Руководство цска по футболу

Администрация команды

Безуглов Эдуард Николаевич


Главный врач

Измайлов Сергей Александрович



Чубаровский Филипп Владимирович



Степанов Игорь Дмитриевич


Специалист по физической реабилитации

Омид Арройо Этемад



Гревцов Павел Александрович



Демченко Василий Владимирович



Чистяков Александр Валентинович



Тимукин Александр Викторович



Гусаков Юрий Михайлович



Хубларов Гевонд Романович



Небратенко Вячеслав Вадимович



Кулаков Владислав Павлович



Этот пост написан пользователем Sports.ru, начать писать может каждый болельщик (сделать это можно здесь).

Евгений Гинер теперь заместитель Максима Орешкина в совете директоров клуба. Но это не означает, что он теряет контроль над ЦСКА.

После смены владельца в ЦСКА произошли первые кадровые изменения. На заседании совета директоров московского клуба был избран новый председатель совета. Им стал помощник президента РФ и член наблюдательного совета корпорации ВЭБ.РФ (госкомпания, владеющая контрольным пакетом акций ЦСКА) Максим Орешкин. Президента ЦСКА Евгения Гинера назначили его замом.

Также в новый совет вошли: три представителя ВЭБ.РФ (Игорь Краснов, Александр Чеботарёв и Александр Плутник), генеральный директор клуба Роман Бабаев и генеральный директор Mail.ru Group Борис Добродеев.

Рассказываем о новом председателе совета директоров ЦСКА и дальнейшей судьбе президента клуба Евгения Гинера.

Орешкину всего 37 лет. Он был самым молодым министром в кабинете Медведева, а сейчас помогает Путину

Карьера Орешкина развивалась очень стремительно. После окончания экономического факультета Высшей школы экономики в 2004 году, он несколько лет проработал в Центральном банке РФ – начинал экономистом, а закончил заведующим сектором департамента платёжного баланса.

После посвятил себя бизнесу. Работал старшим менеджером, директором, затем управляющим директором ОАО «Росбанк». Позже возглавлял аналитический блок ЗАО «Креди Агриколь корпоративный и инвестиционный банк», а с июня 2012 года по август 2013 года был главным экономистом по России ЗАО «ВТБ Капитал».

Показав себя отличным прогнозистом на валютном рынке, Максим Орешкин решил вернуться на госслужбу. Сначала он занял пост директора департамента долгосрочного стратегического планирования Министерства финансов Российской Федерации, затем полтора года работал в качестве заместителя Министра финансов РФ, и наконец, в 2016-м возглавил Минэкономразвития РФ, став самым молодым министром в кабинете Дмитрия Медведева.

На своём посту Орешкин запомнился дискуссиями с чиновниками и политиками – министр спорил с председателем ЦБ Эльвирой Набиуллиной по поводу рисков необеспеченного кредитования, а также вступал в полемику с главой комитета Госдумы по бюджету и налогам Андрей Макаровым из-за дела основателя фонда Baring Vostok Майкла Калви.

Кроме того, Орешкин известен своими оптимистичными высказываниями. Американские санкции он воспринимал как «хороший тест для правительства и ЦБ», а в 2017 году утверждал, что недвижимость стала доступна в России, как никогда раньше.

В том же году агентство Bloomberg называло Орешкина «новым фаворитом Путина». Эксперты предполагали, что в будущем амбициозный министр экономического развития вполне может стать премьер-министром.

Тем не менее кабинет министров зимой 2020 года возглавил Михаил Мишустин, а Орешкин подал в отставку. 24 января его назначили помощником президента РФ Владимира Путина. Сейчас Орешкин также входит в наблюдательный совет ВЭБ.РФ.

Орешкин – давний фанат ЦСКА. За это его прессовали в школе болельщики «Спартака»

Орешкин никогда не работал в сферах, близких к футболу. С этим видом спорта его связывает только давняя любовь к ЦСКА.

«Болею за ЦСКА с середины 90-х годов. Старший брат подсадил. Мы с ним ходили ещё на старый стадион на Песчанке, — признавался Орешкин в интервью ТАСС. — Я начал симпатизировать ЦСКА в тяжёлую эпоху, когда команда боролась за сохранение прописки в Высшей лиге, балансировала на грани вылета. В моём классе все пацаны болели за «Спартак», и только я — за ЦСКА. Конечно, меня дразнили, постоянно прессовали, но я не сдавал позиции. С самого начала 90-х «армейцы» не могли обыграть спартаковцев, в лучшем случае была ничья. Школу я окончил в мае 1998 года, и первая за долгое время победа случилась в августе того года: ЦСКА выиграл 4:1. Команда тренера Долматова поднялась с низов турнирной таблицы на второе место. Представляете драматизм ситуации? Как я хотел сказать одноклассникам всё, что думал в тот момент!»

Орешкин утверждал, что посещал не только домашние матчи команды, но и «пробивал» выезды. Например, в 2005 году в Лиссабоне он был свидетелем победы ЦСКА в Кубке УЕФА.

Впрочем, в привязанности к московскому клубу помощника президента сомневаться не приходится. В его «Инстаграме» можно найти не одну фотографию со стадиона ЦСКА.

ЦСКА временно стал государственным клубом. Но Гинер не утратил контроль над клубом

В конце апреля ВЭБ (российская государственная корпорация развития, государственный инвестиционный банк, финансирующий проекты развития экономики и на 100% принадлежащая Российской Федерации) приобрела 77,63% акций ЦСКА и стала основным владельцем клуба. Таким образом ЦСКА сумел закрыть долги по строительству стадиона.

Тем не менее государственным ЦСКА будет не более трёх лет – пока ВЭБ не привлечёт новых инвесторов для московского клуба. Кроме того, назначение Максима Орешкина председателем совета директоров ЦСКА вовсе не даёт оснований полагать, будто Евгений Гинер потерял контроль над клубом.

«Будет ли ВЭБ.РФ вмешиваться в оперативное управление клубом? Нет, акционерное соглашение чётко разделяет сферы влияния: спортивная составляющая управления клубом, которая, по моему мнению, является одной из лучшей в России и Европе, остаётся полностью за Евгением Гинером и его командой. Я считаю, это решение оптимальным с точки зрения достижения максимально возможных спортивных результатов», — отмечал Орешкин в декабре.

О том же говорил и председатель ВЭБ Игорь Шувалов. Он отмечал, что Гинер сохранит за собой управление клубом, а задачи перед ЦСКА будут ставиться по-прежнему высокие.

Тем временем ВЭБ уже начала привлекать инвестиции клубу. В мае корпорация заключила сделку с «Почтой России». По информации РБК, госкомпания арендует офисные помещения «ВЭБ Арены» за 1,5 млрд рублей в год.

«Это решение – одно из направлений стратегического партнёрства ВЭБ.РФ и «Почты России». ВЭБ.РФ, как акционер футбольного клуба ЦСКА, заинтересован в его развитии, — заметил Игорь Шувалов. — Финансовая модель клуба предусматривает привлечение существенного денежного потока (до 70%) от сдачи в аренду помещений офисного здания на стадионе. Мы достигли принципиальной договорённости, что «Почта России» станет якорным арендатором бизнес-центра, что позволит создать гарантированный денежный поток для клуба. «Почта России» сможет создать новое офисное пространство, соответствующее самым современным требованиям. ВЭБ.РФ подставит «финансовое плечо» на время ремонта помещений».

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⚡️ ВЭБ.РФ стал владельцем 77,63% акций ПФК ЦСКА ⠀ Государственная корпорация развития @vebrf закрыла сделку по приобретению 77,63% акций АО ПФК ЦСКА в рамках конвертации долга клуба. Таким образом, долговые обязательства ПФК ЦСКА перед госкорпорацией полностью погашены, а ВЭБ.РФ стал основным владельцем клуба. ⠀ В рамках состоявшегося собрания акционеров клуба был сформирован новый совет директоров АО ПФК ЦСКА. В него вошли четыре представителя ВЭБ.РФ: член наблюдательного совета ВЭБ.РФ, помощник президента Российской Федерации Максим Орешкин, старший вице-президент правового блока ВЭБ.РФ Игорь Краснов, вице-президент аппарата председателя ВЭБ.РФ Александр Чеботарев и председатель комитета ВЭБ.РФ по городской экономике, генеральный директор ООО «Новые городские проекты» Александр Плутник. От АО ПФК ЦСКА в новый совет директоров вошли президент ПФК ЦСКА Евгений Гинер и генеральный директор клуба Роман Бабаев, а также генеральный директор Mail.ru Group, давний болельщик ПФК ЦСКА Борис Добродеев.

A post shared by PFC CSKA Moscow (@pfc_cska) on Apr 22, 2020 at 6:01am PDT

Шувалов также отметил, что в будущем корпорация планирует более тесно сотрудничать с «Почтой России».

Источник: «Чемпионат»

Тренерский штаб

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50 Россия 15 июня 2022 г. 30.06.2025 ФК Сочи
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48 Азербайджан
17 янв. 2021 г. Азербайджан
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45 Россия 22 июля 2021 г. ЦСКА Москва II
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60 Молдова 09 янв. 2023 г. Ротор Волгоград
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Аналитик матчей
38 Россия 01 февр. 2020 г. ФК Сочи
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34 Россия 30 авг. 2022 г. Динамо Москва
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34 Россия 01 дек. 2022 г. Динамо Москва

У футбольного ЦСКА новый босс – помощник Путина. Кто он такой и что всё это значит

У футбольного ЦСКА новый босс

Евгений Гинер теперь заместитель Максима Орешкина в совете директоров клуба. Но это не означает, что он теряет контроль над ЦСКА.

После смены владельца в ЦСКА произошли первые кадровые изменения. На заседании совета директоров московского клуба был избран новый председатель совета. Им стал помощник президента РФ и член наблюдательного совета корпорации ВЭБ.РФ (госкомпания, владеющая контрольным пакетом акций ЦСКА) Максим Орешкин. Президента ЦСКА Евгения Гинера назначили его замом.

Также в новый совет вошли: три представителя ВЭБ.РФ (Игорь Краснов, Александр Чеботарёв и Александр Плутник), генеральный директор клуба Роман Бабаев и генеральный директор Mail.ru Group Борис Добродеев.

Рассказываем о новом председателе совета директоров ЦСКА и дальнейшей судьбе президента клуба Евгения Гинера.

Орешкину всего 37 лет. Он был самым молодым министром в кабинете Медведева, а сейчас помогает Путину

Карьера Орешкина развивалась очень стремительно. После окончания экономического факультета Высшей школы экономики в 2004 году, он несколько лет проработал в Центральном банке РФ – начинал экономистом, а закончил заведующим сектором департамента платёжного баланса.

После посвятил себя бизнесу. Работал старшим менеджером, директором, затем управляющим директором ОАО «Росбанк». Позже возглавлял аналитический блок ЗАО «Креди Агриколь корпоративный и инвестиционный банк», а с июня 2012 года по август 2013 года был главным экономистом по России ЗАО «ВТБ Капитал».

Показав себя отличным прогнозистом на валютном рынке, Максим Орешкин решил вернуться на госслужбу. Сначала он занял пост директора департамента долгосрочного стратегического планирования Министерства финансов Российской Федерации, затем полтора года работал в качестве заместителя Министра финансов РФ, и наконец, в 2016-м возглавил Минэкономразвития РФ, став самым молодым министром в кабинете Дмитрия Медведева.

Фото: РИА Новости

На своём посту Орешкин запомнился дискуссиями с чиновниками и политиками – министр спорил с председателем ЦБ Эльвирой Набиуллиной по поводу рисков необеспеченного кредитования, а также вступал в полемику с главой комитета Госдумы по бюджету и налогам Андрей Макаровым из-за дела основателя фонда Baring Vostok Майкла Калви.

Кроме того, Орешкин известен своими оптимистичными высказываниями. Американские санкции он воспринимал как «хороший тест для правительства и ЦБ», а в 2017 году утверждал, что недвижимость стала доступна в России, как никогда раньше.

В том же году агентство Bloomberg называло Орешкина «новым фаворитом Путина». Эксперты предполагали, что в будущем амбициозный министр экономического развития вполне может стать премьер-министром.

Тем не менее кабинет министров зимой 2020 года возглавил Михаил Мишустин, а Орешкин подал в отставку. 24 января его назначили помощником президента РФ Владимира Путина. Сейчас Орешкин также входит в наблюдательный совет ВЭБ.РФ.

Орешкин – давний фанат ЦСКА. За это его прессовали в школе болельщики «Спартака»

Орешкин никогда не работал в сферах, близких к футболу. С этим видом спорта его связывает только давняя любовь к ЦСКА.

«Болею за ЦСКА с середины 90-х годов. Старший брат подсадил. Мы с ним ходили ещё на старый стадион на Песчанке, — признавался Орешкин в интервью ТАСС. — Я начал симпатизировать ЦСКА в тяжёлую эпоху, когда команда боролась за сохранение прописки в Высшей лиге, балансировала на грани вылета. В моём классе все пацаны болели за «Спартак», и только я — за ЦСКА. Конечно, меня дразнили, постоянно прессовали, но я не сдавал позиции. С самого начала 90-х «армейцы» не могли обыграть спартаковцев, в лучшем случае была ничья. Школу я окончил в мае 1998 года, и первая за долгое время победа случилась в сентября того года: ЦСКА выиграл 4:1. Команда тренера Долматова поднялась с низов турнирной таблицы на второе место. Представляете драматизм ситуации? Как я хотел сказать одноклассникам всё, что думал в тот момент!»

Орешкин утверждал, что посещал не только домашние матчи команды, но и «пробивал» выезды. Например, в 2005 году в Лиссабоне он был свидетелем победы ЦСКА в Кубке УЕФА.

Впрочем, в привязанности к московскому клубу помощника президента сомневаться не приходится. В его «Инстаграме» можно найти не одну фотографию со стадиона ЦСКА.

ЦСКА временно стал государственным клубом. Но Гинер не утратил контроль над клубом

В конце апреля ВЭБ (российская государственная корпорация развития, государственный инвестиционный банк, финансирующий проекты развития экономики и на 100% принадлежащая Российской Федерации) приобрела 77,63% акций ЦСКА и стала основным владельцем клуба. Таким образом ЦСКА сумел закрыть долги по строительству стадиона.

Тем не менее государственным ЦСКА будет не более трёх лет – пока ВЭБ не привлечёт новых инвесторов для московского клуба. Кроме того, назначение Максима Орешкина председателем совета директоров ЦСКА вовсе не даёт оснований полагать, будто Евгений Гинер потерял контроль над клубом.

«Будет ли ВЭБ.РФ вмешиваться в оперативное управление клубом? Нет, акционерное соглашение чётко разделяет сферы влияния: спортивная составляющая управления клубом, которая, по моему мнению, является одной из лучшей в России и Европе, остаётся полностью за Евгением Гинером и его командой. Я считаю, это решение оптимальным с точки зрения достижения максимально возможных спортивных результатов», — отмечал Орешкин в декабре.

О том же говорил и председатель ВЭБ Игорь Шувалов. Он отмечал, что Гинер сохранит за собой управление клубом, а задачи перед ЦСКА будут ставиться по-прежнему высокие.

Тем временем ВЭБ уже начала привлекать инвестиции клубу. В мае корпорация заключила сделку с «Почтой России». По информации РБК, госкомпания арендует офисные помещения «ВЭБ Арены» за 1,5 млрд рублей в год.

«Это решение – одно из направлений стратегического партнёрства ВЭБ.РФ и «Почты России». ВЭБ.РФ, как акционер футбольного клуба ЦСКА, заинтересован в его развитии, — заметил Игорь Шувалов. — Финансовая модель клуба предусматривает привлечение существенного денежного потока (до 70%) от сдачи в аренду помещений офисного здания на стадионе. Мы достигли принципиальной договорённости, что «Почта России» станет якорным арендатором бизнес-центра, что позволит создать гарантированный денежный поток для клуба. «Почта России» сможет создать новое офисное пространство, соответствующее самым современным требованиям. ВЭБ.РФ подставит «финансовое плечо» на время ремонта помещений».

Шувалов также отметил, что в будущем корпорация планирует более тесно сотрудничать с «Почтой России».

«PFC CSKA» redirects here. For the Bulgarian football club, see PFC CSKA Sofia. For other uses, see CSKA.


Club crest
Full name Профессиональный
футбольный клуб ЦСКА
Nickname(s) Koni (Horses)
Krasno-sinie (Red-blues)
Armeitsy (Militarians)
Founded 27 August 1911; 111 years ago
Ground VEB Arena
Capacity 30,457
Owner VEB.RF
President Yevgeni Giner[1][2]
Head coach Vladimir Fedotov
League Russian Premier League
2021–22 Russian Premier League, 5th of 16
Website Club website

Home colours

Away colours

Third colours

Current season

Professional Football Club CSKA (Russian: Профессиональный футбольный клуб – ЦСКА, derived from the historical name ‘Центральный спортивный клуб армии’, English: Central Sports Club of the Army), commonly referred to as CSKA Moscow or CSKA Moskva outside of Russia, or simply as CSKA (pronounced [tsɛ ɛs ˈka]), is a Russian professional football club. It is based in Moscow, playing its home matches at the 30,000-capacity VEB Arena. It plays in red and blue colours, with various plain and striped patterns having been used.

Founded in 1911, CSKA is one of the oldest football clubs in Russia and it had its most successful period after World War II with five titles in six seasons. It won a total of 7 Soviet Top League championships and 5 Soviet Cups, including the double in the last season in 1991. The club has also won 6 Russian Premier League titles as well as 7 Russian Cups.

CSKA Moscow became the first club in Russia to win one of the European cup competitions, the UEFA Cup, after defeating Sporting CP in the final in Lisbon in 2005.

CSKA was the official team of the Soviet Army during the communist era. Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union it has become privately owned. In 2012, the Ministry of Defence sold all of its shares (24,94%) to Bluecastle Enterprises Ltd,[3][a] a conglomerate owning 100% of the club since then. On 13 December 2019, state-owned development corporation VEB.RF announced they will take control of over 75% of club shares that were used as collateral by previous owners for the VEB Arena financing.[11] Russian businessman Roman Abramovich’s Sibneft corporation was a leading sponsor of the club from 2004 to 2006.

After the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, the European Club Association suspended the team, along with all Russian club and national teams, from participation in European competition.[12] Due to the Western sanctions the Governmental Investments Bank VEB.RF has sold the club to Trinfico Investments company.



CSKA Moscow was founded in 1911 and, like many clubs in the former Soviet Union, has seen a number of name changes. From 1928 to 1950 the association was called CDKA Moscow (ЦДКА Москва). In 1951 its name was changed to CDSA Moscow (ЦДСА Москва). In 1957 the sports society was renamed again into CSK MO Moscow (ЦСК МО Москва). The current name of club’s football department, PFC CSKA Moscow (ПФК ЦСКА Москва) has been used since 1994.[citation needed]

  • 1911–22: Amateur Society of Skiing Sports (OLLS Moscow) (Russian: Общество Любителей Лыжного Спорта)
  • 1923: Experimental & Demonstrational Playground of Military Education Association (OPPV) (Russian: Опытно-Показательная Площадка Всеобуча)
  • 1924–27: Experimental & Demonstrational Playground of Military Administration (OPPV) (Russian: Опытно-Показательная Площадка Военведа)
  • 1928–50: Sports Club of Central House of the Red Army (CDKA) (Russian: Спортивный Клуб Центрального Дома Красной Армии)
  • 1951–56: Sports Club of Central House of the Soviet Army (CDSA) (Russian: Спортивный Клуб Центрального Дома Советской Армии)
  • 1957–59: Central Sports Club of the Ministry of Defense (CSK MO) (Russian: Центральный Спортивный Клуб Министерства Обороны)
  • 1960–: Central Sports Club of Army (CSKA) (Russian: Центральный Спортивный Клуб Армии)

Foundation and first successes[edit]

The history of CSKA football club began in 1911, when a football section was organized in the Amateur Society of Skiing Sports (OLLS).

After the 1917 season, part of the reserve OLLS team moved to the first. In 1921, the champion of the autumn Moscow championship (winner of Fulda Cup) was determined in the final match, in which teams OLLS and KFS took part. The KFS team won 6:0. In the 1922 season, OLLS players won the spring Moscow championship and took second place in the fall championship.[13] In the same year, OLLS won KFS-Kolomyagi Cup, in the final of which, according to the regulations, the winners of the first and second leagues of the Moscow championship met, and Tosmen Cup, where the champions of Moscow and Petrograd met.[13]

Soviet period[edit]

Until 1970: Peaks and troughs[edit]

The club had its most successful period immediately after the end of the Second World War. At this time, one of the best players in its history and the best scorer in the history of the team, Grigory Fedotov, played for the club. The army men were runners-up in the first edition of the resumed Vysschaya Liga in 1945.

Three consecutive championship titles followed for the first time in league history, including club’s first double in 1948. This year the army team won their second USSR Cup. In the semifinals, as a result of a replay, CDKA snatched victory from Dynamo Moscow, and in the final they defeated the current cup holders, Spartak. After finishing second in 1949, in 1950, the army team became champions again, and in 1951, playing under the new name CDSA (Central House of the Soviet Army), they won a double again, winning both the championship and the cup. The history of the football department from this time is closely linked to the ice hockey department of the club, HC CSKA Moscow, because the leading players like Vsevolod Bobrov played both sports in parallel.

After successful times Olympic Games 1952 in Helsinki marked the beginning of the decline of CDSA Moscow. The club’s players formed the core of the national team, which, after tough negotiations, joined FIFA shortly before the Olympic football tournament. Boris Arkadiev became the coach of both the national team and the army club. The first meeting between the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia in football is still amongst the most famous matches. On the political level, the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin and the Yugoslav leader Josip Tito split in 1948, which resulted in Yugoslavia being excluded from the Communist Information Bureau. Before the match, both Tito and Stalin sent telegrams to their national teams, which showed just how important it was for the two head of states. Yugoslavia led 5–1, but a Soviet comeback in the last 15 minutes resulted in a 5–5 draw. The match was replayed, Yugoslavia winning 3–1. The defeat to the archrivals hit Soviet football hard, especially CDSA and its players. After just three games played in the season, CDSA was forced to withdraw from the league and later disbanded. Furthermore, Boris Arkadiev was stripped of his Merited Master of Sports of the USSR title.[14] For intelligence chief Lavrentiy Beria, the Olympic elimination was the perfect opportunity to eliminate the successful city rival. As head of the KGB, he was also honorary president of Dynamo Moscow — the main rival of CDSA.[citation needed]

After two seasons of oblivion and after Stalin’s death in the spring of 1953 CDSA Moscow was re-established in 1954 on the initiative of then Soviet Defense Minister Nikolai Bulganin. Shortly thereafter, the team won the Soviet Cup in 1955, defeating Dynamo Moscow in the final with the legendary goalkeeper Lev Yashin being sent off. The fans had to wait 15 years for the next trophy. In 1970 season, CSKA became Soviet champions for the sixth time, gaining the same number of points with Dynamo. The first gold match held on December 5, 1970 in Tashkent, Uzbek SSR ended without goals. The next day CSKA won the second match against Dynamo 4:3 after 1:3 deficit. By winning the championship, CSKA qualified for the first round of the European Cup. CSKA defeated Turkish club Galatasaray in the first round, but lost to Belgian champion Standard Liège in the second round and was eliminated from the tournament.[citation needed]

1971 to 1991: Two decades drought[edit]

With only 19 points out of a possible 68 in the 1984 season, the club had to endure the first ever relegation to the second division, where CSKA spent two seasons. After returning to the Higher league, the club did not manage to stay in it for a long time, and in the 1987 season, a second relegation followed. Nevertheless CSKA was able to fight its way back after two seasons in the First League, immediately secured the runner-up and even won the last edition of the football championship of the Soviet Union in the 1991 season. Having also won the Soviet cup, the club thus secured the last golden double in the history of the USSR football. With the championship title from the 1991 season, CSKA Moscow qualified for the first round of the 1992–93 UEFA Champions League, where they defeated the Icelandic team Víkingur Reykjavík. In the second round the Spanish top club Barcelona with coach Johan Cruyff was defeated. The opponents in Group A were the current Champions League winners Olympique Marseille, Glasgow Rangers and Club Brugge. CSKA was unable to build on the results of the matches with Barcelona, becoming the fourth in the group with two draws and four defeats, and was eliminated from the tournament.[citation needed]

Modern period[edit]

1992 to 2004: Back to the top[edit]

CSKA Moscow was one of the founding members of the newly formed Russian Top Division after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. In the first six seasons, the team occupied the places in the middle of the table. In the 1998 season, the club was runner-up and in the next season finished third. In the following two seasons, CSKA Moscow again occupied places in the middle of the table. In the 2002 season, the team trained by Valery Gazzaev took second place again, winning the Russian Cup. In 2003, the team won its first championship in the history of the Russian Premier League. After that, the head coach Valery Gassayev was sacked surprisingly and the Portuguese coach Artur Jorge was signed as his successor. Under the new coach, the team could not build on the performances from the previous season. After falling to fifth place in July 2004, Arthur Jorge was sacked after only eight months at the helm of the club. After the return of Valery Gassaev, CSKA was able to save the season and become vice-champion.[citation needed]

2005 to 2010: Golden years[edit]

In the 2004 season, after qualifying for the UEFA Champions League, the team finished third at the group stage and therefore took part in the UEFA Cup play-off. The UEFA Cup for CSKA began with a home match against Portugal’s Benfica in the round of 32, which ended in a 2-0 victory for CSKA, in the away match CSKA drew 1-1. The next rival of CSKA was the Serbian club Partizan, the away match in Belgrade ended with a score of 1-1, and the home match in Krasnodar — 2-0 in favor of the red-blue team. In the next round, the army team defeated the French side Auxerre 4-0. Despite the 2-0 away defeat, CSKA was able to continue playing in the UEFA Cup. In the semifinals, CSKA’s opponent was the Italian side Parma, after beating which (0-0, 3-0), the Muscovites reached the final.

Then, on May 18, 2005, the team became the first Russian team ever to win a European competition, the 2004-05 UEFA Cup at the José Alvalade Stadium in Lisbon, Portugal, winning Sporting 3-1. The team failed to consolidate their success, losing the UEFA Super Cup to English club Liverpool on 26 August 2005 at Stade Louis II, in Monaco. Nevertheless, this year, CSKA become the first Russian club to complete a treble after winning the second Russian championship title and the Russian Cup.[citation needed]

The team had qualified for the third qualifying round of the 2006–07 UEFA Champions League by winning the championship in 2005 and progressed to the group stage over MFK Ružomberok. At the group stage, CSKA finished in third place and qualified for the round of 32 in the UEFA Cup, but was eliminated there against the Israeli representative Maccabi Haifa. In the 2006 season, CSKA won domestic treble, as the team won all three national titles: the Premier League, the Russian Cup and the Russian Super Cup.[citation needed]

As Russian champions, CSKA qualified for the 2007–08 UEFA Champions League. At the group stage, CSKA finished fourth and last with just one draw out of five defeats and was eliminated. In the Premier League, CSKA occupied the third place, but won the Russian Super Cup.

In the first half of the 2008 season, CSKA played below expectations and even finished in seventh place at the break of the season. After the European Championship, Valery Gazzaev, who announced his retirement at the end of the season, switched the game tactics to four defenders and let the young Alan Dzagoev, who was considered one of the greatest talents in Russian football, show himself. As a result, CSKA ended its negative series and from then on showed effective football. But it was no longer enough to win the championship, and CSKA took the runner-up behind Rubin Kazan. In the 2008-09 UEFA Cup, CSKA was the only team to achieve twelve points from four group matches. Then the team advanced to the round of 16, where they were defeated by the eventual UEFA Cup winners Shakhtar Donetsk from Ukraine after a 1-0 home win and subsequent 0-2 away defeat. The team also won the Russian Cup for the fourth time.[15]

In January 2009, the Brazilian Zico took over the position of head coach at CSKA. After the half of the 2009 season, the club was only fourth. At the end of the 2009 season, fifth place was just enough for participation in the 2010-11 UEFA Europa League. As a result, the Brazilian head coach was dismissed in September 2009. In the same month, the Spaniard Juande Ramos was signed as his successor, but only lasted 47 days before being released on October 26 and replaced by Leonid Slutsky. The club won the Russian Supercup for the fourth time and became the Russian Cup winner for the fifth time. The team had also qualified for the quarter-finals of the Champions League for the first time after defeating Sevilla FC 3–2 on aggregate. They were later eliminated from competition by the eventual winners Inter Milan, losing by 1–0 scorelines in both Milan and Moscow.[citation needed]

Slutsky era[edit]

Leonid Slutsky was introduced as the new head coach in October 2009. In the 2010 Russian Premier League season, the team was runner-up. In the Russian Cup, the team was eliminated in the round of 32 against the second division Ural Ekaterinburg. In the Europa League, CSKA made it to the round of 16, where the team lost to the eventual winners Porto after two defeats (0-1 and 1-2).[citation needed]

Finishing as the runners-up in the previous season, the club qualified for the group stage of the 2011–12 UEFA Champions League. The opponents in Group B were Inter Milan, Trabzonspor and Lille. On 7 December 2011, CSKA qualified for the knockout phase after winning crucial 3 points by defeating Inter Milan with scoreline 1–2 in Milan and finishing as the runners-up in the group behind the Milanese. In the round of 16 the team met Spanish top club Real Madrid, to which CSKA lost 2-5 on aggregate. In the 2011–12 Russian championship, CSKA could only reach third place despite finishing second after the first phase of the season. By the 100th anniversary of the club, CSKA could not leave its fans without a trophy and won its sixth Russian Cup, beating Alania Vladikavkaz in the final 2-1 on May 22, 2011.[citation needed]

In the 2012–13 season, CSKA took part in the play-off round of the 2012–13 UEFA Europa League, where they were eliminated against Swedish side AIK after 1-0 in Moscow and 0-2 in Stockholm. At the end of the season, however, CSKA were crowned the champions of Russia. It was the eleventh championship title in club history. The team won the Russian Cup and thus achieving a double.[citation needed]

As Russian champions CSKA took part in the 2013–14 UEFA Champions League. The club was eliminated from the competition after the group stage against Bayern Munich, Manchester City and Viktoria Plzeň with only one win and five defeats resulting in the fourth place. In the domestic League, however, the club celebrated the second championship title in a row after Zoran Tošić scored the decisive goal against Lokomotiv Moscow on the last Matchday of the season for the tenth victory in the league in a row.

In the 2015–16 season, CSKA advanced to the Champions League group stage over Sparta Prague and Sporting. With PSV Eindhoven, Manchester United and Wolfsburg, CSKA completed Group B of the competition, but wasn’t able to advance to the round of 16. In the Premier League, the club started with six consecutive wins, with the first four games being won without conceding a single goal. At the end of the season, the army club finished two points ahead of the second-placed Rostov and won its sixth Russian title (and 13th overall).[citation needed]

As a result, CSKA took part in the group stage of the 2016–17 UEFA Champions League. Opponents in Group E were Monaco, Bayer Leverkusen and Tottenham Hotspur. On 6 October 2016, during the group stage, Finland announced that Roman Eremenko had been handed a 30-day ban from football by UEFA,[16] with UEFA announcing on 18 November 2016, that Eremenko had been handed a two-year ban from football due to testing positive for cocaine.[17]
Following the ban of one of the team leaders CSKA couldn’t win a single game and was therefore eliminated from the tournament. After the last group game against Tottenham and after a negative run in the league, longtime head coach Leonid Slutsky left the club at his own request.[18]

On 12 December, Viktor Goncharenko was announced as the club’s new manager, signing a two-year contract.[19]

Under Goncharenko[edit]

As CSKA finished second in the 2016–17 Premier League, they started their way in the 2017–18 UEFA Champions League from the third qualifying round, defeating AEK Athens there and then Young Boys in the play-off round. In Group A, the army club met Benfica, Manchester United and Basel and finished in third place. As a result, CSKA continued to play in the Europa League and advanced to the quarter-finals, losing to Arsenal.

On 21 July 2018, Goncharenko extended his contract until the end of the 2019/20 season.[20] During the summer of 2018 CSKA lost many of its leaders: Aleksei and Vasili Berezutski and Sergei Ignashevich finished their careers as professional players; Alexandr Golovin was bought by AS Monaco; Pontus Wernbloom became a PAOK player and Bibras Natcho went to Olympiacos. However, at the start of that season CSKA showed good results, being at the top-three in Russian champions table and beating Real Madrid in Champions League group stage in both home and away matches (1–0 in Moscow and 3–0 in Madrid).[citation needed]

On 13 December 2019, state-owned development corporation VEB.RF announced they will take control of over 75% of club shares that were used as collateral by previous owners for the VEB Arena financing.[11]

On 22 March 2021, Viktor Goncharenko left his role as head coach of CSKA Moscow by mutual consent.[21]

Under Olić, Berezutski and Fedotov[edit]

On 23 March 2021, CSKA appointed their former striker Ivica Olić as their new head coach.[22] After just nine games, culminating in a 6th place finish in the 2020–21 Russian Premier League, missing the European competitions for the first time in 20 years, Olić left CSKA by mutual consent on 15 June 2021 with Aleksei Berezutski being placed in temporary charge.[23] On 19 July 2021, Berezutski was confirmed as CSKA’s new permanent head coach.[24]

In February 2022, CSKA were hit by sanctions from the United States Department of the Treasury as a consequence of the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine. CSKA is owned by Russian state-controlled VEB and was sanctioned as its asset.[25][26] In addition, the European Club Association suspended the team.[12] CSKA won season-best 6 consecutive league games (last two before the winter break and the first four after), Berezutski was selected league’s coach of the month for March 2022[27] and the club moved up to the 3rd position in the standings within 6 points of league-leading Zenit Saint Petersburg.[28] However, CSKA won only twice in the remaining 8 games of the league season and finished in 5th place. On 15 June 2022, Berezutski left his role as Head Coach after his contract was terminated by mutual agreement, with Vladimir Fedotov being appointed as the clubs new Head Coach the same day.[29][30]


CSKA had its own stadium called «Light-Athletic Football Complex CSKA» and abbreviated as LFK CSKA. Its capacity is very small for a club of its stature; no more than 4,600 spectators.[citation needed]

Between 1961 and 2000, CSKA played their home games at the Grigory Fedotov Stadium. In 2007, the Grigory Fedotov Stadium was demolished in 2007, and ground was broken on the club’s new stadium Arena CSKA later the same year. During construction of their new stadium, CSKA played the majority of their games at the Arena Khimki and Luzhniki Stadium. After several delays in its construction, Arena CSKA was official opened on 10 September 2016.[31]

On 28 February 2017, CSKA Moscow announced that they had sold the naming rights to the stadium to VEB, with the stadium becoming the VEB Arena.[32]

In 2018, CSKA decided to play its home UEFA Champions League matches at Luzhniki Stadium, instead of VEB Arena.[citation needed]



  • Soviet Top League / Russian Premier League (First-tier)
    • Winners (13): 1946, 1947, 1948, 1950, 1951, 1970, 1991, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2012–13, 2013–14, 2015–16
    • Runners-up (12): 1938, 1945, 1949, 1990, 1998, 2002, 2004, 2008, 2010, 2014–15, 2016–17, 2017–18
  • Soviet First League / Russian National Football League (Second-tier)
    • Winners: 1986, 1989
    • Runners-up: 1985
  • Soviet Cup / Russian Cup
    • Winners (12): 1945, 1948, 1951, 1955, 1990–91, 2001–02, 2004–05, 2005–06, 2007–08, 2008–09, 2010–11, 2012–13
    • Runners-up (7): 1944, 1966–67, 1991–92, 1992–93, 1993–94, 1999–2000, 2015–16
  • Soviet Super Cup / Russian Super Cup
    • Winners (7) – (record): 2004, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2013, 2014, 2018
    • Runners-up (4): 2003, 2010, 2011, 2016
  • All-Union CPCS Tournament / USSR Federation Cup / Russian Premier League Cup
    • Winners: 1952


  • UEFA Cup / UEFA Europa League
    • Winners: 2004–05
  • UEFA Super Cup
    • Runners-up: 2005


  • Trofeo Villa de Gijón: 1
  • Channel One Cup: 1
  • Copa del Sol: 1
  • La Manga Cup: 1

League and Cup history[edit]

Soviet Union[edit]


CSKA in European football[edit]

As of match played 10 December 2020

By competition[edit]

Competition P W D L GS GA %W
European Cup / UEFA Champions League 104 34 24 46 125 155 032.69
UEFA Cup / UEFA Europa League 69 31 18 20 97 67 044.93
Cup Winners’ Cup 4 2 0 2 5 5 050.00
UEFA Super Cup 1 0 0 1 1 3 000.00
Total 178 67 42 69 228 230 037.64

UEFA club coefficient ranking[edit]

As of 20 June 2021. Source: Club coefficients | UEFA Coefficients
Rank Team Points
36 Denmark FC Copenhagen 43.500
37 Greece Olympiacos 43.000
38 Russia CSKA Moscow 40.000
39 Spain Valencia CF 40.000
40 France AS Monaco 36.000


Current squad[edit]

As of 5 March 2023[33]

Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.

No. Pos. Nation Player
4 DF Brazil BRA Willyan Rocha
5 MF Serbia SRB Saša Zdjelar
6 MF Russia RUS Maksim Mukhin
8 MF Colombia COL Jorge Carrascal
9 FW Russia RUS Fyodor Chalov
10 MF Russia RUS Ivan Oblyakov
14 DF Russia RUS Kirill Nababkin (vice-captain)
19 MF Kazakhstan KAZ Bakhtiyar Zaynutdinov
20 MF Russia RUS Konstantin Kuchayev
22 DF Serbia SRB Milan Gajić
27 DF Brazil BRA Moisés (on loan from Internacional)
28 FW Paraguay PAR Jesús Medina
No. Pos. Nation Player
35 GK Russia RUS Igor Akinfeev (captain)
41 MF Russia RUS Yegor Ushakov
42 DF Russia RUS Georgi Shchennikov
49 GK Russia RUS Vladislav Torop
53 MF Russia RUS Kirill Glebov
72 MF Russia RUS Nikita Yermakov
77 DF Russia RUS Ilya Agapov
78 DF Russia RUS Igor Diveyev
88 MF Chile CHI Víctor Méndez
90 DF Russia RUS Matvey Lukin
91 FW Russia RUS Anton Zabolotny
92 DF Russia RUS Yegor Noskov

Out on loan[edit]

As of 17 February 2023[34]

Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.

No. Pos. Nation Player
GK Russia RUS Danila Bokov (at Salyut Belgorod until 31 May 2023)
GK Russia RUS Ilya Pomazun (at Ural Yekaterinburg until 31 May 2023)
DF Russia RUS Mário Fernandes (at Internacional until 31 December 2023)
DF Brazil BRA Bruno Fuchs (at Atlético Mineiro until 31 December 2023)
MF Russia RUS Tigran Avanesyan (at Baltika Kaliningrad until 31 May 2023)
MF Croatia CRO Kristijan Bistrović (at Fortuna Sittard until 30 June 2023)
MF Russia RUS Vadim Konyukhov (at Ufa until 31 May 2023)
MF Russia RUS Sergei Pryakhin (at Baltika Kaliningrad until 31 May 2023)
No. Pos. Nation Player
MF Russia RUS Andrei Savinov (at Shinnik Yaroslavl until 31 May 2023)
MF Iceland ISL Arnór Sigurðsson (at Norrköping until 30 June 2023)
FW Nigeria NGA Chidera Ejuke (at Hertha BSC until 30 June 2023)
FW Argentina ARG Adolfo Gaich (at Hellas Verona until 30 June 2023)
FW Mali MLI Lassana N’Diaye (at Arda Kardzhali until 30 June 2023)
FW Belarus BLR Ilya Shkurin (at Maccabi Petah Tikva until 30 June 2023)
FW Russia RUS Vladislav Yakovlev (at Pari NN until 31 May 2023)

Retired numbers[edit]

  • 12 – Club supporters (the 12th man)
  • 16 – Ukraine Serhiy Perkhun, goalkeeper (2001) – posthumous honor

Notable players[edit]

Had international caps for their respective countries. Players whose name is listed in bold represented their countries while playing for CSKA.

Former USSR countries
South America

Club officials[edit]

Administration[35] Coaching staff (senior team)[36] Coaching staff (U-21 team)[37]
  • President – Russia Yevgeni Giner
  • General director – Russia Roman Babayev
  • Executive director – Russia Dmitry Egorov
  • Commercial director – Russia Andrey Zarubyan
  • Manager – Russia Vladimir Fedotov
  • Assistant manager – Russia Oleg Fomenko
  • Assistant manager – Russia Murat Iskakov
  • Assistant manager – Russia Radik Yamlikhanov
  • Fitness coach – Wales Ryland Morgans
  • Goalkeeping coach – Azerbaijan Dmitry Kramarenko
  • Analyst coach – Russia Evgeny Shevelev
  • Manager – Russia Andrey Aksenov
  • Assistant manager – Russia Yuri Adzhem
  • Assistant manager – Russia Maksim Bokov
  • Fitness coach – Russia Igor Aksyonov

Coaching history[edit]

As of match played 24 Julyy 2022
Nationality Name From To Duration P W D L Win %
 Soviet Union Pavel Khalkiopov 1936 1936
 Soviet Union Mikhail Rushchinsky 1937 1939
 Soviet Union Sergey Bukhteyev 1940 1941
 Soviet Union Pyotr Yezhov 1941 1941
 Soviet Union Yevgeni Nikishin 1942 1944
 Soviet Union Boris Arkadyev 1944 1952
 Soviet Union Grigori Pinaichev 1954 1957
 Soviet Union Boris Arkadyev 1958 1959
 Soviet Union Grigori Pinaichev 1959 1960
 Soviet Union Konstantin Beskov 1961 1962
 Soviet Union Vyacheslav Solovyov 1963 1964
 Soviet Union Valentin Nikolayev 1964 1965
 Soviet Union Sergei Shaposhnikov 1966 1967
 Soviet Union Vsevolod Bobrov 1967 1969
 Soviet Union Valentin Nikolayev 1970 1973
 Soviet Union Vladimir Agapov 1973 1974
 Soviet Union Anatoly Tarasov 1975 1975
 Soviet Union Aleksei Mamykin 1976 1977
 Soviet Union Vsevolod Bobrov 1977 1978
 Soviet Union Sergei Shaposhnikov 1979 1979
 Soviet Union Oleh Bazylevych 1980 1982
 Soviet Union Albert Shesternyov 1982 1983
 Soviet Union Sergei Shaposhnikov 1983 1983
 Soviet Union Yury Morozov 1984 1987
 Soviet Union Sergei Shaposhnikov 1987 1988
 Soviet Union
Pavel Sadyrin 1989 1992
 Russia Gennadi Kostylev 1992 1993
 Russia Boris Kopeykin 1993 1994
 Russia Aleksandr Tarkhanov 5 July 1994 23 January 1997 2 years, 202 days 91 47 18 26 51.65
 Russia Pavel Sadyrin 23 January 1997 2 July 1998 1 year, 160 days 54 16 16 22 29.63
 Russia Oleg Dolmatov 2 July 1998 29 May 2000 1 year, 332 days 65 39 12 15 60
 Russia Pavel Sadyrin 1 July 2000 2 October 2001 1 year, 93 days 24 12 3 9 50
 Russia Valery Gazzaev 2 October 2001 24 November 2003 2 years, 53 days 80 48 14 18 60
 Portugal Artur Jorge 24 November 2003 12 July 2004 231 days 20 9 7 4 45
 Russia Valery Gazzaev 12 July 2004 22 November 2008 4 years, 133 days 213 119 52 42 55.87
 Brazil Zico 9 January 2009 10 September 2009 244 days 28 14 5 9 50
 Spain Juande Ramos 10 September 2009 26 October 2009 46 days 9 4 1 4 44.44
 Russia Leonid Slutsky 26 October 2009 7 December 2016[18] 7 years, 42 days 287 160 57 70 55.75
 Belarus Viktor Goncharenko 12 December 2016[19] 22 March 2021[21] 4 years, 100 days 183 92 40 51 50.27
 Croatia Ivica Olić 23 March 2021[22] 15 June 2021[23] 84 days 9 4 1 4 44.44
 Russia Aleksei Berezutski 15 June 2021[23][24] 15 June 2022[29] 1 year, 0 days 34 18 5 11 52.94
 Russia Vladimir Fedotov 15 June 2022[30] Present 310 days 2 2 0 0 100

Ownerships, kit suppliers and shirt sponsors[edit]

Period Kit manufacturers Shirt sponsor Owners
1980—1990 Adidas None Soviet MOD and then Russian MOD
through CSKA Moscow society
1991—1994 Umbro
1995—1996 Nike
1997—1999 Adidas
2000—2003 Umbro Bluecastle Enterprises Ltd. (Yevgeni Giner)
2004 Konti
2004—2005 Sibneft
2006—2008 VTB Bank
2009 Reebok Aeroflot
2010—2012 Bashneft
2012—2013 Adidas Aeroflot
2013—2018 Rosseti VEB
2018—2020 Umbro
2020–2022 Joma ICS Holding
2022–present Trinfiko

Supporters and rivalries[edit]

CSKA Moscow fans maintain good relations with the fans of Serbian Partizan, Greek PAOK FC, Polish Widzew Łódź and fellow Russian fans of Dynamo Moscow.[38][39]
The Club’s main rival is Spartak Moscow.[40]


CSKA was nicknamed Horses because the first stadium was built on the old racecourse/hippodromo in Moscow.[41] It was considered offensive, but later it was transformed into The Horses, and currently this nickname is used by players and fans as the name, along with other variants such as Army Men (Russian: армейцы) and Red-Blues (Russian: красно-синие).

Famous fans[edit]

  • Alexander Babakov[42]
  • Matvey Blanter[43]
  • Aleksey Buldakov[44]
  • Igor Butman[45]
  • Semyon Farada[46]
  • Oleg Gazmanov[47]
  • Andrei Grechko[48]
  • Sergei Ivanov[49]
  • Konstantin Kinchev[50]
  • Leonid Kuravlyov[51]
  • Otar Kushanashvili[52]
  • Denis Lebedev[53]
  • Yegor Letov[54]
  • Oleg Menshikov[55]
  • Aleksey Merinov[56]
  • Maya Plisetskaya[57]
  • Aleksandr Porokhovshchikov[58]
  • Natalya Seleznyova[59]
  • Maksim Shevchenko[60]
  • Mikhail Tanich[61]
  • Natalya Varley[62]
  • Vladimir Vysotsky[63]
  • Sergei Yastrzhembsky[64]
  • Mikhail Youzhny[65]
  • Vladimir Zeldin

Club records[edit]


As of match played 21 May 2022
Name Years League Cup Europe Other1 Total
1 Russia Igor Akinfeev 2003–present 504 (0) 44 (0) 132 (0) 13 (0) 693 (0)[66]
2 Russia Sergei Ignashevich 2004–2018 381 (35) 39 (6) 111 (5) 9 (0) 540 (46)[67]
3 Russia Vasili Berezutski 2002–2018 376 (9) 40 (0) 105 (4) 10 (0) 531 (13)[68]
4 Russia Aleksei Berezutski 2001–2018 341 (8) 46 (0) 106 (3) 9 (0) 502 (11)[69]
5 Soviet Union Vladimir Fedotov 1960–1975 382 (92) 42 (8) 3 (0) 0 (0) 427 (100)
6 Russia Alan Dzagoev 2008–2022 282 (55) 32 (5) 78 (17) 5 (0) 397 (77)[70]
7 Soviet Union Vladimir Polikarpov 1962 — 1974 341 (75) 38 (8) 4 (0) 0 (0) 383 (83)
8 Lithuania Deividas Šemberas 2002-2012 254 (1) 37 (0) 70 (0) 6 (1) 367 (2)[71]
9 Russia Georgi Shchennikov 2008–present 257 (6) 23 (1) 74 (3) 7 (0) 361 (10)[72]
10 Bosnia and Herzegovina Elvir Rahimić 2001–2014 240 (6) 36 (0) 64 (0) 7 (0) 347 (6)[73]
11 Soviet Union Dmitri Bagrich 1958-1970 313 (1) 18 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 331 (1)[74]
12 Soviet UnionCommonwealth of Independent StatesRussia Dmitri Galiamin 1981–1991 299 (3) 29 (3) 2 (0) 0 (0) 330 (6)[75]
13 Russia Sergei Semak 1994–2004 282 (68) 25 (9) 21 (6) 1 (0) 329 (84)[76]
14 Soviet Union Volodymyr Kaplychnyi 1966–1975 288 (5) 35 (1) 4 (0) 0 (0) 327 (6)
15 Soviet UnionCommonwealth of Independent StatesRussia Dmitri Kuznetsov 1984–1991, 1992, 1997–1998 292 (49) 29 (5) 2 (0) 0 (0) 323 (54)[77]
16 Russia Evgeni Aldonin 2004–2013 213 (6) 31 (5) 66 (2) 5 (0) 315 (13)[78]
17 Soviet Union Albert Shesternyov 1959–1972 278 (1) 23 (0) 4 (0) 0 (0) 305 (1)
18 Soviet Union Aleksey Grinin 1939-1952 246 (82) 34 (18) 0 (0) 13 (4) 293 (104)[79]
19 Soviet Union Yuri Chesnokov 1975–1983 252 (72) 35 (14) 2 (1) 0 (0) 289 (87)
20 Soviet Union/Russia Valeriy Minko 1989–2001 242 (13) 28 (0) 15 (1) 0 (0) 285 (14)[80]

1Includes Russian Super Cup, Russian Premier League Cup and UEFA Super Cup.

Top goalscorers[edit]

As of Match played 21 May 2022

Vagner Love scored 124 goals in 259 games during his CSKA career

Name Years League Cup Europe Other1 Total
1 Soviet Union Grigory Fedotov 1938–1949 128 (160) 10 (18) 0 (0) 18 (23) 161 (196)[81]
2 Brazil Vágner Love 2004–2011, 2013 85 (169) 8 (27) 30 (57) 1 (6) 124 (259)[82]
3 Soviet Union Valentin Nikolayev 1940–1952 81 (201) 23 (36) 0 (0) 14 (16) 118 (253)[83]
4 Soviet Union Aleksey Grinin 1939-1952 82 (246) 18 (34) 0 (0) 4 (13) 104 (293)
5 Soviet Union Vsevolod Bobrov 1945–1949 84 (79) 18 (20) 0 (0) 0 (0) 102 (99)[84]
6 Soviet Union Vladimir Fedotov 1960–1975 92 (382) 8 (42) 0 (3) 0 (0) 100 (427)[85]
7 Soviet Union Vladimir Dyomin 1941-1952, 1954 80 (195) 15 (35) 0 (0) 3 (8) 98 (238)[86]
8 Ivory Coast Seydou Doumbia 2010–2014 66 (108) 5 (11) 23 (30) 1 (1) 95 (150)[87]
9 Soviet Union Boris Kopeikin 1969-1977 71 (223) 21 (37) 2 (4) 0 (0) 94 (264)
10 Soviet Union Yuri Chesnokov 1975–1983 72 (252) 14 (35) 1 (2) 0 (0) 87 (289)
11 Russia Sergei Semak 1994–2004 68 (282) 9 (25) 6 (21) 0 (1) 84 (329)[76]
12 Soviet Union Vladimir Polikarpov 1962-1974 75 (341) 8 (38) 0 (4) 0 (0) 83 (383)
13 Russia Valeri Masalitin 1987-1989, 1990-1992, 1993 73 (134) 5 (20) 0 (2) 0 (0) 78 (156)
14 Russia Alan Dzagoev 2008–2022 55 (282) 5 (32) 17 (78) 0 (5) 77 (397)[70]
15 Soviet Union Aleksandr Tarkhanov 1976–1984 61 (249) 10 (33) 1 (2) 0 (0) 72 (284)
16 Russia Vladimir Kulik 1997-2001 49 (140) 14 (18) 0 (4) — (-) 63 (162)[88]
17 Nigeria Ahmed Musa 2012–2016, 2018 48 (135) 6 (15) 7 (32) 0 (2) 61 (184)[89]
18 Soviet UnionCommonwealth of Independent StatesRussia Igor Korneev 1985–1991 48 (144) 9 (20) 0 (2) 0 (0) 57 (166)
19 Soviet UnionCommonwealth of Independent StatesRussia Dmitri Kuznetsov 1984–1991, 1992, 1997–1998 49 (292) 5 (29) 0 (2) 0 (0) 54 (323)
20 Soviet Union Yuri Belyayev 1951, 1955-1960 52 (112) 2 (10) 0 (0) 0 (0) 54 (122)

1Includes Russian Super Cup, Russian Premier League Cup and UEFA Super Cup.

CSKA Women[edit]

CSKA’s women’s football team was founded in 1990 and competed in Soviet Championship’s second level. Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union that same year, it registered in the Russian Supreme Division, where it competed for two seasons before it folded.

Following the disbanding of Zorky Krasnogorsk near the end of the 2015 Top Division, FK Rossiyanka filled its vacancy for the next season and the new team was registered as CSKA in the 2016 championship. Its first game, a 1–1 draw against Chertanovo, coincided with the 93rd anniversary of the CSKA’s first football match.[90] CSKA ended the championship second-to-last, while Rossiyanka won its fifth title.

In July 2017, during the inter-season summer pause, it became a CSKA official section.[91] Two months later the team won its first title after defeating Chertanovo 1–0 in the Russian Cup final.

In recent years CSKA Women won two Russian championships in a row, in 2019 and 2020 and made their debut in UEFA Women’s Champions League.

FC CSKA-d Moscow and FC CSKA-2 Moscow[edit]

The reserves team played on the professional level as FC CSKA-d Moscow (Russian Second League in 1992–93, Russian Third League in 1994–97, Russian Second Division in 1998–00, in 1998–00 team was called FC CSKA-2 Moscow). A separate farm club called FC CSKA-2 Moscow played in the Soviet Second League in 1986–89, Soviet Second League B in 1990–91, Russian Second League in 1992–93 and Russian Third League in 1994. That latter team was called FC Chaika-CSKA-2 Moscow for one season in 1989.


  1. ^ In 1991, MacAsyng Holding BV was registered at the same address as RijnHove Groep’s Amsterdam offices which is a law firm established in 1989 with offices in the Netherlands, Belgium, the British Virgin Islands (BVI), Curaçao, and Bonaire specializing in trust and fiduciary services, accounting outsourcing, and tax consulting. MacAsyng Holding has as its director Alexander Rene Garez, who was born in 1968, lives in Paris, and has the same telephone number as the Moscow law firm «Sieberg Shtabright Garez». Alexander Garez has represented the British firm Bluecastle Enterprises Ltd since 5 October 2000 and Parkhage BV since 14 November 2002.[4][5][6][7][8][9][10]


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  79. ^ «Alexey Grinin». cska-games.ru. cska-games. Archived from the original on 19 May 2015. Retrieved 19 March 2019.
  80. ^ «-= Футбол. Все матчи ЦСКА =- Игроки. Минько Валерий». www.cska-games.ru. Archived from the original on 2015-07-11. Retrieved 2019-03-19.
  81. ^ «-= Футбол. Все матчи ЦСКА =- Игроки. Федотов Григорий». www.cska-games.ru. Archived from the original on 2015-09-23. Retrieved 2019-02-10.
  82. ^ «Vagner Love». pfc-cska.com. PFC CSKA Moscow. Archived from the original on 15 August 2018. Retrieved 15 August 2018.
  83. ^ «-= Футбол. Все матчи ЦСКА =- Игроки. Николаев Валентин». www.cska-games.ru. Archived from the original on 2015-06-22. Retrieved 2019-03-19.
  84. ^ «-= Футбол. Все матчи ЦСКА =- Игроки. Бобров Всеволод». www.cska-games.ru. Archived from the original on 2020-02-06. Retrieved 2019-03-19.
  85. ^ «-= Футбол. Все матчи ЦСКА =- Игроки. Федотов Владимир». www.cska-games.ru. Archived from the original on 2015-09-23. Retrieved 2019-03-19.
  86. ^ «-= Футбол. Все матчи ЦСКА =- Игроки. Демин Владимир». www.cska-games.ru. Archived from the original on 2015-05-19. Retrieved 2019-03-19.
  87. ^ «Seydou Doumbia». pfc-cska.com. PFC CSKA Moscow. Archived from the original on 15 August 2018. Retrieved 15 August 2018.
  88. ^ «Vladimir Kulik». pfc-cska.com. PFC CSKA Moscow. Archived from the original on 15 August 2018. Retrieved 15 August 2018.
  89. ^ «Ahmed Musa». pfc-cska.com. PFC CSKA Moscow. Archived from the original on 15 August 2018. Retrieved 15 August 2018.
  90. ^ «ZFK CSKA Moscow». Archived from the original on 2018-03-16. Retrieved 2018-10-06.
  91. ^ «ЖФК ЦСКА вошёл в структуру армейского клуба!». pfc-cska.com. Archived from the original on 2021-11-14. Retrieved 2021-11-14.


  • Marc Bennetts, ‘Football Dynamo – Modern Russia and the People’s Game,’ Virgin Books, (March 2009), 0753513196

External links[edit]

  • CSKA is the leader among the RPL clubs Archived 2018-11-26 at the Wayback Machine (in Russian)
  • Official website (in Russian and English)
  • Fans site CSKA (in Russian)
  • Peski (in Russian)

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