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Инструкция по эксплуатации мультиварки Lumme LU-1446 Туманный нефрит.
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- LU-1446 CHEF PRO
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Summary of Contents for Lumme LU-1446 CHEF PRO
Page 1: Table Of Contents
/ MULTICOOKER User manual LU-1446 CHEF PRO User manual Bedienungsanleitung Manuale d`uso Manual de instrucciones Kasutusjuhend Naudojimo instrukcija…
Page 3: Rus
GBR Parts list*: 1. Control panel 2. Lid opening button 3. Handle 4. Steam valve 5. Lid 6. Dew collector 7. Steam container 8. Pot 9. Measuring cup 10. Spoon DEU Komplettierung*: ITA Componenti*: ESP Lista de equipo*: FRA Lot de livraison*: PRT Conjunto complete*: 1.
Page 4
GBR Functions description: ff and for chosen program start for automatic cooking program selection Button for default settings recovery 4. Auto k ation 5. Temperatu 6. Auto k fucntion button, chosen program cancel and reset 7. Cooking program indicator 8. Display 9. -
Page 5
PRT D FRA Presentation des fonctions: EST Funktsioonide kirjeldus: 1. Stardinupp- multifunktsionaalse toiduvalmistaja Multicozedura e iniciar o programa selecionado sisse- tamiseks funcionamiento el programa seleccionado programmes automatiques — automaatsete programmide 2. B Bouton du prog valikuks 5. Aja ja temperatuuri seadistamise nupud 5. -
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30 ). -
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220-240 / 3,3 x 285 x 305 COSMOS FAR VIEW INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Room 701, 16 apt, lane 165, Rainbow North Street, Ningbo, China… -
Page 14
46 COOKING PROGRAMS Automatic cooking programs are convenient, fast and delicious way to cook! Make a brand new step into a cookery world with LUMME automatic cooking programs! 46 cooking programs (16 automatic programs and 30 manual settings) let you cook a large variety of dishes! You could cook not only typical for multicookers meal, but yoghurt, ragout, aspic, make jam and kissel. -
Page 15
Delay function lets you delay start of cooking program up to 24 hours. Make your breakfast on the eve! HIGH QUALITY INNER POT COATING Model LUMME LU-1446 CHEF PRO is equipped with an inner pot with Japan non-stick coating . This coating has excellent non- any harmful substance. -
Page 16
IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS This User Manual contains information on the use and care of this product. Please read User Manual carefully before using the appliance and save it for future reference. Before first use, check the appliance specifications and the power supply in your network. Use only for domestic purposes according to the User Manual. -
Page 17
FUNCTIONS DISPLAY Display has red led. In program running mode display shows cooking program temperature and cooking time countdown. countdown starts when system reaches operational temperature. DISPLAY INDICATION Delay function indication Cooking time setting indication Cooking temperature setting indication Cooking time indication and delay time indication COOKING WITH THE MULTICOOKER Make sure that the multicooker is clean inside and outside. -
Page 18
CHEF PRO (TEMPERATURE AND TIME MANUAL SET UP AND SAVE FOR FURTHER USE) You could either change cooking time and temperature settings in chosen automatic program or set up necessary cooking start and when cooking process is running. Change default settings before cooking process start Choose necessary prog You see default 10 minutes and 30 ) on the display. -
Page 19
AUTO KEEP WARM function which means that Keep Warm function follows cooking program. If Auto Keep Warm follows cooking program you see indication above Keep warm. If there is no indication then there is no Keep warm after the program finish. You could switch off Auto Keep Warm at any moment of cooking process when you choose cooking program, when program is running and when the program is over. -
Page 20
CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE Always unplug the appliance before cleaning. Let the appliance cool down completely. Wash the pot using detergent, rinse with water and dry with soft material. Do not use dishwasher for inner pot washing. Do not use chemical and abrasive cleaners for washing the appliance and accessories. Do not put the pot into cold water right after cooking. -
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220-240 / 3,3 COSMOS FAR VIEW INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Room 701, 16 apt, lane 165, Rainbow North Street, Ningbo, China… -
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220- / 3,3 COSMOS FAR VIEW INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Room 701, 16 apt, lane 165, Rainbow North Street, Ningbo, China… -
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220-240 / 3,3 COSMOS FAR VIEW INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Room 701, 16 apt, lane 165, Rainbow North Street, Ningbo, China… -
Page 27: Deu Bedienungsanleitung
DEU BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG SICHERHEITSMASSNAHMEN Vor der Ersteinschaltung stellen Sie sicher, dass die technischen Charakteristiken des Erzeugnisses aus der Markierung dem Strom in Ihrer Netz entsprechen. Nicht im Freien anwenden. Passen Sie darauf auf, dass die Netzschnur keine Verwendung durch physisch oder psychisch behinderte Personen bestimmt (darunter auch Kinder), sowie durch die Personen, die keine Erfahrung in der Verwendung von ine Sicherheit verantwortlich ist, eingewiesen werden.
Page 28
Vor der ersten Anwendung ist es notwendig, das Prog REINIGUNG UND PFLEGE Benutzen Sie keine Schleifreinigungsmittel und aggressive Waschmittel Die Reinigung der Dampfklappe muss ma ten. Demontieren Sie die Klappe TECHNISCHE CHARAKTERISTIKEN Strom 220-240 Volt 50 Hertz Leistung 860 Watt Netto- / Bruttogewicht 2,9 kg / 3,3 kg Kartondurchmesser (L B H) -
Page 29: Ita Manuale D`uso
ITA MANUALE D`USO PRECAUZIONI Prima di collegare l`apparecchio ad una fonte di alimentazione, controllare che le caratteristiche tecniche del prodotto indicate nella marcatura corrispondino a quelle della rete. Non usare all`aperto. ogni altro difetto. Controllare che il cavo di alimentazione non contatti cogli oggetti acuminati e superficie riscaldate. Non tirare, non attorcigliare e non avvolgere il cavo di alimentazione al corpo dell`apparecchio.
Page 30
PULIZIA E CURA Scollegare l`apparecchio dalla rete prima di pulire. Lasciare l`apparecchio raffreddarsi. Lavare la coppa con un detergente, risciacquare con l`acqua ed asciugare con una stoffa morbida. Non lavare la coppa in lavastoviglie. Non usare I detersivi abrasivi od aggressivi per la pulizia dell`apparecchio e degli accessori. Non ammettere assolutamente la presenza dell`acqua all`interno dell`apparecchio. -
Page 31: Esp Manual De Instrucciones
ESP MANUAL DE INSTRUCCIONES MEDIDAS DE SEGURIDAD conforme a este manual de instrucciones. No usar fuera. No tirar, retorcer ni enrollar el cable alrededor del cuerpo del aparato. El uso de accesorios no recomendados puede ser pelig r inmediatamente y llamar a un centro de servicio para su control. rato.
Page 32
LIMPIEZA Y CUIDADO Antes de limpiar es necesario desenchufar el aparato. No lavar el plato para cocinar en un lavavajillas. No limpiar el aparato y los accesorios con purificadores abrasivos o detergentes fuertes. Nunca dejar penetrar el agua dentro del aparato. montarla y poner en su sitio. -
Page 33: Fra
RECOMMANDATIONS DE SECURITE utilisation. vous- -vous au centre de service pour chaleur. Assurez- nce de minimum 15 cm des objets potentiellement inflammables, comme meubles, rideaux etc. teur. ipient est vide. stance chauffante silicone. ATTENTION : Soyez prudent en utilisant le multicuiseur ppe.
Page 34
NETTOYAGE ET ENTRETIEN Avant le nettoyage il est ob -vaisselle. Gardez- le linge doux. -le, remontez dan CARACTERISTIQUES TECHNIQUES 220-240 Volt 50 Hertz Puissance 860 Watt Poids net / brut 2,9 kg / 3,3 kg 285 mm x 285 mm x 305 mm LA GARANTIE NE COUVRE PAS DES CONSOMMABLES (FILTRES, REVETEMENTS CERAMIQUES ET ANTIADHESIFS, JOINTS EN CAOUTCHOUC ETC). -
Page 35: Prt
Usar apenas para fi -o imediatamente e contacte um centro d com este aparelho. Em tais casos, o utilizador deve em primeiro lugar ser etc. de causar um cheiro de queimado, sons artificiais e danos ao aparelho. diatamente da rede. Vertifique se entre o copo e o elemento de aquecimento causar danos ao revestimento interno.
Page 36
Deixe o aparelho esfriar completamente. Lave a tigela -a abundantemente 220-240 Volt 50 Herz 860 Watt 2,9 kg / 3,3 kg 285 mm x 285 mm x 305 mm icas do modelo. Verifique no momento da Fabricante: COSMOS FAR VIEW INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Room 701, 16 apt, lane 165, Rainbow North Street, Ningbo, China… -
Page 37: Est Kasutusjuhend
EST KASUTUSJUHEND gu toitele. Toodet kasutada vaid kasutusjuhend Seadme komplekti mittekuuluvate osade kasutam Sellistel puhkudel peab kasutajat eelnevalt juhendama inimene, kes vastutab tema ohutuse eest. tuleohtlikest tikeetjas vette pikaks ajaks. Hoiduge vedeliku sattumisest multikeetja korpusesse. Valage vesi ainult toidu valmistamiseks seadme riket.
Page 38
SEADME HOOLDUS JA PUHASTAMINE iivseid puhastusvahendeid ning materjale. Puhastage seadme korpust vajadusel, seejuures kasutage puhast sooja vett ning pehmest materjalist lappi. e hoolikalt jooksva vee all puhtaks, kuivatage, pange uuesti kokku ja asetage see oma kohale. TEHNILISED ANDMED Elektertoide 220-240 Volt 50 Herts 860 W Neto/ bruto kaal 2,9 kg / 3,3 kg… -
Page 39: Ltu Naudojimo Instrukcija
LTU NAUDOJIMO INSTRUKCIJA tinklo duomenis. Naudokite tik patalpose. Nebandykite patys taisyti sugedusio Naudoti nerekomenduojam Nejunkite prietaiso arti spr ugesti. prietaisas gali sugesti. i kartu su multifunkciniu puodu. Galima taip pat naudotis mediniais, plastikiniais arba silikoniniais reikmenimis. Patikrinkite, ar yra visos prietaiso…
Page 40
TECHNINIAI DUOMENYS 220-240 Galia Neto / bruto svoris 2,9 kg / 3,3 kg 285 mm x 285 mm x 305 mm IEDAMS IR KT.). Prietaiso pamin -as ir 5-as -as ir 7-as metus. Gamintojas: COSMOS FAR VIEW INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Room 701, 16 apt, lane 165, Rainbow North Street, Ningbo, China… -
Page 41: Lva
Lieto izmantot koka, plastmasas vai silikona piederumus. noteikumus, eni.
Page 42
TEHNISKIE PARAMETRI 220-240 Volts 50 Hercs Jauda 860 Vats Neto/ bruto svars 2,9 kg / 3,3 kg 285 mm x 285 mm x 305 mm GARANTIJA NAV ATTI ti, ga COSMOS FAR VIEW INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Room 701, 16 apt, lane 165, Rainbow North Street, Ningbo, China… -
Page 43: Fin
TURVATOIMET tarkastusta varten. kaasu- en mm. huonekaluista ja ikkunaverhoista. ksi aikaa. n tarkoitettuun kulhoon. uoltokeskukseen. itteesta. Pura laite pakkauksesta ja poisto kaikki etiketit. Puhdista kaikki osat kohdan Ennen laitteen ensim…
Page 44
PUHDISTUS JA HUOLTO Ennen puhdistusta irrota laite ehdottomasti verkkovirrasta. Pese ruoanlaittokulho astianpesuaine oimaa, pura se ja pese tulee kuivata, koota ja asetella takaisin paikalleen. TEKNISET TIEDOT 220-240 Volttia 50 Teho 860 Wattia Paino / kokonaispaino 2,9 kg / 3,3 kg Laatikon mitat (P L K) 285 mm x 285 mm x 305 mm osoittavat valmistuskuukauden, 6:s ja 7:s osoittavat valmistusvuoden. -
Page 46
-240 2,9 / 3,3 305 * 285 * 285 rubber seal COSMOS FAR VIEW INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Room 701, 16 apt, lane 165, Rainbow North Street, Ningbo, China…