum temperature Current temperature Precipitation probability… -
Page 329
3. XM FUNCTION OPERATION WEATHER WARNINGS Weather warnings issued within a radius of approximately 15 miles (25 km) or 7.8 miles (12.5 km) around the vehicle are displayed on the warning screen. “Weather Map”: When this screen button is touched, the “XM NavWeather” screen is displayed. -
Page 330: Xm Navtraffic
3. XM FUNCTION OPERATION ® 5. XM NavTraffic ® SHOW TRAFFIC EVENT The subscription-based XM NavTraffic service allows the navigation system to display traffic information on the map Press the “INFO” button. screen. The following operations can be performed: ® …
Page 331
3. XM FUNCTION OPERATION This screen is displayed. ® SHOW XM NavTraffic INFORMATION Touch “Show on Map”. Guidance route traffic information is dis- played on the screen. Touch “Detail” to dis- play detailed traffic event information. Touch “Traffic Information”. … -
Page 332
3. XM FUNCTION OPERATION ® ® XM NavTraffic icon XM NavTraffic indicator When any traffic information is received, ® When any XM NavTraffic information is ® the XM NavTraffic icon will appear on ® received, the XM NavTraffic indicator will the map screen. -
Page 333: Setup
4. SETUP 1. XM SETTINGS Touch the item to be set. Used for changing settings for XM Sports, XM Stocks and XM Fuel Prices. Press the “SETUP” button. On this screen, the following functions can be performed: Function Page Touch to set XM Sports.
Page 334
4. SETUP… -
Page 335: Lexus Enform With Safety Connect
Page 336: Connect-Overview
Lexus Enform with Safety Connect is a feature that includes Apps, Destination Assist, eDestination, Lexus Insider, and Safety Connect. The functions included in Lexus Enform with Safety Connect are classified into the fol- lowing three types. Type A: Function achieved by using a cellular phone…
Page 337: Type A: Function Achieved By Using A Cellular Phone
1. LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT-OVERVIEW 2. TYPE A: FUNCTION ACHIEVED BY USING A CELLULAR PHONE Of the functions included with Lexus Enform with Safety Connect, only Apps can be achieved by using a cellular phone. Apps is a service that enables the usable contents of a cellular phone to be displayed on and operated from the navigation screen.
Page 338
Displays and sounds the usable contents from the contents pro- (“Apps”) viders via a cellular phone on the application player. Contents received, via a cellular phone, from the contents pro- Navigation system vider servers are displayed on the navigation screen. *: For known compatible phones, refer to http://www.lexus.com/MobileLink. -
Page 339
1. LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT-OVERVIEW INITIALIZING PERSONAL BEFORE USING THE DATA FUNCTION The personal data used in “Apps” can be SUBSCRIPTION reset. (See “DELETING PERSONAL DATA” on page 54.) Apps will be available on a trial period included upon purchase of a new vehicle. -
Page 340
1. LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT-OVERVIEW USER REGISTRATION PREPARATION BEFORE USING APPS When purchasing the vehicle, an email address is registered at your Lexus deal- SETTINGS REQUIRED TO USE er. If your email address was not regis- APPS tered at your Lexus dealer, your email address can be registered at the Lexus Perform the settings in the following order. -
Page 341
1. LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT-OVERVIEW REGISTERING THE APPS APPLICATION Download the Apps application to your cellular phone. Run the Apps application on your cellu- lar phone. Enter the information required into the Apps application. Login to the applica- tion. -
Page 342: Navigation System
3. TYPE B: FUNCTION ACHIEVED BY USING DCM AND THE NAVIGATION SYSTEM Of the functions included with Lexus Enform with Safety Connect, Destination Assist, eDestination, and Lexus Insider can be achieved by making DCM cooperate with the navigation system. These are subscription-based telematics services that use Global Positioning System (GPS) data, embedded cellular technology to provide safety and security as well as convenience features to subscribers.
Page 343
(2) this device must accept any available in the contiguous United States. interference received, including Lexus Insider is available in the contiguous interference that may cause undesired 48 states and Canada. operation. FCC WARNING Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s… -
Page 344
1-800-255-3987 and relevant scientific literature. Over 120 follow the prompt for Lexus Enform with scientists, engineers, and physicians from Safety Connect. universities, government health agen- ●For further details about the service, con-… -
Page 345: Using Dcm
1. LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT-OVERVIEW 4. TYPE C: FUNCTION ACHIEVED BY USING DCM Of the functions included with Lexus Enform with Safety Connect, Safety Connect can be achieved by using DCM. For details, refer to “Owner’s Manual”.
Page 346: Lexus Enform With Safety Connect Operation
2. LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT OPERATION 1. APPS Touch “OK”. ACTIVATING “APPS” Each time “Apps” is activated, the sys- tem checks for updates. When there are no updates available, the main menu screen will be displayed right after a screen indicating that updates are being checked for has been displayed.
Page 347
2. LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT OPERATION When updating is complete, the main menu screen will be displayed. The screen shown above is only an exam- ple. The actual screen may be different. For details about the function and service of each application displayed in the main menu, refer to http://www.lexus.com/… -
Page 348
2. LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT OPERATION IF A MESSAGE APPEARS ON THE SCREEN When problems occur starting up the application player, a message will appear on the screen. Referring to the table below to identify the problem, take the suggested cor- rective action. -
Page 349
2. LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT OPERATION When updating is complete, the main LINKING “APPS” AND menu screen will be displayed. NAVIGATION LOCAL FUNCTION The navigation system’s setting a desti- nation and making a hands-free call can be performed via “Apps”. -
Page 350: Making A Phone Call
2. LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT OPERATION SETTING A DESTINATION MAKING A PHONE CALL USING “APPS” USING “APPS” Locations that were searched using Phone calls can be made to locations “Apps” can be set as a destination. which were searched using “Apps”.
Page 351
2. LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT OPERATION Input characters will be reflected on the INPUTTING KEYWORD character input space. OPERATION A keyword can be input to “Apps” by the software keyboard or voice recognition function. The keyboard layout can be changed. -
Page 352
2. LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT OPERATION When this screen is displayed, say the desired keyword. Completion of saying the keyword will be detected automatically. Search results will be displayed on the screen. The screen shown above is only an exam-… -
Page 353: Destination Assist
2. LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT OPERATION 2. Destination Assist Destination Assist provides you with live MAKE A CALL WITH assistance for finding destinations via the Destination Assist Lexus Enform with Safety Connect re- sponse center. You can request either a Press the “DEST”…
Page 354
2. LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT OPERATION When an agent comes on the line, tell After the agent helps you determine the agent the address, business name, your location of choice, this screen is or the type of POI or service you would displayed. -
Page 355: Edestination
2. LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT OPERATION 3. eDestination With the eDestination feature, you can DOWNLOAD eDestinations go online, via the Lexus.com owner’s Web site, to select and organize desti- After updating eDestination folders on- nations of your choice and then wire- line, the information to update the data in lessly send them to your vehicle’s…
Page 356
2. LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT OPERATION Touch “Download”. RETRIEVE AN eDestination Press the “DEST” button. Touch “Point of Interest” on the “Desti- nation” screen. Touch “eDestination” on the “Point of Interest” screen. Touch the desired eDestination folder. Touch “Yes” to confirm or “No” to can- cel download. -
Page 357
2. LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT OPERATION SHOW eDestination ICONS “Mark”: Touch to mark the POI on the navigation map. “Map”: Touch to display the POI on the Touch “Show on Map”. navigation map. “Go”: Touch to set the POI as a destina- tion with route directions. -
Page 358: Lexus Insider
To stop listening to the broadcast, VIEW AND PLAY RECEIVED touch “Stop”. Lexus Insider MESSAGES To disrupt the audio read of Lexus Insider, press the “MODE” switch on the steering wheel, or press the “AUDIO” button on the Press the “INFO” button.
Page 359
2. LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT OPERATION ABOUT ICONS DOWNLOAD A POI Icons appear at the left of the Lexus Insider Some Lexus Insider stories will contain a story titles and indicate the following: downloadable POI relevant to the con- tent. -
Page 360
NEW MESSAGE NOTIFICATION Touch “Delete”. When the vehicle is first powered on and a new Lexus Insider article is available, a notification will appear on the navigation screen. The notice will appear for only approxi- mately 6 seconds unless one of the op- tions listed is selected. -
Page 361
2. LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT OPERATION This screen is displayed. Lexus Insider SETTINGS To change Lexus Insider settings, notifi- cation, and opt in or out of article re- ceipt. Press the “SETUP” button. Perform each setting according to the pro- cedures outlined on the following pages. -
Page 362
2. LEXUS ENFORM WITH SAFETY CONNECT OPERATION RECEIVE/OPT OUT OF Lexus RESTORE THE DEFAULT Lexus Insider Insider SETTINGS Touch “Receive LEXUS Insider”. Touch “Default”. Touch “Yes” to receive Lexus Insider ar- ticles or “No” to opt out of receiving ar- ticles. -
Page 363: Peripheral Monitoring System
Page 364: Rear View Monitor System
1. REAR VIEW MONITOR SYSTEM 1. REAR VIEW MONITOR SYSTEM REAR VIEW MONITOR CAUTION SYSTEM ●Never depend on the rear view monitor system entirely when backing up. Always The rear view monitor system assists the make sure your intended path is clear. driver by displaying an image of the view Use caution, just as you would when behind the vehicle while backing up, for…
Page 365: Rear View Monitor System
1. REAR VIEW MONITOR SYSTEM SCREEN DISPLAY The rear view monitor system screen will be displayed if the shift lever is shifted to the “R” position while the “ENGINE START STOP” switch is in IGNITION ON mode. Intuitive parking assist If an obstacle is detected while the intuitive parking assist is on, a display is shown in the top right corner of the screen.
Page 366: Precautions
1. REAR VIEW MONITOR SYSTEM 2. REAR VIEW MONITOR SYSTEM PRECAUTIONS AREA DISPLAYED ON INFORMATION SCREEN ●The area displayed on the screen may vary according to vehicle orientation conditions. The rear view monitor system displays ●Objects which are close to either corner an image of the view from the bumper of of the bumper or under the bumper can- the rear area of the vehicle.
Page 367
If the lens is extremely dirty, wash ●Do not expose the camera to strong it with a mild cleanser and rinse. impact as this could cause a malfunction. If this happens, have the vehicle inspected by your Lexus dealer as soon as possible. -
Page 368: Things You Should Know
IF YOU NOTICE ANY SYMPTOMS If you notice any of the following symptoms, refer to the likely cause and the solution, and re-check. If the symptom is not resolved by the solution, have the vehicle inspected by your Lexus dealer. Symptom…
Page 369
(smear effect). Bright spot The image is out of alignment The camera or surrounding Have the vehicle inspected by area has received a strong im- your Lexus dealer. pact. -
Page 370: Intuitive Parking Assist
2. INTUITIVE PARKING ASSIST 1. INTUITIVE PARKING ASSIST The distance to obstacles measured by SETTING THE INTUITIVE the sensors is communicated via the dis- PARKING ASSIST MODE play and a buzzer when parallel parking or maneuvering into a garage. Always Press “<”…
Page 371: Intuitive Parking Assist
2. INTUITIVE PARKING ASSIST ■ NAVIGATION DISPLAY “ON/OFF” Pressing the button turns the intuitive parking assist-sensor on and When the vehicle is moving forward off. The graphic is automatically displayed To turn on: Press the “ON/OFF” button. when an obstacle is detected. The screen The buzzer sounds to inform can be set so that the graphic is not dis- the driver that the system is…
Page 372: Intuitive Parking Assist
2. INTUITIVE PARKING ASSIST THE DISTANCE DISPLAY AND BUZZER When a sensor detects an obstacle, the direction of and the approximate distance to the obstacle are displayed and the buzzer sounds. ■ CORNER SENSORS Level Display example Buzzer Medium Fast Continuous…
Page 373: Intuitive Parking Assist
2. INTUITIVE PARKING ASSIST ■ DETECTION LEVEL AND APPROXIMATE DISTANCE TO AN OBSTA- CLE (IS350C/IS250C) Level Front corner 1.6 to 1.2 ft. 1.2 to 0.8 ft. 0.8 ft. (25 cm) sensors (50 to 37.5 cm) (37.5 to 25 cm) or less Rear corner 1.6 to 1.2 ft.
Page 374: Intuitive Parking Assist
The range of the sensors may change In harsh sunlight or intense cold weather. depending on the shape of the object etc. A non-genuine Lexus suspension (lowered suspension etc.) is installed. In addition to the examples above, there…
Page 375: Intuitive Parking Assist
●As the intuitive parking assist-sensor • Tall obstacles with upper sections project- might be malfunctioning in the following ing outwards in the direction of your vehi- cases, have it checked by your Lexus dealer. • The graphic which indicates that an CAUTION…
Page 376: Intuitive Parking Assist
If this message appears, have the intuitive • Turning off the main switch for the intui- parking assist-sensor checked by your tive parking assist-sensor Lexus dealer. WHEN SNOWFLAKES OR CERTIFICATION MUD GETS ON THE SENSORS For vehicles sold in Canada.
Page 377: Setting
The alert volume can be adjusted. Touch “Vehicle”. Press the “SETUP” button. Touch “Vehicle” on the “Setup” screen. Touch “LEXUS Park Assist” on the “Vehicle Settings” screen. Touch the desired screen button. Touch “LEXUS Park Assist”. The volume has 5 levels, increasing with higher value.
Page 378
Press the “SETUP” button. Press the “SETUP” button. Touch “Vehicle” on the “Setup” screen. Touch “Vehicle” on the “Setup” screen. Touch “LEXUS Park Assist” on the Touch “LEXUS Park Assist” on the “Vehicle Settings” screen. “Vehicle Settings” screen. Touch “Display Off” to turn off the Touch “Rear”. -
Page 379: Index
Page 380: Alphabetical Index
ALPHABETICAL INDEX A/C …………..284, 295 Basic function………….. 28 ® Adding destinations……….. 91 Bluetooth …………..138 ® Air conditioning system ……..287 Bluetooth audio……….. 257 ® Air flow control buttons ……284, 288 Connecting a Bluetooth audio player…………. 261 Air intake control button ……284, 290 ®…
Page 381
® Call on the Bluetooth phone ……151 Deleting destinations ……….92 By call history…………153 Deleting personal data……….54 By dial …………… 151 Deleting previous destinations ……116 By phonebook…………151 Deleting set destinations ……..80 By POI call…………. 157 DEST button …………..10 By speed dial………… -
Page 382
ALPHABETICAL INDEX Detailed navigation settings……..117 Detour setting …………. 93 eDestination …………. 355 Dial…………….. 155 Download eDestinations ……. 355 Disc slot …………..202 Retrieve an eDestination ……. 356 Distance and time to destination……90 Show eDestination icons…….. 357 Driver’s side temperature Eject button…………… -
Page 383
HD Radio™…………..213 Keyboard layout…………50 Heading-up screen……….45 Home ………….. 12, 17, 103 Language…………..49 Lexus Enform with Safety Connect ….336 INFO button …………..10 Preparation before using Apps….340 Information …………..312 Lexus Insider…………358 “Information” screen……….24 Lexus Insider settings…….. -
Page 384
ALPHABETICAL INDEX Map …………….35 Passenger’s side temperature control buttons ……..284, 287 Map database information and updates..388 Pausing guidance…………97 Map database version and coverage area…………312 Phone (hands-free system for cellular phone) ………… 140 Map icons …………..45 Using the phone switch …….. -
Page 385
Radio …………….210 Satellite radio (SAT)……..206, 217 Listening to the radio……..210 Screen adjustment ………… 33 Presetting a station……….210 Screen off…………34, 234 Radio broadcast data system……211 Screen scroll operation……….. 36 Selecting a station……….211 Screen settings adjustment ……..33 Traffic announcement…….. -
Page 386
ALPHABETICAL INDEX ® Talk on the Bluetooth phone……159 XM Fuel Prices …………323 Incoming call waiting ……… 161 Show XM Fuel Prices information….. 323 Tire change calibration ……… 124 View detailed fuel price information..323 Tone …………….234 XM Fuel Prices settings ……… 324 ®… -
Page 387
XM services…………… 314 XM settings………….. 333 XM Sports …………..317 Receive sports information……317 XM Sports settings — add or delete teams………… 318 XM Stocks…………..320 Receive stock data ……….. 320 XM Stocks settings — add or delete stocks………… 321 Zoom in button ………… -
Page 388
Map database information and updates This system uses the maps of DENSO. -
Page 396
Open source license This product uses the following open © UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. All source software. or some portions of this file are derived from material licensed to the University · T-Kernel of California by American Telephone This Product uses the Source Code of and Telegraph Co. -
Page 397
Copyright © 1988, 1993 The Regents This code is derived from software of the University of California. All rights contributed to Berkeley by Chris Torek. reserved. Copyright © 1991, 1993 The Regents Copyright © 1988, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights of the University of California. -
Page 398
This software was developed by the This code is derived from software Computer Systems Engineering group contributed to Berkeley by Andrew at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Hume of AT&T Bell Laboratories. under DARPA contract BG 91-66 and Redistribution and use in source and contributed to Berkeley. -
Page 399
THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY Copyright © 1982, 1986 Regents of REGENTS the University of California. All rights CONTRIBUTORS “AS IS” AND ANY reserved. EXPRESS IMPLIED Copyright © 1983, 1990, 1993 The WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT Regents of the University of California. NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED All rights reserved. -
Page 400
THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY Portions Copyright © 1993 by Digital REGENTS Equipment Corporation. CONTRIBUTORS “AS IS” AND ANY Permission to use, copy, modify, and EXPRESS IMPLIED distribute this software for any purpose WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT with or without fee is hereby granted, NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED provided that the above copyright WARRANTIES… -
Page 401
Copyright © 1982, 1986, 1990, 1993 THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY The Regents of the University of REGENTS California. All rights reserved. CONTRIBUTORS “AS IS” AND ANY EXPRESS IMPLIED Copyright © 1983, 1993 The Regents WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT of the University of California. All rights NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED reserved. -
Page 402
This product includes software Copyright © 1999, 2000 The NetBSD developed by the NetBSD Foundation, Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved. Inc. and its contributors. This code is derived from software Copyright © 1996 The NetBSD contributed to The NetBSD Foundation Foundation, Inc. -
Page 403
Redistribution and use in source and THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY binary forms, with without THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. modification, are permitted provided AND CONTRIBUTORS “AS IS” AND that the following conditions are met: EXPRESS IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT 1. Redistributions of source code must NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED retain the above copyright notice, this WARRANTIES… -
Page 404
Redistribution and use in source and THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY binary forms, with without THE AUTHOR “AS IS” AND ANY modification, are permitted provided EXPRESS IMPLIED that the following conditions are met: WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED 1. -
Page 405
Redistribution and use in source and THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY binary forms, with without THE AUTHOR “AS IS” AND ANY modification, are permitted provided EXPRESS IMPLIED that the following conditions are met: WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED 1. -
Page 406
Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1997, and THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY 1998 WIDE Project. All rights PROJECT reserved. CONTRIBUTORS “AS IS” AND ANY EXPRESS IMPLIED Redistribution and use in source and WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT binary forms, with without NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED modification, are permitted provided WARRANTIES that the following conditions are met:… -
Page 407
Copyright ©1999 Citrus Project, All THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY rights reserved. AUTHOR CONTRIBUTORS “AS IS” AND ANY Redistribution and use in source and EXPRESS IMPLIED binary forms, with without WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT modification, are permitted provided NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED that the following conditions are met: WARRANTIES 1. -
Page 408
Permission to use, copy, modify and Copyright © 1980, 1983, 1988, 1993 distribute this software The Regents of the University of documentation is hereby granted, California. All rights reserved. provided that both the copyright notice Copyright © 1983, 1987, 1989 The and this permission notice appear in all Regents of the University of California. -
Page 409
Redistribution and use in source and THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY binary forms, with without REGENTS modification, are permitted provided CONTRIBUTORS “AS IS” AND ANY that the following conditions are met: EXPRESS IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT 1. Redistributions of source code must NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED retain the above copyright notice, this WARRANTIES… -
Page 410
Page 411
Redistribution and use in source and THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY binary forms, with without PROJECT modification, are permitted provided CONTRIBUTORS “AS IS” AND ANY that the following conditions are met: EXPRESS IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT 1. Redistributions of source code must NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED retain the above copyright notice, this WARRANTIES… -
Page 412
Redistribution and use in source and THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY binary forms, with without REGENTS modification, are permitted provided CONTRIBUTORS “AS IS” AND ANY that the following conditions are met: EXPRESS IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT 1. Redistributions of source code must NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED retain the above copyright notice, this WARRANTIES… -
Page 413
Redistribution and use in source and Copyright 1983 by the Massachusetts binary forms are permitted provided Institute of Technology that the above copyright notice and this Copyright 1984 by the Massachusetts paragraph are duplicated in all such Institute of Technology forms and that any documentation and Copyright 1984,… -
Page 414
Permission to use, copy, modify, and Redistribution and use in source and distribute this software binary forms, with without documentation for any purpose and modification, are permitted provided without fee is hereby granted, provided that the following conditions are met: that the above copyright notice appear 1. -
Page 415
THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY This package is an SSL implementation THE OpenSSL PROJECT “AS IS” written Eric Young EXPRESSED (eay@cryptsoft.com). IMPLIED WARRANTIES, implementation was written so as to INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED conform with Netscapes SSL. This TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF library is free for commercial and non- MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS commercial use as long as the following… -
Page 416
1. Redistributions of source code must THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY retain the copyright notice, this list of ERIC YOUNG “AS IS” AND ANY conditions and the following disclaimer. EXPRESS IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT 2. Redistributions in binary form must NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED reproduce the above copyright notice, WARRANTIES…
Ознакомьтесь со всеми функциями и эксплуатационными особенностями автомобиля Lexus в онлайн-версии руководства.
Профессионализм специалистов достигается благодаря специальной системе обучения на базе ООО «Тойота Мотор»: все сотрудники дилерского центра проходят тренинги и регулярные переаттестации.
Ваша уверенность в качестве услуг и премиальном обслуживании – основной приоритет, поэтому мы гарантируем максимальный комфорт при посещении дилерских центров.
Программы Lexus позволяют экономить на обслуживании автомобиля и при этом гарантированно получить качественный сервис, продлевающий безупречную надежность вашего автомобиля.
This webpage contains Lexus IS 250 2014 Owners Manual PDF used by Lexus garages, auto repair shops, Lexus dealerships and home mechanics.
With this Lexus IS 250 Workshop manual, you can perform every job that could be done by Lexus garages and mechanics from:
- changing spark plugs,
- brake fluids,
- oil changes,
- engine rebuilds,
- electrical faults
- and much more
The Lexus IS 250 2014 Owners Manual PDF includes:
- detailed illustrations,
- drawings,
- diagrams,
- step by step guides,
- explanations of Lexus IS 250:
- service
- repair
- maintenance
PDF Document Details
: Lexus IS 250 2014 Owners Manual PDF