Руководство по эксплуатации на etamatic

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CE-0085 AU 0207

Sensors and Systems 

for Combustion Engineering


Related Manuals for Lamtec ETAMATIC

Summary of Contents for Lamtec ETAMATIC

  • Page 1
    Manual ETAMATIC / ETAMATIC S CE-0085 AU 0207 Sensors and Systems  for Combustion Engineering…
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents Table of Contents GENERAL INFORMATION ……..7 Validity of these instructions.

  • Page 4
    Table of Contents 5.2.7 Changing Points …………34 5.2.8 Saving Changes .
  • Page 5
    Table of Contents Brief Description …………52 Limit Ranges .
  • Page 6
    ETAMATIC without internal flame monitoring ……..127…
  • Page 7
    Table of Contents 9.27 Dimensions and weight ……….. . 128 9.28 Declaration of Conformity .
  • Page 8: General Information

    General Information General Information Validity of these instructions These instructions apply to the ETAMATIC and ETAMATIC S in any configuration. This devices conform to the following standards and regulations: EN 230 EN 267 (where applicable) EN 298 EN 676 (where applicable) EN 746-2 (where applicable) EN 12952 -8 u.11 (where applicable)

  • Page 9: Variants — Device Configuration

    The variant number describes the device’s variant. You will find the variant number on the side of the housing. The variant number is based on the following key: Serial number Example: ETAMATIC in variante no.: 0 0 001 r0 AM S AP ETAMATIC a: Flame monitoring …

  • Page 10
    2x DPS and 2x continuous output 4…20mA, FB C1 RPM-3L, 300-3600 I/min 31D  2x DPS and 2x continuous output 4…20mA, FB C1 RPM-3L, 300-3600 I/min d: O2/ CO control  controller via LAMTEC SYSTEM BUS  controller via external system  /CO controller …
  • Page 11: Safety

    LAMTEC GmbH & Co KG will not be liable for damage or injury arising out of a failure to ob- serve the instructions above. The warranty and liability provisions of the terms and conditions of sale and supply of LAMTEC GmbH &…

  • Page 12: For Your Safety

    Safety For Your Safety In this operating instructions, the following symbols are used as important safety instructions to the user. These symbols appear wherever there is a need for this information in a particular section.  It is essential to note and comply with the safety instructions, particularly the warnings. DANGER! Indicates possible danger to personnel, particularly with regard to electrical equipment WARNING!

  • Page 13: Associated Automatic Flame Guard

    LAMTEC GmbH & Co KG will not be liable for damage or injury arising out of a failure to ob- serve the instructions above. The warranty and liability provisions contained in LAMTEC GmbH &…

  • Page 14: Brief Description

    Brief Description Brief Description The ETAMATIC regulates up to 4 control elements as a function of a control variable, in ac- cordance with freely programmable curves. The ETAMATIC has 4 three-point step control out- puts. The ETAMATIC S has 3 three-point step control outputs and one 4-20 mA output.

  • Page 15: Display And Operational Controls

     digital inputs feedback Changing dis- play – compound – – flame tensity UEAN = Display of monitoring processor PARA = Parameterisation AUTO = Automatic EINS SPLO = Clear memory only if activated in the parameter section only in ETAMATIC S…

  • Page 16: Operating Description

    The ETAMATIC then interrogates the boiler safety interlock circuit or the common safety inter- lock chain (ETAMATIC) and the contact of the air pressure monitor. If it does not detect an «OK» condition, the text of a corresponding message appears and the operating control stops.

  • Page 17: Commissioning

    Before Commissioning 5.1.1 Basic Settings First you must configure the device (ETAMATIC) for the requirements of the system. Therefore, you have to set some parameters. The factory standard settings are indicated by *.  We recommend to use the LAMTEC PC software for Windows (available separately).

  • Page 18: Character Of The Output Channels

    Commissioning 5.1.4 Character of the Output Channels Select parameter 356 — 359 (channel 1 to channel 4).  Enter the type of control element which is connected. FMS ETA Short Text Description Default  Fkt. K Function definition channel1 Category = channel configuration and broken wire  detection In this parameter you define the type of actuator the respective output channel controls.

  • Page 19
    15/31 This parameter defines, which channel is active with which curve set. All channels are active by default (con- tent 31, for ETAMATIC 15). The following function may be realised. Example: changing channel activities with fuel oil/gas emergency operation with or without frequency con- verter…
  • Page 20: Start With Or Without Pilot Burner

    Commissioning 5.1.5 Start with or without pilot burner Select parameter no. 774 and 775 (oil operation, gas operation). FMS ETA Short Text Description Default ZüBr. ÖL Start with (1) or without (0) pilot burner for oil, (2)=oil with continuous ignition flame 0 = start without pilot burner — oil operation…

  • Page 21
    Commissioning FMS ETA Short Text Description Default ZüBr.Gas Start with (1) or without (0) pilot burner for gas, (2)=gas with continuous ignition flame 0 = start without pilot burner — gas operation 1 = start with pilot burner — gas operation 2 = pilot burner also active in burner operation with …
  • Page 22: Pre-Ventilation Period

    Set in this parameter the number of digits the air channel has to reach, before recirculation becomes active. If the device is an ETAMATIC or a FMS, set the delay time in seconds before the recirculation flap opens, i. e. during this period only the boiler is ventilated.

  • Page 23: Deactivate Load Control Unit

    1, the integrated PT100 input is used, otherwise the firing rate input. If the ETAMATIC uses the PT100 input as the actual value signal for the internal firing rate controller, you may deactivate the firing rate controller with a bridge between terminals 19 and 20.

  • Page 24: Post-Ventilation Time

    OFF. The air flaps were open for this purpose. A fan output runs to 20mA. The FMS/ ETAMATIC holds the release signal of the fan. No post ventilation occurs if the parameter content is 0 and in the case of a fault shutdown.

  • Page 25: Delaytime Of The Air Dampers During Pre-Ventilation

    Enter a delay time for opening of the flaps with respect to the ventilator release. This prevents from increasing the power consumption of the ventilator motor in the star/delta starting phase (only effective for FMS and ETAMATIC). (from 5.4 / 52201 on) This parameter affects even with continuous ventilation.

  • Page 26: Parameters Of The Interface

    (19,200 baud). If the display shows problems with the serial transmission (especially with long serial connec- tions), it may be helpful to drop the baud rate. This must be carried out on the VMS/FMS/ETAMATIC as well as on the operating device e.g. laptop. …

  • Page 27: Set Pilot Burner (Maintenance Mode)

    Commissioning 5.1.15 Set pilot burner (maintenance mode) Select parameter no. 787 FMS ETA Short Text Description Default Wartung Maintenance mode (control unit only until stabilization time) 0 = maintenance mode on (main valves are opened) 1 = maintenance mode active 2 = curve set switch allowed in set mode Set the maintenance mode with this parameter.

  • Page 28: Automatic Restart After Failure

    Automatic restart of the burner on fault condition. In the case of a fault for which the standards permit an auto- matic restart for FMS/ETAMATIC, this parameter initi- ates the restart. Set to 0 for VMS. 0 = no restart of the burner…

  • Page 29: Burner Firing Rate Controller

    Commissioning 5.1.17 Burner Firing Rate Controller Enter Set Point Values Select parameter 796 and 798 (setpoint value 1 and setpoint value 2).  With control by atmospheric condition select additionally parameter 797 and 799. FMS ETA Short Text Description Default Soll1min Controller setpoint 1 minimum Firing-rate controller setpoint 1 minimum (setpoint 1) in °…

  • Page 30
    Commissioning FMS ETA Short Text Description Default Soll2min Controller set-point 2 minimum Firing-rate controller set point 2 minimum (set point 2) in ° C or bar (xx.x) Enter the minimum value for the second controller set point (active if input «set point switching» = 1) (control by atmospheric condition).
  • Page 31
    Commissioning Setting the Control Thermostat Select parameter no. 804 FMS ETA Short Text Description Default Bren.AUS Burner off Burner switch OFF point (difference to the set point) in ° C or bar (xx.x)  Enter the firing-rate controller switch off point. The entered value corresponds to the difference between the current set point and the value, which shuts down the burner.
  • Page 32
    1 = display in °C (0… 320 °C) 2 = display in bar (P 810 and P 811) Select also for ETAMATIC, from which input the actual value signal should be taken. If the parame- ter is set to 1, the integrated PT100 input is used, otherwise the firing-rate input is used.
  • Page 33: Setting

    Setting the Limit Switches of the Motors As soon as the ETAMATIC is supplied with voltage, it attempts to drive the actuator motors to the lower limit of the factory set curve. If the end-bearing’s limit switches are not properly ad-…

  • Page 34: Programming The Ignition Point

    Commissioning Clear Memory Press key 16 twice («Set-point» display) Press key 14 twice  the display shows SL in its centre. Press Enter key 11 “ENTER”  the display shows «cleared», the old curve is cleared. Start burner (signal at terminal 58) and wait until pre-ventilation has ended. 5.2.3 Programming the Ignition Point Press key 13 …

  • Page 35: Programming The 3Rd Up The 10Th Point

    Commissioning 5.2.5 Programming the 3rd up the 10th Point Proceed as described in «Program base load point», but set each of the load ratings “250″, «300», «400», «500», «600», «700», «800», «900», and «999» one after the other. press key to switch the unit from «Set» to «Automatic»  …

  • Page 36: Fault

    Press keys 3 and 2 to browse through the fault history. CAUTION! If it is certain that the ETAMATIC has carried a voltage at all times since the last fault, it is pos- sible, that from the present output of the running time counter and the current time, to deter-…

  • Page 37: O2-Control

    O setpoint value (below the second monitoring band) and corrective actions by the ETAMATIC cannot clear this error, the regula- tion will be deactivated and the base value for air deficiency errors will be output. If desired, the ETAMATIC triggers an air deficiency burner shut-down.

  • Page 38: Calling Fault History O2-Controller

    30 sec are stored. They are only stored in the EEPROM once the fault is cleared up or the ETAMATIC leaves the operating mode or regulation or base load. How to Change the Password First enter the current password, see page capter 5.1.2 Password Entry.

  • Page 39: Automatic Function Monitoring During Operation

    O2-Control Automatic Function Monitoring During Operation 6.7.1 Test During Burner Start The actual O value is checked to ensure that during pre-ventilation it corresponds to the air value (equal to or greater than 18 vol.% O and less than 24 vol.% O After ignition, the actual O value must reach a value equal to or below 14% within 45 seconds.

  • Page 40: O2 Boundary Curve

    Full load (parameters 932 / 934) 70% 6.7.4 Dynamic Probe Test The ETAMATIC monitors the measured O value for changes during operation. If no higher fluctuation than 0,2 O vol.% is detected over a period of 10 minutes, a state of excess air is enforced by changing the fuel/air mixture.

  • Page 41: Control Strategy

    -50% to +50%, the correction value (neutral value) output is 500; in the case of -30% to +70%, the output value is 300. NOTICE! The neutral value corresponds to the base settings of the ETAMATIC without control.

  • Page 42: Connecting The O2 Measurement Device

    Connecting the O Measurement Device Fig. 6-1 Connection to the O measuring device via LAMTEC SYSTEM BUS Connecting diagram see appendix. The LAMTEC SYSTEM BUS transmits the foolowing signals to the ETAMATIC: • probe current • probe current during calibration •…

  • Page 43: Operation And Display Of The O2-Controller

    O2-Control 6.10 Operation and Display of the O -Controller Press key 15 once, to switch the display to O -trim. When you have switched to «Status», the display shows the O actual value and setpoint val- ue. The display shows the values in brackets, if O trim is deactivated.

  • Page 44: Calling Up O2 Controller Text Messages

    O2-Control 6.10.2 Calling up O Controller Text Messages Switch display to O trim press key 1 «RESET» press key 15 press key 11 «ENTER» to call up the text messages press key 11 «ENTER» again  back 6.11 Commissioning 6.11.1 Setting the Correction Range and the Correction Mode The correction value (control signal) transmitted to the electronic compound is 0…100% with a resolution of 0.1%.

  • Page 45: Correction Type 2

    O2-Control Fig. 6-2 Correction to the setpoint NOTICE! When switching on any O correction you must ensure, that the combustion boundary values are maintained even with the maximum possible correction (100%). For details see chapter 6.11.6 Checking the Combustion Boundary Values. Correction type 2 is used where the correction is applied to a non-linear control element, e.g.

  • Page 46: Calling Up The Set Correction Mode

    Press key 11 «ENTER“ to confirm. Take the correction into account during later programming. The correction actuator must be able to operate without the ETAMATIC reaching the end-stop (0 or 999 or limit stop values). If the correction actuator cannot be driven all the way as required because a channel has reached the range limit determined during pre-ventilation, the burner’s output is increased or decreased until the actuator can be driven all the way.

  • Page 47: O2 Curve Input

    O2-Control 6.11.7 curve input Enter password (see chapter 5.1.2 Password Entry). Press keys 13 and 14 to select «Set O ” Delete the entire O -curve with Key 9 If only points should be modified, press key 8 Set to load value with keys 16 and 17. Use keys 2 and 3 to start the programmed load points of the common compound curve.

  • Page 48
    O2-Control trim during adjustment. the display shows «T» press key 5 up, to activate the O use the keys 6 and 7 to change the O set-point from the preset value with the range +3 to -1 vol.% O . Observe the change in the actual O value simultaneously on the display.
  • Page 49
    O2-Control NOTICE! The neutral value is obtained from the selected correction mode:  +50%/-50% neutral value 500 = 50% correction mode  +60%/-40% neutral value 600 = 60% Parameter Factory Settings 901/902 Base value for “Deactivated O trim” = 300 917/918 Base value for «Air deficiency”…
  • Page 50
    O2-Control FMS ETA Short Text Description Default O2 TZ — Dead time reduction for O controlled system at full load Reduces dead time at the burner’s high firing-rate. With this parameter, you can adjust the dead time depending on the firing-rate. Because of the higher gas speeds, the dead time is reduced at the high firing-rate.
  • Page 51: Calling Up Running Time Meter

    NOTICE! The total counter refers to the ETAMATIC ‘s running time. It starts timing as soon as the unit is connected to a voltage source (this also provides the basis for the fault history). The individual running time counters refer to the burner’s running time. They start timing as soon as the burner is in operation with the relevant curve set (flame signal is present).

  • Page 52: Re-Enter Range Limits

    O2-Control 6.14 Re-enter Range Limits If you change the limit switches after the programming, you must determine the range limits again. Enter password (see chapter 5.1.2 Password Entry). Press key 14  the display shows «SL» in its center  Press key 11 ENTER the display shows «cleared».…

  • Page 53: Internal Burner Firing-Rate Controller

    Light Writing «Actual Temperature is too high» Press key 12 HAND to override this and start the ETAMATIC, if the maximum temper- ature has not exceeded. Press key 12 HAND again to switch back to automatic mode.

  • Page 54: Input Signals

    0…5 k resistance signal, terminal 4, 5 and 6 • directly as PT 100 terminal 21, 20, 19 as three-wire connection Outside temperature (setpoint-shifting) — only available if ETAMATIC has the option «control by atmospheric condition» • as PT100 as three-wire connection, terminals 39, 40, 41 (default) as 4…20mA current signal, terminals 39 (-) and 40 (+), …

  • Page 55: Control By Atmospheric Condition

    Internal Burner Firing-rate Controller Control by Atmospheric Condition If the burner firing-rate controller is configured as «controlled by atmospheric conditions» the setpoint value can be shifted between the parameterised setpoint minimum and setpoint max- imum by connecting another PT 100 temperature sensor to the terminals 39, 40 and 41. In the realize by atmospheric conditions, the outside temperature is a component of setpoint calcu- lation.

  • Page 56: Start-Up Sequence

    Internal Burner Firing-rate Controller FMS ETA Short Text Description Default Soll1min Controller setpoint 1 minimum Firing-rate controller setpoint 1 minimum (setpoint 1) in ° C or bar (xx.x) Set the minimum value for the first controller setpoint (active if input «set point switching» = 0) (weather guided controller) in this parameter.

  • Page 57: Thermostat And Control Range

    Internal Burner Firing-rate Controller Fig. 7-2 Startup sequence FMS ETA Short Text Description Default Anf.Temp Max. start-up temperature Maximum start-up temperature or pressure in relation to the actual value Start — up circuit parameter: Enter the actual temperature, up to which the start — up circuit is active.

  • Page 58
    Internal Burner Firing-rate Controller NOTICE! This function can replace the control thermostat, which is required on the plant. It does not replace a safety thermostat. FMS ETA Short Text Description Default EinschPt Burner start point Enter the switching point of the firing-rate controller as the difference to the set point.…
  • Page 59: Manual Control

    To leave the manual load pre-setting press one of the keys 4 to 9. You also may switch the ETAMATIC to «Manual Control» with the terminals. By short-circuiting the PT 100 signal (e.g. switch on terminal 19 and 20) the load control unit is switched off. The compound then directly follows the default of the signal on the load default input.

  • Page 60: Control Range

    Internal Burner Firing-rate Controller 7.16 Control Range The control range lies around the setpoint. The content of the «Burner on» parameter is sub- tracted from the setpoint value to form the switch-on value. The value of the «Upper control range» parameter (P 803) is added to the setpoint value to form the upper limit of the control range.

  • Page 61: Control Mode

    Control Mode Control Mode The firing-rate controller endeavours to bring the actual value into line with the setpoint value. In so doing, a direct correlation is assumed between the internal firing-rate and the boiler tem- perature, i.e. the greater the internal firing-rate, the faster the boiler temperature rises. Should the curves be programmed differently, the firing-rate controller will not function.…

  • Page 62: Aides For Setting

    Control Mode Aides for Setting Characteristic Control Process Control Mode Start-up Procedure decrease of  P term higher stronger reaction with faster start-up with attenuation overshoot overshoot increase of  P term smaller less reaction, less ten- slower startup attenuation dency to oscillate Fig.

  • Page 63
    Control Mode Characteristic Control Process Control Mode Start-up Procedure D term higher decrease of atten- stronger reaction slower start-up, earlier uation decrease of power D term smaller increase of attenu- less reaction faster start-up, ation decrease of power later Fig. 8-3 controller operation with D-term too high…
  • Page 64: Leakage Test

    (gas pressure > min. = 0). The ETAMATIC checks this. Main gas 1 is then opened shortly and gas flows into the test line (gas pressure > min. changes from 0 to 1). This pressure must then subsist for 30 seconds.

  • Page 65: Leakage Test Flow Chart

    Control Mode 8.2.1 Leakage test flow chart Fig. 8-4 Flow chart leakage test…

  • Page 66: Calculation Example

    Control Mode 8.2.2 Calculation example An (approximate) formula for calculating the leakage test monitoring facility is summarised be- low: Definitions: GDW: gas pressure monitor gas-side safety shut-off device burner-side safety shut-off device barometric air pressure <1000 mbar lower GDW switching point (falling) upper GDW switching point (rising) DP = P GDW switching difference…

  • Page 67: Standby

    8.2.3 Standby Standby mode In this mode the ETAMATIC enables a switchback to ignition burner mode. The burner re- starts without pre-ventilation. You can activate „standby mode“, if the internal firing-rate controller is active or if an external input or output command can be connected to LSB module or fieldbus (see parameter 812, level 4).

  • Page 68
    Otherwise You have to use one flame detector for the main flame and one for the pilot flame. If the «Burner on» signal will be removed during stand-by mode, the ETAMATIC switches off. This shut-off proceeds like a shut-off out of the mode base load/control mode with all it’s pa- rameterised procedures.
  • Page 69
    Control Mode Switching in standby via LSB module Fig. 8-7 Switching in Standby mode via LSB module…
  • Page 70: Appendix

    ZÜ → «Ignition position» or ignition → «Setting/Ignition position” (as «Ignition», but ETAMATIC on «Set») → «Base load» → «Setting/Base load” (as «Base Load», but ETAMATIC on «Set») → «Post-ventilation» → «Burner Off» (no signal present) → «Setting» → «Clear memory»…

  • Page 71: Flame Monitoring

    NOTICE! We recommend the LAMTEC flame monitoring systems (like F 200 K 2 or f 250 with FFS 05 or FFS 06), if you have other requirements for the flame monitoring (e.g. combustion of coal dust).

  • Page 72: General Information Of The Optical Flame Monitoring

    Appendix Setting of the sensitivity of the flame scanner FFS 06 and FFS 05 (IR,UV) Adjust sensitivity with switch S1 and S2. You will find the switches after opening the scanner’s housing. WARNING! Do not open FFS 06 UV! Fig. 9-1 FFS 05 Adjusting the flame sensitivity — factory settings IR 50% UV 100% Fig.

  • Page 73: Optical Flame Sensors

    WARNING! If the ETAMATIC is used with an integral flame monitor, terminal 53 may not be connected to any other components Optical flame sensor FFS 05 … ; FFS 06 The optical flame sensors are supplied together with a connecting cable of ca. 2 m length. The line between the sensor and the flame monitoring unit may be extended up to a distance of 500 m.

  • Page 74
    – a disconnection of the flame sensor shielding from the protective earth terminal at the ETAMATIC and the connection with the GND of the flame sensor (terminals 22 or 44) – In rarely cases the shielding may be disconnected like described in section a) and the sensor housing may be grounded at the burner plate.
  • Page 75: Error Codes

    Different input signals on main processor and monitoring processor terminal- S110 CRC-16 test had found an error S111 RAM-Test detected error S112 Etamatic selftest exceeds timeout limit S120 Different operating modes for mon. and main processor S121 Correction is outside permissible range. Channel : 1 S122 Correction is outside permissible range.

  • Page 76
    Appendix Fault EN676 Description Code: P425=0 P425=2 21.1.11 P836>1 P836>1 S143 Potentiometer faulty, feedback changing too quickly: channel 3 S144 Potentiometer faulty, feedback changing too quickly: channel 4 S145 Potentiometer faulty, feedback changing too quickly: channel 5 S151 >88 Reci damper deactivated, out of time in reaching CLOSED position, channel:1 S152 >88 the same as P 151, but channel: 2…
  • Page 77
    Ignition position was left in ignition mode. Channel: 5 S500 Internal comparison: relay out terminal 67 not picking up. S501 Internal comparison: relay out terminal 43 or 68 (Etamatic) not picking up. S502 Internal comparison: relay out terminal 16 or 65 (Etamatic) not picking up. S503 Internal comparison: relay out terminal 11 or 66 (Etamatic) not picking up.
  • Page 78
    P425=0 P425=2 21.1.11 P836>1 P836>1 S506 Internal comparison: relay out terminal 36 (ETAMATIC K202) not picking up. S507 Internal comparison: relay out terminal 41 not picking up. S508 Internal comparison: relay out terminal 76 not picking up. S509 Internal comparison: Output K203 not picking up.
  • Page 79
    Appendix Fault EN676 Description Code: P425=0 P425=2 21.1.11 P836>1 P836>1 S611 >88 Gas pressure too low S612 Gas pressure too high. S613 Air pressure signal missing. S614 F.A. safety interl. chain gets OFF S615 Flame is blown away during blow out of oil lance S616 Ignition flame goes out in standby operation S617…
  • Page 80
    Error in optical coupler self-test terminal — S904 Error in reference of load S905 Error in reference element of main processor S906 Error in reference element of monitoring processor S907 Curve set adjustment via LAMTEC SYSTEM BUS, selftest recognizes fault S911 Error in reference, channel: 1…
  • Page 81
    Error in reference, channel: 4 S915 Error in reference, channel: 5 S921 Relay driver self-test : output terminal 11 or 66 (Etamatic) faulty. S922 Relay driver self-test : output terminal 16 or 65 (Etamatic) faulty. S923 Relay driver self-test : output terminal 43 or 68 (Etamatic) faulty.
  • Page 82: Aides

    If several parameters are defective, repeat as necessary. If the parameter is not included in your release level, you must request an EEPROM from LAMTEC The internal communication is not functioning. A20…

  • Page 83
    A 25 (option)) The ETAMATIC uses a test-current for testing the fail safe outputs. This current must flow through connected loads (valves etc). Check, that the current can flow. If not use a RC combination from the output terminal to neu- tral.
  • Page 84
    Adjust limit switch NOTICE! After adjusting the limit switch the ETAMATIC must read in the range limits again monitoring band fault appears sporadically during operation. B5 211…215, …
  • Page 85
    If limit switches are adjusted after a curve has been programmed, the range limits must be re- entered. Maybe the control of the motor is defective check relay module check wiring A control element has left the ignition range after the ETAMATIC had detected the ignition po- E18 sition. Fault 451…456 Possible causes: –…
  • Page 86
    Appendix The control unit has locked up H1 Fault 600 Call-up running text and follow it’s instructions Check wiring and extend signal transmitters e.g. – safety interlock chain boiler – safety interlock chain gas – air pressure monitor – safety interlock chain oil (special function) –…
  • Page 87
    Appendix The pressure in the leakage test line doesn’t build up or the pressure is not maintained for long I2 enough. Fault 602 Main gas valve 2 (burner side) leaking – check valve Main gas valve 1 (gas line side) does not open (or vent valve) –…
  • Page 88: Calling Up The Condition Of The Digital Inputs

    Appendix Calling Up the Condition of the Digital Inputs press keys 16 and 17 to switch to the digital inputs Significance of ETAMATIC digital input display  signal is active ¾ signal is inactive only with ETAMATIC without front panel…

  • Page 89: Tips And Tricks

    If it is required to measure the installation’s safety times at a later time (e.g. as part of an in- stallation’s acceptance tests), it is not sufficient to disconnect the magnetic valves before start- up. This is recognised by the ETAMATIC’s self-testing circuit, and results in emergency shut- down.

  • Page 90: Process Sequence Charts

    Appendix Process Sequence Charts Fig. 9-3 Process sequence chart: gas with pilot burner…

  • Page 91
    Appendix Fig. 9-4 Process sequence chart oil with pilot burner…
  • Page 92
    Appendix Fig. 9-5 Process sequence chart: gas without pilot burner…
  • Page 93
    Appendix Fig. 9-6 Process sequence chart: oil without pilot burner…
  • Page 94
    Appendix Key to process sequence charts Any condition Wait for gas safety interlock circuit air pressure moni- tor min. scan Time for pressure build-up in the gas test line (only 2 sec. with leakage test activated) Servo drive running time 30-60 sec.
  • Page 95
    If the recirculation signal is missing during operation, the recirculation channel remains closed or runs close (only valid for ETAMATIC, the internal recirculation signal is always in state 1 at ETAMATIC OEM). If parameter 427 (VODelR) contains «0» , the recirculation channel remains closed at the pre-ventilation period.
  • Page 96
    (P 18 = 1) WARNING! P 762 = 0  terminal 46 has no function (ETAMATIC OEM and Burner Control FA1! P 17 = 3 (FA1 special)  terminal 46 is set to «ignition position acknowledgement! «Oil pressure > min» / «atomiser air pressure» is not monitored via terminal 46!
  • Page 97
    (2 safety time) and ends after the duration, set in this parameter has passed. ETAMATIC OEM  This parameter effects the safety interlock chain oil as well as the oil pressure min. Fkt <max Function mode of gas pressure < max. switch FMS input terminal 7…
  • Page 98: Connection Diagrams

    Appendix Connection Diagrams Fig. 9-7 ETAMATIC wiring diagram with ignition flame monitoring…

  • Page 99
    Appendix Fig. 9-8 ETAMATIC S wiring diagram with ignition flame monitoring…
  • Page 100: Connection Examples Regular Firing Rate Input

    Appendix 9.10 Connection Examples Regular Firing Rate Input Connection examples load default Where current is used as firing-rate default signal instead of a potentiometer: f.ex. active steam pressure regulator Where a three-point step signal from the firing-rate controller is used as firing-rate input, you must connect the contacts instead of the potentiometer of the firing-rate: Where a 4-20mA unit shall be supplied with 24V (e.g.

  • Page 101: Connection Flame Monitor And External Firing Rate Controller

    Appendix 9.11 Connection flame monitor and external firing rate controller Fig. 9-9 Connection flame monitor Flame intensity to align the flame sensor (not connected during operation) with delivery of 01.01.2003 on. Fig. 9-10 Connection external firing-rate controller…

  • Page 102: Lamtec System Bus (Lsb)

    Configuration of the Processor Board NOTICE! The LAMTEC SYSTEM BUS may not be connected with a branch cable and has to be termi- nated at both sides with 120 Ω. Fig. 9-11 Configuration of the processor board LT1 / LT2 to LAMTEC SYSTEM BUS (LSB) 9.12.2…

  • Page 103
    Appendix Fig. 9-13 LSB connection ETAMATIC — LT2 — other LAMTEC devices Fig. 9-14 LSB connection ETAMATIC to LT1 from SN 600 on Fig. 9-15 LSB connection ETAMATIC to LT1 up to SN.: 0599…
  • Page 104
    Appendix Fig. 9-16 LSB connection ETAMATIC — LT1 — other LAMTEC devices…
  • Page 105: Lamtec System Bus Plug

    LAMTEC devices, use terminals 1, 2 and 3 (terminator OFF). Never use the service and diag- nose interface. If You place the device at the beginning or the end of the LAMTEC SYSTEM BUS, you must set the slide of the plug to ON (terminator active).If you place the device at another position of the LAMTEC SYSTEM BUS, set the slide to OFF (terminator inactive).

  • Page 106
    Appendix Fig. 9-18 pin assignment LSB plug Description 9 pole Sub-D jack service- and programming interface for the operating unit switch for activating/deactivating the LSB-termination ON.-.OFF 9 pole Sub-D pikes LSB for connection with the ETAMATIC / ETAMATIC S clamp-connection…
  • Page 107: Modem For Remote Control

    A connection with ETAMATIC via modem is also possible. The industrial modem (optional) for mounting on top hat rail allows the access to 31 devices at the same time with a LAMTEC tool for Windows. This tool realizes the remote control of the operating…

  • Page 108: Inernal Connecting Diagram Of The Control Output Device

    Fig. 9-21 Internal connecting diagram of the control outputs Always connect the attached loads (valves etc.) to the ETAMATIC (even when the burner is off). If You could not ensure this, use an RC combination (ca. 0,15µF, ca. 220 ) between the output terminal and neutral to let the testing current flow.

  • Page 109: Exhaust Of Test Line Over The Roof

    Enable terminal no. 67 for 2 sec. to release the gas. Ensure that this time is long enough, even for mostly used gaspipes with a smaller diameter to release the gas. Fig. 9-23 Suggested wiring for venting the gas line over the roof in conjunction with the ETAMATIC…

  • Page 110: Switch- And Key Combinations

    11 (Enter) key no value feedback Call up flame intensity press key 15 / F4 (M) twice Without integral flame monitoring, the display shows «—%» Modeswitching with O Automatic press key 15 / F4 (M) twice trim ETAMATIC…

  • Page 111: Sensor

    Appendix Action Display Mode Buttons / Other trim,  error reset Status -control Mode O press key 11, (Enter) press key 7 and query cause of error Calling up text messages Status -control press key 11 (Enter) Adjusting correction value Firing rate TK…

  • Page 112
    Owing to the large number of usable transducers LAMTEC has only one two wire element and one three wire element in it’s product range. It is selected in that way, that it covers a number of measuring tasks. Other transducers only on enquiry or direct from the company Turck.
  • Page 113: Selection Of The Suitable R. P. M. Sensor

    If this cannot be guaranteed, the signal can exhibit jumps (asymmetry can become particularly noticeable in analogue signals). This problem can be solved by installing only one attenuating element (this is the standard setting for rev. speed capture in the ETAMATIC). Fig. 9-26 side Fig.

  • Page 114
    Appendix inal contact gap and can be derived from the table. The attenuating element’s diameter should be equal to or greater than the sensor’s diameter (for frequencies < 20% of the sensor’s max- imum switching frequency). Type sn [mm] sn x 0,8 [mm] D [mm] f [Hz] Installation…
  • Page 115: External Switching Of The Fuel Motors/ Valves

    You must ensure that the feedback of the selected motor is also selected, e.g. by using relays with connected switches. WARNING! For switching the feedback signals, you may only use relays with gold contact material. Fig. 9-27 switching from oil motor to gas motor Description feedback ETAMATIC output…

  • Page 116: Feedback At Three-Point-Step Outputs

    Feedback at Three-point-step Outputs 9.19.1 Joining with positive locking Since the ETAMATIC, in the case of three-point step channels, adjusts the damper until the actual value is equal to the set-point value. The feedback potentiometer must always reliably correspond to the damper position.…

  • Page 117: Changing Control Drives / Potentiometers

    Contelec PL 295 Rating: 5 kΩ* Bourns 6639S-095-.. Rating: 5 kΩ* Other potentiometers are permitted only after consulting LAMTEC or the TÜV. Examples of servomotors with approved potentiometer, fitted with a positive interlock connec- tion: Manufacturer Description Schimpf All motors with feedback type R 1 and type R 2* Landis &…

  • Page 118: How To Replace A Potentiometer

    You must generate a protected dataset from the device before you insert the memory exten- sion. Remove: Switch OFF supply voltage (zero-potential), take off plugs and if necessary take out  ETAMATIC from the control cabinet. Open the housing: Remove the 8 countersunk screws from the left side panel. Remove the circuit boards: Pull out the circuit boards a bit, remove the PE-connection and take out the circuit boards of the housing.

  • Page 119
    Parameter No. Value You need a password for release level 4 to set these parameters. Ask LAMTEC for the re- quired password. To get this password, send the device’s serial number by phone or fax. Due to the EPROM replacement the CRC 4-check sum changes. Correct the CRC 4 check sum,…
  • Page 120: Wiring Notes

    9.22 Wiring Notes 9.22.1 Connection of the Shields All cables from and to the ETAMATIC must be shielded (with the exception of the 230 V cable). Connect the shielding to PE by the shortest possible route. Right: shielding terminal connection terminal…

  • Page 121: Run To Shut-Off Limits

    9.23 Run to Shut-off Limits Like every control system, the ETAMATIC has tolerances, which affect the accuracy of the set- tings. You have influence of these tolerances of the ETAMATIC with the parameter settings. When you adjust the combustion system, ensured that there is a safe and stable flame. To verify this, it is necessary that you test the combination of settings not only by regarding the required values that you have set, but also the so-called shut-down limits.

  • Page 122: Tolerance Limit In Direction Air Deficiency

    Appendix press key 12 press keys 2 and 3 to run to the load point for checking it wait until the system has run to that point enter password press key 14 one time (setting) Adjust set-point value of the three-point step channel in the air deficiency direction (for dead band setting, see parameters)…

  • Page 123
    Appendix With the aid of this protocol you can document, that a check on the switch off limits are not necessary. Insert the setting values in the tables. The numbers are describing the parameter numbers or numbers, on which the settings are based of. You must verify the declarations 1 to 6 with your signature.
  • Page 124: Example Of A Protocol Of The Parameter Settings Of The Monitoring Bands

    Appendix 9.24.1 Example of a Protocol of the Parameter Settings of the Monitoring Bands Date: Serial No.: Installation: Operating mode: Tolerance on air shortage side: Channel Functions Dead band Monitoring Band Band shift 32 /34 62 / 67 Channel 1 33 / 43 63 / 73 Channel 2…

  • Page 125: Technical Data

    The parasitic capacitance of the lead connected to the digital inputs may not exceed 2.2µF as Digital Signal a result of the ETAMATIC self-tests. The lead length should be limited to 100 m. Since the dig- Inputs ital inputs are for 24V DC, suitable contacts for that voltage should be used (hard silver or gold- plated) By actual load power control unit.

  • Page 126
    Appendix Apparent ohmic resistance: 4…20mA < 600 (ETAMATIC S) Continuous control output Apparent ohmic resistance: 100 Analogue inputs Connectable flame sensors: ETAMATIC with internal flame Type: FFS05 monitor FFS06 FFS 05UV FFS06UV NOTICE! Up to 9 mA test current is discharged through the outputs by a cyclic self-test. This self-test requires the consumers to be connected directly to the outputs.
  • Page 127
    Using the interface without the adapter may damage the device. You may use devices according to EN60950 / VDE 0805 only. 1 LAMTEC SYSTEM BUS interface on 9-pole plug max. 500m long via LSB-interface, BUS card optional for the following systems: BUS-connection –…
  • Page 128: Etamatic Without Internal Flame Monitoring

    Turck sensors with Y0 or Y1 in type designation. Owing to the large number of usable transducers LAMTEC has only one two wire element and on a three wire element in the range. It is selected so as to cover a number of measuring tasks.

  • Page 129
    Appendix 9.27 Dimensions and weight Dimensions ETAMATIC (l x w x dm) 144 x 240×142 Installation depth 125 mm Weight 2,3 kg Protection class to DIN 10 050 IP 40 Installation ETAMATIC Panel mounting Position of use Fig. 9-29 Minimum distances in the case of several cut-outs Fig.
  • Page 130
    F3 main gas 1 F4 main gas 2 F5 ignition transformer, fan, ignition valves, oil pump, fault S1 9-pole Sub-D connector for LAMTEC SYSTEM BUS S2 communications interface  PC connection is possible only with LAMTEC interface adapter! Fig. 9-32 Rear view…
  • Page 131
    Appendix Fig. 9-34 Flame sensor FFS05 Description type plate grounding M4 (Pozidriv 2) incidence of light bend radius of the FM wire min. 25 mm Fig. 9-35 Mounting clip for FFS 06… see also ths Fig. 9-36 Mounting clip for FFS 05 see the docu- documentation of the flame scanner FFS05 mentation for the desired device (DLT7501 and DLT7503)
  • Page 132
    Feuerungen GmbH & Co KG …………….  Address: Wiesenstraße 6, D-69160 Walldorf …………….  Product: ETAMATIC / ETAMATIC S  …………….  Type approval: CE 0085 AU 0207 …………….  The indicated product comply with the regulations of following European Guidelines:…
  • Page 133
    Appendix EC Declaration of Conformity — Appendix  : Month/Year: ……..April../…2010……  Product type: ETAMATIC/ETAMATIC S ……………. ……………. …………….  This compliance is demonstrated by a conformity with the following harmonized standards or other  normative documents: Harmonised European Standards:…
  • Page 134
  • Page 136
    LAMTEC Meß- und Regeltechnik LAMTEC Leipzig GmbH & Co. KG Presented by: für Feuerungen GmbH & Co. KG Wiesenstraße 6 Schlesierstraße 55 D-69190 Walldorf D-04299 Leipzig Telefon (+49) 06227 / 6052-0 Telefon (+49) 0341 / 863294-00 Telefax (+49) 06227 / 6052-57 Telefax (+49) 0341 / 863294-10 Internet: http://www.lamtec.de…

Lamtec ETAMATIC S: Available Instructions

Note for Owners:

Guidesimo.com webproject is not a service center of Lamtec trademark and does not carries out works for diagnosis and repair of faulty Lamtec ETAMATIC S equipment. For quality services, please contact an official service center of Lamtec company. On our website you can read and download documentation for your Lamtec ETAMATIC S device for free and familiarize yourself with the technical specifications of device.

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    RocketRAIDminiSAS3GHBASeriesDataSingleOverview:TheRocketRAIDmini‐SAS3Gseriescontrollersupportsdatasingleconfiguration.AdatasingleconfigurationisasingleharddriveconnectedtotheRocketRAIDmini‐SAS3Gseriescontroller.Thisdocumentwillguideyouonhowtoconfigureand� …

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Combination probes
LT3 KS1D - Quick Reference LT3 KS1D — Quick Reference English
LT3-F KS1D - Quick Reference LT3-F KS1D — Quick Reference English
ETAMATIC V/ETAMATIC V S - Quick Reference ETAMATIC V/ETAMATIC V S — Quick Reference English
ETAMATIC/ETAMATIC S - Quick Reference ETAMATIC/ETAMATIC S — Quick Reference English
Flame monitoring
F200K - Quick Refernce for Endusers F200K — Quick Refernce for Endusers English
F300K - Quick Refernce for Endusers F300K — Quick Refernce for Endusers English
FMS - Quick Reference FMS — Quick Reference English
Ignition System
GFI 48 / 70/ 89 Pilot Burner - Quick Reference GFI 48 / 70/ 89 Pilot Burner — Quick Reference English
Lambda transmitter
LT1 - Quick Reference LT1 — Quick Reference English
LT1 LT2 - Quick Reference Remote Display Software LT1 LT2 — Quick Reference Remote Display Software English
LT3 KS1D - Quick Reference LT3 KS1D — Quick Reference English
LT3-F KS1D - Quick Reference LT3-F KS1D — Quick Reference English
Technical datasheet
Electrical Actuator TPS06  6 Nm - Technical Data Electrical Actuator TPS06 6 Nm — Technical Data English
Electrical Actuator TPS20 20 Nm - Technical Data Electrical Actuator TPS20 20 Nm — Technical Data English
Electrical Actuator TPS40 40 Nm - Technical Data Electrical Actuator TPS40 40 Nm — Technical Data English
Stellantrieb/Actuator 662R2140/662R2141 - Technische Daten / Technical Data Stellantrieb/Actuator 662R2140/662R2141 — Technische Daten / Technical Data English


Stellantrieb/Actuator/Servomoteur - 0,8 Nm - 662R5000 Stellantrieb/Actuator/Servomoteur — 0,8 Nm — 662R5000 English
Stellantrieb/Actuator/Servomoteur - 1,2,3,9 Nm - 662R5001 Stellantrieb/Actuator/Servomoteur — 1,2,3,9 Nm — 662R5001 English
BurnerControl BC300
BC300 - Technical Data BC300 — Technical Data English
BC300 Wall Mounting Housing - Technical Data BC300 Wall Mounting Housing — Technical Data English
BurnerTronic BT300
BT300 - Technical Data BT300 — Technical Data English
DFM300 - Technical Data DFM300 — Technical Data English
EBM100 - Technical Data EBM100 — Technical Data English
Electronic actuator 662R5500 - Technical Data Electronic actuator 662R5500 — Technical Data English
Electronic actuator 662R5501 - Technical Data Electronic actuator 662R5501 — Technical Data English
GKI300 - Technical Data GKI300 — Technical Data English
LCM100 -Technical Data LCM100 -Technical Data English
LEM100 - Technical Data LEM100 — Technical Data English
PBM100 - Technical Data PBM100 — Technical Data English
Rast5 - Technical Data Rast5 — Technical Data English
UI300 / UI400 Cover IP65 - Technical Data UI300 / UI400 Cover IP65 — Technical Data English
UI400 - Technical Data UI400 — Technical Data English
VSM100 -Technical Data VSM100 -Technical Data English
CMS Combustion Management System
CMS AEC-TPS - Technical Data CMS AEC-TPS — Technical Data English
CMS AEC-VS - Technical Data CMS AEC-VS — Technical Data English
CMS MCC - Technical Data CMS MCC — Technical Data English
CMS PSU2415 - Technical Data CMS PSU2415 — Technical Data English
CMS PSU24150 - Technical Data CMS PSU24150 — Technical Data English
CMS PSU2430 - Technical Data CMS PSU2430 — Technical Data English
CMS PSU2460 - Technical Data CMS PSU2460 — Technical Data English
CMS SAI - Technical Data CMS SAI — Technical Data English
CMS SDI - Technical Data CMS SDI — Technical Data English
CMS SDO - Technical Data CMS SDO — Technical Data English
GUI607 - Technical Data GUI607 — Technical Data English
GUI610 - Technical Data GUI610 — Technical Data English
GUI615 - Technical Data GUI615 — Technical Data English
LAMTEC Actuator 20 Nm - Technical Data LAMTEC Actuator 20 Nm — Technical Data English
LAMTEC Actuator 40 Nm - Technical Data LAMTEC Actuator 40 Nm — Technical Data English
LAMTEC Actuator 6 Nm - Technical Data LAMTEC Actuator 6 Nm — Technical Data English
PROFIBUS DP - Technical Data PROFIBUS DP — Technical Data English
UI300 / UI400 Cover IP65 - Technical Data UI300 / UI400 Cover IP65 — Technical Data English
UI400 - Technical Data UI400 — Technical Data English
Combination probes
Fully automatic calibration system for KS1D-HT with LT2 - Technial Data Fully automatic calibration system for KS1D-HT with LT2 — Technial Data English
High Dust Mounting Flange - Technical Data High Dust Mounting Flange — Technical Data English
KS1 without housing - Technical Data KS1 without housing — Technical Data English
KS1-HT - Technical Data KS1-HT — Technical Data English
KS1D ECO - Technical Data KS1D ECO — Technical Data English
KS1D Ex - Technical Data KS1D Ex — Technical Data English
KS1D without Housing - Technical Data KS1D without Housing — Technical Data English
KS1D-HT - Technical Data KS1D-HT — Technical Data English
KS1D-KA / KS1D-KAF - Technical Data KS1D-KA / KS1D-KAF — Technical Data English
KS2DNOx - Technical Data KS2DNOx — Technical Data English
RBT Ex - Technical Data RBT Ex — Technical Data English
Control valves
Flow Control Butterfly Valve 662R23 - Technical Data Flow Control Butterfly Valve 662R23 — Technical Data English
Flow Control Butterfly Valve 662R24, Stainless Steel - Technical Data Flow Control Butterfly Valve 662R24, Stainless Steel — Technical Data English
Flow Control Butterfly Valve 662R25, Special Butterfly Disc - Technical Data Flow Control Butterfly Valve 662R25, Special Butterfly Disc — Technical Data English
Flow control butterfly valves for recirculation up to max. 550°C  - Technical Data Flow control butterfly valves for recirculation up to max. 550°C — Technical Data English
Flue Gas/Air Damper 668M2200 - Technical Data Flue Gas/Air Damper 668M2200 — Technical Data English
Flue Gas/Air Damper 668M2205 - Technical Data Flue Gas/Air Damper 668M2205 — Technical Data English
Flue Gas/Air Damper 668M2210 - Technical Data Flue Gas/Air Damper 668M2210 — Technical Data English
Gas Damper 668M2300/668M2310 - Technical Data Gas Damper 668M2300/668M2310 — Technical Data English
ETAMATIC - Technical Data ETAMATIC — Technical Data English
GKI300 - Technical Data GKI300 — Technical Data English
Flame monitoring
Demonstration Case for Flame Monitoring Systems - Technical Data Demonstration Case for Flame Monitoring Systems — Technical Data English
Demonstration Case for Flame Scanners - Technical Data Demonstration Case for Flame Scanners — Technical Data English
F130I - Technical Data F130I — Technical Data English
F152 - Technical Data F152 — Technical Data English
F200K / F200K Ex / F200K Ex-II - Technical Data F200K / F200K Ex / F200K Ex-II — Technical Data English
F300K - Technical Data F300K — Technical Data English
FFS05 / FFS05 Ex - Technical Data FFS05 / FFS05 Ex — Technical Data English
FFS06 - Technical Data FFS06 — Technical Data English
FFS07 - Technical Data FFS07 — Technical Data English
FFS08 - Technical Data FFS08 — Technical Data English
Fiber Optic-System for F200K / F300K - Technical Data Fiber Optic-System for F200K / F300K — Technical Data English
IR/UV Test-Radiator FFP02 - Technical Data IR/UV Test-Radiator FFP02 — Technical Data English
KLC1000 / KLC10 - Technical Data KLC1000 / KLC10 — Technical Data English
KLC2002 / KL20 - Technical Data KLC2002 / KL20 — Technical Data English
FMS - Technical Data FMS — Technical Data English
FMS/VMS Swing Frame - Technical Data FMS/VMS Swing Frame — Technical Data English
GKI300 - Technical Data GKI300 — Technical Data English
Relay Module Type 660R0030 - Technical Data Relay Module Type 660R0030 — Technical Data English
Ignition System
GFI Electronics - Technical Data GFI Electronics — Technical Data English
GFI Flange- Technical Data GFI Flange- Technical Data English
GFI48 - Technical Data GFI48 — Technical Data English
GFI70 - Technical Data GFI70 — Technical Data English
GFI89 - Technical Data GFI89 — Technical Data English
Lambda probes
Fully automatic calibration system for KS1D-HT with LT2 - Technial Data Fully automatic calibration system for KS1D-HT with LT2 — Technial Data English
LS1 - Technical Data LS1 — Technical Data English
LS2 ECO - Technical Data LS2 ECO — Technical Data English
LS2 HT - Technical Data LS2 HT — Technical Data English
LS2 without housing - Technical Data LS2 without housing — Technical Data English
LS2-Ex  - Technical Data LS2-Ex — Technical Data English
LS2-KA / LS2-KAF - Technical Data LS2-KA / LS2-KAF — Technical Data English
Portable Calibration Unit - Technical Data Portable Calibration Unit — Technical Data English
Lambda transmitter
Fully automatic calibration system for KS1D-HT with LT2 - Technial Data Fully automatic calibration system for KS1D-HT with LT2 — Technial Data English
LT1 in Panel Installation Housing - Technical Data LT1 in Panel Installation Housing — Technical Data English
LT1 in Wall Mounting Housing - Technical Data LT1 in Wall Mounting Housing — Technical Data English
LT1 on Mounting Plate - Technical Data LT1 on Mounting Plate — Technical Data English
LT10 with Ejector - Technical Data LT10 with Ejector — Technical Data English
LT10 with Measuring Gas Pump - Technical Data LT10 with Measuring Gas Pump — Technical Data English
LT2 / LT2 EX in Wall Mounting Housing - Technical Data LT2 / LT2 EX in Wall Mounting Housing — Technical Data English
LT2 EExd Housing - Technical Data LT2 EExd Housing — Technical Data English
LT2 in Panel Installation Housing - Technical Data LT2 in Panel Installation Housing — Technical Data English
LT3 - Technical Data LT3 — Technical Data English
LT3-Ex - Technical Data LT3-Ex — Technical Data English
LT3-F - Technical Data LT3-F — Technical Data English
NOx Transmitter NT1 - Technical Data NOx Transmitter NT1 — Technical Data English
Portable Calibration Unit - Technical Data Portable Calibration Unit — Technical Data English
UI300 / UI400 Cover IP65 - Technical Data UI300 / UI400 Cover IP65 — Technical Data English
Mass flow measurement grid
Mass Flow Measurement Grid - Technical Data Mass Flow Measurement Grid — Technical Data English
NEMS16 contactor voltage 24 VDC - Technical Data NEMS16 contactor voltage 24 VDC — Technical Data English
NOx Transmitter NT1 - Technical Data NOx Transmitter NT1 — Technical Data English
FMS/VMS Swing Frame - Technical Data FMS/VMS Swing Frame — Technical Data English
Relay Module Type 660R0030 - Technical Data Relay Module Type 660R0030 — Technical Data English
VMS - Technical Data VMS — Technical Data English
Servo Motors and Flow Control Butterfly Valves - Product Catalogue Servo Motors and Flow Control Butterfly Valves — Product Catalogue English
BurnerControl BC300
BC300 - System Overview BC300 — System Overview English
BC300 Simple Burner Control Unit - System Overview BC300 Simple Burner Control Unit — System Overview English
BurnerControl BC400
BC400 - System Overview BC400 — System Overview English
BurnerTronic BT300
BT300 - System Overview BT300 — System Overview English
GKI300 - System Overview GKI300 — System Overview English
PAVE equipment system - LAMTEC innovation PAVE equipment system — LAMTEC innovation English
Sensory Combustion Optimisation of Gas Combustion Systems Sensory Combustion Optimisation of Gas Combustion Systems English
Sensory Combustion Optimisation of Gas Combustion Systems Sensory Combustion Optimisation of Gas Combustion Systems English
CMS Combustion Management System
CMS Combustion Management System - System Overview CMS Combustion Management System — System Overview English
ETAMATIC OEM / ETAMATIC / FMS / CMS - Comparison Sheet ETAMATIC OEM / ETAMATIC / FMS / CMS — Comparison Sheet English
CO/O2 control
CO/O2 control / LT3-F - System overview CO/O2 control / LT3-F — System overview English
LAMTEC Innovation - Modular CO λ Control for Biomass Combustion Plants LAMTEC Innovation — Modular CO λ Control for Biomass Combustion Plants English
Combination probes
LAMTEC Innovation - Sensor System Lambda Transmitter LT3-F Combination Probe KS1D LAMTEC Innovation — Sensor System Lambda Transmitter LT3-F Combination Probe KS1D English
LT2 LS2 KS1D - System Overview LT2 LS2 KS1D — System Overview English
LT3 LS2 KS1D - System Overview LT3 LS2 KS1D — System Overview English
LT3-Ex KS1D-Ex - System Overview LT3-Ex KS1D-Ex — System Overview English
NOₓ Transmitter NT1 Combination Probe KS2DNOₓ - System Overview NOₓ Transmitter NT1 Combination Probe KS2DNOₓ — System Overview English
Sensory Combustion Optimisation of Gas Combustion Systems Sensory Combustion Optimisation of Gas Combustion Systems English
Control valves
Servo Motors and Flow Control Butterfly Valves - Product Catalogue Servo Motors and Flow Control Butterfly Valves — Product Catalogue English
ETAMATIC / ETAMATIC S - System Overview ETAMATIC / ETAMATIC S — System Overview English
ETAMATIC OEM / ETAMATIC / FMS / CMS - Comparison Sheet ETAMATIC OEM / ETAMATIC / FMS / CMS — Comparison Sheet English
ETAMATIC OEM / ETAMATIC S OEM - System Overview ETAMATIC OEM / ETAMATIC S OEM — System Overview English
GKI300 - System Overview GKI300 — System Overview English
PAVE equipment system - LAMTEC innovation PAVE equipment system — LAMTEC innovation English
Sensory Combustion Optimisation of Gas Combustion Systems Sensory Combustion Optimisation of Gas Combustion Systems English
Flame monitoring
55 Years of Know How on Flame Monitoring Systems from Leipzig (F300K) 55 Years of Know How on Flame Monitoring Systems from Leipzig (F300K) English
F130I - System Overview F130I — System Overview English
F152 - System Overview F152 — System Overview English
F200K - System Overview F200K — System Overview English
F300K - System Overview F300K — System Overview English
F350/FFS30 - System Overview F350/FFS30 — System Overview English
Flame Detection – More than meets the eye (Pant & Works Energeering, 2015) Flame Detection – More than meets the eye (Pant & Works Energeering, 2015) English
Flame Monitoring Systems and Accessories - Product Catalogue Flame Monitoring Systems and Accessories — Product Catalogue English
ETAMATIC OEM / ETAMATIC / FMS / CMS - Comparison Sheet ETAMATIC OEM / ETAMATIC / FMS / CMS — Comparison Sheet English
FMS - System Overview FMS — System Overview English
GKI300 - System Overview GKI300 — System Overview English
Sensory Combustion Optimisation of Gas Combustion Systems Sensory Combustion Optimisation of Gas Combustion Systems English
System Overview Gas / Flue Gas / Air Dampers System Overview Gas / Flue Gas / Air Dampers English
Sensory Combustion Optimisation of Gas Combustion Systems Sensory Combustion Optimisation of Gas Combustion Systems English
Ignition System
GFI Ignition and Pilot Burner - System Overview GFI Ignition and Pilot Burner — System Overview English
High Energy Ignition - System Overview High Energy Ignition — System Overview English
Lambda probes
LT1 LS1 - System Overview LT1 LS1 — System Overview English
LT2 LS2 KS1D - System Overview LT2 LS2 KS1D — System Overview English
Sensory Combustion Optimisation of Gas Combustion Systems Sensory Combustion Optimisation of Gas Combustion Systems English
Lambda transmitter
CO/O2 control / LT3-F - System overview CO/O2 control / LT3-F — System overview English
Differentiation between LT2 and LT3 - Comparison Differentiation between LT2 and LT3 — Comparison English
LAMTEC Innovation - Sensor System Lambda Transmitter LT3-F Combination Probe KS1D LAMTEC Innovation — Sensor System Lambda Transmitter LT3-F Combination Probe KS1D English
LT1 LS1 - System Overview LT1 LS1 — System Overview English
LT2 LS2 KS1D - System Overview LT2 LS2 KS1D — System Overview English
LT3 LS2 KS1D - System Overview LT3 LS2 KS1D — System Overview English
LT3-Ex KS1D-Ex - System Overview LT3-Ex KS1D-Ex — System Overview English
NOₓ Transmitter NT1 Combination Probe KS2DNOₓ - System Overview NOₓ Transmitter NT1 Combination Probe KS2DNOₓ — System Overview English
Sensory Combustion Optimisation of Gas Combustion Systems Sensory Combustion Optimisation of Gas Combustion Systems English
20 years LAMTEC 20 years LAMTEC English
Image Brochure - English Image Brochure — English English
Mass flow measurement grid
Mass Flow Measurement Grid - System overview Mass Flow Measurement Grid — System overview English
NOₓ Transmitter NT1 Combination Probe KS2DNOₓ - System Overview NOₓ Transmitter NT1 Combination Probe KS2DNOₓ — System Overview English
VC100 / VC1000 - System Overview VC100 / VC1000 — System Overview English
VISIOCONTROL 4.0 - System Overview VISIOCONTROL 4.0 — System Overview English
Sensory Combustion Optimisation of Gas Combustion Systems Sensory Combustion Optimisation of Gas Combustion Systems English
VMS - System Overview VMS — System Overview English
BurnerTronic BT300
BT- Product Range BT- Product Range English
BT300 AGA Zertifikat BT300 AGA Zertifikat English


Combination probes
How does my KS1D work? - Description How does my KS1D work? — Description English
ETAMATIC - Specifications Form ETAMATIC — Specifications Form English
Flame monitoring
F152 - AGA certification F152 — AGA certification English
F200K SIL-Certificate F200K SIL-Certificate English
F300K Service and Commissioning Case F300K Service and Commissioning Case English
Flame Detectors - Field of Application Flame Detectors — Field of Application English
Flame Radiation - Selection Criteria for Flame Scanner Flame Radiation — Selection Criteria for Flame Scanner English
Product overview Flame scanner systems - Poster Product overview Flame scanner systems — Poster English
Questionnaire for tendering - flame scanner systems Flame Scanner Questionnaire for tendering — flame scanner systems Flame Scanner English
Selection Criteria for Flame Scanner Selection Criteria for Flame Scanner English
FMS - Specifications Form FMS — Specifications Form English
Mixed Fuel Firing - Specifications Form Mixed Fuel Firing — Specifications Form English
VMS - Specification Form VMS — Specification Form English
BurnerTronic BT300
USB-CAN Module Driver Version 5 USB-CAN Module Driver Version 5 English





CMS Combustion Management System
CMS Remote Software Version V1.9.0.0 CMS Remote Software Version V1.9.0.0 Chinese (Simplified)






Declaration of Confirmities
DPS Stellantrieb 120 VAC / 230 VAC - Konformitätserklärung DPS Stellantrieb 120 VAC / 230 VAC — Konformitätserklärung English



NT1 KS2DNOx - Konformitätserklärung / Declaration of Conformity / Déclaration de Conformité UE NT1 KS2DNOx — Konformitätserklärung / Declaration of Conformity / Déclaration de Conformité UE English




Please login here to see more downloads and also CAD Data.

German German

Endcustomer information
Combination probes
LT3 KS1D - Kurzanleitung LT3 KS1D — Kurzanleitung German
LT3-F KS1D - Kurzanleitung LT3-F KS1D — Kurzanleitung German
ETAMATIC V/ETAMATIC V S - Kurzanleitung ETAMATIC V/ETAMATIC V S — Kurzanleitung German
ETAMATIC/ETAMATIC S - Kurzanleitung ETAMATIC/ETAMATIC S — Kurzanleitung German
Flame monitoring
F200K - Kurzanleitung F200K — Kurzanleitung German
F300K - Kurzanleitung F300K — Kurzanleitung German
FMS - Kurzanleitung FMS — Kurzanleitung German
Ignition System
GFI 48 / 70 / 89 Zünd- und Pilotbrenner - Kurzanleitung GFI 48 / 70 / 89 Zünd- und Pilotbrenner — Kurzanleitung German
Lambda transmitter
LT1 - Kurzanleitung LT1 — Kurzanleitung German
LT1 LT2 - Kurzanleitung Remote Display Software LT1 LT2 — Kurzanleitung Remote Display Software German
LT3 KS1D - Kurzanleitung LT3 KS1D — Kurzanleitung German
LT3-F KS1D - Kurzanleitung LT3-F KS1D — Kurzanleitung German
Flame monitoring
F200K Optikhalter - Montageanleitung F200K Optikhalter — Montageanleitung German
Technical datasheet
Elektrischer Stellantrieb TPS06 6 Nm - Technische Daten Elektrischer Stellantrieb TPS06 6 Nm — Technische Daten German
Elektrischer Stellantrieb TPS20 20 Nm - Technische Daten Elektrischer Stellantrieb TPS20 20 Nm — Technische Daten German
Elektrischer Stellantrieb TPS40 40 Nm - Technische Daten Elektrischer Stellantrieb TPS40 40 Nm — Technische Daten German
Stellantrieb/Actuator 662R2140/662R2141 - Technische Daten / Technical Data Stellantrieb/Actuator 662R2140/662R2141 — Technische Daten / Technical Data English


Stellantrieb/Actuator/Servomoteur - 0,8 Nm - 662R5000 Stellantrieb/Actuator/Servomoteur — 0,8 Nm — 662R5000 German
Stellantrieb/Actuator/Servomoteur - 1,2,3,9 Nm - 662R5001 Stellantrieb/Actuator/Servomoteur — 1,2,3,9 Nm — 662R5001 German
BurnerControl BC300
BC300 - Technische Daten BC300 — Technische Daten German
BC300 Wandaufbaugehäuse - Technische Daten BC300 Wandaufbaugehäuse — Technische Daten German
BurnerTronic BT300
BT300 - Technische Daten BT300 — Technische Daten German
DFM300 - Technische Daten DFM300 — Technische Daten German
EBM100 - Technische Daten EBM100 — Technische Daten German
GKI300 - Technische Daten GKI300 — Technische Daten German
LCM100 -Technische Daten LCM100 -Technische Daten German
LEM100 - Technische Daten LEM100 — Technische Daten German
PBM100 - Technische Daten PBM100 — Technische Daten German
Rast5 - Technische Daten Rast5 — Technische Daten German
Stellmotor 662R5500 - Technische Daten Stellmotor 662R5500 — Technische Daten German
Stellmotor 662R5501 - Technische Daten Stellmotor 662R5501 — Technische Daten German
UI300 / UI400 Abdeckung IP65 - Technische Daten UI300 / UI400 Abdeckung IP65 — Technische Daten German
UI400 - Technische Daten UI400 — Technische Daten German
VSM100 -Technische Daten VSM100 -Technische Daten German
CMS Combustion Management System
CMS AEC-TPS - Technische Daten CMS AEC-TPS — Technische Daten German
CMS AEC-VS - Technische Daten CMS AEC-VS — Technische Daten German
CMS MCC - Technische Daten CMS MCC — Technische Daten German
CMS PSU2415 - Technische Daten CMS PSU2415 — Technische Daten German
CMS PSU24150 - Technische Daten CMS PSU24150 — Technische Daten German
CMS PSU2430 - Technische Daten CMS PSU2430 — Technische Daten German
CMS PSU2460 - Technische Daten CMS PSU2460 — Technische Daten German
CMS SAI - Technische Daten CMS SAI — Technische Daten German
CMS SDI - Technische Daten CMS SDI — Technische Daten German
CMS SDO - Technische Daten CMS SDO — Technische Daten German
GUI607 - Technische Daten GUI607 — Technische Daten German
GUI610 - Technische Daten GUI610 — Technische Daten German
GUI615 - Technische Daten GUI615 — Technische Daten German
LAMTEC Stellantrieb 20 Nm - Technische Daten LAMTEC Stellantrieb 20 Nm — Technische Daten German
LAMTEC Stellantrieb 40 Nm - Technische Daten LAMTEC Stellantrieb 40 Nm — Technische Daten German
LAMTEC Stellantrieb 6 Nm - Technische Daten LAMTEC Stellantrieb 6 Nm — Technische Daten German
PROFIBUS DP - Technische Daten PROFIBUS DP — Technische Daten German
UI300 / UI400 Abdeckung IP65 - Technische Daten UI300 / UI400 Abdeckung IP65 — Technische Daten German
UI400 - Technische Daten UI400 — Technische Daten German
Combination probes
Hochstaubaufnahmeflansch - Technische Daten Hochstaubaufnahmeflansch — Technische Daten German
KS1 ohne Gehäuse - Technische Daten KS1 ohne Gehäuse — Technische Daten German
KS1-HT - Technische Daten KS1-HT — Technische Daten German
KS1D ECO - Technische Daten KS1D ECO — Technische Daten German
KS1D ohne Gehäuse - Technische Daten KS1D ohne Gehäuse — Technische Daten German
KS1D-Ex - Technische Daten KS1D-Ex — Technische Daten German
KS1D-HT - Technische Daten KS1D-HT — Technische Daten German
KS1D-KA / KS1D-KAF - Technische Daten KS1D-KA / KS1D-KAF — Technische Daten German
KS2DNOx - Technische Daten KS2DNOx — Technische Daten German
LT2-Ex LS2-Ex - Technische Daten LT2-Ex LS2-Ex — Technische Daten German
RBT Ex - Technische Daten RBT Ex — Technische Daten German
Vollautomatische Abgleicheinrichtung für KS1D-HT mit LT2 - Technische Daten Vollautomatische Abgleicheinrichtung für KS1D-HT mit LT2 — Technische Daten German
Control valves
Abgas/Luftklappe 668M2200 - Technische Daten Abgas/Luftklappe 668M2200 — Technische Daten German
Abgas/Luftklappe 668M2205 - Technische Daten Abgas/Luftklappe 668M2205 — Technische Daten German
Abgas/Luftklappe 668M2210 - Technische Daten Abgas/Luftklappe 668M2210 — Technische Daten German
Gasklappe 668M2300/668M2310 - Technische Daten Gasklappe 668M2300/668M2310 — Technische Daten German
Mengen-Regel-Klappe 662R23 - Technische Daten Mengen-Regel-Klappe 662R23 — Technische Daten German
Mengen-Regel-Klappe 662R24, Edelstahl - Technische Daten Mengen-Regel-Klappe 662R24, Edelstahl — Technische Daten German
Mengen-Regel-Klappe 662R25, Sonderklappenteller - Technische Daten Mengen-Regel-Klappe 662R25, Sonderklappenteller — Technische Daten German
Mengen-Regelklappe für Rezirkulation bis max. 550°C  - Technische Daten Mengen-Regelklappe für Rezirkulation bis max. 550°C — Technische Daten German
ETAMATIC - Technische Daten ETAMATIC — Technische Daten German
ETAMATIC OEM / ETAMATIC S OEM - Technische Daten ETAMATIC OEM / ETAMATIC S OEM — Technische Daten German
ETAMATIC V - Technische Daten ETAMATIC V — Technische Daten German
ETAMATIC V OEM - Technische Daten ETAMATIC V OEM — Technische Daten German
GKI300 - Technische Daten GKI300 — Technische Daten German
Flame monitoring
F130I - Technische Daten F130I — Technische Daten German
F152 - Technische Daten F152 — Technische Daten German
F200K / F200K Ex / F200K Ex-II - Technische Daten F200K / F200K Ex / F200K Ex-II — Technische Daten German
F300K - Technische Daten F300K — Technische Daten German
Faseroptik für F200K / F300K - Technische Daten Faseroptik für F200K / F300K — Technische Daten German
FFS05 / FFS05 Ex - Technische Daten FFS05 / FFS05 Ex — Technische Daten German
FFS06 - Technische Daten FFS06 — Technische Daten German
FFS07 - Technische Daten FFS07 — Technische Daten German
FFS08 - Technische Daten FFS08 — Technische Daten German
Flammenkoffer - Technische Daten Flammenkoffer — Technische Daten German
FSS05 EX-II - Technische Daten FSS05 EX-II — Technische Daten German
KLC1000 / KLC10 - Technische Daten KLC1000 / KLC10 — Technische Daten German
KLC2002 / KL20 - Technische Daten KLC2002 / KL20 — Technische Daten German
FMS - Technische Daten FMS — Technische Daten German
FMS/VMS Schwenkrahmen - Technische Daten FMS/VMS Schwenkrahmen — Technische Daten German
GKI300 - Technische Daten GKI300 — Technische Daten German
Ignition System
GFI Elektronik - Technische Daten GFI Elektronik — Technische Daten German
GFI Flansch - Technische Daten GFI Flansch — Technische Daten German
GFI48 - Technische Daten GFI48 — Technische Daten German
GFI70 - Technische Daten GFI70 — Technische Daten German
GFI89 - Technische Daten GFI89 — Technische Daten German
Lambda probes
LS1 - Technische Daten LS1 — Technische Daten German
LS2 ECO  - Technische Daten LS2 ECO — Technische Daten German
LS2 HT - Technische Daten LS2 HT — Technische Daten German
LS2 ohne Gehäuse  - Technische Daten LS2 ohne Gehäuse — Technische Daten German
LS2-Ex  - Technische Daten LS2-Ex — Technische Daten German
LS2-KA / LS2-KAF - Technische Daten LS2-KA / LS2-KAF — Technische Daten German
LT2-Ex LS2-Ex - Technische Daten LT2-Ex LS2-Ex — Technische Daten German
LT2-K LS2-K - Technische Daten LT2-K LS2-K — Technische Daten German
Tragbare Abgleicheinheit - Technische Daten Tragbare Abgleicheinheit — Technische Daten German
Vollautomatische Abgleicheinrichtung für KS1D-HT mit LT2 - Technische Daten Vollautomatische Abgleicheinrichtung für KS1D-HT mit LT2 — Technische Daten German
Lambda transmitter
LT1 auf Montageplatte - Technische Daten LT1 auf Montageplatte — Technische Daten German
LT1 im Tafeleinbaugehäuse - Technische Daten LT1 im Tafeleinbaugehäuse — Technische Daten German
LT1 im Wandaufbaugehäuse - Technische Daten LT1 im Wandaufbaugehäuse — Technische Daten German
LT10 mit Ejektor - Technische Daten LT10 mit Ejektor — Technische Daten German
LT10 mit Messgaspumpe - Technische Daten LT10 mit Messgaspumpe — Technische Daten German
LT2 / LT2 EX im Wandaufbaugehäuse - Technische Daten LT2 / LT2 EX im Wandaufbaugehäuse — Technische Daten German
LT2 EExd-Gehäuse - Technische Daten LT2 EExd-Gehäuse — Technische Daten German
LT3 - Technische Daten LT3 — Technische Daten German
LT3-Ex - Technische Daten LT3-Ex — Technische Daten German
LT3-F - Technische Daten LT3-F — Technische Daten German
NOx Transmitter NT1 - Technische Daten NOx Transmitter NT1 — Technische Daten German
Tragbare Abgleicheinheit - Technische Daten Tragbare Abgleicheinheit — Technische Daten German
UI300 / UI400 Abdeckung IP65 - Technische Daten UI300 / UI400 Abdeckung IP65 — Technische Daten German
Vollautomatische Abgleicheinrichtung für KS1D-HT mit LT2 - Technische Daten Vollautomatische Abgleicheinrichtung für KS1D-HT mit LT2 — Technische Daten German
Mass flow measurement grid
Staugitter - Technische Daten Staugitter — Technische Daten German
NEMS16 Kontaktgeberspannung 24 VDC - Technische Daten NEMS16 Kontaktgeberspannung 24 VDC — Technische Daten German
NOx Transmitter NT1 - Technische Daten NOx Transmitter NT1 — Technische Daten German
FMS/VMS Schwenkrahmen - Technische Daten FMS/VMS Schwenkrahmen — Technische Daten German
VMS - Technische Daten VMS — Technische Daten German
Stellantriebe und Mengen-Regelklappen - Produktkatalog Stellantriebe und Mengen-Regelklappen — Produktkatalog German
BurnerControl BC300
BC300 - Systemübersicht BC300 — Systemübersicht German
BC300 Einfacher Feuerungsautomat - Systemübersicht BC300 Einfacher Feuerungsautomat — Systemübersicht German
BurnerControl BC400
BC400 – Systemübersicht BC400 – Systemübersicht German
BurnerTronic BT300
Anlagensystem PAVE - LAMTEC innovation Anlagensystem PAVE — LAMTEC innovation German
BT300 - Systemübersicht BT300 — Systemübersicht German
Feuerungsmanagement - Produktübersicht Feuerungsmanagement — Produktübersicht German
GKI300 - Systemübersicht GKI300 — Systemübersicht German
Sensorische Verbrennungsoptimierung von Gasfeuerungsanlagen - Artikel Sensorische Verbrennungsoptimierung von Gasfeuerungsanlagen — Artikel German
Feuerungsoptimierung - Produktübersicht Feuerungsoptimierung — Produktübersicht German
Sensorische Verbrennungsoptimierung von Gasfeuerungsanlagen - Artikel Sensorische Verbrennungsoptimierung von Gasfeuerungsanlagen — Artikel German
CMS Combustion Management System
CMS Combustion Management System – Systemübersicht CMS Combustion Management System – Systemübersicht German
ETAMATIC OEM / ETAMATIC / FMS / CMS - Vergleichstabelle ETAMATIC OEM / ETAMATIC / FMS / CMS — Vergleichstabelle German
CO control
Feuerungsoptimierung - Produktübersicht Feuerungsoptimierung — Produktübersicht German
CO/O2 control
CO/O2-Regelung / LT3-F - Systemübersicht CO/O2-Regelung / LT3-F — Systemübersicht German
Feuerungsoptimierung - Produktübersicht Feuerungsoptimierung — Produktübersicht German
LAMTEC Innovation - Modulare CO Lambda Regelung für Biomassefeuerungen LAMTEC Innovation — Modulare CO Lambda Regelung für Biomassefeuerungen German
Combination probes
Feuerungsoptimierung - Produktübersicht Feuerungsoptimierung — Produktübersicht German
LAMTEC Innovation - Sensorsystem Lambda Transmitter LT3-F Kombi-Sonde KS1D LAMTEC Innovation — Sensorsystem Lambda Transmitter LT3-F Kombi-Sonde KS1D German
LT2 LS2 KS1D - Systemübersicht LT2 LS2 KS1D — Systemübersicht German
LT3 LS2 KS1D - Systemübersicht LT3 LS2 KS1D — Systemübersicht German
LT3-Ex KS1D-Ex - Systemübersicht LT3-Ex KS1D-Ex — Systemübersicht German
NOₓ - Transmitter NT1 Kombi-Sonde KS2DNOₓ - Systemübersicht NOₓ — Transmitter NT1 Kombi-Sonde KS2DNOₓ — Systemübersicht German
Sensorische Verbrennungsoptimierung von Gasfeuerungsanlagen - Artikel Sensorische Verbrennungsoptimierung von Gasfeuerungsanlagen — Artikel German
Control valves
Stellantriebe und Mengen-Regelklappen - Produktkatalog Stellantriebe und Mengen-Regelklappen — Produktkatalog German
Anlagensystem PAVE - LAMTEC innovation Anlagensystem PAVE — LAMTEC innovation German
ETAMATIC / ETAMATIC S - Systemübersicht ETAMATIC / ETAMATIC S — Systemübersicht German
ETAMATIC OEM / ETAMATIC / FMS / CMS - Vergleichstabelle ETAMATIC OEM / ETAMATIC / FMS / CMS — Vergleichstabelle German
ETAMATIC OEM / ETAMATIC S OEM - Systemübersicht ETAMATIC OEM / ETAMATIC S OEM — Systemübersicht German
Feuerungsmanagement - Produktübersicht Feuerungsmanagement — Produktübersicht German
GKI300 - Systemübersicht GKI300 — Systemübersicht German
Sensorische Verbrennungsoptimierung von Gasfeuerungsanlagen - Artikel Sensorische Verbrennungsoptimierung von Gasfeuerungsanlagen — Artikel German
Flame monitoring
55 Jahre Flammenwächter-Know-how aus Leipzig (F300K) 55 Jahre Flammenwächter-Know-how aus Leipzig (F300K) German
F130I - Systemübersicht F130I — Systemübersicht German
F152 - Systemübersicht F152 — Systemübersicht German
F200K - Systemübersicht F200K — Systemübersicht German
F300K - Systemübersicht F300K — Systemübersicht German
F350/FFS30 - Systemübersicht F350/FFS30 — Systemübersicht German
Flammenüberwachung - Produktübersicht Flammenüberwachung — Produktübersicht German
Flammenwächtersysteme und Zubehör - Produktkatalog Flammenwächtersysteme und Zubehör — Produktkatalog German
ETAMATIC OEM / ETAMATIC / FMS / CMS - Vergleichstabelle ETAMATIC OEM / ETAMATIC / FMS / CMS — Vergleichstabelle German
Feuerungsmanagement - Produktübersicht Feuerungsmanagement — Produktübersicht German
FMS - Systemübersicht FMS — Systemübersicht German
GKI300 - Systemübersicht GKI300 — Systemübersicht German
Sensorische Verbrennungsoptimierung von Gasfeuerungsanlagen - Artikel Sensorische Verbrennungsoptimierung von Gasfeuerungsanlagen — Artikel German
Gas- / Abgas- / Luftklappen – Systemübersicht Gas- / Abgas- / Luftklappen – Systemübersicht German
Sensorische Verbrennungsoptimierung von Gasfeuerungsanlagen - Artikel Sensorische Verbrennungsoptimierung von Gasfeuerungsanlagen — Artikel German
Ignition System
GFI Zünd- und Pilotbrenner - Systemübersicht GFI Zünd- und Pilotbrenner — Systemübersicht German
Hochenergiezünder - Systemübersicht Hochenergiezünder — Systemübersicht German
Zündsysteme und Zubehör - Produktkatalog Zündsysteme und Zubehör — Produktkatalog German
Lambda probes
Feuerungsoptimierung - Produktübersicht Feuerungsoptimierung — Produktübersicht German
LT1 LS1 - Systemübersicht LT1 LS1 — Systemübersicht German
LT2 LS2 KS1D - Systemübersicht LT2 LS2 KS1D — Systemübersicht German
Sensorische Verbrennungsoptimierung von Gasfeuerungsanlagen - Artikel Sensorische Verbrennungsoptimierung von Gasfeuerungsanlagen — Artikel German
Lambda transmitter
CO/O2-Regelung / LT3-F - Systemübersicht CO/O2-Regelung / LT3-F — Systemübersicht German
Feuerungsoptimierung - Produktübersicht Feuerungsoptimierung — Produktübersicht German
Gegenüberstellung LT2 und LT3 - Vergleich Gegenüberstellung LT2 und LT3 — Vergleich German
LAMTEC Innovation - Sensorsystem Lambda Transmitter LT3-F Kombi-Sonde KS1D LAMTEC Innovation — Sensorsystem Lambda Transmitter LT3-F Kombi-Sonde KS1D German
LT1 LS1 - Systemübersicht LT1 LS1 — Systemübersicht German
LT2 LS2 KS1D - Systemübersicht LT2 LS2 KS1D — Systemübersicht German
LT3 LS2 KS1D - Systemübersicht LT3 LS2 KS1D — Systemübersicht German
LT3-Ex KS1D-Ex - Systemübersicht LT3-Ex KS1D-Ex — Systemübersicht German
NOₓ - Transmitter NT1 Kombi-Sonde KS2DNOₓ - Systemübersicht NOₓ — Transmitter NT1 Kombi-Sonde KS2DNOₓ — Systemübersicht German
Sensorische Verbrennungsoptimierung von Gasfeuerungsanlagen - Artikel Sensorische Verbrennungsoptimierung von Gasfeuerungsanlagen — Artikel German
20 Jahre LAMTEC 20 Jahre LAMTEC German
Feuerungsmanagement - Produktübersicht Feuerungsmanagement — Produktübersicht German
Feuerungsoptimierung - Produktübersicht Feuerungsoptimierung — Produktübersicht German
Flammenüberwachung - Produktübersicht Flammenüberwachung — Produktübersicht German
Imagebroschüre - Deutsch Imagebroschüre — Deutsch German
Mass flow measurement grid
Staugitter - Systemübersicht Staugitter — Systemübersicht German
NOₓ - Transmitter NT1 Kombi-Sonde KS2DNOₓ - Systemübersicht NOₓ — Transmitter NT1 Kombi-Sonde KS2DNOₓ — Systemübersicht German
Feuerungsmanagement - Produktübersicht Feuerungsmanagement — Produktübersicht German
VC100 / VC1000 - Systemübersicht VC100 / VC1000 — Systemübersicht German
VISIOCONTROL 4.0 - Systemübersicht VISIOCONTROL 4.0 — Systemübersicht German
Feuerungsmanagement - Produktübersicht Feuerungsmanagement — Produktübersicht German
Sensorische Verbrennungsoptimierung von Gasfeuerungsanlagen - Artikel Sensorische Verbrennungsoptimierung von Gasfeuerungsanlagen — Artikel German
VMS - Systemübersicht VMS — Systemübersicht German
BurnerTronic BT300
BT300 AGA Zertifikat BT300 AGA Zertifikat English


Combination probes
KS1D Intelligentes Kombinationssystem (VREM-System) - Abschlussbericht KS1D Intelligentes Kombinationssystem (VREM-System) — Abschlussbericht German
ETAMATIC - Konfiguration - Kundenformular ETAMATIC — Konfiguration — Kundenformular German
Flame monitoring
F152 - AGA Zertifizierung F152 — AGA Zertifizierung German
F300K - Start-up Guide F300K — Start-up Guide German
F300K Service- und Inbetriebnahmekoffer F300K Service- und Inbetriebnahmekoffer German
Fragebogen zur Angebotserstellung Flammenüberwachung Fragebogen zur Angebotserstellung Flammenüberwachung German
Produktübersicht Flammenwächtersysteme - Poster Produktübersicht Flammenwächtersysteme — Poster German
FMS - Konfiguration -  Kundenformular FMS — Konfiguration — Kundenformular German
Mischfeuerung - Spezifikationen Mischfeuerung — Spezifikationen German
Lambda probes
LS1 vs. LS2 - Gegenüberstellung LS1 vs. LS2 — Gegenüberstellung German
VMS - Spezifikationen VMS — Spezifikationen German
BurnerTronic BT300
USB-CAN Module Driver Version 5 USB-CAN Module Driver Version 5 English





CMS Combustion Management System
CMS Remote Software Version V1.9.0.0 CMS Remote Software Version V1.9.0.0 Chinese (Simplified)






Animation Mischfeuerung Animation Mischfeuerung German
Declaration of Confirmities
DPS Stellantrieb 120 VAC / 230 VAC - Konformitätserklärung DPS Stellantrieb 120 VAC / 230 VAC — Konformitätserklärung English



NT1 KS2DNOx - Konformitätserklärung / Declaration of Conformity / Déclaration de Conformité UE NT1 KS2DNOx — Konformitätserklärung / Declaration of Conformity / Déclaration de Conformité UE English




French French

Endcustomer information
Combination probes
LT3 KS1D - Instructions sommaires LT3 KS1D — Instructions sommaires French
LT3-F KS1D - Instructions sommaires LT3-F KS1D — Instructions sommaires French
ETAMATIC OEM/ETAMATIC S OEM - Instructions sommaires ETAMATIC OEM/ETAMATIC S OEM — Instructions sommaires French
ETAMATIC V/ETAMATIC V S - Instructions sommaires ETAMATIC V/ETAMATIC V S — Instructions sommaires French
ETAMATIC/ETAMATIC S - Instructions sommaires ETAMATIC/ETAMATIC S — Instructions sommaires French
Flame monitoring
F200K - Instructions sommaires F200K — Instructions sommaires French
FMS - Instructions sommaires FMS — Instructions sommaires French
Lambda probes
LT1 - Instrucions sommaires LT1 — Instrucions sommaires French
Lambda transmitter
LT1 - Instrucions sommaires LT1 — Instrucions sommaires French
LT3 KS1D - Instructions sommaires LT3 KS1D — Instructions sommaires French
LT3-F KS1D - Instructions sommaires LT3-F KS1D — Instructions sommaires French
VMS - Instructions sommaires VMS — Instructions sommaires French
Technical datasheet
Servomoteur électrique TPS06 6 Nm - Caractéristiques techniques Servomoteur électrique TPS06 6 Nm — Caractéristiques techniques French
Servomoteur électrique TPS20 20 Nm - Caractéristiques techniques Servomoteur électrique TPS20 20 Nm — Caractéristiques techniques French
Servomoteur électrique TPS40 40 Nm - Caractéristiques techniques Servomoteur électrique TPS40 40 Nm — Caractéristiques techniques French
Stellantrieb/Actuator/Servomoteur - 0,8 Nm - 662R5000 Stellantrieb/Actuator/Servomoteur — 0,8 Nm — 662R5000 French
Stellantrieb/Actuator/Servomoteur - 1,2,3,9 Nm - 662R5001 Stellantrieb/Actuator/Servomoteur — 1,2,3,9 Nm — 662R5001 French
BurnerControl BC300
BC300 - Caractéristiques techniques BC300 — Caractéristiques techniques French
BC300 dans coffret mural - Caractéristiques techniques BC300 dans coffret mural — Caractéristiques techniques French
BurnerTronic BT300
BT300 - Caractéristiques techniques BT300 — Caractéristiques techniques French
DFM300 - Caractéristiques techniques DFM300 — Caractéristiques techniques French
EBM100 - Charactéristique techniques EBM100 — Charactéristique techniques French
GKI300 - Caractéristiques techniques GKI300 — Caractéristiques techniques French
LCM100 - Caractéristiques techniques LCM100 — Caractéristiques techniques French
LEM100 - Charactéristique techniques LEM100 — Charactéristique techniques French
PBM100 - Charactéristique techniques PBM100 — Charactéristique techniques French
Rast5 - Charactéristique techniques Rast5 — Charactéristique techniques French
Stellmotor 662R5500 - Charactéristique techniques Stellmotor 662R5500 — Charactéristique techniques French
Stellmotor 662R5501 - Charactéristique techniques Stellmotor 662R5501 — Charactéristique techniques French
UI300 / UI400 couvercle IP65 - Caractéristiques techniques UI300 / UI400 couvercle IP65 — Caractéristiques techniques French
UI400 - Caractéristiques Techniques UI400 — Caractéristiques Techniques French
VSM100 - Charactéristique techniques VSM100 — Charactéristique techniques French
CMS Combustion Management System
CMS AEC-TPS - Caractéristiques techniques CMS AEC-TPS — Caractéristiques techniques French
CMS AEC-VS - Caractéristiques Techniques CMS AEC-VS — Caractéristiques Techniques French
CMS MCC - Caractéristiques Techniques CMS MCC — Caractéristiques Techniques French
CMS PSU2415 - Caractéristiques Techniques CMS PSU2415 — Caractéristiques Techniques French
CMS PSU24150 - Caractéristiques Techniques CMS PSU24150 — Caractéristiques Techniques French
CMS PSU2460 - Caractéristiques Techniques CMS PSU2460 — Caractéristiques Techniques French
CMS SAI - Charactéristiques Techniques CMS SAI — Charactéristiques Techniques French
CMS SDI - Charactéristiques Techniques CMS SDI — Charactéristiques Techniques French
CMS SDO - Caractéristiques Techniques CMS SDO — Caractéristiques Techniques French
GUI607 - Charactéristique techniques GUI607 — Charactéristique techniques French
GUI610 - Caractéristiques techniques GUI610 — Caractéristiques techniques French
GUI615 - Caractéristiques techniques GUI615 — Caractéristiques techniques French
PROFIBUS DP - Caractéristiques techniques PROFIBUS DP — Caractéristiques techniques French
UI300 / UI400 couvercle IP65 - Caractéristiques techniques UI300 / UI400 couvercle IP65 — Caractéristiques techniques French
UI400 - Caractéristiques Techniques UI400 — Caractéristiques Techniques French
Combination probes
Dispositif d'étalonnage entièrement automatique pour KS1D-HT avec LT2 - Caractéristiques techniques Dispositif d’étalonnage entièrement automatique pour KS1D-HT avec LT2 — Caractéristiques techniques French
KS1 sans boîtier - Caractéristiques techniques KS1 sans boîtier — Caractéristiques techniques French
KS1-HT - Caractéristiques techniques KS1-HT — Caractéristiques techniques French
KS1D ECO - Caractéristiques techniques KS1D ECO — Caractéristiques techniques French
KS1D Ex - Caractéristiques techniques KS1D Ex — Caractéristiques techniques French
KS1D sans boîtier - Caractéristiques techniques KS1D sans boîtier — Caractéristiques techniques French
KS1D-HT - Caractéristiques techniques KS1D-HT — Caractéristiques techniques French
KS1D-KA / KS1D-KAF - Caractéristique techniques KS1D-KA / KS1D-KAF — Caractéristique techniques French
KS2DNOx - Caractéristiques techniques KS2DNOx — Caractéristiques techniques French
RBT Ex - Caractéristiques techniques RBT Ex — Caractéristiques techniques French
Control valves
Clapet de réglage de débit 662R23 - Caractéristiques techniques Clapet de réglage de débit 662R23 — Caractéristiques techniques French
Clapet de réglage de débit 662R24, acier inox - Caractéristiques techniques Clapet de réglage de débit 662R24, acier inox — Caractéristiques techniques French
Clapet de réglage de débit 662R25, clapet de régulation spécial - Caractéristiques techniques Clapet de réglage de débit 662R25, clapet de régulation spécial — Caractéristiques techniques French
Clapet fumées/d’air 668M2200 - Caractéristiques techniques Clapet fumées/d’air 668M2200 — Caractéristiques techniques French
Clapet fumées/d’air 668M2205 - Caractéristiques techniques Clapet fumées/d’air 668M2205 — Caractéristiques techniques French
Clapet fumées/d’air 668M2210 - Caractéristiques techniques Clapet fumées/d’air 668M2210 — Caractéristiques techniques French
Clapet gaz 668M2300/668M2310 - Caractéristiques techniques Clapet gaz 668M2300/668M2310 — Caractéristiques techniques French
ETAMATIC - Caractéristiques techniques ETAMATIC — Caractéristiques techniques French
ETAMATIC OEM - Caractéristiques techniques ETAMATIC OEM — Caractéristiques techniques French
ETAMATIC OEM / ETAMATIC S OEM - Caractéristiques techniques ETAMATIC OEM / ETAMATIC S OEM — Caractéristiques techniques French
GKI300 - Caractéristiques techniques GKI300 — Caractéristiques techniques French
Flame monitoring
F130I - Charactéristique techniques F130I — Charactéristique techniques French
F152 - Caractéristiques techniques F152 — Caractéristiques techniques French
F200K / F200K Ex / F200K Ex-II - Caractéristiques techniques F200K / F200K Ex / F200K Ex-II — Caractéristiques techniques French
F300K - Caractéristiques techniques F300K — Caractéristiques techniques French
FFS05 / FFS05 Ex - Caractéristiques techniques FFS05 / FFS05 Ex — Caractéristiques techniques French
FFS06 - Caractéristiques techniques FFS06 — Caractéristiques techniques French
FFS07 - Caractéristiques techniques FFS07 — Caractéristiques techniques French
FFS08 - Caractérsitiques techniques FFS08 — Caractérsitiques techniques French
KLC1000 / KLC10 - Caractéristiques techniques KLC1000 / KLC10 — Caractéristiques techniques French
FMS - Caractéristiques techniques FMS — Caractéristiques techniques French
FMS/VMS Châssis pivotant - Caractéristiques techniques FMS/VMS Châssis pivotant — Caractéristiques techniques French
GKI300 - Caractéristiques techniques GKI300 — Caractéristiques techniques French
Ignition System
GFI bride coulissante - Caractéristiques techniques GFI bride coulissante — Caractéristiques techniques French
GFI Electronique - Caractéristiques techniques GFI Electronique — Caractéristiques techniques French
GFI48 - Caractéristiques techniques GFI48 — Caractéristiques techniques French
GFI70 - Caractéristiques techniques GFI70 — Caractéristiques techniques French
GFI89 - Caractéristiques techniques GFI89 — Caractéristiques techniques French
Lambda probes
Dispositif d'étalonnage entièrement automatique pour KS1D-HT avec LT2 - Caractéristiques techniques Dispositif d’étalonnage entièrement automatique pour KS1D-HT avec LT2 — Caractéristiques techniques French
LS2 ECO - Charactéristique techniques LS2 ECO — Charactéristique techniques French
LS2 HT - Caractéristiques techniques LS2 HT — Caractéristiques techniques French
LS2 sans boîtier - Charactéristique techniques LS2 sans boîtier — Charactéristique techniques French
LS2-Ex  - Caractéristiques techniques LS2-Ex — Caractéristiques techniques French
LS2-KA / LS2-KAF - Caractéristiques techniques LS2-KA / LS2-KAF — Caractéristiques techniques French
Unité de calibrage portable - Caractéristiques techniques Unité de calibrage portable — Caractéristiques techniques French
Lambda transmitter
Dispositif d'étalonnage entièrement automatique pour KS1D-HT avec LT2 - Caractéristiques techniques Dispositif d’étalonnage entièrement automatique pour KS1D-HT avec LT2 — Caractéristiques techniques French
LT1 dans coffret mural - Caractéristiques techniques LT1 dans coffret mural — Caractéristiques techniques French
LT1 en montage sur panneau - Caractéristiques techniques LT1 en montage sur panneau — Caractéristiques techniques French
LT1 sur platine de montage - Caractéristiques techniques LT1 sur platine de montage — Caractéristiques techniques French
LT2 / LT2 EX dans coffret mural - Caractéristiques techniques LT2 / LT2 EX dans coffret mural — Caractéristiques techniques French
LT2 boîtier EExd - Caractéristiques techniques LT2 boîtier EExd — Caractéristiques techniques French
LT3 - Caractéristiques techniques LT3 — Caractéristiques techniques French
LT3-Ex - Caractéristiques techniques LT3-Ex — Caractéristiques techniques French
LT3-F - Caractéristiques techniques LT3-F — Caractéristiques techniques French
Transmetteur NOx NT1 - Caractéristiques techniques Transmetteur NOx NT1 — Caractéristiques techniques French
UI300 / UI400 couvercle IP65 - Caractéristiques techniques UI300 / UI400 couvercle IP65 — Caractéristiques techniques French
Unité de calibrage portable - Caractéristiques techniques Unité de calibrage portable — Caractéristiques techniques French
Mass flow measurement grid
Grille de retenue Pitot moyennée - Caractéristiques techniques Grille de retenue Pitot moyennée — Caractéristiques techniques French
Transmetteur NOx NT1 - Caractéristiques techniques Transmetteur NOx NT1 — Caractéristiques techniques French
FMS/VMS Châssis pivotant - Caractéristiques techniques FMS/VMS Châssis pivotant — Caractéristiques techniques French
Organe de manoeuvre et Vannes papillon à régulation du débit - Aperçu des produits Organe de manoeuvre et Vannes papillon à régulation du débit — Aperçu des produits French
BurnerTronic BT300
BT300 - Vue d'ensemble du système BT300 — Vue d’ensemble du système French
Système d'installations PAVE - LAMTEC innovation Système d’installations PAVE — LAMTEC innovation French
CMS Combustion Management System
CMS Combustion Management System - Vue d'ensemble du système CMS Combustion Management System — Vue d’ensemble du système French
CO/O2 control
Régulation CO/O2 / LT3-F - Vue d'ensemble du système Régulation CO/O2 / LT3-F — Vue d’ensemble du système French
Combination probes
LT3 KS1D - Vue d'ensemble du LT3 KS1D — Vue d’ensemble du French
ETAMATIC / ETAMATIC S - Vue d'ensemble du système ETAMATIC / ETAMATIC S — Vue d’ensemble du système French
ETAMATIC OEM / ETAMATIC S OEM - Vue d'ensemble du système ETAMATIC OEM / ETAMATIC S OEM — Vue d’ensemble du système French
Système d'installations PAVE - LAMTEC innovation Système d’installations PAVE — LAMTEC innovation French
Flame monitoring
F130I - Vue d'ensemble du système F130I — Vue d’ensemble du système French
F300K - Vue d'ensemble du système F300K — Vue d’ensemble du système French
FMS - Vue d'ensemble du système FMS — Vue d’ensemble du système French
Ignition System
Brûleur d'allumage et pilote - Vue d'ensemble du système Brûleur d’allumage et pilote — Vue d’ensemble du système French
Lambda transmitter
LT3 KS1D - Vue d'ensemble du LT3 KS1D — Vue d’ensemble du French
Régulation CO/O2 / LT3-F - Vue d'ensemble du système Régulation CO/O2 / LT3-F — Vue d’ensemble du système French
VMS - Vue d'ensemble du système VMS — Vue d’ensemble du système French
CO/O2 control
La régulation de CO  La meilleure alternative à la régulation d'O2 La régulation de CO La meilleure alternative à la régulation d’O2 French
ETAMATIC - Formulaire de specification ETAMATIC — Formulaire de specification French
Flame monitoring
Aperçu des produits Systèmes de détection de flammes - Affiche Aperçu des produits Systèmes de détection de flammes — Affiche French
F152 - AGA certificat F152 — AGA certificat French
Questionnaire pour la préparation de l'offre - détecteur de flamme Questionnaire pour la préparation de l’offre — détecteur de flamme French
FMS - Formulaire de specification FMS — Formulaire de specification French
VMS - Formulaire de specification VMS — Formulaire de specification French
BurnerTronic BT300
USB-CAN Module Driver Version 5 USB-CAN Module Driver Version 5 English





CMS Combustion Management System
CMS Remote Software Version V1.9.0.0 CMS Remote Software Version V1.9.0.0 Chinese (Simplified)






Declaration of Confirmities
DPS Stellantrieb 120 VAC / 230 VAC - Konformitätserklärung DPS Stellantrieb 120 VAC / 230 VAC — Konformitätserklärung English



NT1 KS2DNOx - Konformitätserklärung / Declaration of Conformity / Déclaration de Conformité UE NT1 KS2DNOx — Konformitätserklärung / Declaration of Conformity / Déclaration de Conformité UE English




Brazilian Portuguese Brazilian Portuguese

Endcustomer information
ETAMATIC V/VS ETAMATIC V/VS Brazilian Portuguese
Lambda probes
LT2 LS2 - Manual curto para o utilizador LT2 LS2 — Manual curto para o utilizador Brazilian Portuguese
Lambda transmitter
LT2 LS2 - Manual curto para o utilizador LT2 LS2 — Manual curto para o utilizador Brazilian Portuguese

Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Simplified)

Endcustomer information
ETAMATIC OEM - Quick Reference ETAMATIC OEM — Quick Reference Chinese (Simplified)
Lambda transmitter
LT1 - Quick Reference LT1 — Quick Reference Chinese (Simplified)
Technical datasheet
ETAMATIC - Technical Data ETAMATIC — Technical Data Chinese (Simplified)
Flame monitoring
F200K / F200K Ex / F200K Ex-II - Technical Data F200K / F200K Ex / F200K Ex-II — Technical Data Chinese (Simplified)
FFS05 / FFS05 Ex - Technical Data FFS05 / FFS05 Ex — Technical Data Chinese (Simplified)
FFS06 - Technical Data FFS06 — Technical Data Chinese (Simplified)
FMS - Technical Data FMS — Technical Data Chinese (Simplified)
Lambda transmitter
LT10 with Measuring Gas Pump - Technical Data LT10 with Measuring Gas Pump — Technical Data Chinese (Simplified)
Mass flow measurement grid
Flow-meter - Technical Data Flow-meter — Technical Data Chinese (Simplified)
VMS - Technical Data VMS — Technical Data Chinese (Simplified)
BurnerControl BC300
BC300 - System Overview BC300 — System Overview Chinese (Simplified)
BurnerTronic BT300
BT300 - 系统概览 BT300 — 系统概览 Chinese (Simplified)
CMS Combustion Management System
CMS Combustion Management System - 系统概览 CMS Combustion Management System — 系统概览 Chinese (Simplified)
ETAMATIC OEM / ETAMATIC / FMS / CMS - Comparison Sheet ETAMATIC OEM / ETAMATIC / FMS / CMS — Comparison Sheet Chinese (Simplified)
CO/O2 control
CO/O2 控制 / LT3-F - 系统简介 CO/O2 控制 / LT3-F — 系统简介 Chinese (Simplified)
ETAMATIC OEM / ETAMATIC / FMS / CMS - Comparison Sheet ETAMATIC OEM / ETAMATIC / FMS / CMS — Comparison Sheet Chinese (Simplified)
Flame monitoring
F300K - 系统概览 F300K — 系统概览 Chinese (Simplified)
Flame Detector - Overview Flame Detector — Overview Chinese (Simplified)
ETAMATIC OEM / ETAMATIC / FMS / CMS - Comparison Sheet ETAMATIC OEM / ETAMATIC / FMS / CMS — Comparison Sheet Chinese (Simplified)
Ignition System
HEI 500 HEi 600 高能点火器 - System Overview HEI 500 HEi 600 高能点火器 — System Overview Chinese (Simplified)
喷嘴和点火支路 GFI - 系统概览 喷嘴和点火支路 GFI — 系统概览 Chinese (Simplified)
Lambda transmitter
CO/O2 控制 / LT3-F - 系统简介 CO/O2 控制 / LT3-F — 系统简介 Chinese (Simplified)
20 years LAMTEC 20 years LAMTEC Chinese (Simplified)
Imagebroschüre - Chinese Imagebroschüre — Chinese Chinese (Simplified)
VC1000 VISIOCONTROL - 系统概览 VC1000 VISIOCONTROL — 系统概览 Chinese (Simplified)
Combination probes
How does my KS1D work? - Description How does my KS1D work? — Description Chinese (Simplified)
Lecture Burner Control Lecture Burner Control Chinese (Simplified)
Lecture Burner Control Lecture Burner Control Chinese (Simplified)
Lambda probes
LS1 vs. LS2 - 蓝姆达探针LS1-工业尾气中O2 含量检测仪 LS1 vs. LS2 — 蓝姆达探针LS1-工业尾气中O2 含量检测仪 Chinese (Simplified)
CMS Combustion Management System
CMS Remote Software Version V1.9.0.0 CMS Remote Software Version V1.9.0.0 Chinese (Simplified)







Croatian Croatian

Endcustomer information
Lambda transmitter
LT1 - Priručnik LT1 — Priručnik Croatian

Czech Czech

Endcustomer information
Combination probes
LT3-F KS1D -Krátký návod pro uživatele LT3-F KS1D -Krátký návod pro uživatele Czech
Krátký návod pro uživatele ETAMATIC OEM Krátký návod pro uživatele ETAMATIC OEM Czech
Flame monitoring
F200K - Krátký návod pro uživatele F200K — Krátký návod pro uživatele Czech
F300K - Krátký návod pro uživatele F300K — Krátký návod pro uživatele Czech
Ignition System
GFI 48 / 70 Zapalovací a pilotní hořák - Krátký návod pro uživatele GFI 48 / 70 Zapalovací a pilotní hořák — Krátký návod pro uživatele Czech
Lambda probes
LT2 LS2 - Krátký návod pro uživatele LT2 LS2 — Krátký návod pro uživatele Czech
Lambda transmitter
LT2 LS2 - Krátký návod pro uživatele LT2 LS2 — Krátký návod pro uživatele Czech
LT3-F KS1D -Krátký návod pro uživatele LT3-F KS1D -Krátký návod pro uživatele Czech
CMS Combustion Management System
CMS systém řízení spalování - Přehled systému CMS systém řízení spalování — Přehled systému Czech
Ignition System
GFI Zapalovací a pilotní hořák - Přehled systému GFI Zapalovací a pilotní hořák — Přehled systému Czech

Danish Danish

Endcustomer information
ETAMATIC OEM - Kort vejledning til bruger ETAMATIC OEM — Kort vejledning til bruger Danish
Flame monitoring
F200K - Kort brugervejledning F200K — Kort brugervejledning Danish
Lambda probes
LT1 - Kort brugervejledning LT1 — Kort brugervejledning Danish
LT2 LS2 - Kort vejledning til bruger LT2 LS2 — Kort vejledning til bruger Danish
Lambda transmitter
LT1 - Kort brugervejledning LT1 — Kort brugervejledning Danish
LT2 LS2 - Kort vejledning til bruger LT2 LS2 — Kort vejledning til bruger Danish

Dutch Dutch

Endcustomer information
ETAMATIC OEM/ETAMATIC S OEM - Korte handleiding voor exploitant ETAMATIC OEM/ETAMATIC S OEM — Korte handleiding voor exploitant Dutch
Flame monitoring
F200K Gebruikers handleiding F200K Gebruikers handleiding Dutch
Lambda probes
LT2 LS2 - Beknopte handleiding voor gebruikers LT2 LS2 — Beknopte handleiding voor gebruikers Dutch
Lambda transmitter
LT2 LS2 - Beknopte handleiding voor gebruikers LT2 LS2 — Beknopte handleiding voor gebruikers Dutch
Configuratie formulier ETAMATIC Configuratie formulier ETAMATIC Dutch

Finnish Finnish

Endcustomer information
Combination probes
LT3 KS1D - Pikaopas käyttäjälle LT3 KS1D — Pikaopas käyttäjälle Finnish
ETAMATIC OEM/ETAMATIC S OEM - Pikaopas käyttäjälle ETAMATIC OEM/ETAMATIC S OEM — Pikaopas käyttäjälle Finnish
Supistettu käyttöohje ETAMATIC/ETAMATIC S Supistettu käyttöohje ETAMATIC/ETAMATIC S Finnish
Flame monitoring
Käyttö- ja huolto-ohje Liekkivalvonta F250 Käyttö- ja huolto-ohje Liekkivalvonta F250 Finnish
Lambda transmitter
LT2 LS2 - Pikaopas käyttäjälle LT2 LS2 — Pikaopas käyttäjälle Finnish
LT3 KS1D - Pikaopas käyttäjälle LT3 KS1D — Pikaopas käyttäjälle Finnish

Greek Greek

Endcustomer information
Flame monitoring
F200K - Συνοπτικές οδηγίες χρήσης F200K — Συνοπτικές οδηγίες χρήσης Greek

Hungarian Hungarian

Endcustomer information
Lambda probes
LT2 LS2 - Rövid felhasználói útmutató LT2 LS2 — Rövid felhasználói útmutató Hungarian
LT3 LS2 - Rövid felhasználói útmutató LT3 LS2 — Rövid felhasználói útmutató Hungarian
Lambda transmitter
LT2 LS2 - Rövid felhasználói útmutató LT2 LS2 — Rövid felhasználói útmutató Hungarian
LT3 LS2 - Rövid felhasználói útmutató LT3 LS2 — Rövid felhasználói útmutató Hungarian

Italian Italian

Endcustomer information
Combination probes
Trasmettitore Lambda LT2 KS1D Sonda combinata KS1D - Guida sintetica per l'utente Trasmettitore Lambda LT2 KS1D Sonda combinata KS1D — Guida sintetica per l’utente Italian
Lambda probes
LT3 LS2 - Manuale sintetico per gli utenti LT3 LS2 — Manuale sintetico per gli utenti Italian
Lambda transmitter
LT3 LS2 - Manuale sintetico per gli utenti LT3 LS2 — Manuale sintetico per gli utenti Italian
Trasmettitore Lambda LT2 KS1D Sonda combinata KS1D - Guida sintetica per l'utente Trasmettitore Lambda LT2 KS1D Sonda combinata KS1D — Guida sintetica per l’utente Italian
CMS Combustion Management System
CMS Combustion Management System - Panoramica del sistema CMS Combustion Management System — Panoramica del sistema Italian
Opuscolo immagine - Italiano Opuscolo immagine — Italiano Italian
BurnerTronic BT300
USB-CAN Module Driver Version 5 USB-CAN Module Driver Version 5 English





CMS Combustion Management System
CMS Remote Software Version V1.9.0.0 CMS Remote Software Version V1.9.0.0 Chinese (Simplified)







Lithuanian Lithuanian

Endcustomer information
Flame monitoring
F300K - Trumpa naudojimo instrukcija F300K — Trumpa naudojimo instrukcija Lithuanian
VMS - Trumpa instrukcija vartotojui VMS — Trumpa instrukcija vartotojui Lithuanian

Norwegian Norwegian

Endcustomer information
Flame monitoring
F200K - Hurtigveiledning for brukeren F200K — Hurtigveiledning for brukeren Norwegian
F300K - Hurtigveiledning for brukeren F300K — Hurtigveiledning for brukeren Norwegian

Polish Polish

Endcustomer information
Combination probes
LT3 KS1D - Krótkie wprowadzenie dla obsługi LT3 KS1D — Krótkie wprowadzenie dla obsługi Polish
ETAMATIC/ETAMATIC S - Krótkie wprowadzenie dla obsługi ETAMATIC/ETAMATIC S — Krótkie wprowadzenie dla obsługi Polish
Flame monitoring
F200K - Instrukcja skrócona F200K — Instrukcja skrócona Polish
FMS - Instrukcja montażu i rozruchu FMS — Instrukcja montażu i rozruchu Polish
Ignition System
GFI 48 / 70 / 89 Palnik zapłonowy i pilotowy - Instrukcja skrócona dla użytkownika GFI 48 / 70 / 89 Palnik zapłonowy i pilotowy — Instrukcja skrócona dla użytkownika Polish
Lambda probes
LT2 LS2 - Krótkie wprowadzenie dla obsługi LT2 LS2 — Krótkie wprowadzenie dla obsługi Polish
LT3 LS2 - Instrukcja skrócona dla użytkowników LT3 LS2 — Instrukcja skrócona dla użytkowników Polish
Lambda transmitter
LT2 LS2 - Krótkie wprowadzenie dla obsługi LT2 LS2 — Krótkie wprowadzenie dla obsługi Polish
LT3 KS1D - Krótkie wprowadzenie dla obsługi LT3 KS1D — Krótkie wprowadzenie dla obsługi Polish
LT3 LS2 - Instrukcja skrócona dla użytkowników LT3 LS2 — Instrukcja skrócona dla użytkowników Polish
Combination probes
LT3 LS2 KS1D - Przegląd systemu LT3 LS2 KS1D — Przegląd systemu Polish
Flame monitoring
F200K - Przegląd systemu F200K — Przegląd systemu Polish
F300K - Przegląd systemu F300K — Przegląd systemu Polish
Oszczędność energii - reducja emisji zanieczyszczeń Oszczędność energii — reducja emisji zanieczyszczeń Polish
Lambda transmitter
LT3 LS2 KS1D - Przegląd systemu LT3 LS2 KS1D — Przegląd systemu Polish
Oszczędność energii Oszczędność energii Polish
Flame monitoring
Kryteria doboru Detektorów Płomienia Kryteria doboru Detektorów Płomienia Polish
Oszczędność energii - reducja emisji zanieczyszczeń Oszczędność energii — reducja emisji zanieczyszczeń Polish
Promieniowanie płomieni – Kryteria doboru skanerów Promieniowanie płomieni – Kryteria doboru skanerów Polish
Mass flow measurement grid
Siatka spiętrzająca – pomiar przepływu / Volume-Flow-Meter Siatka spiętrzająca – pomiar przepływu / Volume-Flow-Meter Polish

Romanian Romanian

Endcustomer information
ETAMATIC OEM/ETAMATIC S OEM - Scurt îndrumător pentru utilizator ETAMATIC OEM/ETAMATIC S OEM — Scurt îndrumător pentru utilizator Romanian
Lambda probes
LT2 LS2 - Scurt îndrumător pentru utilizatori LT2 LS2 — Scurt îndrumător pentru utilizatori Romanian
Lambda transmitter
LT2 LS2 - Scurt îndrumător pentru utilizatori LT2 LS2 — Scurt îndrumător pentru utilizatori Romanian

Russian Russian

Endcustomer information
Combination probes
LT3 KS1D - Краткое руководство для пользователей LT3 KS1D — Краткое руководство для пользователей Russian
Flame monitoring
F200K - Краткое руководство для пользователей F200K — Краткое руководство для пользователей Russian
F300K - Краткое руководство для пользователей F300K — Краткое руководство для пользователей Russian
Ignition System
GFI 48 / 70 Запальная и пилотная горелка - Краткое руководство для пользователей GFI 48 / 70 Запальная и пилотная горелка — Краткое руководство для пользователей Russian
Lambda transmitter
LT1 - Краткая инструкция пользователя LT1 — Краткая инструкция пользователя Russian
LT3 KS1D - Краткое руководство для пользователей LT3 KS1D — Краткое руководство для пользователей Russian
Technical datasheet
Flame monitoring
F200K / F200K Ex / F200K Ex-II - Технические характеристики F200K / F200K Ex / F200K Ex-II — Технические характеристики Russian

Serbian Serbian

Endcustomer information
ETAMATIC OEM/ETAMATIC S OEM - Кратко упутство за кориснике ETAMATIC OEM/ETAMATIC S OEM — Кратко упутство за кориснике Serbian
Lambda probes
LT2 LS2 - Кратко упутство за Кориснике LT2 LS2 — Кратко упутство за Кориснике Serbian
Lambda transmitter
LT2 LS2 - Кратко упутство за Кориснике LT2 LS2 — Кратко упутство за Кориснике Serbian

Slovak Slovak

Endcustomer information
ETAMATIC OEM/ETAMATIC S OEM - Krátky návod pre používateľov ETAMATIC OEM/ETAMATIC S OEM — Krátky návod pre používateľov Slovak
ETAMATIC/ETAMATIC S - Stručný návod pre používateľa ETAMATIC/ETAMATIC S — Stručný návod pre používateľa Slovak
Flame monitoring
F200K - Stručný návod pre používateľa F200K — Stručný návod pre používateľa Slovak
Lambda probes
LT2 LS2 - Stručný návod pre používateľa LT2 LS2 — Stručný návod pre používateľa Slovak
Lambda transmitter
LT2 LS2 - Stručný návod pre používateľa LT2 LS2 — Stručný návod pre používateľa Slovak

Slovenian Slovenian

Endcustomer information
CO/O2 control
Vgrajena regulacja CO/O2 - Kratka navodila za uporabnika Vgrajena regulacja CO/O2 — Kratka navodila za uporabnika Slovenian
ETAMATIC / ETAMATIC S - Kratka navodila za uporabnika ETAMATIC / ETAMATIC S — Kratka navodila za uporabnika Slovenian
ETAMATIC OEM/ETAMATIC S OEM - Kratka navodila za upravljavca ETAMATIC OEM/ETAMATIC S OEM — Kratka navodila za upravljavca Slovenian
Lambda probes
LT2 LS2 - Kratka navodila za uporabnika LT2 LS2 — Kratka navodila za uporabnika Slovenian
Lambda transmitter
LT2 LS2 - Kratka navodila za uporabnika LT2 LS2 — Kratka navodila za uporabnika Slovenian

Spanish Spanish

Endcustomer information
CO/O2 control
Referencia rápida para Usuarios finales Control Integrado CO/O2 Referencia rápida para Usuarios finales Control Integrado CO/O2 Spanish
Combination probes
LT3-F KS1D - Manual rápido para usuarios LT3-F KS1D — Manual rápido para usuarios Spanish
ETAMATIC OEM - Manual rápido para usuarios ETAMATIC OEM — Manual rápido para usuarios Spanish
ETAMATIC/ETAMATIC S - Manual rápido para usuarios ETAMATIC/ETAMATIC S — Manual rápido para usuarios Spanish
Flame monitoring
F300K - Manual rápido para usarios F300K — Manual rápido para usarios Spanish
Ignition System
GFI 48 / 70 Quemadores de ignición y piloto - Manual rápido para usuarios GFI 48 / 70 Quemadores de ignición y piloto — Manual rápido para usuarios Spanish
Lambda probes
LT2 LS2 - Manual rápido para usuarios LT2 LS2 — Manual rápido para usuarios Spanish
Lambda transmitter
LT2 LS2 - Manual rápido para usuarios LT2 LS2 — Manual rápido para usuarios Spanish
LT3-F KS1D - Manual rápido para usuarios LT3-F KS1D — Manual rápido para usuarios Spanish
CO/O2 control
La mejor alternativa a la regulación de O2 en las plantas donde se quema gas La mejor alternativa a la regulación de O2 en las plantas donde se quema gas Spanish
CO control
Explicaciones para las entradas de datos requeridos y basándose en estos cálculos de las hojas de Microsoft Excel: Ahorro por Control O2.XLS Explicaciones para las entradas de datos requeridos y basándose en estos cálculos de las hojas de Microsoft Excel: Ahorro por Control O2.XLS Spanish
CO/O2 control
Explicaciones para las entradas de datos requeridos y basándose en estos cálculos de las hojas de Microsoft Excel: Ahorro por Control O2.XLS Explicaciones para las entradas de datos requeridos y basándose en estos cálculos de las hojas de Microsoft Excel: Ahorro por Control O2.XLS Spanish
La mejor alternativa a la regulación de O2 en las plantas donde se quema gas La mejor alternativa a la regulación de O2 en las plantas donde se quema gas Spanish
Flame monitoring
Radiación de Llama - Criterio de Selección del Detector de Llama Radiación de Llama — Criterio de Selección del Detector de Llama Spanish

Swedish Swedish

Endcustomer information
CO/O2 control
Snabbanvisning för användare CO/O2-Regelung Snabbanvisning för användare CO/O2-Regelung Swedish
ETAMATIC OEM - Användarmanual ETAMATIC OEM — Användarmanual Swedish
ETAMATIC/ETAMATIC S - Användarmanual ETAMATIC/ETAMATIC S — Användarmanual Swedish
Flame monitoring
F300K - Användarmanual F300K — Användarmanual Swedish
Lambda probes
LT2 LS2 - Snabbreferensguide LT2 LS2 — Snabbreferensguide Swedish
LT3 LS2 - Snabbanvisning för användare LT3 LS2 — Snabbanvisning för användare Swedish
Lambda transmitter
LT2 LS2 - Snabbreferensguide LT2 LS2 — Snabbreferensguide Swedish
LT3 LS2 - Snabbanvisning för användare LT3 LS2 — Snabbanvisning för användare Swedish
VMS - Snabbreferensguide VMS — Snabbreferensguide Swedish

Turkish Turkish

Endcustomer information
CO/O2 control
Entegre CO/O2 regülasyonu FMS/VMS - FMS/VMS ETAMATIC/ETAMATIC OEM - İşletime alma Tamamlama Entegre CO/O2 regülasyonu FMS/VMS — FMS/VMS ETAMATIC/ETAMATIC OEM — İşletime alma Tamamlama Turkish
Entegre CO/O2 regülasyonu FMS/VMS - FMS/VMS ETAMATIC/ETAMATIC OEM - İşletime alma Tamamlama Entegre CO/O2 regülasyonu FMS/VMS — FMS/VMS ETAMATIC/ETAMATIC OEM — İşletime alma Tamamlama Turkish
ETAMATIC / ETAMATIC S - Kısa kullanıcı kılavuzu ETAMATIC / ETAMATIC S — Kısa kullanıcı kılavuzu Turkish
ETAMATIC V/ETAMATIC V S - Kullanım kılavuzu ETAMATIC V/ETAMATIC V S — Kullanım kılavuzu Turkish
Entegre CO/O2 regülasyonu FMS/VMS - FMS/VMS ETAMATIC/ETAMATIC OEM - İşletime alma Tamamlama Entegre CO/O2 regülasyonu FMS/VMS — FMS/VMS ETAMATIC/ETAMATIC OEM — İşletime alma Tamamlama Turkish
Lambda probes
LT2 LS2 - Kısa kullanıcı kılavuzu LT2 LS2 — Kısa kullanıcı kılavuzu Turkish
Lambda transmitter
LT2 LS2 - Kısa kullanıcı kılavuzu LT2 LS2 — Kısa kullanıcı kılavuzu Turkish
Entegre CO/O2 regülasyonu FMS/VMS - FMS/VMS ETAMATIC/ETAMATIC OEM - İşletime alma Tamamlama Entegre CO/O2 regülasyonu FMS/VMS — FMS/VMS ETAMATIC/ETAMATIC OEM — İşletime alma Tamamlama Turkish
Technical datasheet
Lambda probes
Taşınabilir Kalibrasyon Ünitesi - Teknik Bilgiler Taşınabilir Kalibrasyon Ünitesi — Teknik Bilgiler Turkish
Lambda transmitter
Taşınabilir Kalibrasyon Ünitesi - Teknik Bilgiler Taşınabilir Kalibrasyon Ünitesi — Teknik Bilgiler Turkish
CMS Combustion Management System
CMS Yakma Yönetim Sistemi - Sisteme genel bakış CMS Yakma Yönetim Sistemi — Sisteme genel bakış Turkish
CO/O2 control
CO/O2-regülasyonu/ LT3-F - Sisteme Genel Bakış CO/O2-regülasyonu/ LT3-F — Sisteme Genel Bakış Turkish
Flame monitoring
Alev İzleme Sistemleri - ÜRÜN KATALOĞU Alev İzleme Sistemleri — ÜRÜN KATALOĞU Turkish
Lambda transmitter
CO/O2-regülasyonu/ LT3-F - Sisteme Genel Bakış CO/O2-regülasyonu/ LT3-F — Sisteme Genel Bakış Turkish
20 yıl LAMTEC 20 yıl LAMTEC Turkish
BurnerTronic BT300
USB-CAN Module Driver Version 5 USB-CAN Module Driver Version 5 English





CMS Combustion Management System
CMS Remote Software Version V1.9.0.0 CMS Remote Software Version V1.9.0.0 Chinese (Simplified)







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CE-0085 AU 0207

Sensors and Systems

for Combustion Engineering

[Page 1] Lamtec ETAMATIC

Manual ETAMATIC / ETAMATIC S CE-0085 AU 0207 Sensors and Systems  for Combustion Engineering

[Page 2] Lamtec ETAMATIC

[Page 3] Lamtec ETAMATIC

2 Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 GENERAL INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 1.1 Validity of these instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ….

[Page 4] Lamtec ETAMATIC

3 Table of Contents 5.2.7 Changing Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 5.2.8 Saving Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …

[Page 5] Lamtec ETAMATIC

4 Table of Contents 7.2 Brief Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 7.3 Limit Ranges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ….

[Page 6] Lamtec ETAMATIC

5 Table of Contents 9.6 Calling Up the Condition of the Digital Inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 9.7 Tips and Tricks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …

[Page 7] Lamtec ETAMATIC

6 Table of Contents 9.27 Dimensions and weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .128 9.28 Declaration of Conformity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ….

[Page 8] Lamtec ETAMATIC

7 1 General Information 1 General Information 1.1 Validity of these instructions These instructions apply to the ETAMATIC and ETAMATIC S in any configuration. This devices conform to the following standards and regulations: EN 230 EN 267 (where a…

[Page 9] Lamtec ETAMATIC

8 1 General Information 1.2 Variants — Device Configuration The variant number describes the device’s variant. You will find the variant number on the side of the housing. The variant number is based on the following key: Example: ETAMATIC i…

[Page 10] Lamtec ETAMATIC

9 1 General Information d: O2/ CO control e: Customer f: Connector set g: Output relais fault 21D  2x DPS and 2x continuous output 4…20mA, FB C1 RPM-3L, 300-3600 I/min 31D  2x DPS and 2x continuous output 4…20mA, FB C1 RPM-3L, 300-3600 I/…

[Page 11] Lamtec ETAMATIC

10 2 Safety 2 Safety 2.1 German Law on Device Safety The legislation on safety of appliances states: Follow the instructions! Proceed only in accordance with this ETAMATIC commissioning supplement (print no DLT2001-11-aEN-184) Use the equipme…

[Page 12] Lamtec ETAMATIC

11 2 Safety 2.2 For Your Safety In this operating instructions, the following symbols are used as important safety instructions to the user. These symbols appear wherever there is a need for this information in a particular section.  It is esse…

[Page 13] Lamtec ETAMATIC

12 2 Safety 2.3 Associated Automatic Flame Guard The unit is available with and without an integral flame guard. Sensor types FFS 06, FFS 05 and FFS 05UV can be connected to the integral flame guard. When used without integral flame guard, any tes…

[Page 14] Lamtec ETAMATIC

13 3 Brief Description 3 Brief Description The ETAMATIC regulates up to 4 control elements as a function of a control variable, in ac- cordance with freely programmable curves. The ETAMATIC has 4 three-point step control out- puts. The ETAMATIC S h…

[Page 15] Lamtec ETAMATIC

14 3 Brief Description 3.1 Display and operational controls Select operating modes: UEAN  PARA  O 2 1)  AUTO  SPLO * Select operating parameters Status  Firing-rate rating  Setpoint  Actual value feedback  Setpoint feedback…

[Page 16] Lamtec ETAMATIC

15 4 Operating Description 4 Operating Description (for specimen diagrams, see Appendix 9.8 Process Sequence Charts) A signal is first fed to terminal 58 (Burner On) indicating when the burner is to start.  The ETAMATIC then interrogates the boi…

[Page 17] Lamtec ETAMATIC

16 5 Commissioning 5 Commissioning 5.1 Before Commissioning 5.1.1 Basic Settings First you must configure the device (ETAMATIC) for the requirements of the system. Therefore, you have to set some parameters. The factory standard settings are indicat…

[Page 18] Lamtec ETAMATIC

17 5 Commissioning 5.1.4 Character of the Output Channels Select parameter 356 — 359 (channel 1 to channel 4).  Enter the type of control element which is connected. No FMS ETA Short Text Description Min Max Default 356 2 2 Fkt. K Function defini…

[Page 19] Lamtec ETAMATIC

18 5 Commissioning Selection, which channel is active Select parameter 366 and 367 (curve set 1 and 2).  Controller release with bit pattern. No FMS ETA Short Text Description Min Max Default 366 2 2 K Enb. 1 Channel enable for curve set 1 0 31 1…

[Page 20] Lamtec ETAMATIC

19 5 Commissioning 5.1.5 Start with or without pilot burner Select parameter no. 774 and 775 (oil operation, gas operation). NOTICE! 2 to 4, 9, 11, 17, 19, 25, 27  The ignition flame input must monitor the ignition flame sep- arately and P 788…

[Page 21] Lamtec ETAMATIC

20 5 Commissioning NOTICE! 2 to 4, 9, 11, 17, 19, 25, 27  The ignition flame input must monitor the ignition flame sep- arately and P 788 must be set to 1. 9, 11  FMS only 17, 19, 25, 27  FMS with mixed fuel firing only No FM…

[Page 22] Lamtec ETAMATIC

21 5 Commissioning 5.1.6 Pre-ventilation period Select parameter no. 785 If an output channel is set to flue gas re-circulation, attention must still be given to P 427. 5.1.7 Recirculation Delay Select parameter no. 427 No FMS ETA Short Text Descrip…

[Page 23] Lamtec ETAMATIC

22 5 Commissioning 5.1.8 Deactivate load control unit Select parameter no.790 (type of burner-firing-rate controller) NOTICE! These parameters (P 356 — P 359, P 366, P 367, P 427, P 774, P 775 P 785, P 790, P 833) must be adjusted to the system be…

[Page 24] Lamtec ETAMATIC

23 5 Commissioning 5.1.11 Post-ventilation time Select parameter 758 No FMS ETA Short Text Description Min Max Default 729 1 2 stopVERB Minimum running time of compound 10 999 10 Minimum running time of the compound (in seconds)  Set the minimum…

[Page 25] Lamtec ETAMATIC

24 5 Commissioning 5.1.12 Delaytime of the Air Dampers During Pre-ventilation Select parameter no. 768. No FMS ETA Short Text Description Min Max Default 768 1 2 KverznLE Damper delay after fan ON in seconds 0 15 5 Delay time for flaps after switch…

[Page 26] Lamtec ETAMATIC

25 5 Commissioning 5.1.13 Parameters of the Interface NOTICE! These parameters have to be equal to the settings of the remote control software.  Otherwise no communication is possible. 5.1.14 Deactivate leakage test Select parameter no. 772 No FM…

[Page 27] Lamtec ETAMATIC

26 5 Commissioning 5.1.15 Set pilot burner (maintenance mode) Select parameter no. 787 No FMS ETA Short Text Description Min Max Default 787 1 1 Wartung Maintenance mode (control unit only until stabilization time) 020 0 = maintenance mode on (main…

[Page 28] Lamtec ETAMATIC

27 5 Commissioning 5.1.16 Automatic Restart after Failure Respect the directives for combustion plants, if you set this parameter. No FMS ETA Short Text Description Min Max Default 836 2 2 AutStart Automatic restart after fault 0 30 0 Delay in seco…

[Page 29] Lamtec ETAMATIC

28 5 Commissioning 5.1.17 Burner Firing Rate Controller Enter Set Point Values Select parameter 796 and 798 (setpoint value 1 and setpoint value 2).  With control by atmospheric condition select additionally parameter 797 and 799. No FMS ETA Shor…

[Page 30] Lamtec ETAMATIC

29 5 Commissioning Control Range Select parameter no. 802 and 803 No FMS ETA Short Text Description Min Max Default 798 0 0 Soll2min Controller set-point 2 minimum 0 999 70 Firing-rate controller set point 2 minimum (set point 2) in ° C or bar …

[Page 31] Lamtec ETAMATIC

30 5 Commissioning Setting the Control Thermostat Select parameter no. 804 Controller Parameters Select parameter no. 805 — 808. Outside Temperature Limits Select parameter no. 800 and 801. No FMS ETA Short Text Description Min Max Default 804 0 0 B…

[Page 32] Lamtec ETAMATIC

31 5 Commissioning Display of the Units of the Burner Firing Rate Controller Values Select parameter no. 809 Display Range in bar Select parameter no. 810 and 811. No FMS ETA Short Text Description Min Max Default 801 0 0 Untergre Load regulator: lo…

[Page 33] Lamtec ETAMATIC

32 5 Commissioning 5.2 Setting 5.2.1 Setting the Limit Switches of the Motors As soon as the ETAMATIC is supplied with voltage, it attempts to drive the actuator motors to the lower limit of the factory set curve. If the end-bearing’s limit sw…

[Page 34] Lamtec ETAMATIC

33 5 Commissioning Clear Memory 5.2.3 Programming the Ignition Point 5.2.4 Programming the Base Load Program 3 rd to 10 th point Proceed as described in «Program base load point», but run to each of the load ratings “250″, «…

[Page 35] Lamtec ETAMATIC

34 5 Commissioning 5.2.5 Programming the 3rd up the 10th Point Proceed as described in «Program base load point», but set each of the load ratings “250″, «300», «400», «500», «600», «700…

[Page 36] Lamtec ETAMATIC

35 5 Commissioning 5.3 Fault 5.3.1 Reading Faults NOTICE! If you want to read the other display values up to the time of the fault press key 16. All display values are frozen. 5.3.2 Resetting Faults 5.3.3 Recall Fault History The ETAMATIC stores th…

[Page 37] Lamtec ETAMATIC

36 6 O2-Control 6O 2 -Control 6.1 What happens if a fault occurs in the O 2 regulation In the event of malfunction, the display shows a warning and the O 2 control is deactivated. The specified base value «without control” or the one for &…

[Page 38] Lamtec ETAMATIC

37 6 O2-Control 6.4 Calling Fault History O 2 -Controller Display: The display hides the O 2 history automatically after 5 sec. O 2 trim faults, which last for more than 30 sec are stored. They are only stored in the EEPROM once the fault is clea…

[Page 39] Lamtec ETAMATIC

38 6 O2-Control 6.7 Automatic Function Monitoring During Operation 6.7.1 Test During Burner Start The actual O 2 value is checked to ensure that during pre-ventilation it corresponds to the air value (equal to or greater than 18 vol.% O 2 and les…

[Page 40] Lamtec ETAMATIC

39 6 O2-Control 6.7.3 O 2 Boundary Curve You can set the monitoring bands’ parameters for 2 fuels, oil/gas, as a function of fuel. The permitted deviation is calculated as a percentage of the setpoint. You can specify two separate percentage va…

[Page 41] Lamtec ETAMATIC

40 6 O2-Control 6.8 Control Strategy These trim strategies have been developed and optimised especially for the conditions obtain- ing in combustion installations: – Frequent changes in the burner-firing rate – Long lag times. During burner star…

[Page 42] Lamtec ETAMATIC

41 6 O2-Control 6.9 Connecting the O 2 Measurement Device Fig. 6-1 Connection to the O 2 measuring device via LAMTEC SYSTEM BUS Connecting diagram see appendix. The LAMTEC SYSTEM BUS transmits the foolowing signals to the ETAMATIC: • probe curre…

[Page 43] Lamtec ETAMATIC

42 6 O2-Control 6.10 Operation and Display of the O 2 -Controller When you have switched to «Status», the display shows the O 2 actual value and setpoint val- ue. The display shows the values in brackets, if O 2 trim is deactivated. NOTI…

[Page 44] Lamtec ETAMATIC

43 6 O2-Control 6.10.2 Calling up O 2 Controller Text Messages Switch display to O 2 trim 6.11 Commissioning 6.11.1 Setting the Correction Range and the Correction Mode The correction value (control signal) transmitted to the electronic compound i…

[Page 45] Lamtec ETAMATIC

44 6 O2-Control Fig. 6-2 Correction to the setpoint NOTICE! When switching on any O 2 correction you must ensure, that the combustion boundary values are maintained even with the maximum possible correction (100%). For details see chapter 6.11.6 …

[Page 46] Lamtec ETAMATIC

45 6 O2-Control 6.11.5 Calling up the Set Correction Mode Take the correction into account during later programming. The correction actuator must be able to operate without the ETAMATIC reaching the end-stop (0 or 999 or limit stop values). If the …

[Page 47] Lamtec ETAMATIC

46 6 O2-Control 6.11.7 O 2 curve input Enter password (see chapter 5.1.2 Password Entry). NOTICE! O 2 set-points can only be saved to the programmed load points. If load points are skipped, a linear interpolation is applied in between. Changing O…

[Page 48] Lamtec ETAMATIC

47 6 O2-Control Key 7  more O 2  Key 6  less O 2   You should choose the setting of parameters 898 and 899 in that way, that the next setpoint value / actual value comparison (control pulse) only takes place if the actual O 2 …

[Page 49] Lamtec ETAMATIC

48 6 O2-Control NOTICE! The neutral value is obtained from the selected correction mode: +50%/-50%  neutral value 500 = 50% correction mode +60%/-40%  neutral value 600 = 60% The following approximate overall picture results …

[Page 50] Lamtec ETAMATIC

49 6 O2-Control No FMS ETA Short Text Description Min Max Default 900 0 0 O2 TZ — Dead time reduction for O 2 controlled system at full load 0 5 3 Reduces dead time at the burner’s high firing-rate. With this parameter, you can adjust the dead t…

[Page 51] Lamtec ETAMATIC

50 6 O2-Control 6.12 Calling up Running Time Meter The total of running times for curve set 1and curve set 2 do not necessarily add up to the dis- played total running time. NOTICE! The total counter refers to the ETAMATIC ‘s running time. It s…

[Page 52] Lamtec ETAMATIC

51 6 O2-Control 6.14 Re-enter Range Limits If you change the limit switches after the programming, you must determine the range limits again. Enter password (see chapter 5.1.2 Password Entry). Since no point has been entered, the old curve is re-ac…

[Page 53] Lamtec ETAMATIC

52 7 Internal Burner Firing-rate Controller 7 Internal Burner Firing-rate Controller 7.1 Purpose The internal power control unit allows the inserted burner firing-rate position to be continually determined for a specified set-point value (e.g. as …

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53 7 Internal Burner Firing-rate Controller WARNING! If you change the setpoint, regard that also the on and off switchpoints are shifted, because they are defined as a difference value to the setpoint 7.6 Input Signals The analogue inputs can be …

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54 7 Internal Burner Firing-rate Controller 7.9 Control by Atmospheric Condition If the burner firing-rate controller is configured as «controlled by atmospheric conditions» the setpoint value can be shifted between the parameterised set…

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55 7 Internal Burner Firing-rate Controller 7.11 Start-up Sequence The firing-rate controller has a startup circuit, in order to slow down the burner’s start firing- rate. The startup circuit is run during each new burner start. The internal f…

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56 7 Internal Burner Firing-rate Controller Fig. 7-2 Startup sequence 7.12 Thermostat and Control Range The thermostat function switches the burner on and off on the basis of the temperature and/ or pressure value, but only when burner is released …

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57 7 Internal Burner Firing-rate Controller NOTICE! This function can replace the control thermostat, which is required on the plant. It does not replace a safety thermostat. No FMS ETA Short Text Description Min Max Default 802 0 0 EinschPt Burner…

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58 7 Internal Burner Firing-rate Controller 7.13 Manual Control You also may switch the ETAMATIC to «Manual Control» with the terminals. By short-circuiting the PT 100 signal (e.g. switch on terminal 19 and 20) the load control unit is s…

[Page 60] Lamtec ETAMATIC

59 7 Internal Burner Firing-rate Controller 7.16 Control Range The control range lies around the setpoint. The content of the «Burner on» parameter is sub- tracted from the setpoint value to form the switch-on value. The value of the &quo…

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60 8 Control Mode 8 Control Mode The firing-rate controller endeavours to bring the actual value into line with the setpoint value. In so doing, a direct correlation is assumed between the internal firing-rate and the boiler tem- perature, i.e. th…

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61 8 Control Mode 8.1 Aides for Setting Fig. 8-1 controller operation with P-term too high Fig. 8-2 controller operation with I-term too high Characteristic Control Process Control Mode Start-up Procedure P term higher decrease of  attenuation st…

[Page 63] Lamtec ETAMATIC

62 8 Control Mode Fig. 8-3 controller operation with D-term too high Characteristic Control Process Control Mode Start-up Procedure D term higher decrease of atten- uation stronger reaction slower start-up, earlier decrease of power D term smalle…

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63 8 Control Mode 8.2 Leakage test The leakage test checks whether the main gas valves are leak-tight. The supply gas pressure is used for this purpose. Since the leakage test line (space between the two main valves) burns empty in the event of a …

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64 8 Control Mode 8.2.1 Leakage test flow chart Fig. 8-4 Flow chart leakage test

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65 8 Control Mode 8.2.2 Calculation example An (approximate) formula for calculating the leakage test monitoring facility is summarised be- low: That is, for a maximum gas flow rate of 50 m3/h the formula is: Insert the numerical value in mbar for …

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66 8 Control Mode 8.2.3 Standby Standby mode In this mode the ETAMATIC enables a switchback to ignition burner mode. The burner re- starts without pre-ventilation. You can activate „standby mode“, if the internal firing-rate controller is activ…

[Page 68] Lamtec ETAMATIC

67 8 Control Mode Specification of the burner sequencer function «Standby Mode» Fig. 8-6 Sequence at oil operation The sequencer is now in stand-by mode with active ignition flame. Ignition position acknowl- edgement must apply all the tim…

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68 8 Control Mode Switching in standby via LSB module Fig. 8-7 Switching in Standby mode via LSB module

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69 9 Appendix 9 Appendix 9.1 Mode Abbreviations Used Display is set to actual value / status Short text Description BE → «Ready» (signal on terminal 58) ZÜ → «Ignition position» or ignition EZ → «Setting/Ignition posi…

[Page 71] Lamtec ETAMATIC

70 9 Appendix 9.2 Flame Monitoring 9.2.1 Integral flame monitoring (option) Purpose The integral flame monitoring system is primarily used for standard applications (e.g. oil or gas flames at a burner in a combustion chamber) because of it’s limi…

[Page 72] Lamtec ETAMATIC

71 9 Appendix Setting of the sensitivity of the flame scanner FFS 06 and FFS 05 (IR,UV) Adjust sensitivity with switch S1 and S2. You will find the switches after opening the scanner’s housing. WARNING! Do not open FFS 06 UV! Fig. 9-1 FFS 05 Adju…

[Page 73] Lamtec ETAMATIC

72 9 Appendix 9.2.3 Optical flame sensors Switching to Display the Flame Intensity FFS 05, FFS 05 UV, FFS 06, FFS 06 UV (with following sub-types; FFS05, FFS05 UV de- signed for ex-zone 1 or ex-zone 2 as well) The sensor’s circuit components ar…

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73 9 Appendix nal) or temporary extraneous light may occur. In this cases the following may help beside the fault clearance of the protected earth. – a disconnection of the flame sensor shielding from the protective earth terminal at the ETAMATI…

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74 9 Appendix 9.4 Error Codes A * means, that a reset is valid in this error. A blinking error LED signalises, that the system will be restarted within a short time.  A ** means, the system tries to restart without a limit. Fault Code: TRD P4…

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75 9 Appendix Fault Code: TRD P425=0 P836>1 EN676 P425=2 P836>1 Description 21.1.11 S143 0 0 Potentiometer faulty, feedback changing too quickly: channel 3 S144 0 0 Potentiometer faulty, feedback changing too quickly: channel 4 S145 0 …

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76 9 Appendix Fault Code: TRD P425=0 P836>1 EN676 P425=2 P836>1 Description 21.1.11 S232 >88 3 Compound blocked: channel 2 S233 >88 3 Compound blocked: channel 3 S234 >88 3 Compound blocked: channel 4 S235 >88 3 Compound bl…

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77 9 Appendix Fault Code: TRD P425=0 P836>1 EN676 P425=2 P836>1 Description 21.1.11 S506 0 0 Internal comparison: relay out terminal 36 (ETAMATIC K202) not picking up. S507 0 0 Internal comparison: relay out terminal 41 not picking up….

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78 9 Appendix Fault Code: TRD P425=0 P836>1 EN676 P425=2 P836>1 Description 21.1.11 S611 >88 3 Gas pressure too low S612 1 0 Gas pressure too high. S613 0 0 Air pressure signal missing. S614 1 1 F.A. safety interl. chain gets OFF S6…

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79 9 Appendix Fault Code: TRD P425=0 P836>1 EN676 P425=2 P836>1 Description 21.1.11 S734 0 0 Pre-ventilating time not complied with S735 0 0 Fuel safety chain missing S736 0 0 Leak check: both gas valves open S737 0 0 Leak check: main …

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80 9 Appendix Fault Code: TRD P425=0 P836>1 EN676 P425=2 P836>1 Description 21.1.11 S912 1 1 Error in reference, channel: 2 S913 1 1 Error in reference, channel: 3 S914 1 1 Error in reference, channel: 4 S915 1 1 Error in reference, ch…

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81 9 Appendix 9.5 Aides A13 Fault 105 During the check of the redundant curves an error was identified. If data were provided via PC interface:  Enter curve data again for the corresponding curve set if this is not possible: select appropri…

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82 9 Appendix in the case of fault 904, 911 915, in particular, check the corresponding reference, In the un- loaded condition (terminal open) it is 2.4 V. With potentiometer connected somewhat lower, depending on the resistance of the potentiomete…

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83 9 Appendix B4 Fault 171…175, 181…185 Although the control element is in the monitoring band it does not reach the dead band. Increase pulse length for the channel (P 730 to P 734) or limit switch is too close to the p…

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84 9 Appendix E13 Fault 141…145 Only with three-point step control output. The feedback values vary more rapidly than the maximum specified in the parameter section Check potentiometers for short-circuits otherwise Change potentiometers E14 Te…

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85 9 Appendix H1 Fault 600 The control unit has locked up Call-up running text and follow it’s instructions Check wiring and extend signal transmitters e.g. – safety interlock chain boiler – safety interlock chain gas – air pressure mo…

[Page 87] Lamtec ETAMATIC

86 9 Appendix I2 Fault 602 The pressure in the leakage test line doesn’t build up or the pressure is not maintained for long enough. Main gas valve 2 (burner side) leaking – check valve Main gas valve 1 (gas line side) does not open (or vent…

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87 9 Appendix 9.6 Calling Up the Condition of the Digital Inputs Significance of ETAMATIC digital input display press keys 16 and 17 to switch to the digital inputs  = signal is active ¾ = signal is inactive * = only with ETAMATIC without front …

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88 9 Appendix 9.7 Tips and Tricks Oil pressure does not build up in time.  Extending the transformer pre-energise time (P 782) starts the pump sooner. 9.7.1 Set pilot burner Setting the «Service mode» parameter (P 787) causes the ETAMAT…

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89 9 Appendix 9.8 Process Sequence Charts Fig. 9-3 Process sequence chart: gas with pilot burner

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90 9 Appendix Fig. 9-4 Process sequence chart oil with pilot burner

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91 9 Appendix Fig. 9-5 Process sequence chart: gas without pilot burner

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92 9 Appendix Fig. 9-6 Process sequence chart: oil without pilot burner

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93 9 Appendix Key to process sequence charts Any condition t1 Wait for gas safety interlock circuit air pressure moni- tor min. scan any t2 Time for pressure build-up in the gas test line (only with leakage test activated) 2 sec. t3 Servo drive run…

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94 9 Appendix Footnote to the process sequence chart ETAMATIC (1) Flame intensity to adjust the flame sensor (not connected during operation) (2) Sensor cable shielded separately (3) Alternatively you may connect the ground to terminal 44 instead of…

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95 9 Appendix WARNING! P 762 = 0  terminal 46 has no function (ETAMATIC OEM and Burner Control FA1! P 17 = 3 (FA1 special)  terminal 46 is set to «ignition position acknowledgement! «Oil pressure > min» / «atomiser …

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96 9 Appendix No FMS ETA Short Text Description Min Max Default 765 3 4 Irr. Öl Irrelevance time of safety interlock chain oil when ignit- ing on fuel oil in seconds 0100 Irrelevance time while igniting (longer tolerance) for safety interlock chai…

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97 9 Appendix 9.9 Connection Diagrams Fig. 9-7 ETAMATIC wiring diagram with ignition flame monitoring

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98 9 Appendix Fig. 9-8 ETAMATIC S wiring diagram with ignition flame monitoring

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99 9 Appendix 9.10 Connection Examples Regular Firing Rate Input Connection examples load default Where current is used as firing-rate default signal instead of a potentiometer: f.ex. active steam pressure regulator * Where a three-point step si…

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