Технические характеристики
Основная (номинал.) мощность 1
496 кВт
Резервная (макс.) мощность 2
547 кВт
Тип двигателя
дизельный, 4-тактный
Рабочий объём двигателя
16,12 л
Число, расположение цилиндров
6, рядное
Порядок работы цилиндров
Диаметр цилиндра / ход поршня
144 x 165 мм
Номинальная частота вращения
1500 мин -1
Система управления двигателем
с поддержкой CAN-шины
Система впрыска топлива
прямой впрыск, насос-форсунки с электронным управлением
Вид наддува воздуха
турбонаддув с интеркулером типа «воздух-воздух»
Система охлаждения
Отбор мощности на вентилятор
11 кВт
Шаг приема нагрузки (step-load, G2), отн. основной мощности
53 %
Номинальное напряжение электрической системы
24 В
Удельный расход топлива 3 :
при 100% ном. мощности
201 г/кВт*ч
при 75% ном. мощности
197 г/кВт*ч
при 50% ном. мощности
198 г/кВт*ч
Расход масла на угар, при 100% мощности:
Относительно расхода топлива
0 %
Удельный расход масла
0,17277381156647 г/кВт*ч
Заправочные емкости:
Система охлаждения 4
60 л
Стандартный период замены масла 5
400 / 600 моточасов
Габариты (Д х Ш х В)
2386 х 1160 х 1881 мм
Масса (без масла и охл. жидкости)
1910 кг
Ресурс до капитального ремонта
30000 моточасов
Стандартное оборудование 6
Топливная система:
- прямой впрыск, насос-форсунки с электронным управлением
- топливный фильтр грубой очистки (10 микрон) с влагоотделителем и датчиком воды в топливе
- топливный фильтр тонкой очистки (5 микрон)
Система смазки двигателя:
- насос системы смазки двигателя
- полнопоточный масляный фильтр (40 микрон)
- масляный фильтр с перепускным клапаном
- встроенный в блок полнопоточный охладитель масла
Воздушная и газовыхлопная система:
- турбокомпрессор с интеркулером
- воздушный фильтр с индикатором засоренности и сменным бумажным картриджем
- защита на выпускном коллекторе и турбокомпрессоре
Система охлаждения:
- радиатор жидкостного охлаждения
- охладитель наддувочного воздуха типа «воздух – воздух»
- насос охлаждающей жидкости с ременным приводом
- вентилятор толкающего типа диаметром 890 мм с защитной решеткой
- термостат
- электронная система управления двигателем EMS2, с поддержкой CAN-шины (протокол SAE J1939), отвечающая ISO 8528-5, класс G3
- стартер 24 В мощностью 7 кВт
- электрогенератор 24 В, 80А
- датчики уровня, температуры и давления масла
- датчики уровня и температуры охлаждающей жидкости
- датчики давления и температуры наддувочного воздуха
- датчики давления и температуры топлива
- 2 датчика скорости вращения двигателя (маховик, распредвал)
1 Основная мощность (Prime power) – номинальная мощность (при 1500 об./м) для непрерывной работы дизельного двигателя Volvo Penta TAD1642GE при различных нагрузках в соответствии с ISO 8528-1. Maкс. средний фактор нагрузки — 70% от указанной основной мощности за каждый 24-х часовой интервал. 1 час в течение каждого 12 часового интервала допускается нагрузка до 110% основной мощности.
2 Резервная мощность (Stand-by power) — для работы дизельного двигателя Volvo Penta TAD1642GE при нормальном изменении нагрузки в течение перерыва подачи электроэнергии в соответствии с ISO 8528-1. Maкс. средний фактор нагрузки — 70% от указанной резервной мощности за каждый 24-х часовой интервал. Годовая наработка не должна превышать 200 моточасов. Перегрузка не допускается.
3 Удельный расход топлива указан при плотности дизельного топлива 0,84 кг/л.
4 Объем системы жидкостного охлаждения двигателя Volvo Penta TAD1642GE указан с учетом радиатора, патрубков и расширительного бачка.
5 Период замены моторного масла в зависимости от условий эксплуатации двигателя Volvo Penta TAD1642GE (например, при повышенной загрязненности окружающего воздуха) может снижаться – обязательно проверяйте рекомендации производителя двигателя по периодичности проведения ТО.
6 Оборудование дизельного двигателя Volvo Penta TAD1642GE приводится в объеме, устанавливаемом ООО «Компания Дизель» в составе готовой дизельной электростанции. Комплектация двигателя Volvo Penta TAD1642GE, поставляемого производителем, может отличаться.
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Workshop and repair manual
7746012 7746022 — 774603209/2004
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Workshop Manual
Group 20 Technical Data
TAD1640GE, TAD1641GE, TAD1642GE
TAD1641VE, TAD1642VE
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Technical data
TAD1640GE, TAD1641GE, TAD1642GETAD1641VE, TAD1642VE
information………………………………………… 2General information
……………………………………… 5Technical data
6Valve mechanism ………………………………………..
8Timing gear
………………………………………………… 11Reciprocating components …………………………….
13Lubrication and oil systems……………………………
18Inlet and exhaust system ………………………………
19Cooling system
…………………………………………… 20Engine control system ………………………………….
21Tightening torque
………………………………………… 22 -
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Group 20General instructions
Safety information
This workshop manual contains technical data, des-criptions and
repair instructions for the Volvo Pentaproducts or product versions noted in the table of con-tents.
Check that you have the correct Workshop Ma-nual for your
engine.Check that the warning or information labels onthe product are
always clearly visible. Replacelabels which have been damaged or
paintedover.Never start the engine without the air cleaner fil-ter fitted.
The rotating compressor turbine in theturbocharger can cause severe
injury. Foreignobjects entering the intake ducts can also
causemechanical damage.Never use start spray or similar products to aidstarting. They
may cause an explosion in the in-let manifold. Danger of personal
injury.Only start the engine in a well- ventilated area.When operated
in a confined space, exhaust fu-mes and crankcase gases must be
ventilatedfrom the engine bay or workshop area.Avoid opening the coolant filler cap when theengine is hot.
Steam or hot coolant can sprayout and the system pressure will be
lost. Whenneeded, open the filler cap slowly and releasethe pressure in
the system. Be extremely care-ful if a tap, plug or coolant hose
has to be remo-ved from a hot engine. It is difficult to
anticipatein which direction steam or hot coolant canspray out.Hot oil can cause burns. Avoid getting hot oil onthe skin.
Ensure that the lubrication system isnot under pressure before
carrying out any workon it. Never start or operate the engine with theoil filler cap
removed, otherwise oil could beejected.Important
In this book and on the product you will find the follo-wing
special warning symbols.WARNING!Possible danger of personal injury,extensive damage to
property or serious mecha-nical malfunction if the instructions are not follo-wed.
IMPORTANT! Used to draw your attention to so-mething that can
cause damage or malfunctionson a product or damage to property.NOTE: Is used to call attention to importantinformation, to
facilitate work processes or operations.To give you a perspective of the risks which alwaysneed to be
observed and precautions which alwayshave to be taken, we have
noted them below.Immobilize the engine by turning off the powerwith the main
switch(es) and locking it (them) inthe off position before starting
service work. Fixa warning notice at the engine control point.All service work should normally be done on astationary engine.
Some work however, such asadjustments, needs the engine running.
Ap-proaching an engine which is operating is a sa-fety hazard.
Remember that loose clothing orlong hair can fasten in rotating
parts and causeserious personal injury.If work is done adjacent to
a running engine, acareless movement or a dropped tool can lead,in
the worst case, to personal injury. Take careto avoid contact with
hot surfaces (exhaust pi-pes, Turbocharger (TC), air intake pipe,
starterheater etc.) and hot liquids in lines and hoses onan engine
which is running or which has justbeen stopped. Reinstall all
protective partsremoved during service operations before star-ting the
engine.Read the available safety information, General in-formation and
Repair instructions in the work-shop manual before you start to do any servicework.
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General instructionsGroup 20
Stop the engine before carrying out operationson the engine
cooling system.Always use protective glasses or goggles whencarrying out work
where there is a risk of splint-ers, grinding sparks, acid splashes
or where oth-er chemicals are used. Your eyes are extremelysensitive, injury
could cause blindness!Avoid getting oil on the skin! Repeated exposureto oil or
exposure over a long period can resultin the skin becoming dry.
Irritation, dryness, ec-zema and other skin problems can then
occur.Used oil is more dangerous than fresh oil from ahealth
aspect. Use protective gloves and avoidoil soaked clothes and shop
rags. Wash regular-ly, especially before eating. There are
specialskin creams which counteract drying out of theskin and make it
easier to clean off dirt afterwork is completed.Most chemicals intended for the product (e.g.engine and
transmission oils, glycol, gasolineand diesel oil) or chemicals for
workshop use(e.g. degreasers, paints and solvents) are hazar-dous.
Read the instructions on the productpackage carefully! Always
follow the safety pre-cautions for the product (for example use
ofbreathing mask, eye protection, gloves etc.).Make sure that
other personnel are not unkno-wingly exposed to hazardous
chemicals, for ex-ample via the air. Ensure good ventilation in
thework place. Follow the instructions providedwhen disposing of
used or leftover chemicals.Exercise extreme care when leak detecting onthe fuel system and
testing the fuel injectornozzles. Use eye protection. The jet from
a fuelinjector is under very high pressure, and hasconsiderable penetration ability; fuel can forceits way deep
into body tissues and cause seri-ous damage. Danger of blood
poisoning (septi-cemia).WARNING!The injector pipes must under nocircumstances be bent or
reshaped. Damagedpipes must be replaced.All fuels, and many chemicals, are flammable.Do not allow naked
flame or sparks in the vicini-ty. Certain thinner products and
hydrogen frombatteries are easily ignitable and are explosivewhen
mixed with air in the right proportions. NoSmoking! Ensure that the
work area is well ven-tilated and take the necessary safety
precau-tions before starting welding or grinding work. Al-ways ensure
that there are fire extinguishers athand when work is being carried
out.Make sure that oil and fuel soaked rags, andused fuel and oil
filters are stored in a safe pla-ce. Rags soaked in oil can
spontaneously igniteunder certain circumstances. Used fuel and
oilfilters are polluting waste and must be handed toan approved
waste management facility for de-struction, together with used
lubrication oil, con-taminated fuel, paint residue, solvents, degreas-ers and wash
residue.Never expose a battery to naked flameor electrical sparks. Never
smoke close to thebatteries. The batteries give off hydrogen
gasduring charging which when mixed with air canform an explosive
gas — oxyhydrogen. This gasis easily ignited and highly explosive.
A spark,which can be formed if the batteries are wronglyconnected,
is enough to make a battery explodeand cause damage. Do not shift the connectionswhen attempting to
start the engine (spark risk)and do not lean over any of the
batteries.Always ensure that the Plus (positive) and Mi-nus (negative)
battery cables are correctly in-stalled on the corresponding
terminal posts onthe batteries. Incorrect installation can result
inserious damage to the electrical equipment. Re-fer to the wiring
diagram.Always use protective goggles when chargingand handling the
batteries. Battery electrolytecontains sulfuric acid which is
highly corrosive.Should the battery electrolyte come into
contactwith unprotected skin wash off immediatelyusing plenty of
water and soap. If you get bat-tery acid in your eyes, flush at
once with a ge-nerous amount of water, and get medical assis-tance
at once.Stop the engine and turn off the power at themain switch(es)
before carrying out work on theelectrical system. -
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Allmnna anvisningar
Grupp 20
The clutch must be adjusted with the enginestationary.
Use the lifting eyes fitted on the engine whenlifting the drive
unit. Always check that thelifting equipment used is in good
condition andhas the load capacity to lift the engine (engineweight including
gearbox, if fitted, and any extraequipment installed).Use an
adjustable lifting beam, or lifting beamspecifically for the
engine, to raise the engine toensure safe handling and to avoid
damagingengine parts installed on the top of the engine.All chains
and cables should run parallel to eachother and as perpendicular as
possible in rela-tion to the top of the engine.If other equipment
connected to the engine hasaltered its center of gravity, special
lifting devi-ses may be needed to obtain the correct balan-ce and safe
handling.Never carry out work on an engine suspendedon a hoist.Never work alone when heavy components areto be dismantled, even
when safe lifting devisessuch as lockable blocks & tackle are
used.When using a lifting device two people are usu-ally required
to do the work, one to take care ofthe lifting device and another
to ensure thatcomponents are lifted clear and not damagedduring the
lifting operations.Always make sure that there is enough spacefor disassembly where
you are working, with norisk for personal or material damage.WARNING!The components in the electricalsystem and in the fuel
system on Volvo Pentaproducts are designed and manufactured to
mi-nimize the risk of fire and explosion. The enginemust not be run
in areas where there are explo-sive materials.Always use fuels recommended by Volvo Pen-ta. Refer to the
Instruction Book. Use of fuelsthat are of a lower quality can
damage the engi-ne. On a diesel engine poor quality fuel can cau-se
the control rod to seize and the engine tooverrev with resulting
risk of damage to the eng-ine and personal injury. Poor fuel
quality canalso lead to higher maintenance costs.Remember the following when washing with ahigh pressure washer:
Never aim the water jet atseals, rubber hoses or electrical
components.Never use a high pressure washer for enginecleaning.The injectors can leak fuel when the engine isstationary, if the
tank is higher than the engineand the fuel pressure is
positive. -
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Group 20
General information
Certified engines
The manufacturer certifies that both new engines andthose in
use, which are certified for national or regio-nal legislation,
comply with the environmental require-ments. The following
requirements for service andspare parts must be complied with, for
Volvo Penta asa manufacturer to be responsible for ensuring
thatengines in use comply with the stipulated environmen-tal
requirements:Maintenance and service intervals recommendedby Volvo Penta must
be complied with.Only Volvo Penta Original Spare Parts intendedfor the certified
engine version may be used.Service related to injection pumps, pump settingsand injectors
must always be done by an authori-zed Volvo Penta workshop.The engine must not be converted or modified inany way, except
for the accessories and servicekits which Volvo Penta has approved
for the engi-ne.Installation changes to the exhaust pipe and theengine bay air
inlet ducts (ventilation ducts) mustnot be done without further
discussion, since thiscould affect exhaust emissions.
No tamper-seals may be broken by unauthorizedpersonnel.
The general advice in the instruction book about ope-ration,
care and maintenance, applies.IMPORTANT!When spare parts are needed,use only Volvo Penta
Original Spares.The use of non-original spare parts means thatAB Volvo Penta can
no longer be responsiblefor guaranteeing that the engine complies
withthe certified version.Any damage, injury and/or costs which
arise dueto the use of non-original Volvo Penta spares forthe
product in question will not be compensatedby Volvo Penta.About this Workshop Manual
This workshop manual contains engine descriptionsand repair
instructions for the standard versions ofTAD1640GE, TAD1641GE,
TAD1642GE, TAD1641VEand TAD1642VE engines.The workshop manual, Technical data section, con-tains
specifications and tightening torques for thestandard versions of
TAD1640GE, TAD1641GE,TAD1642GE, TAD1641VE and TAD1642VE
engines.This document contains all the references from theWorkshop
manual.The Engine Designation and Engine Numbers can befound on the
product plate.Please always include both the engine designationand
the engine number in all correspondence.The Workshop Manual is produced primarily for theuse of Volvo
Penta workshops and qualified Volvoservice technicians. For this
reason the manual pres-upposes a certain basic knowledge and that
the usercan carry out the mechanical/electrical work describedto a
general standard of engineering competence.Volvo Penta products are under a continual process ofdevelopment
and we therefore reserve all rights regar-ding changes and
modifications. All the information inthis manual is based on product specifications availa-ble at the
time the book was published. Any materialchanges introduced into
the product or service met-hods after this date are notified by
means of ServiceBulletins.Spare parts
Spare parts for the electrical and fuel systems aresubject to
various national safety requirements. VolvoPenta Original Spares
comply with these require-ments. No damage whatever, occasioned by
use ofnon-original Volvo Penta spares for the product, willbe
compensated by the warranty offered by VolvoPenta. -
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Technical data
Group 20
Cylinder head
6 cylLength
1194 mm (47.2″)Width
438 mm (17.24″)Height
135 mm (5.31″)Max. out-of-flatness (base plane)*……………………..
0.02 mm (0.000787″)*on 100 mm (3.937″) measured length
Cylinder head bolts
Number of bolts
……………………………………………..38Dimension, thread
………………………………………….. M18Length
188 mm (7.40″)Cylinder liner
Wet, replaceableHeight, total.
…………………………………………………. 288 mm
(11.34″)Sealing surface height above block plane ………….. 0.15 —
0.21 mm (0.00612 — 0.00862″)No. of seal rings per cylinder liner
aluminumHeight above engine block plane ……………………….
0.15 — 0.65 mm (0.00612 — 0.0256″)Diameter, combustion chamber ………………………… 98
mm (3.86″)Depth, piston bowl:
19.35 mm (0.76″)TAD1641GE………………………………………………..
21.15 mm (0.83″)TAD1642GE………………………………………………..
21.15 mm (0.83″)TAD1641VE
……………………………………………….. 19.35 mm
……………………………………………….. 19.35 mm
(0.76″)No. of ring grooves
…………………………………………. 3Front
Arrow towards frontGudgeon pin diameter
…………………………………….. 63 mm (2.48″)Piston ringsCompression rings
ring clearance in groove:upper compression ring …………………………………
—lower compression ring …………………………………
0.07 mm (0.00276″) Wear tolerance 0.1 mm (0.003937″)Piston ring gap, measured at ring opening:
upper compression ring …………………………………
0.62 mm (0.00244″) Wear tolerance 0.85 mm (0.003346″)lower compression ring …………………………………
1.1 mm (0.0433″) Wear tolerance 1.35 mm (0.0531″)Oil scraper ring
1Width, incl. spring
………………………………………….. 4.55 mm
(0.179″)Piston ring clearance in groove,
……………………….. 0.04 mm (0.00157″) Wear tolerance 0.1
mm (0.00393″)Piston ring gap, measured at ring opening………….. 0.55 mm
(0.0216″) Wear tolerance 0.9 mm (0.00354″) -
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Group 20Technical data
Valve mechanism
Valve head, diameter:
mm (1.93″)Exhaust
……………………………………………………..46 mm
(1.81″)Valve stem, diameter:
mm (0.394″)Exhaust
…………………………………………………….. 10
mm (0.394″)Valve seat angle (A):
……………………………………………………..44,5Seat angle in cylinder head (B):
……………………………………………………..45Dimension between valve head and cylinder head plane:
— 1.4 mm (0.0354 — 0.0551″) Wear tolerance,
max………………………………….. 1.5 mm (0.059055″)Exhaust
…………………………………………………….. 1.4
— 1.9 mm (0.0551 — 0.0748″) Wear tolerance, max
………………………………….. 2.0 mm (0.07874″)Note! When the valve seats are changed, the valves must be
changed at the same time.Valve clearance, cold engine, setting value:
mm (0.0118″)Exhaust
…………………………………………………….. 0.6
mm (0.0236″)Valve clearance, cold engine, check value:
0.25 -0.35 mm (0.00984 — 0.0138″)Exhaust
…………………………………………………….. 0.55
-0.65 mm (0.0216 — 0.0256″) -
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Technical data
Group 20
Valve seats
Outer diameter (A)
mm (2.05″)Exhaust
……………………………………………………..49 mm
mm (2.06″)Exhaust
…………………………………………………….. 49.2
mm (1.94″)Height (B):
mm (0.303″)Exhaust
mm (0.311″)Valve seat bed
Diameter (C) standard:
mm (2.05″)Exhaust
…………………………………………………….. 49.0
mm (1.93″)Diameter (C) oversize:
52.2mm (2.06″)Exhaust
…………………………………………………….. 49.2
mm (1.94″)Depth (D):
mm (0.46″)Exhaust
…………………………………………………….. 11.7
mm (0.46″)Seat base radius (R):
0.8 mm (0.315″)Exhaust
…………………………………………………….. max
0.8 mm (0.315″) -
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Technical data
Group 20
Valve guides
mm (3.29″)Exhaust
83.5 mm (3.29″)Inner diameter:
mm (0.39″)Exhaust
……………………………………………………… 10
mm (0.39″)Height above cylinder head spring plane:Inlet
24.4 1.0 mm (1.00 0.157″)Exhaust
24.4 1.0 mm (1.00 0.157″)Clearance, valve stem — guide*:
0.025 — 0.054 mm (0.00098 — 0.00213″)Wear tolerance max
………………………………………. 0.4 mm
0.058 — 0.087 mm (0.00228 — 0.00342″)Wear tolerance max
………………………………………. 0.4 mm
(0.01575″)* The dimensions have been calculated for the method of
measurement described in the workshop manual (Group 21).Rocker arms
Bearing clearance
………………………………………….. max 0.1 mm
(0.00394″)Clearance rocker arm roller ………………………………
max 0.1 mm (0.00394″)Valve springs
Uncompressed length …………………………………..
67.5 mm (2.66″)With 522 N (117.45 lbf) load …………………………..
57.0 mm (2.24″)With 1205 N (271.13 lbf) load …………………………
43.3 mm (1.70″)Coilbound length, max…………………………………..
40.3 mm (1.59″)Exhaust
Outer valve springs:
Uncompressed length …………………………………..
69.3 mm (2.73″)With 930 N (209 lbf) load ……………………………….
54.0 mm (2.13inches)With 1813 N (408 lbf) load ……………………………..
39.5 mm (1.56″)Coilbound length, max…………………………………..
37.0 mm (1.46″)Inner valve spring:
Uncompressed length …………………………………..
67.0 mm (2.64″)With 465 N (105 lbf) load……………………………….
51.0 mm (2.01″)With 887 N (200 lbf) load……………………………….
36.5 mm (1.44″)Coilbound length, max…………………………………..
34.0 mm (1.34″) -
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Technical data
Group 20
Timing gear
Timing gear wheels
No. of teeth:
1 Drive gear, camshaft
…………………………………….842 Idler wheel,
adjustable…………………………………..853 Idler wheel, bull gear outer
…………………………….84Idler wheel, bull gear inner ……………………………..
564 Idler wheel, servo pump
………………………………..295 Drive gear, crankshaft
…………………………………..636 Drive gear, lube-oil pump……………………………….
377 Drive gear, steering servo and fuel feed pump ….36
Flank clearance
…………………………………………….. 0.05-0.17 mm
(0.00197 — 0.00669″)Shaft stub for idler wheel, diameter ……………………
99.97-99.9999.97 mm (3.9358 -3.9366″)Bushing for idler wheel, diameter……………………….
100.036-100.05 mm ( 3.9384-3.9567″)Radial clearance for idler wheel …………………………
max 0.05 mm (0.00197″) -
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Technical data
Group 20
Check camshaft setting,cold engine andvalve clearance = 0.
Inlet valve for cylinder 1, with flywheel position 6a.t.d.c.
shouldbe open 1.4 0.3 mm (0.055 0.012″)When performing the check, thetiming gears must be rotated
clockwise, when seenfrom the front, totake up all gear flank clearance.
wheelNo of
bearings………………………………………………..7NOTE:Only check values, not for machining.
Diameter, bearing journals,standard …………………. 69.97
— 70.00 mm (2.755 — 2.759″)Diameter,bearing journals, undersize:
— 69.78 mm (2.749 — 2.747″)0,50
— 69.53 mm(2.735 — 2.737″)0,75
69.22 — 69.28 mm(2.725 — 2.727″)Max. end float
………………………………………………..0.35 mm
(0.0138″)Max permissible ovality (with new bearings) ………..0.05mm
(0.00197″)Bearing, max. permissible wear on diameter ……….0.05mm
mm (0.54″)exhaust
mm (0.57″)Permitted wear between base circleand maxlift
………………………………………………..max 0.1 mm
(0.00394″)Unit injector, stroke
…………………………………………18 mm (0.71″)Camshaft bearings
Camshaft bearing thickness, standard ……………….1.92
mm (0.080″)0,50
mm (0.085″)0,75
2.30 mm (0.090″) -
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Technical data
Group 20
Reciprocating components
1256 mm (49.45″)Crankshaft, end float*
…………………………………….. 0.15 mm (0.006″)Ovality of main and big end bearings ………………… max
0.01 mm (0.000394″)Taper of main and big end bearings ………………….. max
0.02 mm (0.000787″)Runout on center bearing …………………………………
0.15 mm (0.006″)* Dimensions refer to oiled components.
Main bearing journal
NOTE! Only check values, not for machining.
Diameter () standard
…………………………………….. 118.0 mm (4.65″)Undersize:
0.25 mm (0.01″)
………………………………………….. 117.75 mm
(4.636″)0.50 mm (0.0197″) ……………………………………….
117.50 mm (4.626″)0.75 mm (0.029″)
………………………………………… 117.25 mm
(4.616″)1.00 mm (0.039″)
………………………………………… 117.00 mm
(4.61″)1.25 mm (0.049″)
………………………………………… 116.75 mm
(4.596″)Surface finish, main bearing journal ………………….. Ra
0.25Surface finish, radius
………………………………………Ra 0.4Width thrust bearing journal (A) standard……………. 49.0
mm (1.93″)Oversize:
0.2 mm (0.007874″) (thrust bearing 0.003937″)….49.2 mm
(1.937″)0.4 mm (0.01575″) (thrust bearing 0.007874″) ….. 49.4 mm
(1.945″)0.6 mm (0.0236″) (thrust bearing 0.0118″) ……….. 49.6 mm
(1.952″)Web flank radius (R)
……………………………………….. 4.5 mm (0.197″) -
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Technical data
Group 20
Thrust washers (thrust bearing)
Width (B) standard
…………………………………………. 3.18 mm
0.1 mm (0.004″)
………………………………………….. 3.28 mm
(0.129″)0.2 mm (0.008″)
………………………………………….. 3.38 mm
(0.133″)0.3 mm (0.012″)
………………………………………….. 3.48 mm
(0.137″)0.4 mm (0.016″)
………………………………………….. 3.58 mm
(0.140″)Main bearing shells
Outer diameter (C)
…………………………………………. 123.12 mm
(4.847″)Thickness (D) standard
…………………………………… 2.51 mm (0.099″)Oversize:
0.25 mm (0.0098″) ……………………………………….
2.64 mm (0.104″)0.50 mm (0.0197″) ……………………………………….
2.76 mm (0.109″)0.75 mm (0.0295″) ……………………………………….
2.89 mm (0.114″)1.00 mm (0.039″)
………………………………………… 3.01 mm
(0.118″)1.25 mm (0.049″)
………………………………………… 3.14 mm
(0.124″)Radial clearance, main bearings………………………..
0.07-0.14 mm (0.00275 — 0.00550″)Big end bearing journal
Note! Only check values, not for machining.
Diameter ()
…………………………………………………. 112 mm
0.25 mm (0.0098″) ……………………………………….
111.75 mm (4.40″)0.50 mm (0.0197″) ……………………………………….
111.50 mm (4.3897″)0.75 mm (0.0295″) ……………………………………….
111.25 mm (4.380″)1.00 mm (0.039″)
………………………………………… 111.00 mm
(4.370″)1.25 mm (0.049″)
………………………………………… 110.75 mm
(4.360″)Surface finish, big end bearing journal. ………………. Ra
0.25Surface finish, radius
………………………………………Ra 0.4Width (A)
60mm (2.36″)Web flank radius
(R)……………………………………….. 4.5 mm
(0.177″) -
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Technical data
Group 20
Big end journal shells
Outer diameter (B)
…………………………………………. 116,8 mm
(4.598″)Thickness (C) standard
…………………………………… 2.35 mm (0.092″)Oversize:
0.25 mm (0.098″)
………………………………………… 2.48 mm
(0.098″)0.50 mm (0.0197″) ……………………………………….
2.60 mm (0.102″)0.75 mm (0.029″)
………………………………………… 2.73 mm
(0.107″)1.00 mm (0.039″)
………………………………………… 2.85 mm
(0.112″)1.25 mm (0.049″)
………………………………………… 2.98 mm
(0.117″)Diameter, bearing shell seat (D) ………………………..
116,8 mm (4.598″)Connecting rod
Length, center — center (E)
………………………………. 280 mm (11.02″)Gudgeon pin bush internal diameter (G) …………….. 63 mm
(2.48″)End float, connecting rod — crankshaft1: ………………max
0.35 mm (0.014″)Big end bearing, radial clearance1: …………………….max
0.10 mm (0.004″)Straightness, max. deviation on 100 mm (3.937″)measured length
……………………………………………. 0.06 mm
(0.0024″)Twist, max. deviation on 100 mm (3.937″)measured length
……………………………………………. 0.15 mm
(0.006″)1Dimensions refer to oiled components.Marking:
FRONT on the connecting rod faces forwards.The connecting rods
and caps are marked in pairs, using a three digit serial number
(please refer to the illustra-tion).Flywheel, installed
Runout, measured radius 150 mm (5.90″) ………….. max 0.1 mm
(0.004″)No. of teeth on starter gear ring …………………………
153Sensor grooves in flywheel
………………………………54Flywheel housing, installed
Runout for mating face against bellhousing. ……….. max 0.1
mm (0.004″)Radial runout for alignment against bellhousing. …..max 0.05
mm (0.002″) -
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Technical data
Group 20
Lubrication and oil systems
Oil change volume, incl filters …………………………..
48 liter (50.7 US quart)Oil pressureOperating speed (above 1100
rpm)……………………. 300 -650 kPa (43.5-94.25 psi)Low
160 kPa (23.2 psi)Oil temperature
Cold engine
ambient temperatureHot
max 125C (257F)Lube oil pump
Gear drivenNo. of teeth, drive wheel
………………………………….37Flank clearance
…………………………………………….. 0.05-0.40 mm
(0.002 — 0.016″)Oil filter
Full flow filter
…………………………………………………. 2Turbofilter (Bypass filter)
…………………………………. 1 -
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Technical data
Group 20
Fuel system
Feed pump
Feed pressure at:
min 100 kPa (14.5 psi)1200
300 kPa (43.5 psi)full load
……………………………………………………… min
300 kPa (43.5 psi)Bypass valve
Opening pressure
…………………………………………… 400 — 550 kPa
(58 — 80 psi)Fuel quantity
At low idle and with the engine unloaded, the fuel quantity
should be inside area B.The engine should be run in atleast 600 h.
Unit injector
3-4 spanner flats (0.75 0.1 mm (0.030 — 0.0040″) ), pleaserefer to
the illustration.Tighten the adjustment screw to zero clearance against the
camshaft, then turn 3-4 spanner flats. -
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Technical data
Group 20
Inlet and exhaust system
………………………………………….. l3K/K29End float, turbine shaft
……………………………………. max 0.13 mm
(0.005″)Inlet temperature indicator
Cold engine
Ambient temperatureHot engine, coolant temperature 75-95C(167-203F)
…………………………………………………… max
30C above ambient temperaturePressure drop indicator
Pressure drop indicator warns
at a pressure drop of
………………………………………. 5 kPa (37.5 mm VP) (
0.725 psi)Boost pressure
kPa (33.1
kPa (38.3
kPa (39,6 psi)TAD1641VE
…………………………………………………..193 kPa
(28.0 psi)TAD1642VE
…………………………………………………..225 kPa
(32.6 psi) -
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Technical data
Group 20
Cooling system
Pressure cap opens at
……………………………………. 75 kPa (10.8 psi)ThermostatQuantity
temperature………………………………………. 86C
(186.80F)Fully open
…………………………………………………….. 96C
Volvo OriginalConsists of
…………………………………………………… Glycol
and corrosion-inhibiting additivesColor
GreenMix with
Tap waterCorrosion protection
Only used when anti-freeze is not needed.
Volvo OriginalMix with
Tap waterNOTE: The corrosion inhibitor must not be mixed with other
typesof coolants or corrosion inhibitors, since this can have
adverse effects. -
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Technical data
Group 20
Engine control system
Engine control unit
No. of pins
……………………………………………………. 2 x
36SensorCharge pressure sensor
Check value
…………………………………………………..1.05 —
1.30 V at 100 kPa (14.5 psi)Camshaft sensor
Distance to camshaft
……………………………………… 1.1 0.4 mm (0.0433 —
0.0157″)Flywheel sensor
Distance to flywheel
……………………………………….. 1.1 0.4 mm (0.0433
-0.0157″)Pressure drop indicator
= 0.48 x UbatInactive
V = 0.12 x UbatCharge air temperature sensor
Engine oil temperature sensorCoolant temperature sensor
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Technical data
Group 20
Tightening torque
General tightening torques
M6 standard screw 8.8
……………………………………. 10 1.5 Nm (7.4 1 lbf
ft)M8 standard screw 8.8
……………………………………. 25 4 Nm (18.5 3 lbf
ft)M10 standard screw 8.8 …………………………………..
50 8 Nm (37 6 lbf ft)M12 standard screw 8.8 …………………………………..
85 15 Nm (63 11 lbf ft)M14 standard screw 8.8 …………………………………..
140 25 Nm (103 18 lbf ft)M16 standard screw 8.8 …………………………………..
220 35 Nm (162 26 lbf ft)Only torqued screws can be re-installed.
Torque and angle tightened / plastic limit tightened screws:
should not be re-installed10.9
can be re-installed12.9
can be re-installedIMPORTANT! Check screws which are to be re-installed. Damaged
screws, with marks of seizure etc. under theheads, must be
scrapped.Tightening torque, group 21: Engine body
Front engine mounting, engine block …………………. 220
35 Nm (162 26 lbf ft)Front engine
mounting…………………………………….. 220 35 Nm (162
26 lbf ft)Rear engine mounting, flywheel housing…………….. 220 35
Nm (162 26 lbf ft)Main bearing caps
300 20 Nm (220 15 lbf ft)stage
120 5 angle tighteningBig end bearing cap
20 3 Nm (15 2 lbf ft)stage
60 5 Nm (44 4 lbf ft)stage
90 5 angle tighteningStiffening frame
NOTE: Tighten in number order, as in the illustration.
65 5 Nm (48 4 lbf ft)stage
60 5 angle tightening -
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Technical data
Group 20
NOTE: Make sure that the flange is clean and dry.
NOTE: Tighten the screws in number order, as in the
illustration.stage 1
………………………………………………………. 60
5 Nm (44 4 lbf ft)stage
120 10 angle tighteningFlywheel housing
NOTE: Apply 2 mm (approx 1/8 inch) silicone sealer as in the
illustration.stage 1: Torque all M14 screws to …………………. 160 20
Nm (118 15 lbf ft)stage 2: Torque all M10 screws to ………………….48 8 Nm
(35 6 lbf ft)stage 3: Torque all M8 screws to ……………………24 4 Nm
(18 3 lbf ft) -
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Technical data
Group 20
Vibration damper ………………………………….. 90 10
Nm (66 7 lbf ft)NOTE: Tighten the screws in number order, as in the
illustration.The 8.8 screws on the vibration damper must not be
re-used.Housing, crankcase seal
NOTE: Apply 2 mm (approx 1/8 inch) silicone sealer as in the
illustration.stage 1: Tighten all screws by hand.
stage 2: Torque screws 2 and 7 to ……………… 24 4 Nm (18
3 lbf ft)stage 3: Torque the remaining screws to …………. 24 4 Nm
(18 3 lbf ft)1
4 5
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Technical data
Group 20
Valve cover ……………………………………………
25 3 Nm (18.5 2 lbf ft)NOTE: Tighten the screws in number order, as in the
illustration.Cylinder head
NOTE: Tighten the screws in number order, as in the
illustration.stage 1
………………………………………………………. 60
+10Nmstage 2
………………………………………………………. 90
5 angle tighteningstage 3
………………………………………………………. 90
5 angle tightening— 0
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Technical data
Group 20
Bearing caps, camshaft/rocker arm shaftNote! Tighten the screws
in stages, to ensure that the rocker arm shaft comes down without
being bent.Stage 1: Tighten screws 1-7 ……………………………15
3 Nm (11 2 lbf ft)Stage 2: Torque screws 1-7 to ………………………… 90
5 angle tighteningStage 3: Tighten screws 8-14.Start with screw 11
……………………………100 10 Nm (74 7 lbf ft)Stage 4: Tighten screws 15-21 ………………………… 50
5 Nm (37 4 lbf ft)Stage 5: Tighten screws 15-21 ………………………… 120
5angle tighteningStage 6: Loosen screws 8-14 …………………………..
Stage 7: Tighten screws 8-14………………………….. 50
5 Nm (37 4 lbf ft)Stage 8: Tighten screws 8-14………………………….. 120
5 angle tightening -
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Technical data
Group 20
Timing gear
1 Driving gear, crankshaftstage
60 5 Nm (44 4 lbf ft)stage
120 10 angle tightening2 Idler gear, bull gear, outerTighten in order according to
45 5 Nm (33 4 lbf ft)stage
90 5 angle tightening3 Idler gear, adjustableTighten screws in order according to
35 4 Nm (26 3 lbf ft)stage
120 5 angle tightening4 Drive gear, camshaftTighten screws in order according to
45 5 Nm (33 4 lbf ft)stage
90 5angle tightening5 Drive gear, steering servo and fuel feed pump .100 10 Nm (74 7
lbf ft)6 Drive wheel, air compressor……………………….. 200
+50 Nm (147.5 +36.88 lbf ft)-0 -0 -
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Technical data
Group 20
Tightening torque, group 22: Lubrication system
Oil pan
………………………………………………….. 24 4 Nm
(18 3 lbf ft)NOTE: Tighten the screws in number order, as in the
illustration.Oil pump
stage 1
………………………………………………………. 35
3 Nm (26 2 lbf ft)stage
90 5 angle tighteningOil cooler, fixing screws ………………………………27
4Nm (20 3 lbf ft)Oil pressure pipe
stage 1
tighten to zero playstage 2pipe diameter 12
……………………………………….. 80 10 Nm (59 7 lbf
ft)pipe diameter 18 ………………………………………..
110 10 Nm (81 7 lbf ft)pipe diameter 20 ………………………………………..
130 10 Nm (96 7 lbf ft)pipe diameter 22
……………………………………….. 170 10 Nm (125 7
lbf ft)pipe diameter 28
……………………………………….. 200 10 Nm (148 7
lbf ft) -
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Technical data
Group 20
Tightening torque, group 23: Fuel system
Feed pump — steering servo pump…………………….. 25 2Nm
(18.5 1.5 lbf ft)Fixing yoke, unit injector (new copper sleeve)
First tightening
Stage 1
……………………………………………………… 20
5 Nm (15 4 lbf ft)Stage 2
……………………………………………………… 180
5 angle tighteningNOTE:Loosen the fastening yoke screw before performing the
second tightening.Second tightening
20 5 Nm (15 3.7 lbf ft)stage
60 5angle tighteningFixing yoke, unit injector (re-used copper sleeve)
20 5 Nm (15 3.7 lbf ft)stage
60 5 angle tighteningLock nut for adjuster screw, unit injectorstage
tighten to contactstage
45 5 angle tighteningLock nut, valve adjustmentstage
tighten to contactstage
60 5 angle tighteningHollow screw M16x1.5 …………………………………….
50 8 Nm (37 6 lbf ft)Hollow screw M10x1
………………………………………. 25 4 Nm (18.5 3 lbf
ft) -
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Technical data
Group 20
Tightening torque, group 25: Inlet / exhaust system
Inlet manifold
……………………………………………….24 4 Nm (18
3 lbf ft)NOTE: Apply a 2 mm (approx 1/8″) bead of sealing compound
1161231-4, as shown in illustration.Plug, M10
……………………………………………………..20 3
Nm (15 2 lbf ft)Pressure/temperature sensor, charge air ……………. 12 2 Nm
(9 1.5 lbf ft)Exhaust headerStage 1: Tighten screws 1 until they just touch
(max 10 Nm (7.4 lbf-ft))Stage 2: Tighten screws 2 until they just touch (max 10 Nm (7.4
lbf-ft))Stage 3: Tighten screws 3 ……………………………..52
4 Nm (38 3 lbf ft)Stage 4: Tighten screws 2 ……………………………..52
4 Nm (38 3 lbf ft)Stage 5: Tighten screws 4 ……………………………..52
4 Nm (38 3 lbf ft)Stage 6: Tighten screws 1 ……………………………..52
4 Nm (38 3 lbf ft) -
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Technical data
Group 20
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Report form
Do you have any complaints or other comments about this
manual.Please make a copy of this page, write your comments down
and sendthem to us. The address is at the bottom. We would prefer
you to write inEnglish or Swedish.From:
Refers to publication:
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Publication No.: ……………………………. Date of
……………………………………………………………………AB Volvo PentaTechnical Information
Dept. 42200
SE-405 08 Gteborg
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Workshop Manual
Group 21-26
TAD1640GE, TAD1641GE, TAD1642GE
TAD1641VE, TAD1642VE
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Workshop Manual
Group 21-26
Industrial engine
TAD1640GE, TAD1641GE, TAD1642GETAD1641VE, TAD1642VE
Safety information
…………………………………………… 3Introduction
3General information
………………………………………… 6About this Workshop Manual ………………………………
6Flat Rates
6Spare parts
6Certified engines
………………………………………………. 6Repair
instructions………………………………………….. 7Our
joint responsibility………………………………………..
7Torque-angle tightening
……………………………………… 8Lock nuts
8Strength classes
………………………………………………. 8Sealant
8Safety rules forfluorocarbon rubber
…………………………………………… 9Special tools
…………………………………………………. 10Other
special equipment …………………………………… 14Design and function
……………………………………….. 15Group 21: Engine
body…………………………………… 15Cylinder head
15Engine block
16Cylinder liner
17Pistons and connecting rods ………………………………
………………………………………………….. 21Group 22 Lubrication system …………………………..
22Piston cooling
23Overview, valves
…………………………………………….. 24Group 23
Fuel system…………………………………….. 25Unit
injector, work phases ………………………………….
27Group 25 Intake and exhaust system ………………..
29Group 26 Cooling system ………………………………..
30Troubleshooting / Tests and adjustments………… 31Symptoms
and possible causes ………………………… 31Operational
disturbances…………………………………… 32Clogging
32Placement of instrument socket ………………………….
33Sensor overview
34Compression test
…………………………………………….. 35Cooling
system, pressure-testing ……………………….. 38Boost pressure, troubleshooting ………………………….
39Turbocharger, checking
…………………………………….. 41Exposing engine
……………………………………………. 42Fixture fitting
…………………………………………………. 44Engine body, general overhaul ………………………..
45Cylinder head,
45Transmission, removal
……………………………………… 56Pistons, removal
58Crankshaft, removal
…………………………………………. 59Crankshaft,
60Cylinder liner, fitting
…………………………………………. 61Piston,
62Pistons, fitting
…………………………………………………. 64Piston
cooling nozzle, fitting ………………………………
fitting…………………………………………. 65Cylinder head, refitting
……………………………………… 71Camshaft, refitting
…………………………………………… 74Gear
backlash, adjusting……………………………………
75Unit injector, refitting
………………………………………… 77Adjustment
markings ……………………………………….. 79Valves
and injectors, adjusting ………………………….. 79Reconditioning / replacing components ………….. 83Group 21:
Engine body…………………………………… 83Cylinder
liner and pistons, inspection ………………….. 83Cylinder
liner and pistons, replacing (all) ……………… 84Crankshaft,
inspection ……………………………………… 90Main
bearings, replacing ……………………………………
91Crank bearing, replacing (all)
……………………………… 94Flywheel bearing, replacing
……………………………….. 95Flywheel, replacing
………………………………………….. 96Ring gear,
replacing ………………………………………….
97Flywheel sensor distance, checking…………………….
98Flywheel, checking for warp ……………………………….
99Crankshaft seal, front,
replacing…………………………100Crankshaft seal, rear,
replacing …………………………. 102Connecting rod,
checking…………………………………. 104Connecting rod
bushing, check measurement ……… 104Valves, removal
fitting ………………………………………………….
107Valve seat, replacing
……………………………………….108Valve guides,
inspection …………………………………..110Valve
guides, replacing …………………………………….
111Valve seat, grinding
………………………………………… 112 -
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Valves, grinding
………………………………………………113Valve stem
seals, replacing ……………………………… 114Cylinder
head, pressure testing …………………………. 116Copper
sleeve for unit injector, replacing …………….. 119Camshaft,
checking for wear …………………………….. 123Camshaft
bearing housing, replacing ………………….. 124Camshaft
sensor distance, checking ………………….125Transmission, replacing
…………………………………… 126Group 22: Lubrication
system ………………………… 132When working with
chemicals, fuel and lubricating oil … 132Overview, control valves
………………………………….. 132Pressure reduction
valve, replacing …………………… 133Bypass valve, oil
filter, replacing………………………..133Oil pressure
safety valve, replacing …………………… 134Piston cooling
valves, replacing ………………………… 134Bypass valve
oil filters, full flow, replacing ………….. 135Oil filters,
checking ………………………………………….136Oil
pressure sensor, checking ……………………………
136Engine oil and oil filters, replacing
……………………… 137Pressure reduction valve, checking
…………………… 138Safety valve,
checking……………………………………..138Oil pump,
replacing …………………………………………. 139Oil
pump, checking ………………………………………….
140Oil cooler
cooler, leakage test
…………………………………….142Bypass valve oil
cooler, replacing ……………………… 143Group 23: Fuel
system…………………………………… 144Draining, fuel
channel in cylinder head ……………….. 144Control module,
replacing …………………………………. 145Fuel filters,
replacing ………………………………………..
147Primary fuel filter, change
………………………………… 148Fuel feed pump,
replacing ………………………………… 149Unit injector,
replacing……………………………………… 150Venting
the fuel system ……………………………………153Group
25: Inlet / exhaust systems …………………… 154Turbo,
………………………………………………154Group 26:
Cooling system……………………………… 156Cooling
system, draining …………………………………..
156Cooling system, cleaning
…………………………………. 157Cooling system,
pressure-testing ………………………. 158Cooling system,
filling ……………………………………… 159Coolant
pump, replacing ……………………………………
160Thermostat, functional check …………………………….
161Thermostat, replacing
……………………………………… 161Coolant filter,
belt/ Drive belt, checking …………………… 163Drive belt,
changing …………………………………………
163Alternator belts, changing
………………………………… 164 -
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Safety information
Safety information
This Workshop Manual contains descriptions and ins-tructions for
the repair of the Volvo Penta products orproduct versions. Check
that you have the correctWorkshop Manual for your engine.Before starting work on the engine, read these sa-fety
precautions with care as well as General in-formation and Service
In this book and on the product you will find the follow-
ing special warning symbols.
WARNING!Possible danger of personal injury,extensive damage to
property or serious me-chanical malfunction if the instructions are
notfollowed.IMPORTANT! Used to draw your attention tosomething that can
cause damage or malfunc-tions on a product or damage to
property.NOTE: Used to draw your attention to important infor-
mation that will facilitate the work or operation
inprogress.Below is a summary of the risks involved and safetyprecautions
you should always observe or carry outwhen operating or servicing the engine.
Immobilize the engine by turning off the powersupply to the
engine at the main switch(switches) and lock it (them) turned off
beforestarting work. Set up a warning notice at the en-gine control
point.As a general rule all service operations must becarried out with
the engine stopped. However,some work, for example certain
adjustments re-quire that the engine is running when they
arecarried out. Approaching an engine which is op-erating is a
safety hazard. Remember that looseclothing or long hair can fasten
in rotating partsand cause serious personal injury.If work is done adjacent to a running engine, acareless movement
or a dropped tool can leadto personal injury in the worst case.Take care to avoid contact with hot surfaces(exhaust pipes,
Turbocharger (TC), air intakepipe, starter heater etc.) and hot
liquids in linesand hoses on an engine which is running orwhich has
just been stopped. Reinstall all pro-tective parts removed during
service operationsbefore starting the engine.Check that the warning or information labels onthe product are
always clearly visible. Replacelabels which have been damaged or
paintedover.Never start the engine without installing the aircleaner filter.
The rotating compressor turbine inthe turbocharger can cause severe
injury. Fo-reign objects entering the intake ducts can alsocause
mechanical damage.Never use start spray or similar products as astarting aid. They
may cause an explosion inthe inlet manifold. Danger of personal
injury.Only start the engine in a well- ventilated area. If
operating the engine in an enclosed area ensurethat there is
exhaust ventilation leading out ofthe engine compartment or
workshop area.Avoid opening the coolant filler cap when theengine is hot.
Steam or hot coolant can sprayout and the system pressure will be
lost. Whenneeded, open the filler cap slowly and releasethe
pressure in the system. Be very careful if acock or plug or engine
coolant line must beremoved when the engine is hot. It is difficult
toanticipate in which direction steam or hot coo-lant can spray out.
Hot oil can cause burns. Avoid getting hot oil onthe skin.
Ensure that the lubrication system isnot under pressure before
carrying out any work.Never start or operate the engine with the
oil fil-ler cap removed, otherwise oil could be ejected.Stop the engine before carrying out operationson the engine
cooling system. -
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Safety information
Always use protective glasses or goggles whencarrying out work
where there is a risk of splint-ers, grinding sparks, acid splashes
or where oth-er chemicals are used. The eyes are
extremelysensitive. An injury could result in blindness!Avoid getting oil on the skin! Repeated exposureto oil or
exposure over a long period can resultin the skin becoming dry.
Irritation, dryness andeczema and other skin problems can then
oc-cur. Used oil is more dangerous than fresh oilfrom a health
aspect. Use protective gloves andavoid oil soaked clothes and shop
rags. Washregularly, especially before eating. There arespecial
skin creams which counteract drying outof the skin and make it
easier to clean off dirtafter work is completed.Many chemicals used on the product (such asengine and
transmission oils, glycol, gasolineand diesel oil), or chemicals
used in the work-shop (such as degreasers, paint and solvents)are
hazardous to health. Read the instructionson the product packaging
with care! Always fol-low the safety precautions for the product
(forexample use of protective mask, glasses, glo-ves etc.). Make
sure that other personnel arenot unknowingly exposed to hazardous
chemi-cals, for example in the air. Ensure good ventila-tion in the
work place. Follow the instructionsprovided when disposing of used or leftover che-micals.
Exercise extreme care when leak detecting onthe fuel system and
testing the fuel injectornozzles. Use eye protection. The jet from
a fuelinjector nozzle is under extremely high pressureand has great
penetrative energy, so the fuelcan penetrate deep into the body
tissue andcause serious personal injury. Danger of bloodpoisoning
(septicemia).WARNING!The delivery pipes must under nocircumstances be bent.
Damaged pipes shouldbe replaced.All fuels and many chemical substances areflammable. Do not
allow naked flame or sparksin the vicinity. Certain thinner
products and hy-drogen from batteries can be extremely flamma-ble
and explosive when mixed with air in theright proportions. No
Smoking! Ensure that thework area is well ventilated and take the neces-sary safety
precautions before starting weldingor grinding work. Always ensure
that there arefire extinguishers at hand when work is beingcarried
out.Ensure that rags soaked in oil or fuel and usedfuel or oil
filters are stored safely. Rags soakedin oil can spontaneously
ignite under certain cir-cumstances. Used fuel and oil filters are
envi-ronmentally dangerous waste and must be depo-sited at an
approved site for destruction togetherwith used oil, contaminated
fuel, left over paint,solvents, degreasers and waste from
washingparts.Never expose a battery to naked flame or elec-trical sparks.
Never smoke close to the batte-ries. The batteries give off
hydrogen gas duringcharging which when mixed with air can form
anexplosive gas — oxyhydrogen. This gas is easilyignited and highly
explosive. A spark, which canbe caused by incorrect battery
connection, cancause a single spark which is sufficient to cau-se an explosion with resulting damage. Do notshift the
connections when attempting to startthe engine (spark risk) and do
not lean over anyof the batteries.Always ensure that the Plus (positive) and Mi-nus (negative)
battery cables are correctly in-stalled on the corresponding
terminal posts onthe batteries. Incorrect installation can result
inserious damage to the electrical equipment. Re-fer to the wiring
diagram.Always use protective goggles when chargingand handling the
batteries. Battery electrolytecontains sulfuric acid which is
highly corrosive.Should the battery electrolyte come into
contactwith unprotected skin wash off immediatelyusing plenty of
water and soap. If battery acidcomes in contact with the eyes,
immediatelyflush with plenty of water and obtain medical
as-sistance at once.Turn the engine off and turn off the power at themain switch(es)
before carrying out work on theelectrical system.Clutch adjustments must be carried out with theengine
stopped. -
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Safety information
WARNING! The components in the electricalsystem and in the fuel
system on Volvo Pentaproducts are designed and manufactured to
mi-nimize the risk of fire and explosion. The enginemust not be run
in areas where there are explo-sive materials.Always use fuels recommended by Volvo Pen-ta. Refer to the
Instruction Book. Use of fuelsthat are of a lower quality can
damage the engi-ne. On a diesel engine poor quality fuel can cau-se
the control rod to seize and the engine tooverrev with resulting
risk of damage to the eng-ine and personal injury. Poor fuel
quality canalso lead to higher maintenance costs.Remember the following when washing with ahigh pressure washer:
Never direct the water jetat seals, rubber hoses, electrical components orthe radiator.
Never use the high pressure featurewhen cleaning an engine.Use the lifting eyes fitted on the engine whenlifting the drive
unit. Always check that thelifting equipment used is in good
condition andhas the load capacity to lift the engine (engineweight
including gearbox, if fitted, and any extraequipment installed).
Use an adjustable liftingbeam or lifting beam specifically for the
engineto raise the engine to ensure safe handling andto avoid
damaging engine parts installed on thetop of the engine. All chains
and cables shouldrun parallel to each other and as perpendicularas
possible in relation to the top of the engine. Ifextra equipment is
installed on the engine whichalters its center of gravity a special
lifting deviceis required to obtain the correct balance for
safehandling.Never carry out work on an engine suspendedon a hoist.
Never work alone when removing heavy enginecomponents, even when
using lifting devicessuch as locking tackle lifts. When using a
liftingdevice two people are usually required to do thework, one to
take care of the lifting device andanother to ensure that
components are lifted cle-ar and not damaged during the lifting
operations.Always check before starting work if there isenough room to
carry out removal work withoutrisking personal injury or damage to
the engineor parts.2004 AB VOLVO PENTA
We reserve the right to make modifications without prior
notice.Printed on environmentally-friendly paper.
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General information
General information
About this Workshop Manual
The workshop manual contains a description of the
engine and instructions for the repair of standard ver-sions of
engine TAD1640GE, TAD1641GE,TAD1642GE, TAD1641VE and TAD1642VE.The workshop manual, Technical data, contains speci-fications
and torque for standard versions of engineTAD1640GE, TAD1641GE,
TAD1642GE, TAD1641VEand TAD1642VE. In this book you will find all
referenc-es from the workshop manual.The Engine Designation and Engine Numbers can befound on the
product plate.Please always include both the engine designation
andthe engine number in all correspondence.The Workshop Manual is produced primarily for the useof Volvo
Penta workshops and service technicians. Forthis reason the manual
presupposes a certain basicknowledge and that the user can carry
out the mecha-nical/electrical work described to a general standard
ofengineering competence.AB Volvo Penta products are under a continual pro-cess of
development and we therefore reserve all rightsregarding changes
and modifications. All the informa-tion in this manual is based on
product specificationsavailable at the time the book was published.
Any es-sential changes or modifications of the product or revi-sed
service methods introduced after the date of publi-cation will be
provided in the form of Service Bulletins.Flat RatesOperation numbers that show in instruction
headingsrefer to Volvo Penta Flat Rates.Spare parts
Spare parts for the electrical and fuel systems are sub-ject to
various national safety requirements. Volvo PentaOriginal Spare
Parts meet these specifications. Any typeof damage which is the
result of using spare parts thatare not original Volvo Penta parts
for the product in ques-tion will not be covered under any warranty
or guaranteeprovided by AB Volvo Penta.Certified engines
Manufacturer warrants that both new and currently oper-
ating engines that are certified to national and
regionalenvironmental regulations meet environmental require-ments.
The product must correspond to the engine thatwas approved during
certification. In order that VolvoPenta, as manufacturer, will be
able to warrant that en-gines in operation meet environmental
requirements, thefollowing requirements for service and spare parts
mustbe met:Service and maintenance intervals recommendedby Volvo Penta must
be followed.Only Volvo Penta Original Spare Parts intended forthe certified
engine version may be used.Service work that covers injection pumps, pumpsettings, and
injectors must always be carried outby an authorized Volvo Penta
workshop.The engine must not be altered or modified in anyway, except for
accessories and service kitsdeveloped by Volvo Penta for that
engine.No modifications to the exhaust pipes and engineroom air intake
pipes are allowed.Any seals on the engine may not be broken byunauthorized
persons.IMPORTANT!When spare parts are required,use only Volvo Penta
original parts.Use of non-original parts will result in AB Volvo
Penta being unable to warrant that the engine
corresponds to the certificated engine version.
Any type of damages or costs which are the re-sult of using
spare parts that are not original Vol-vo Penta parts for the
product in question will notbe paid for by AB Volvo Penta. -
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Repair instructions
Torque-angle tightening
When torquing with protractor (angle tightening), thefastener is
tightened to a predetermined torque andthen turned a predetermined
angle. Example: a 90protractor tightening means that the joint is
tightened afurther 1/4 turn in one operation after the stated
torquehas been applied.
A number of sealants and locking liquids are used onthe engines.
The properties of the preparations differ,and they are intended for
different strengths of faste-ner, temperature, resistance to oil
and other chemicals,and for the different materials and gap
thicknessesfound in the engine.To ensure service work is correctly carried
out it is im-portant that the correct sealant and locking fluid
type isused on the joint where the agents are required.In this Volvo Penta Workshop Manual the user will findthat each
section where these agents are applied inproduction states which
type was used on the engine.During service operations, use the same agent or analternative
from a different manufacturer.Make sure that mating surfaces are dry and free fromoil, grease,
paint and anti-corrosion agent before apply-ing sealant or locking fluid.Always follow the manufacturers
instructions for useregarding temperature range, curing time and
any otherinstructions for the product.Two different basic types of agent are used on the eng-ine.
These are:RTV agent (Room temperature vulcanizing). Used forgaskets,
sealing gasket joints or coating gaskets. RTVis visible when a part
has been disassembled; old RTVmust be removed before resealing the
joint.The following RTV agents are mentioned in the Work-
shop Manual: Loctite574, PermatexNo. 3, Perma-texNo 77. Old
sealant can be removed using denatu-red alcohol in all cases.Anaerobic agents. These agents cure in an absence ofair. They
are used when two solid parts, for examplecast components, are
installed face-to-face without agasket. They are also commonly used
to secure plugs,threads in stud bolts, cocks, oil pressure switches
etc.Hardened anaerobic preparations are glassy and forthis reason,
the preparations are colored to make themvisible. Cured anaerobic
agents are extremely resistantto solvents and the old agent cannot
be removed.When reinstalling the part, degrease it carefully andthen apply
new sealant.The following anaerobic agents are mentioned in theWorkshop
Manual: Loctite572 (white), Loctite241(blue).NOTE: Loctite is a registered trademark of Loctite
Corporation,Permatexis a registered trademark of the Permatex
Corporation.Lock nuts
Do not re-use lock nuts that have been removed duringdisassembly
operations as these have reduced servicelife when re-used. For lock
nuts with a plastic insertsuch as Nylockthe torque stated in the
table is redu-ced if the Nylocknut has the same head height as
astandard hexagonal nut without plastic insert. Reducethe torque by
25% for screw size 8 mm or larger.Where Nylocknuts are higher, where the metallic th-read is of
the same height as a standard hexagonalnut, the torques given in
the as shown in table apply.Strength classes
Screws and nuts are sub-divided into different strengthclasses.
Classification is indicated by markings on thescrew head. A higher number indicates a material withgreater
strength. For example, a screw marked 10-9 isstronger than one
marked 8-8. For this reason, it is im-portant when fasteners are
dismantled, that the screwsare put back in the correct places when
they are re-in-stalled. If a bolt must be replaced, check in the
spareparts catalogue to make sure the correct bolt is used. -
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Repair instructions
Safety rules for
fluorocarbon rubber
Fluorocarbon rubber is a common material in seal ringsfor
shafts, and in O-rings, for example.When fluorocarbon rubber is subjected to high tempe-
ratures (above 300C/572F), hydrofluoric acidcan beformed, which
is highly corrosive. Contact with the skincan result in severe
chemical burns. Splashes in youreyes can result in severe chemical
burns. If you brea-the in the fumes, your lungs can be permanently
dama-ged.WARNING!Be very careful when working on eng-
ines which have been exposed to high temperatu-res, e.g.
overheating during a seizure or fire. Se-als must never be cut with
a flame torch duringdisassembly, or burned in uncontrolled
circums-tances afterwards.Always use gloves made of chloroprene rubber (glo-ves for
handling chemicals) and protective goggles.Handle the removed seal in the same way as corro-sive acid. All
residue, including ash, can be highlycorrosive. Never use
compressed air to blow anyth-ing clean.Put the rest in a plastic jar which is sealed and pro-vided with
a warning label. Wash the gloves underrunning water before removing
them.The following seals are probably made from fluorocar-bon
rubber:Seal rings for the crankshaft, camshaft, intermediate
shafts.O-rings, regardless of where they are installed.
O-ringsfor cylinder liner sealing are almost always made of
flu-orocarbon rubber.Note that seals which have not been subjected tohigh temperature
can be handled normally. -
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Special tools
885810 Fixture for upper transmission gear casing
9986173 Puller, flywheel bearing
9986179 Puller, flywheel bearing9990006 Puller, unit
injector9990013 Slide hammer
9990107 Connection washer for thermostat housingat cylinder head
pressure testing9990112 Drift, removal of front crankshaft seal
9990114 Puller for main bearing caps
9990118 Cone, refitting front crankshaft seal
9990123 Pressure testing device
9990124 Nipple for checking of the f
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Volvo Penta is a Swedish company, part of the Volvo Group, a manufacturer of marine and industrial engines.
Penta was founded in Skövde (Sweden) in 1907 to develop the first B1 marine engine. There are two versions of the appearance of the name Penta. According to one version, five people took part in
the development of the first engine. On the other — only the fifth set of drawings was approved for the creation of a motor in the gland. Penta’s engines quickly became popular. In 1927, Penta
received an order for the supply of engines for the production of the first Volvo car.
In 1935, Volvo bought the shares of Penta and since then the Volvo Penta is part of the Volvo Group.
Volvo Penta supplies engines and power plants for pleasure boats and yachts, as well as boats intended for commercial use («working» boats) and diesel power plants for marine and
industrial use. The engine range consists of diesel and gasoline components, ranging from 10 to 1,000 hp.
Volvo Penta has a network of 4,000 dealers in various parts of the world.
Among the company’s innovations in the field of shipbuilding are a tilt-turn column and Duoprop counter-rotating screws. In recent years, Volvo Penta has proposed a new
propulsion system with pulling screws and a joystick to control it.