Стиральная машина Siemens WD 2100 (Wash & Dry 2100) — инструкция пользователя по применению, эксплуатации и установке на русском языке. Мы надеемся, она поможет вам решить возникшие у вас вопросы при эксплуатации техники.
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Page 1
Washing machine WM… siemens-home.bsh-group.com/welcome Register your product online ens-home.com/welcome… -
Page 2
Your new washing machine Display rules : Warning! You have chosen a Siemens washing machine. This combination of symbol and signal word indicates a possibly dangerous Please take a few minutes to read and situation. Not heeding the warning can become familiar with the advantages of cause death or injuries. -
Page 3: Table Of Contents
Contents e n I n s t r u c t i o n M a n u a l a n d I n s t a l l a t i o n I n s t r u c t i o n s Intended use.
Page 4: Intended Use
Intended use After-sales service ..24 Intended use Technical data ….24 For private domestic use only. ■ I n t e n d e d u s e The washing machine is suitable for ■…
Page 5: Safety Instructions
Safety instructions Reaching into the drum Safety instructions ■ when it is turning can cause injuries to hands. Electrical safety Do not reach into the drum S a f e t y i n s t r u c t i o n s when it is turning.
Page 6: Environmental Protection
Environmental protection Cut through the mains cable Environmental ■ and remove it, along with protection plug. Destroy the lock on the Packaging/used appliance ■ washing machine door. E n v i r o n m e n t a l p r o t e c t i o n Dispose of packaging in an Warning environmentally-responsible…
Page 7: Getting To Know The Appliance
Getting to know the appliance Getting to know the appliance Washing machine G e t t i n g t o k n o w t h e a p p l i a n c e ( Detergent drawer 9S Open the washing machine door 0 Control/display panel 9T Close the washing machine door…
Page 8: Control Panel
Getting to know the appliance Control panel You can find possible programme default settings and additional programme Note: settings in the overview; these differ depending on the model. ( Programme selector for selecting a @ Additional programme settings : Speed programme and switching the machine on and off Perfect (, Eco Perfect ¦, Anti-Crease, Water via the «Off»…
Page 9: Laundry
Laundry Soiling: ■ Laundry Wash laundry with the same level of soiling together. P repare the laundry Examples of levels of soiling: L a u n d r y – Light: Do not prewash; if Caution! necessary, select the additional Damage to the appliance/fabrics programme setting SpeedPerfect G.
Page 10: Starching
Detergent Starching Detergent Laundry should not be treated Note: C orrect selection of detergent with fabric softener. D e t e r g e n t The care label is crucial for selecting Liquid starch can be used to stiffen the correct detergent, temperature and fabrics particularly in the Rinse and treatment of the laundry.
Page 11: Saving Energy And Detergent
Programme default settings Saving energy and detergent Programme default For light and normal soiling, you can settings save energy (lower washing temperature) and detergent. You can find possible Note: P r o g r a m m e d e f a u l t s e t t i n g s programme default settings in the Saving Soiling/note…
Page 12: Additional Programme
Additional programme settings Press the Start button. Eco Perfect ¦ The set Ready in time is now active. The (¦ eco Perfect, Eco ü) selected programme starts automatically and ends after the Energy-optimised washing by reducing selected number of hours. the temperature while achieving After the programme has started, the washing result that is consistent with the…
Page 13: Operating The Appliance
Operating the appliance Change the programme Operating the default settings appliance You can change the programme default Preparing the washing settings: O p e r a t i n g t h e a p p l i a n c e machine To do this, repeatedly press the required button for the programme…
Page 14: Measure And Add Detergent And Care Products
Operating the appliance Make sure that no items of laundry Rinse eyes or skin thoroughly if they are trapped between the washing come into contact with detergent/care machine door and the rubber seal, products. and close the door. If swallowed accidentally, seek medical advice.
Page 15: Start The Programme
Operating the appliance Reinsert the drawer. Notes ²» lights up: The childproof lock is ■ active and the programme selector has been adjusted. To prevent the programme from stopping, turn the programme selector back to the original programme. The childproof lock remains active ■…
Page 16: Changing The Programme
Operating the appliance Changing the programme Removing laundry/switching off the appliance Press the Start button to pause the programme. Open the washing machine door Select a different programme. and remove the laundry. Press the Start button again. The Notes new programme starts from the –…
Page 17: Sensors
Sensors Sensors A utomatic load sensing S e n s o r s The automatic load sensing function adapts the water consumption ideally to each programme depending on the type of fabric and the load. Unbalanced load detection system The automatic unbalanced load detection system detects imbalances and ensures even distribution of the laundry by repeatedly starting and…
Page 18: Setting The Signal
Setting the signal Setting the signal S e t t i n g t h e s i g n a l 1. Set the button and information signals Set the programme selector to the «Off» position Press the button for Eco Perfect ¦, hold it down and then turn the dial one position to the right.
Page 19: Cleaning And Maintenance
Cleaning and maintenance be obtained via our website or from our Cleaning and after-sales service. maintenance Detergent drawer and housing Warning C l e a n i n g a n d m a i n t e n a n c e If the washing machine contains Danger of death! detergent or fabric softener residues:…
Page 20: The Drain Hose At The Siphon Is Blocked
Cleaning and maintenance Switch off the appliance and pull out impeller in the detergent solution the mains plug. pump must be able to rotate. Open and remove the service flap. Refit the pump cover and screw it on Fold out the water gutter in front of tightly.
Page 21: Filter In The Water Supply Blocked
Faults and what to do about them. Reattach the drainage hose and Faults and what to do secure the connection using the about them. hose clamp. Emergency release Filter in the water supply F a u l t s a n d w h a t t o d o a b o u t t h e m . blocked E.g.
Page 22: Information On The Display Panel
Faults and what to do about them. Information on the display panel Display Cause/remedial action The washing machine door is unlocked. It is possible to add laundry. Due to the high temperature in the drum, the washing machine door cannot ■…
Page 23
Faults and what to do about them. Faults Cause/remedy The water is not draining. $ Rinse stop = 2 without final rinse selected? ~ Page 11. ■ Clean the drain pump. ~ Page 19. ■ Clean the drain pipe and/or the drain hose. ■… -
Page 24: After-Sales Service
After-sales service Faults Cause/remedy YES appears in the dis- The door is unlocked. It is possible to add laundry. play panel in Pause mode. If you cannot correct a fault yourself (after switching on/off) or a repair is required: Set the programme selector to the «Off» position. The appliance is switched off. ■…
Page 25: Positioning And Connecting
Positioning and connecting Positioning and connecting Included with the appliance P o s i t i o n i n g a n d c o n n e c t i n g Check the machine for transport damage. Never use a damaged machine. If Note: you have any complaints, contact the dealer from whom you purchased the appliance or our after-sales service.
Page 26: Installation Surface
Positioning and connecting Installation on a platform with Caution! Damage to the appliance drawer Frozen hoses may rip/burst. Platform order no.: WMZ 20490, WZ Do not install the washing machine in 20490. areas exposed to frost or outdoors. Caution! Installing the appliance in a Water damage kitchenette The connection points for the water…
Page 27: Hose And Cable Lengths
Positioning and connecting To prevent transport damage from Hose and cable lengths ■ occurring if the appliance is moved at a later date, you must refit the Left-hand connection ■ transport locks before transporting the appliance. Keep the screws and sleeves in Note: a safe place.
Page 28
Positioning and connecting Observe the following when connecting Connection to the water pipes (¾» = the machine: 26.4 mm) Notes With a cold water connection, only ■ operate the washing machine using cold mains water. With a hot water connection, operate ■… -
Page 29: Water Outlet
Positioning and connecting Model: Aqua-Secure You can lay the water drain hose as ■ follows: Outlet in a sink ■ Warning Risk of scalding! When you are washing at high temperatures, there is a risk of scalding if you come into contact with hot detergent solution e.g.
Page 30: Levelling
Positioning and connecting Electrical connection Outlet into a plastic pipe with ■ rubber bushing or into a drainage Warning Danger of death! There is a risk of electric shock if you touch live components. Never touch or hold the mains plug ■…
Page 31: Before Washing For The First Time
Positioning and connecting Before washing for the first Drain the remaining detergent solution. time Maintenance – detergent solution pump blocked ~ Page 19 The washing machine was thoroughly Disconnect the washing machine tested before leaving the factory. In from the mains. order to remove any water which may Remove the hoses.
Page 32
01450 2655 (0.03 € per minute at peak. Off peak 0.0088 € per minute.) You can find the contact information for all countries in the attached after-sales service directory. BSH Hausgeräte GmbH Carl-Wery-Straße 34 81739 München GERMANY siemens-home.bsh-group.com *9000935827* 9000935827 (9612)
Инструкция стиральной машины Siemens WD 2100 (Wash & Dry 2100)
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Инструкции » Стиральные машины » SIEMENS
Всего инструкций в разделе: 328 |
Инструкция по эксплуатации от сушильной / стиральной машины марки SIEMENS содержит описание функций блока управления, варианты использования необходимых средств для стирки, технические характеристики и максимальный объём загружаемого белья. |
инструкция | устройство | размер |
SIEMENS WT47XKH1OE | сушильная машина | 2.44 MB |
SIEMENS WT47XEH1OE | сушильная машина | 2.79 MB |
SIEMENS WT47W6H0OE | сушильная машина | 2.34 MB |
SIEMENS WT47W5H6OE | сушильная машина | 1.89 MB |
SIEMENS WS12WMHSOE | стиральная машина | 2.48 MB |
SIEMENS WS12WL40OE | стиральная машина | 2.44 MB |
SIEMENS WN54A2XWOE | стиральная машина | 2.43 MB |
SIEMENS WM16XFH1OE | стиральная машина | 2.37 MB |
SIEMENS WM16XEH1OE | стиральная машина | 2.39 MB |
SIEMENS WM16XDH1OE | стиральная машина | 2.45 MB |
SIEMENS WM16W6H1OE | стиральная машина | 4.63 MB |
SIEMENS WM14T6H2OE | стиральная машина | 3.91 MB |
SIEMENS WM14H0H1OE | стиральная машина | 2.25 MB |
SIEMENS WM14G0H1OE | стиральная машина | 2.33 MB |
SIEMENS iQ700 WT47XKH1OE | сушильная машина | 2.44 MB |
SIEMENS iQ700 WT47XEH1OE | сушильная машина | 2.79 MB |
SIEMENS iQ700 WM16XFH1OE | стиральная машина | 2.37 MB |
SIEMENS iQ700 WM16XEH1OE | стиральная машина | 2.39 MB |
SIEMENS iQ700 WM16XDH1OE | стиральная машина | 2.45 MB |
SIEMENS iQ700 WM14H0H1OE | стиральная машина | 2.25 MB |
SIEMENS iQ700 WM14G0H1OE | стиральная машина | 2.33 MB |
SIEMENS iQ500 WM14T6H2OE | стиральная машина | 3.91 MB |
SIEMENS iQ500 EP6A6HB20R | газовая варочная панель | 4.59 MB |
SIEMENS iQ500 EP6A2PB20R | газовая варочная панель | 4.59 MB |
SIEMENS iQ300 WG42A2X4OE | стиральная машина | 2.13 MB |
SIEMENS iQ300 EN6B6PO90R | газовая варочная панель | 4.34 MB |
SIEMENS iQ300 EN6B2PO90R | газовая варочная панель | 4.34 MB |
SIEMENS iQ300 EG6B6PO90R | газовая варочная панель | 4.30 MB |
SIEMENS iQ300 EG6B5HO90R | газовая варочная панель | 4.30 MB |
SIEMENS WT47W6H0OE Home Connect | сушильная машина | 2.33 MB |
SIEMENS WT45W459OE | сушильная машина | 2.50 MB |
SIEMENS WT45RV20OE | сушильная машина | 2.04 MB |
SIEMENS WS12L247OE | стиральная машина | 3.75 MB |
SIEMENS iQ500 HB537GEW1R | электрический духовой шкаф | 1.72 MB |
SIEMENS iQ500 HB537GES1R | электрический духовой шкаф | 1.72 MB |
SIEMENS iQ500 HB237JES0R | электрический духовой шкаф | 1.67 MB |
SIEMENS HB78AU570 | электрический духовой шкаф | 1.74 MB |
SIEMENS HB75BC650F | электрический духовой шкаф | 1.50 MB |
SIEMENS HB33AB650R | электрический духовой шкаф | 1.30 MB |
SIEMENS iQ100 ET611HE17E | электрическая варочная панель | 4.06 MB |
SIEMENS EH679MB11 | электрическая варочная панель | 1.85 MB |
SIEMENS EH675MB11E | электрическая варочная панель | 1.86 MB |
SIEMENS WT47Y780OE | сушильная машина | 2.04 MB |
SIEMENS iQ700 WT47W5H6OE | сушильная машина | 1.88 MB |
SIEMENS iQ500 WT45W459OE | сушильная машина | 2.50 MB |
SIEMENS iQ300 WT45RV20OE | сушильная машина | 2.03 MB |
SIEMENS WS12L142OE | стиральная машина | 3.75 MB |
SIEMENS WM14W740OE | стиральная машина | 4.32 MB |
SIEMENS WM10Q440OE | стиральная машина | 5.36 MB |
SIEMENS ER626PB90R | газовая варочная панель | 4.21 MB |
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