local lua_ah_enabled = ui.add_check_box(«Enable«, «lua_ah_enabled«, false) |
local lua_ah_pitch = ui.add_combo_box(«Pitch«, «lua_ah_pitch«, { «None«, «Down«, «Zero«, «Up«, «Custom« }, 0) |
local lua_ah_pitch_custom = ui.add_slider_int(«Pitch value«, «lua_ah_pitch_custom«, —89.0, 89.0, 0.0) |
local lua_ah_yaw = ui.add_slider_int(«Yaw«, «lua_ah_yaw«, —180.0, 180.0, 0.0) |
local lua_ah_manual_left = ui.add_key_bind(«Manual left«, «lua_ah_manual_left«, 0, 1) |
local lua_ah_manual_back = ui.add_key_bind(«Manual backward«, «lua_ah_manual_back«, 0, 1) |
local lua_ah_manual_right = ui.add_key_bind(«Manual right«, «lua_ah_manual_right«, 0, 1) |
local lua_ah_jitter_yaw = ui.add_slider_float(«Jitter«, «lua_ah_jitter_yaw«, 0.0, 60.0, 0.0) |
local lua_ah_spin_speed = ui.add_slider_float(«Spin speed«, «lua_ah_spin_speed«, 0.0, 60.0, 0.0) |
local lua_ah_at_targets = ui.add_key_bind(«At targets«, «lua_ah_at_targets«, 0, 1) |
local lua_ah_at_targets_mode = ui.add_combo_box(«At targets type«, «lua_ah_at_targets_mode«, { «Crosshair«, «Distance« }, 0) |
local lua_ah_at_targets_dormant = ui.add_slider_float(«At targets in dormant«, «lua_ah_at_targets_dormant«, 0.0, 10.0, 0.5) |
local lua_ah_desync = ui.add_combo_box(«Desync type«, «lua_ah_desync«, { «None«, «Static«, «Lowdelta«, «Extended«, «Breaker«, «Custom« }, 0) |
local lua_ah_desync_custom_yaw = ui.add_slider_int(«Desync length«, «lua_ah_desync_custom_yaw«, 0.0, 120.0, 0.0) |
local lua_ah_desync_custom_yaw_inverted = ui.add_slider_int(«Inverted desync length«, «lua_ah_desync_custom_yaw_inverted«, 0.0, 120.0, 0.0) |
local lua_ah_flip_bind = ui.add_key_bind(«Switch desync side«, «lua_ah_flip_bind«, 0, 2) |
local lua_ah_flip_antibrute = ui.add_check_box(«Anti bruteforce«, «lua_ah_flip_antibrute«, false) |
local lua_ah_desync_jitter = ui.add_check_box(«Desync jitter«, «lua_ah_desync_jitter«, false) |
local lua_ah_legiaa_bind = ui.add_key_bind(«Legit AA«, «lua_ah_legiaa_bind«, 0, 1) |
local lua_ah_alternative_desync = ui.add_combo_box(«Alternative desync«, «lua_ah_alternative_desync«, { «None«, «Anti bruteforce«, «Lowdelta«, «Jitter« }, 0) |
local lua_ah_desync_alternative_desync_triggers = ui.add_multi_combo_box(«Alternative desync triggers«, «lua_ah_desync_alternative_desync_triggers«, { «In move«, «In slowwalk«, «On exploit« }, { false, false ,false }) |
local lua_ah_fakelags_min = ui.add_slider_int(«Fakelags min«, «lua_ah_fakelags_min«, 0, 14, 0) |
local lua_ah_fakelags_max = ui.add_slider_int(«Fakelags max«, «lua_ah_fakelags_max«, 0, 14, 0) |
local lua_ah_fakelags_on_peek = ui.add_slider_int(«Fakelags on peek«, «lua_ah_fakelags_on_peek«, 0, 14, 0) |
local lua_ah_slowwalk_override = ui.add_check_box(«Slowwalk override«, «lua_ah_slowwalk_override«, false) |
local lua_ah_slowwalk_min = ui.add_slider_int(«Slowwalk speed min«, «lua_ah_slowwalk_min«, 0, 100, 0) |
local lua_ah_slowwalk_max = ui.add_slider_int(«Slowwalk speed max«, «lua_ah_slowwalk_max«, 0, 100, 0) |
local lua_ah_fakelags_adaptive = ui.add_check_box(«Adaptive fakelags«, «lua_ah_fakelags_adaptive«, false) |
local lua_ah_rindicator = ui.add_check_box(«Real indicator«, «lua_ah_rindicator«, false) |
local lua_ah_rindicator_color = ui.add_color_edit(«Real indicator color«, «lua_ah_rindicator_color«, true, color_t.new(255, 255, 255, 255)) |
local lua_ah_dindicator = ui.add_check_box(«Fake indicator«, «lua_ah_dindicator«, false) |
local lua_ah_dindicator_color = ui.add_color_edit(«Fake indicator color«, «lua_ah_dindicator_color«, true, color_t.new(255, 255, 255, 255)) |
local lua_ah_debug = false |
local using_alternative_desync = false |
local desync_flipped = false |
local jitter_state = —1 |
local last_command_number = —1 |
local last_tick_count = —1 |
local recharged = false |
local player_shots = {} |
for i = 0, 64 do player_shots[i] = 0.0 end |
local players_dormant = {} |
for i = 0, 64 do players_dormant[i] = 0.0 end |
local m_vecOrigin = se.get_netvar(«DT_BaseEntity«, «m_vecOrigin«) |
local m_flDuckSpeed = se.get_netvar(«DT_BasePlayer«, «m_flDuckSpeed«); |
local m_flDuckAmount = se.get_netvar(«DT_BasePlayer«, «m_flDuckAmount«); |
local m_vecVelocity = se.get_netvar(«DT_BasePlayer«, «m_vecVelocity[0]«); |
local m_bIsValveDS = se.get_netvar(«DT_CSGameRulesProxy«, «m_bIsValveDS«) |
local m_hActiveWeapon = se.get_netvar(«DT_BaseCombatCharacter«, «m_hActiveWeapon«) |
local m_iTeamNum = se.get_netvar(«DT_BaseEntity«, «m_iTeamNum«) |
local m_fFlags = se.get_netvar(«DT_BasePlayer«, «m_fFlags«) |
local m_flDuckAmount = se.get_netvar(«DT_BasePlayer«, «m_flDuckAmount«) |
local m_vecViewOffset = se.get_netvar(«DT_BasePlayer«, «m_vecViewOffset[0]«) |
local m_iTeamNum = se.get_netvar(«DT_BaseEntity«, «m_iTeamNum«) |
local m_iHealth = se.get_netvar(«DT_BasePlayer«, «m_iHealth«) |
local sv_maxspeed = se.get_convar(«sv_maxspeed«) |
local antihit_extra_fakeduck_bind = ui.get_key_bind(«antihit_extra_fakeduck_bind«) |
ffi.cdef[[ |
struct WeaponInfo_t |
{ |
char _0x0000[20]; |
__int32 max_clip; |
char _0x0018[12]; |
__int32 max_reserved_ammo; |
char _0x0028[96]; |
char* hud_name; |
char* weapon_name; |
char _0x0090[60]; |
__int32 type; |
__int32 price; |
__int32 reward; |
char _0x00D8[20]; |
bool full_auto; |
char _0x00ED[3]; |
__int32 damage; |
float armor_ratio; |
__int32 bullets; |
float penetration; |
char _0x0100[8]; |
float range; |
float range_modifier; |
char _0x0110[16]; |
bool silencer; |
char _0x0121[15]; |
float max_speed; |
float max_speed_alt; |
char _0x0138[76]; |
__int32 recoil_seed; |
char _0x0188[32]; |
}; |
]] |
local weapon_data_call = ffi.cast(«int*(__thiscall*)(void*)«, client.find_pattern(«client.dll«, «55 8B EC 81 EC 0C 01 ? ? 53 8B D9 56 57 8D 8B«)); |
local function weapon_data(weapon) |
return ffi.cast(«struct WeaponInfo_t*«, weapon_data_call(ffi.cast(«void*«, weapon:get_address()))); |
end |
function hasbit(x, p) return x % (p + p) >= p end |
local function server_time() |
return (entitylist.get_local_player():get_prop_int(se.get_netvar(«DT_BasePlayer«, «m_nTickBase«)) * globalvars.get_interval_per_tick()) |
end |
local function get_weapon_ammo(player) |
return entitylist.get_entity_from_handle(entitylist.get_local_player():get_prop_int(se.get_netvar(«DT_BaseCombatCharacter«, «m_hActiveWeapon«))):get_prop_int(se.get_netvar(«DT_BaseCombatWeapon«, «m_iClip1«)) |
end |
local function get_weapon_recharge(weapon) |
in_recharge = ffi.cast(«uint32_t*«, (client.find_pattern(«client.dll«, «C6 87 ? ? ? ? ? 8B 06 8B CE FF 90«) + 2)) |
is_recharging = ffi.cast(«bool*«, weapon:get_address() + in_recharge[0]) |
return is_recharging[0] |
end |
local function is_nade() |
local weapon = entitylist.get_entity_from_handle(entitylist.get_local_player():get_prop_int(se.get_netvar(«DT_BaseCombatCharacter«, «m_hActiveWeapon«))) |
if weapon_data(weapon).type == 0 then |
return true |
end |
return false |
end |
local function is_knife() |
local weapon = entitylist.get_entity_from_handle(entitylist.get_local_player():get_prop_int(se.get_netvar(«DT_BaseCombatCharacter«, «m_hActiveWeapon«))) |
if weapon_data(weapon).type == 1 then |
return true |
end |
return false |
end |
local function is_ready_to_fire(cmd) |
local isknife = is_knife() |
if hasbit(cmd.buttons, 1) or (hasbit(cmd.buttons, 2048) and isknife) then |
if isknife then return true end |
—balls |
return true |
end |
return false |
end |
function is_throwing() |
local active_weapon_throw_time = entitylist.get_entity_from_handle(entitylist.get_local_player():get_prop_int(se.get_netvar(«DT_BaseCombatCharacter«, «m_hActiveWeapon«))):get_prop_float(se.get_netvar(«DT_BaseCSGrenade«, «m_fThrowTime«)) |
if active_weapon_throw_time > 0.1 then |
return true |
end |
return false |
end |
local function micro_move(cmd) |
local micro_move = 1.10 |
if (entitylist.get_local_player():get_prop_float(m_flDuckAmount) > 0.1) then |
micro_move = micro_move * 3.0 |
end |
if cmd.command_number % 2 == 0 then |
micro_move = —micro_move |
end |
cmd.sidemove = cmd.sidemove + micro_move |
end |
local lower_body_yaw_update_time = 0.0 |
local lower_body_yaw_force_choke = false |
local function break_lby(cmd, lby) |
if entitylist.get_local_player():get_prop_vector(m_vecVelocity):length() > 4.0 then |
return |
end |
if globalvars.get_current_time() >= lower_body_yaw_update_time then |
cmd.send_packet = false |
cmd.viewangles.yaw = cmd.viewangles.yaw + lby |
lower_body_yaw_force_choke = true |
lower_body_yaw_update_time = globalvars.get_current_time() + 0.22 |
micro_move(cmd) |
return |
end |
if lower_body_yaw_force_choke then |
lower_body_yaw_force_choke = false |
cmd.send_packet = false |
return |
end |
if lower_body_yaw_force_choke then |
return |
end |
end |
local function dist_3d(a, b) |
return vec3_t.new(a.x — b.x, a.y — b.y, a.z — b.z):length() |
end |
local function angle_vectors(angles) |
local cp, sp = math.cos(angles.pitch * 0.017453292519), math.sin(angles.pitch * 0.017453292519) |
local cy, sy = math.cos(angles.yaw * 0.017453292519), math.sin(angles.yaw * 0.017453292519) |
local cr, sr = math.cos(angles.roll * 0.017453292519), math.sin(angles.roll * 0.017453292519) |
local forward = vec3_t.new(0, 0, 0) |
forward.x = cp * cy |
forward.y = cp * sy |
forward.z = —sp |
return forward |
end |
local function calc_angle(from, to) |
local vec = vec3_t.new(to.x — from.x, to.y — from.y, to.z — from.z) |
local hyp = math.sqrt(vec.x*vec.x+vec.y*vec.y+vec.z*vec.z) |
local pitch = —math.asin(vec.z / hyp) * 57.29578 |
if pitch > 89.0 then pitch = 89.0 end |
if pitch < —89.0 then pitch = —89.0 end |
local yaw = math.atan2(vec.y, vec.x) * 57.29578 |
while yaw < —180.0 do angle = angle + 360.0 end |
while yaw > 180.0 do angle = angle — 360.0 end |
return angle_t.new(pitch, yaw, 0) |
end |
local function get_projection(a, b, c) — epic applied math student moment |
local length = dist_3d(b, c) |
local d = vec3_t.new(c.x — b.x, c.y — b.y, c.z — b.z) |
d = vec3_t.new(d.x / length, d.y / length, d.z / length) |
local v = vec3_t.new(a.x — b.x, a.y — b.y, a.z — b.z) |
local t = v.x * d.x + v.y * d.y + v.z * d.z |
local p = vec3_t.new(d.x * t, d.y * t, d.z * t) |
return vec3_t.new(b.x + p.x, b.y + p.y, b.z + p.z) |
end |
local function best_angle(cmd) |
local lowest_distance = 2147483647 |
local lowest_fov = 2147483647 |
local best_player = nil |
local local_player = entitylist.get_local_player() |
if not local_player then return —1 end |
for i = 0, 64 do |
local current_player = entitylist.get_entity_by_index(i) |
if current_player ~= nil and current_player ~= entitylist.get_local_player() and current_player:get_prop_int(m_iTeamNum) ~= local_player:get_prop_int(m_iTeamNum) and not current_player:is_dormant() then players_dormant[i] = globalvars.get_current_time() end |
if current_player ~= nil and current_player ~= entitylist.get_local_player() and current_player:get_prop_int(m_iTeamNum) ~= local_player:get_prop_int(m_iTeamNum) and globalvars.get_current_time() — players_dormant[i] < lua_ah_at_targets_dormant:get_value() then |
if not current_player or not current_player:is_alive() and not current_player:is_dormant() then |
at_targets = false |
goto continue |
end |
if lua_ah_at_targets_mode:get_value() == 0 then |
local current_angle = calc_angle(local_player:get_prop_vector(m_vecOrigin), current_player:get_prop_vector(m_vecOrigin)) |
local current_fov = dist_3d(angle_vectors(current_angle), angle_vectors(engine.get_view_angles())) |
if current_fov < lowest_fov then |
lowest_fov = current_fov |
best_player = current_player |
end |
else |
local current_distance = dist_3d(local_player:get_prop_vector(m_vecOrigin), current_player:get_prop_vector(m_vecOrigin)) |
if current_distance < lowest_distance then |
lowest_distance = current_distance |
best_player = current_player |
end |
end |
::continue:: |
end |
end |
if best_player == nil then |
return engine.get_view_angles() |
end |
return calc_angle(local_player:get_prop_vector(m_vecOrigin), best_player:get_prop_vector(m_vecOrigin)) |
end |
local manual_side = 0 |
local function get_manual_side() — waparabka.technologies |
if client.is_key_clicked(lua_ah_manual_left:get_key()) then |
if manual_side == 1 then |
manual_side = 0 |
return manual_side |
end |
manual_side = 1 |
end |
if client.is_key_clicked(lua_ah_manual_back:get_key()) then |
if manual_side == 2 then |
manual_side = 0 |
return manual_side |
end |
manual_side = 2 |
end |
if client.is_key_clicked(lua_ah_manual_right:get_key()) then |
if manual_side == 3 then |
manual_side = 0 |
return manual_side |
end |
manual_side = 3 |
end |
return manual_side |
end |
local player_vtable = ffi.cast(«int*«, client.find_pattern(«client.dll«, «55 8B EC 83 E4 F8 83 EC 18 56 57 8B F9 89 7C 24 0C«) + 0x47)[0] |
local get_abs_origin = ffi.cast(«float*(__thiscall*)(int)«, ffi.cast(«int*«, player_vtable + 0x28)[0]) |
local function get_eyes_pos() |
local local_player = entitylist.get_local_player() |
if local_player == nil or not local_player:is_alive() then |
return 0 |
end |
local abs_origin = get_abs_origin(local_player:get_address()) |
local view_offset = local_player:get_prop_vector(m_vecViewOffset) |
return vec3_t.new(abs_origin[0] + view_offset.x, abs_origin[1] + view_offset.y, abs_origin[2] + view_offset.z) |
end |
local function find_closest_point_at_angle(angle) |
local local_player = entitylist.get_local_player() |
if local_player == nil or not local_player:is_alive() then |
return |
end |
local trace_end = angle_vectors(angle) |
local abs_origin = get_abs_origin(local_player:get_address()) |
local view_offset = local_player:get_prop_vector(m_vecViewOffset) |
local trace_start = vec3_t.new(abs_origin[0] + view_offset.x, abs_origin[1] + view_offset.y, abs_origin[2] + view_offset.z) |
trace_end.x = trace_start.x + trace_end.x * 8192.0 |
trace_end.y = trace_start.y + trace_end.y * 8192.0 |
trace_end.z = trace_start.z + trace_end.z * 8192.0 |
local trace_out = trace.line(engine.get_local_player(), 0x46004003, trace_start, trace_end) |
return dist_from_camera(trace_out.endpos) |
end |
local function can_hit_directly(pos, ent) — nixer wall penetration calculation when |
local trace_out1 = trace.line(engine.get_local_player(), 0x46004003, pos, ent:get_player_hitbox_pos(8)) |
local trace_out2 = trace.line(engine.get_local_player(), 0x46004003, pos, ent:get_player_hitbox_pos(0)) |
return (trace_out1.hit_entity_index == ent:get_index()) or (trace_out2.hit_entity_index == ent:get_index()) |
end |
local function in_peek(pred_ticks) — tatarstan technologies |
local lp = entitylist.get_local_player() |
local pos = get_eyes_pos() |
local predict = lp:get_prop_vector(m_vecVelocity) |
local tick_time = globalvars.get_interval_per_tick() * pred_ticks |
local pos_predicted = vec3_t.new(pos.x + predict.x * tick_time, pos.y + predict.y * tick_time, pos.z + predict.z * tick_time) |
local player_team = lp:get_prop_int(m_iTeamNum) |
for i = 1, 64 do |
local entity = entitylist.get_entity_by_index(i) |
if entity ~= nil and player_team ~= entity:get_prop_int(m_iTeamNum) and entity:get_prop_int(m_iHealth) > 0 then |
if can_hit_directly(pos, entity) then return true end |
if can_hit_directly(pos_predicted, entity) then return true end |
end |
end |
if pred_ticks > 1 then |
return in_peek(pred_ticks — 1) |
end |
return false |
end |
local desync_flipped_held = false |
local cmd_yaw = 0.0 |
local cmd_desync = 0.0 |
local function get_centered_cpos(offset, angle) |
local x = engine.get_screen_size().x / 2 + math.sin(angle) * offset |
local y = engine.get_screen_size().y / 2 + math.cos(angle) * offset |
return vec2_t.new(x, y) |
end |
local function draw_indicator(angle, color) |
local yaw = 3.1415926535898 — angle * 0.01745329251994 |
local points = |
{ |
get_centered_cpos(40, yaw + 0.39269908169865), |
get_centered_cpos(60, yaw), |
get_centered_cpos(40, yaw — 0.39269908169865) |
} |
renderer.filled_polygon(points, color) |
end |
local function on_paint() |
manual_side = get_manual_side() |
if lua_ah_desync:get_value() == 5 then |
lua_ah_desync_custom_yaw:set_visible(true) |
lua_ah_desync_custom_yaw_inverted:set_visible(true) |
else |
lua_ah_desync_custom_yaw:set_visible(false) |
lua_ah_desync_custom_yaw_inverted:set_visible(false) |
end |
if lua_ah_slowwalk_override:get_value() then |
lua_ah_slowwalk_min:set_visible(true) |
lua_ah_slowwalk_max:set_visible(true) |
else |
lua_ah_slowwalk_min:set_visible(false) |
lua_ah_slowwalk_max:set_visible(false) |
end |
if lua_ah_fakelags_min:get_value() > lua_ah_fakelags_max:get_value() then |
lua_ah_fakelags_min:set_value(lua_ah_fakelags_max:get_value()) |
end |
if lua_ah_pitch:get_value() == 4 then |
lua_ah_pitch_custom:set_visible(true) |
else |
lua_ah_pitch_custom:set_visible(false) |
end |
if not lua_ah_enabled:get_value() then return end |
ui.get_check_box(«antihit_fakelag_enable«):set_value(false) |
ui.get_check_box(«antihit_antiaim_enable«):set_value(false) |
local local_player = entitylist.get_local_player() |
if local_player ~= nil and local_player:is_alive() then |
if lua_ah_rindicator:get_value() then |
draw_indicator(cmd_yaw, lua_ah_rindicator_color:get_value()) |
end |
if lua_ah_dindicator:get_value() then |
draw_indicator(cmd_yaw — cmd_desync, lua_ah_dindicator_color:get_value()) |
end |
end |
end |
local freezetime = false |
client.register_callback(«bullet_impact«, function(event) |
local entity_id = engine.get_player_for_user_id( event:get_int(«userid«, 0) ) |
if entity_id == engine.get_local_player() then return end |
local entity = entitylist.get_entity_by_index(entity_id) |
local from = entity:get_player_hitbox_pos(0) |
local to = vec3_t.new(event:get_float(«x«, 0.0), event:get_float(«y«, 0.0), event:get_float(«z«, 0.0)) |
local head = get_eyes_pos() |
local closest_point = get_projection(head, from, to) |
local dist = dist_3d(closest_point, head) |
if dist < 45 and dist_3d(from, to) >= dist_3d(from, head) — 10.0 and player_shots[engine.get_player_for_user_id(event:get_int(«userid«, 0))] + 0.05 < globalvars.get_current_time() then |
if lua_ah_flip_antibrute:get_value() or (lua_ah_alternative_desync:get_value() == 1 and using_alternative_desync) then |
desync_flipped = not desync_flipped |
end |
end |
player_shots[engine.get_player_for_user_id(event:get_int(«userid«, 0))] = globalvars.get_current_time() |
end) |
client.register_callback(«round_start«, function() |
lower_body_yaw_update_time = 0.22 |
end) |
client.register_callback(«round_prestart«, function() |
freezetime = true |
end) |
client.register_callback(«round_freeze_end«, function() |
for i = 0, 64 do players_dormant[i] = 0.0 end |
freezetime = false |
end) |
client.register_callback(«player_death«, function(event) |
local local_player_userid = engine.get_player_info(engine.get_local_player()).user_id |
local event_userid = event:get_int(«userid«, 0) |
if local_player_userid == event_userid then |
last_command_number = —1 |
last_tick_count = —1 |
end |
end) |
ffi.cdef[[ |
struct Animstate_t |
{ |
char pad[ 3 ]; |
char m_bForceWeaponUpdate; //0x4 |
char pad1[ 91 ]; |
void* m_pBaseEntity; //0x60 |
void* m_pActiveWeapon; //0x64 |
void* m_pLastActiveWeapon; //0x68 |
float m_flLastClientSideAnimationUpdateTime; //0x6C |
int m_iLastClientSideAnimationUpdateFramecount; //0x70 |
float m_flAnimUpdateDelta; //0x74 |
float m_flEyeYaw; //0x78 |
float m_flPitch; //0x7C |
float m_flGoalFeetYaw; //0x80 |
float m_flCurrentFeetYaw; //0x84 |
float m_flCurrentTorsoYaw; //0x88 |
float m_flUnknownVelocityLean; //0x8C |
float m_flLeanAmount; //0x90 |
char pad2[ 4 ]; |
float m_flFeetCycle; //0x98 |
float m_flFeetYawRate; //0x9C |
char pad3[ 4 ]; |
float m_fDuckAmount; //0xA4 |
float m_fLandingDuckAdditiveSomething; //0xA8 |
char pad4[ 4 ]; |
float m_vOriginX; //0xB0 |
float m_vOriginY; //0xB4 |
float m_vOriginZ; //0xB8 |
float m_vLastOriginX; //0xBC |
float m_vLastOriginY; //0xC0 |
float m_vLastOriginZ; //0xC4 |
float m_vVelocityX; //0xC8 |
float m_vVelocityY; //0xCC |
char pad5[ 4 ]; |
float m_flUnknownFloat1; //0xD4 |
char pad6[ 8 ]; |
float m_flUnknownFloat2; //0xE0 |
float m_flUnknownFloat3; //0xE4 |
float m_flUnknown; //0xE8 |
float m_flSpeed2D; //0xEC |
float m_flUpVelocity; //0xF0 |
float m_flSpeedNormalized; //0xF4 |
float m_flFeetSpeedForwardsOrSideWays; //0xF8 |
float m_flFeetSpeedUnknownForwardOrSideways; //0xFC |
float m_flTimeSinceStartedMoving; //0x100 |
float m_flTimeSinceStoppedMoving; //0x104 |
bool m_bOnGround; //0x108 |
bool m_bInHitGroundAnimation; //0x109 |
float m_flTimeSinceInAir; //0x10A |
float m_flLastOriginZ; //0x10E |
float m_flHeadHeightOrOffsetFromHittingGroundAnimation; //0x112 |
float m_flStopToFullRunningFraction; //0x116 |
char pad7[ 4 ]; //0x11A |
float m_flMagicFraction; //0x11E |
char pad8[ 60 ]; //0x122 |
float m_flWorldForce; //0x15E |
char pad9[ 462 ]; //0x162 |
float m_flMaxYaw; //0x334 |
}; |
]] |
local function get_animstate() |
local entity = entitylist.get_local_player() |
return ffi.cast(«struct Animstate_t**«, entity:get_address() + 0x9960)[0] |
end |
local function clamp_yaw(yaw) |
while yaw < —180.0 do yaw = yaw + 360.0 end |
while yaw > 180.0 do yaw = yaw — 360.0 end |
return yaw |
end |
local function get_current_desync(mod_yaw) |
local animstate = get_animstate() |
return math.abs(mod_yaw — math.abs(clamp_yaw(engine.get_view_angles().yaw — animstate.m_flGoalFeetYaw))) — CO3DAT3JIb JS REZOLVER |
end |
local peeked = false |
local lag_amount = 0 |
local spin = 0 |
local function on_create_move(cmd) |
if not lua_ah_enabled:get_value() then return end |
cmd_yaw = 0 |
if freezetime then return end |
local local_player = entitylist.get_local_player() |
if bit.band(local_player:get_prop_int(m_fFlags), 64) ~= 0 then return end |
local velocity = local_player:get_prop_vector(m_vecVelocity) |
using_alternative_desync = false |
if lua_ah_desync_alternative_desync_triggers:get_value(0) and velocity:length() > 130 then |
using_alternative_desync = true |
end |
if lua_ah_desync_alternative_desync_triggers:get_value(1) and velocity:length() > 10 and velocity:length() <= 130 then |
using_alternative_desync = true |
end |
if lua_ah_desync_alternative_desync_triggers:get_value(2) and ui.get_combo_box(«rage_active_exploit«):get_value() ~= 0 and ui.get_key_bind(«rage_active_exploit_bind«):is_active() then |
using_alternative_desync = true |
end |
if cmd.command_number — last_command_number > 1 and last_command_number ~= —1 then |
recharged = false |
end |
last_command_number = cmd.command_number |
if cmd.tick_count — last_tick_count > 1 and last_tick_count ~= —1 then |
recharged = true |
end |
last_tick_count = cmd.tick_count |
if lag_amount == 0 then |
if lua_ah_fakelags_on_peek:get_value() ~= 0 and in_peek(lua_ah_fakelags_on_peek:get_value()) then |
if not peeked then |
lag_amount = lua_ah_fakelags_on_peek:get_value() |
peeked = true |
else |
lag_amount = math.random( lua_ah_fakelags_min:get_value(), lua_ah_fakelags_max:get_value() ) |
end |
else |
lag_amount = math.random( lua_ah_fakelags_min:get_value(), lua_ah_fakelags_max:get_value() ) |
peeked = false |
end |
end |
local fakelags = lag_amount |
if fakelags > 14 then fakelags = 14 end |
if lua_ah_fakelags_adaptive:get_value() then fakelags = fakelags * ( velocity:length() / sv_maxspeed:get_int() ) end |
if fakelags < 2 and lua_ah_desync:get_value() ~= 0 then |
fakelags = 2 |
end |
if fakelags > 2 and ui.get_combo_box(«rage_active_exploit«):get_value() ~= 0 and ui.get_key_bind(«rage_active_exploit_bind«):is_active() and recharged then |
fakelags = 1 |
end |
local active_weapon_handle = local_player:get_prop_int(m_hActiveWeapon) |
local active_weapon = entitylist.get_entity_from_handle(active_weapon_handle) |
local move_type = local_player:get_prop_int(se.get_netvar(«DT_BaseEntity«, «m_nRenderMode«) + 1) |
if move_type == 0 or move_type == 8 or move_type == 9 then return end |
if is_nade() and is_throwing() and not is_knife() then return end |
if is_ready_to_fire(cmd) then return end |
if not lua_ah_legiaa_bind:is_active() and hasbit(cmd.buttons, 32) then return end |
if not antihit_extra_fakeduck_bind:is_active() then |
if fakelags <= clientstate.get_choked_commands() then |
lag_amount = 0 |
cmd.send_packet = true |
else |
cmd.send_packet = false |
end |
end |
local pitch_type = lua_ah_pitch:get_value() |
if pitch_type == 0 then |
elseif pitch_type == 1 then |
cmd.viewangles.pitch = 89.0 |
elseif pitch_type == 2 then |
cmd.viewangles.pitch = 0.0 |
elseif pitch_type == 3 then |
cmd.viewangles.pitch = —89.0 |
elseif pitch_type == 4 then |
cmd.viewangles.pitch = lua_ah_pitch_custom:get_value() |
end |
cmd.viewangles.yaw = engine.get_view_angles().yaw — lua_ah_yaw:get_value() |
if lua_ah_at_targets:is_active() then |
cmd.viewangles.yaw = best_angle(cmd).yaw — lua_ah_yaw:get_value() |
end |
if manual_side == 1 then cmd.viewangles.yaw = engine.get_view_angles().yaw — 270.0 end |
if manual_side == 2 then cmd.viewangles.yaw = engine.get_view_angles().yaw — 180.0 end |
if manual_side == 3 then cmd.viewangles.yaw = engine.get_view_angles().yaw — 90.0 end |
if lua_ah_spin_speed:get_value() ~= 0 then |
spin = spin + lua_ah_spin_speed:get_value() |
if spin > 360 then spin = 0 end |
cmd.viewangles.yaw = cmd.viewangles.yaw + spin |
end |
cmd_yaw = engine.get_view_angles().yaw — cmd.viewangles.yaw |
cmd.viewangles.yaw = cmd.viewangles.yaw — lua_ah_jitter_yaw:get_value() * jitter_state |
if cmd.send_packet then |
jitter_state = jitter_state * —1 |
if lua_ah_desync_jitter:get_value() or (lua_ah_alternative_desync:get_value() == 3 and using_alternative_desync) then |
desync_flipped = not desync_flipped |
end |
end |
if lua_ah_slowwalk_override:get_value() then |
ui.get_slider_int(«antihit_extra_slowwalk_speed«):set_value( math.random( lua_ah_slowwalk_min:get_value(), lua_ah_slowwalk_max:get_value() ) ) |
end |
if lua_ah_legiaa_bind:is_active() then |
cmd_yaw = 0 |
cmd.viewangles = engine.get_view_angles() |
end |
local desync_type = lua_ah_desync:get_value() |
if using_alternative_desync then |
desync_type = lua_ah_alternative_desync:get_value() |
if lua_ah_alternative_desync:get_value() == 3 then |
desync_type = 1 |
end |
end |
local mod_yaw = engine.get_view_angles().yaw — cmd.viewangles.yaw |
local desync_switched = desync_flipped |
if lua_ah_flip_bind:is_active() then |
desync_switched = not desync_switched |
end |
— welcome to the cum zone |
local desync_value = 0.0 |
if desync_type == 1 or desync_type == 2 then |
desync_value = 58.0 |
micro_move(cmd) |
if desync_switched then |
desync_value = —desync_value |
end |
if get_current_desync(mod_yaw) < math.abs(desync_value) then |
desync_value = (desync_value / math.abs(desync_value)) * 120 |
end |
if desync_type == 2 then desync_value = math.random(20.0, 30.0) end |
if not cmd.send_packet then |
cmd.viewangles.yaw = cmd.viewangles.yaw — desync_value |
end |
elseif desync_type == 3 or desync_type == 4 then |
desync_value = 120.0 |
if desync_type == 4 then |
desync_value = 58.0 |
end |
if desync_switched then |
desync_value = —desync_value |
end |
break_lby(cmd, 180.0) |
if not cmd.send_packet then |
cmd.viewangles.yaw = cmd.viewangles.yaw — desync_value |
end |
elseif desync_type == 0 then |
desync_value = 0.0 |
else |
desync_value = 0 |
if not desync_switched then |
desync_value = lua_ah_desync_custom_yaw:get_value() |
else |
desync_value = —lua_ah_desync_custom_yaw_inverted:get_value() |
end |
if math.abs(desync_value) > 58.0 then |
break_lby(cmd, (111.0 + math.abs(desync_value)) * (desync_value / math.abs(desync_value))) |
elseif math.abs(desync_value) == 120.0 then |
break_lby(cmd, 180.0) |
elseif math.abs(desync_value) == 58.0 then |
if get_current_desync(mod_yaw) < math.abs(desync_value) then |
desync_value = (desync_value / math.abs(desync_value)) * 120 |
end |
micro_move(cmd) |
else |
micro_move(cmd) |
end |
if not cmd.send_packet then |
cmd.viewangles.yaw = cmd.viewangles.yaw — desync_value |
end |
end |
cmd_desync = (desync_value / math.abs(desync_value)) * 90 |
end |
client.register_callback(«paint«, on_paint) |
client.register_callback(«create_move«, on_create_move) |