Sena 50s инструкция на русском языке

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Sena 50S User Manual

  • Contents

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Motorcycle Bluetooth


coMMunication SySteM

with MeSh intercoM™


Version 1.0.1



Related Manuals for Sena 50S

Summary of Contents for Sena 50S

  • Page 1
    SENA Motorcycle Bluetooth ® coMMunication SySteM with MeSh intercoM™ USER’S GUIDE Version 1.0.1 ENGLISH…
  • Page 2
    LEGEND: Press and hold button/Jog button/Jog Dial the HOLD Dial for the specified amount specified number of times of time rotate Jog Dial clockwise (right) or ROTATE ROTATE ROTATE counterclockwise (left). rotate while Pressing Jog Dial clockwise (right) or ROTATE ROTATE ROTATE counterclockwise (left).
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    3.3 Powering On and Off 3.4 Charging 3.5 Checking the Battery Level 3.6 Volume Adjustment PAiring THE HEAdSET wiTH OTHEr BlUETOOTH dEvicES 4.1 Phone Pairing 4.1.1 Pairing When the 50S is Turned Off 4.1.2 Pairing When the 50S is Turned On…

  • Page 4
    TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED 4.2 Second Mobile Phone Pairing — Second Mobile Phone, GPS, and SR10 4.3 Advanced Selective Pairing: Hands-Free or A2DP Stereo 4.3.1 Phone Selective Pairing — Hands-Free Profile 4.3.2 Media Selective Pairing — A2DP Profile 4.4 GPS Pairing MOBilE PHOnE USAgE 5.1 Making and Answering Calls 5.2 Siri and Google Assistant…
  • Page 5
    TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED 7.6 Toggling Open Mesh/Group Mesh 7.7 Enable/Disable Mic (Default: Enable) BlUETOOTH inTErcOM 8.1 Intercom Pairing 8.2 Two-Way Intercom 8.3 Multi-Way Intercom 8.3.1 Starting a Three-Way Intercom Conference 8.3.2 Starting a Four-Way Intercom Conference 8.3.3 Ending Multi-Way Intercom 8.4 Three-Way Conference Phone Call with Intercom Users 8.5 Group Intercom…
  • Page 6
    TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED 12. FUncTiOn PriOriTy And FirMwArE UPgrAdES 12.1 Function Priority 12.2 Firmware Upgrades 13. cOnFigUrATiOn SETTing 13.1 Headset Configuration Setting 13.1.1 Delete All Pairings 13.1.2 Remote Control Pairing 13.2 Software Configuration Setting 13.2.1 Speed Dial 13.2.2 Channel Setting (Default: channel 1) 13.2.3 Unit Language 13.2.4…
  • Page 7: About The Motorcycle Bluetooth Communication System With Mesh Intercom

    Mesh Intercom Antenna Bluetooth Antenna Phone Button Jog Dial DC Power Charging & Firmware Upgrade Port 1.1.2 Universal Clamp Kit Earbud Port Static Boom Microphone Quick Release Button MP3 Port Speakers Ambient Mode Button 50S Motorcycle Bluetooth Communication System | 7…

  • Page 8: Package Contents

    Hook and Loop Speaker Pads Fasteners for Microphone Fastener for Speakers Holder Holder 2.5 to 3.5 mm Speaker Rubber Pads Allen wrench Audio Cable Port Cover USB Power & Data Cable wiFi Adapter (USB-C) 50S Motorcycle Bluetooth Communication System | 8…

  • Page 9: Installing The Headset On Your Helmet

    2. Place the helmet speakers along with the hook and loop fasteners, centered to your ear, in the ear pockets of the helmet. If the helmet has deep ear pockets, you can use the speaker pads to place the speakers closer to your ears. 50S Motorcycle Bluetooth Communication System | 9…

  • Page 10: Using The Glued Surface Mounting Adapter

    If you have any problem equipping the clamp unit on the helmet for any reason, you may use the glued surface mounting adapter to attach the clamp unit on the external surface of the helmet. 1. Remove the speaker unit. 50S Motorcycle Bluetooth Communication System | 10…

  • Page 11
    7. Peel off the cover of the adhesive tape of the adapter and attach the unit on the proper surface of your helmet. Caution: Sena recommends using the clamp unit. The glued surface mounting plate is provided for convenience, but is not the recommended mounting method.
  • Page 12: Switching The Microphone

    The boom microphone should be mounted so it is facing close to your mouth when you wear the helmet. 50S Motorcycle Bluetooth Communication System | 12…

  • Page 13: Wired Microphone

    The sound of the earbuds will be active while the sound of the outer speakers becomes inactive. earbud Port 2.5 External Mesh Intercom Antenna Pull the Mesh Intercom Antenna outwards slightly to unfold it. 50S Motorcycle Bluetooth Communication System | 13…

  • Page 14: Getting Started

    3.2 Downloadable Sena Software 3.2.1 Sena 50 Utility App By simply pairing your phone with your headset, you can use the Sena 50 Utility App for quicker and easier set up and management. • App Features: Mesh Intercom, Bluetooth Intercom, Music, Device settings, Quick Start Guide, and User’s Guide.

  • Page 15: Sena Device Manager

    3.5 hours of Mesh communication or 6 hours of Bluetooth intercom after charging the headset for 20 minutes. • Any 3rd party USB charger can be used with Sena products if the charger is approved by either the FCC, CE, IC or other locally approved agencies that Sena accepts.

  • Page 16: Checking The Battery Level

    You can raise or lower the volume by rotating the Jog Dial clockwise or counterclockwise. Volume is set and maintained independently at different levels for each audio source (i.e., phone, intercom), even when the headset is rebooted. Volume Up Volume Down ROTATE ROTATE 50S Motorcycle Bluetooth Communication System | 16…

  • Page 17: Pairing The Headset With Other Bluetooth Devices

    GPS, MP3 player or Sena SR10 Two-Way Radio Adapter via Mobile Phone Pairing, Second Mobile Phone Pairing and GPS Pairing. The headset can also be paired with up to three other Sena headsets. Pairs with up to Three Sena Headsets…

  • Page 18: Pairing When The 50S Is Turned On

    3. If your mobile phone asks for a PIN, enter 0000. nuMBeR 4.1.2 Pairing When the 50S is Turned On 1. Press and hold the Phone Button for 5 seconds when the 50S is on. Phone Pairing HOLD “Phone Pairing”…

  • Page 19: Second Mobile Phone Pairing — Second Mobile Phone, Gps, And Sr10

    “Second mobile phone pairing” = Blue flashing light indicates device is now discoverable. 2. With your mobile phone in Bluetooth-pairing mode, select Sena 50S in the list of devices detected. 3. If your mobile phone asks for a PIN, enter 0000.

  • Page 20: Phone Selective Pairing — Hands-Free Profile

    “Phone selective pairing” = Blue flashing light indicates device is now discoverable. 2. With your mobile phone in Bluetooth-pairing mode, select Sena 50S in the list of devices detected. 3. If your mobile phone asks for a PIN, enter 0000.

  • Page 21: Gps Pairing

    = Green flashing lights indicates device is now discoverable. 2. With your Bluetooth device on the GPS navigation screen, select Sena 50S in the list of devices detected. 3. If your Bluetooth device asks for a PIN, enter 0000. nuMBeR…

  • Page 22: Mobile Phone Usage

    5.2 Siri and Google Assistant The 50S supports the Siri and Google Assistant access directly. You can activate the Siri or Google Assistant using the voice through the headset’s microphone, a wake word will be used. This is a word or groups of words such as “Hey Siri“…

  • Page 23: Speed Dialing

    5.3 Speed Dialing 5.3.1 Assigning Speed Dial Presets Speed Dial Presets could be assigned in the settings menu, accessible through Sena Device Manager or Sena 50 Utility App. 5.3.2 Using Speed Dial Presets 1. Enter into the Speed Dial menu.

  • Page 24: Stereo Music

    3.5 mm audio cable into the AUX ports, both on the headset and on your device. To adjust the volume, rotate the Jog Dial clockwise or counterclockwise. You can also adjust the volume directly on the connected device. 50S Motorcycle Bluetooth Communication System | 24…

  • Page 25: Music Sharing

    Bluetooth Intercom Music Sharing HOLD “Music sharing on” Mesh Intercom Music Sharing [Creator] [Participant] HOLD “Would you like to accept music sharing?” “Music sharing on” HOLD 50S Motorcycle Bluetooth Communication System | 25…

  • Page 26: Mesh Intercom

    The working distance between each 50S in Mesh Intercom can be up to 2 km (1.2 miles) in open terrain. In open terrain, the Mesh can be extended up to 8 km (5 miles) between a minimum of six users. Within the same channel in Open Mesh™…

  • Page 27: Open Mesh

    Open Mesh channel and select which channel (1-9) to use through the headset. It can connect with a virtually unlimited number of users in each channel. Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 9 50S Motorcycle Bluetooth Communication System | 27…

  • Page 28: Group Mesh

    Group Mesh 7.2 Starting Mesh Intercom When Mesh Intercom is enabled, the 50S will automatically connect to nearby 50S users and allow them to talk to each other by pressing the Mesh Intercom Button. Mesh Intercom On Mesh Intercom Off “Mesh intercom on”…

  • Page 29: Channel Setting (Default: Channel 1)

    You can select from channels 1 to 9. Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 9 Enter into the Channel Setting “Channel setting, 1” Navigate Between Channels ••• Exit •••) ROTATE ROTATE “#” Save the Channel “Channel is set, channel #” 50S Motorcycle Bluetooth Communication System | 29…

  • Page 30: Using Mesh In Group Mesh

    • If you want to cancel during Channel Setting, tap the Phone Button. • The channel will be remembered even if you turn off the 50S. 7.4 Using Mesh in Group Mesh 7.4.1 Creating a Group Mesh Creating a Group Mesh requires two or more Open Mesh users.

  • Page 31: Joining An Existing Group Mesh

    7.4.2 Joining an Existing Group Mesh One of the members in an Existing Group Mesh can allow new members in Open Mesh to join the Existing Group Mesh. Existing Group Mesh New Members and Current Members 50S Motorcycle Bluetooth Communication System | 31…

  • Page 32
    “Group Mesh” Note: If the Mesh Grouping is not completed within 30 seconds, the current members will hear a low tone double beep and the new member will hear a voice prompt, “Grouping failed”. 50S Motorcycle Bluetooth Communication System | 32…
  • Page 33: Reset Mesh

    Open Mesh and Group Mesh. You will hear a voice prompt, “No Group Available”. 7.7 Enable/Disable Mic (Default: Enable) Users can enable/disable the microphone when communicating in a Mesh Intercom. Enable/Disable the Microphone HOLD 50S Motorcycle Bluetooth Communication System | 33…

  • Page 34: Bluetooth Intercom

    Pairing Headset A with Headset B HOLD “Intercom pairing” = Red flashing light indicates device is now discoverable. The 50S will automatically pair with a Sena headset. = Flashing blue LED confirms intercoms are paired. 50S Motorcycle Bluetooth Communication System | 34…

  • Page 35: Two-Way Intercom

    1. Tap once for Intercom Friend 1. Start/End with Intercom Friend 1 2. Tap twice for Intercom Friend 2. Start/End with Intercom Friend 2 3. Tap three times for Intercom Friend 3. Start/End with Intercom Friend 3 50S Motorcycle Bluetooth Communication System | 35…

  • Page 36: Multi-Way Intercom

    For example, you (A) may start an intercom conversation with the Intercom Friend (B). Or, Intercom Friend (B) may start an intercom call with you (A). Starting an Intercom Conversation with Intercom Friend B Intercom Friend B Intercom Friend C 50S Motorcycle Bluetooth Communication System | 36…

  • Page 37: Starting A Four-Way Intercom Conference

    With three Intercom Friends connected, a new participant (D) can make it a Four-Way Intercom Conference by making an intercom call to either (B) or (C). Starting a Four-Way Intercom Intercom Friend C Intercom Intercom Friend B Friend C 50S Motorcycle Bluetooth Communication System | 37…

  • Page 38: Ending Multi-Way Intercom

    Intercom Friends to the conversation. Invite an Intercom Friend into Phone Conference 2. To disconnect the intercom during a conference phone call, tap the Jog Dial once, twice or three times. Disconnect Intercom Friend from Conference 50S Motorcycle Bluetooth Communication System | 38…

  • Page 39: Group Intercom

    “Group intercom”. Start Group Intercom HOLD “Group intercom” 3. When all of the headsets are connected together, everyone will hear a voice prompt, “Group intercom connected.” “Group intercom connected” = Green LED Flashing 50S Motorcycle Bluetooth Communication System | 39…

  • Page 40: Mesh Intercom Conference With Bluetooth Intercom Participant

    In this case, it is recommended to communicate with other Sena headsets via Bluetooth intercom connection and use Mesh Intercom between 50S headsets. A user who is in Open Mesh or Group Mesh when using Mesh Intercom is able to include up to 3 of their Bluetooth intercom friends.

  • Page 41
    8 BLUETOOTH INTERCOM Note: • The audio quality will be reduced if a 50S connects to 2 or more Bluetooth intercom friends while in Open Mesh or Group Mesh when using Mesh Intercom. • If a closed loop is created, as shown below, each user will experience severe noise issues.
  • Page 42: Universal Intercom

    The intercom distance depends on the performance of the Bluetooth headset to which it is connected. When a non-Sena Bluetooth headset is paired with the Sena headset, if another Bluetooth device is paired via Second Mobile Phone Pairing, it will be disconnected.

  • Page 43: Mesh Intercom Conference With Two-Way Universal Intercom Participant

    Headset Non-Sena Non-Sena Headset Headset Note: Some non-Sena headsets may not support Multi-Way Universal Intercom. 8.8 Mesh Intercom Conference with Two-way Universal Intercom Participant Users can use the existing Two-way Universal Intercom and Mesh Intercom function at the same time. In this case, it is recommended to communicate with non-Sena headset via Two-way Universal Intercom connection and use Mesh Intercom between 50S headsets.

  • Page 44: Using The Fm Radio

    Seek Stations Backward ROTATE ROTATE 2. Save the current station. Enter Preset Selection Mode HOLD “Preset (#)” 3. Navigate through the preset numbers that you want to store. Navigate Forward/Backward Through Preset Stations ROTATE ROTATE 50S Motorcycle Bluetooth Communication System | 44…

  • Page 45: Scan And Save Radio Stations

    1. Scan for stations. Start Scanning 2. The Sena tuner pauses at each station it finds for 8 seconds before moving to the next. 3. Save the current station. The station will be saved as the next preset number.

  • Page 46: Temporary Station Preset

    Using the methods above, up to 10 radio stations can be stored. You can navigate through the saved stations. Navigate through Preset Stations Note: You can use the Sena Device Manager or the Sena 50 Utility App to save the preset stations. 9.6 Region Selection You can select the proper FM frequency range for your location from the Sena Device Manager or the Sena 50 Utility App.

  • Page 47: Ambient Mode

    Ambient Mode. Start/Stop Ambient Mode Note: The Ambient Mode has higher priority than mobile phone, so you cannot listen to music, or have an intercom conversation if the Ambient Mode is activated. 50S Motorcycle Bluetooth Communication System | 47…

  • Page 48: Voice Command

    End the Bluetooth intercom “Hey Sena, End intercom” and Mesh intercom Standby/ Bluetooth Play Music “Hey Sena, Play Music” Intercom/Mesh Intercom Standby/ Intercom/Mesh Turn on FM radio ”Hey Sena, FM Radio On” Intercom/Music 50S Motorcycle Bluetooth Communication System | 48…

  • Page 49
    Note: • You can set a language to another language by using the Unit Language feature on the Sena 50 Utility App. • If you set a language that does not support voice commands, the voice command will works only with English commands.
  • Page 50: Function Priority And Firmware Upgrades

    12.2 Firmware Upgrades The headset supports firmware upgrades. You can upgrade the firmware using the Sena Device Manager. Please visit to check for the latest software downloads. Click Here to Visit 50S Motorcycle Bluetooth Communication System | 50…

  • Page 51: Configuration Setting

    Navigate Between Menu Options HOLD ROTATE ROTATE Execute Menu Options Headset Configuration Menu Voice Configuration Menu Tap the Phone Button Delete All Pairings Execute Remote Control Pairing Execute Universal Intercom Pairing Execute Exit Execute 50S Motorcycle Bluetooth Communication System | 51…

  • Page 52: Delete All Pairings

    Remote Control device in pairing mode. 13.2 Software Configuration Setting You can change the settings of the headset through the Sena Device Manager or the Sena 50 Utility App. 13.2.1 Speed Dial Assign phone numbers for speed dialing to make a phone call quickly.

  • Page 53
    13.2.7 VOX Sensitivity (Default: 3) VOX sensitivity can be adjusted depending on your riding environment. Level 5 is the highest sensitivity setting and level 1 is the lowest. 50S Motorcycle Bluetooth Communication System | 53…
  • Page 54: (Default: Disabled)

    The music, FM radio and GPS overlaid audio reduces in volume whenever there is an ongoing intercom conversation. If Audio Overlay Volume Management is enabled, the volume level of the overlaid audio will not be reduced during an intercom conversation. 50S Motorcycle Bluetooth Communication System | 54…

  • Page 55: Hd Intercom (Default: Enable)

    Sidetone is audible feedback of your own voice. It helps you to naturally speak at the correct level according to varying helmet noise conditions. If this feature is enabled, you can hear what you are speaking during an intercom conversation or a phone call. 50S Motorcycle Bluetooth Communication System | 55…

  • Page 56: Voice Prompt (Default: Enable)

    13.2.18 Advanced Noise Control™ (Default: Enable) When Advanced Noise Control is enabled, the background noise is reduced during an intercom conversation. When it is disabled, the background noise is mixed with your voice during intercom. 50S Motorcycle Bluetooth Communication System | 56…

  • Page 57: Troubleshooting

    14. TROUBLESHOOTING Please visit for answers to frequently asked questions. This detailed online FAQ section deals with troubleshooting, illustrates case studies and contains tips on using the headset. Click Here to Visit 14.1 Fault Reset When the headset is not working properly, you can easily reset the unit: 1.

  • Page 58: Factory Reset

    Note: If you press the Phone Button or do not press the Jog Dial within 5 seconds, the reset attempt is canceled and the headset returns to standby mode. You will hear a voice prompt saying “Canceled”. 50S Motorcycle Bluetooth Communication System | 58…

  • Page 59
    ® Hero3 and Hero4 allowing for Bluetooth capabilities. The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by the ® Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Sena is under license. iPhone and iPod touch are registered ®…

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Посмотреть инструкция для Sena 50S бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории Гарнитуры, 12 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 8.4. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Sena 50S или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

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Можно ли с помощью Гарнитура совершать звонки без использования рук?

Что такое шумоподавление?

Когда звук считается слишком громким?

Какие сертификаты Sena 50S имеет?

Инструкция Sena 50S доступно в русский?

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SENA 50S новая гарнитура с ультра современным дизайном и двойным модулем связи.

Благодаря инновационной технологии Mesh интерком-подключение выполняется быстрее, чем когда-либо прежде. Достаточно нажать всего одну кнопку, и Sena 50S выполнит сканирование и подключится ко всем доступным Mesh 2.0 гарнитурам за считанные секунды.

Мотогарнитура Sena 50S — гарнитура в привлекательном дизайне в стиле Хай-Тек, с удобным многофункциональным поворотным переключателем, максимально упрощающим для райдера управление гарнитурой.

Самонастраивающаяся система Mesh интеркома позволяет не задумываться в каком порядке устройства сопряжены друг с другом. Система поддерживает связь с каждым участником интеркома. В случае, когда райдер оказывается вне зоны действия сети, система осуществляет поиск и автоматически восстанавливает соединение, как только он вернется в пределы радиуса работы интеркома, не нарушая связь между остальными райдерами.

В общем режиме 50S позволяет подключиться практически к неограниченному числу пользователей Mesh интеркома на 9 каналах в радиусе до двух километров. В частном режиме создатель группы может пригласить до 24 участников в закрытую группу, с возможностью построить цепочку до восьми километров.

Для настройки гарнитуры 50S доступно мобильное приложение для смартфонов на базе iPhone и Android.

Ключевые характеристики:

  • Двойной модуль связи Mesh 2.0 и Bluetooth 5, для каждого модуля своя антенна и процессор;
  • Голосовые подсказки и команды на русском языке;
  • Расстояние работы Mesh интеркома до 2 км на открытой местности с возможностью построить сеть до 8 км.
    В общем режиме: 9 каналов и неограниченное число пользователей на каждом из каналов, в закрытом режиме: 24 райдера
  • Автоматическое переподключение райдера ранее вышедшего из зоны действия Mesh интеркома;
  • Bluetooth интерком до 4-х райдеров на расстоянии до 2 км на открытой местности;
  • Универсальный и групповой интерком;
  • Удобное и современное приложение для смартфонов на базе iPhone и Android;
  • Функция совместного прослушивания музыки через Mesh и Bluetooth интерком;
  • Продвинутая система шумоподавления;
  • Удобное управление с помощью поворотного переключателя;
  • Встроенное FM-радио, сканирование и сохранение станций;
  • Одновременное прослушивание нескольких источников и применение нескольких функций;
  • Опционально Bluetooth дистанционное управление на руль;
  • Кристально чистое и качественное звучание от HARMAN/KARDON;
  • Время работы в режиме Bluetooth интеркома до 14 часов, Mesh интеркома — до 9 часов (Время работы гарнитуры может сокращаться при низких отрицательных температурах). Время полной зарядки 1 час;
  • Быстрая зарядка: 20 минут зарядки хватает работы гарнитуры до 3,5 часов в режиме Mesh интеркома и до 6 часов в режиме Bluetooth интеркома.

7 лет отЪездил с гарнитурой СЕНА, пора было менять. Выбрал для себя и товарища, модель 50S DUAL с премиальными наушниками и микрофоном. Звук, действительно, потрясающий. Для второго своего шлема , потом закажу установочную площадку, чтобы можно было переставлять гарнитуру со шлема на шлем. Спасибо за бесплетную доставку в наш город и подарки.

Покупала мужу в подарок мотогарнитуру на день рождения. Менеджер Сергей рассказал о всех тонкостях, в итоге купила SENA 50S. Муж доволен. Спасибо.

Многие задают вопрос как обновить прошивку до русской версии у популярных гарнитур SENA SRL-2, 50s и прочих. Мы решили опубликовать статью на эту тему. Статья носит исключительно информационный характер. Описанные далее в статье прошивки — официальные, никаких колхозов и взломов. 

На момент написания статьи, актуальны следующие гарнитуры: — 50S, 50R, 20S, 30K, 33i, SRL, SRL2, Momentum, Momentum Pro, Momentum INC, Momentum INC Pro, Momentum EVO, LSE-01, SF Series, Tufftalk Lite, Tufftalk M, R1, R1 EVO, R1 EVO CS, R2, R2 EVO, ProRide, ProRide 2, ProRide EVO, Econo, +Mesh, MeshPort Blue/Red, 5S, OUTSTAR, OUTRUSH, OUTRUSH R, 3S PLUS, 3S PLUS-ZILL, Snowtalk2, Latitude S1, M1, M1 EVO, Rumba, pi, SPIDER RT1/ST1 — 50S, 50R, 20S, 30K, 33i, SRL, SRL2, Momentum, Momentum Pro, Momentum INC,
Momentum INC Pro, Momentum EVO, LSE-01, SF Series, Tufftalk Lite, Tufftalk M,
R1, R1 EVO, R1 EVO CS, R2, R2 EVO, ProRide, ProRide 2, ProRide EVO, Econo,
+Mesh, MeshPort Blue/Red, 5S, OUTSTAR, OUTRUSH, OUTRUSH R, 3S PLUS,
3S PLUS-ZILL, Snowtalk2, Latitude S1, M1, M1 EVO, Rumba, pi, SPIDER RT1/ST1.

Обновление прошивок происходит только через программу, которая устанавливается на ПК. Она скачивается с официального сайта для гарнитур Sena и SHOEI: ссылка и гарнитур Schuberth: ссылка.

Рассмотрим подробнее на примере обновления прошивки для гарнитуры SHOEI SRL2

После скачивания и установки программы, запускаем и переключаем интерфейс на русский язык

Жмем «далее». На следующей вкладке Sena позаботились расписать порядок действий для каждой гарнитуры.

Не торопитесь жать кнопки, прочтите что нужно сделать, чтобы правильно обновить прошивку именно вашей гарнитуры. Для SRL2 не нужно дополнительных манипуляций, а вот для 10 серии сперва нужно зажать «-» на 5 сек. Итак, наша SRL2 должна быть выключена, после чего подключаем ее через USB к компьютеру и жмем «далее»

Программа сама покажет вашу текущую прошивку и последнюю. В появившемся окошке выбираем «Русский» (к сожалению, не для всех гарнитур он есть. К таким относятся гарнитуры для Schuberth). Жмем «Да».

Затем программа предложит ее сохранить на жесткий диск, соглашаемся и обновление начнется автоматически.

Во время обновления ничего не трогаем, если программа это Вас не попросит (для некоторых гарнитур во время обновления нужно будет нажать «-» на самом устройстве).

После обновления вы увидите актуальную последнюю версию для вашего устройства. Далее включаем гарнитуру и наслаждаемся родной речью (если оно у вас ее поддерживает).

Если же у вас установлена самая последняя прошивка и вы хотите сменить язык, то на вкладке обновления выбираете нужный и жмете загрузить. Сохраняете файл, затем обновляете, как описано абзацем выше. 

Обращаем ваше внимание, что обновление прошивки для камер делается только со вставленной картой памяти.

Рекомендуем раз в 1-2 месяца проверять на наличие новых прошивок через приложение для ПК или смартфона. Все обновления делаются только через ПК, мобильное приложение лишь информирует о наличии возможности обновиться до новой версии. Всем удачи!

Вы можете приобрести у нас в магазине мотогарнитуры Sena, Shoei, Schuberth по самым выгодным ценам!


Quick start guide

A quick and easy to use guide for operating your device.


Quick start guide (WiFi Adapter)

A quick and easy to use guide for operating your device.


User guide

A complete guide on how to use all of the features of your device.


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