Wat 902h ultimate инструкция на русском





Thank you for choosing the WAT-902H, B/W CCD Camera.

WATEC hopes that both the quality and design satisfy your requirements.

Before proceeding to install or operate the WAT-902H, please read and understand thoroughly the contents of this

Operation Manual.

For future reference we also advise safe keeping of this manual.


1. Use only the AD-901 or equivalent power adaptor for the WAT-902H. Power supplied without voltage stabilization

and/or the voltage range is not maintained at ±10% 12VD. C. may cause damage to the WAT-902H.

2. Do not expose the WAT-902H to wetness or high moisture conditions. The WAT-902H is designed and approved

for indoor use only.

If the location of the WAT-902H is outdoors or in an outdoor like environment, we recommend that you use an


3. Avoid the striking of hard objects or dropping the unit.

4. Do not disassemble and/or modify the WAT-902H or the component parts or accessories. WATEC can not be held

responsible for equipment failure or any damage or trouble caused by such action.

5. Do not install the WAT-902H near a heat source, such as radiators or heating air ducts, or in a position subject to

direct sunlight ※, excessive dust, mechanical vibration or shock.

6. When the WAT-902H is used under fluorescent or mercury lighting conditions, a flickering phenomenon may

occur on the monitor screen. This does not mean that the WAT-902H is damaged.

7. A white dot affected by cosmic rays may casually appear on the monitor screen. This is a characteristics which the

CCD cell unit has and is not considered abnormal.

8. When installing the WAT-902H in an industrial or commercial environment (i. e. within equipment housing, near

other electronic device, etc.) make sure to avoid any strong electromagnetic field, Otherwise the video output may

be distorted and monitor sharpness compromised.

9. Check and protect the WAT-902H from any source generating a strong electromagnetic field from your equipment,

when the WAT-902H is fitted near or inside that unit.

10. Do not connect any power supply directly to the VIDEO OUT terminal of the unit. This may cause damage.

11. When a cable operation system such as video/power multiplex transmission is being used, check the specifications

or requirements of your monitor for proper connection to the video signal terminal of the WAT-902H.

12. Do not make connections and/or operate the WAT-902H with wet hands.

13. Should the WAT-902H not work properly, switch off the power and then check that power and video terminals are

properly connected.

※ Sunlight shinning directly onto the camera lens can cause damage to the CCD.


Using the contents figures below, check to make sure all parts are present before use.

The WAT-902H parts (complete unit)

Lens cap


D.C. plug



①CCD front face ②Lens mount(CS mount type) ③Hexagonal focusing adjustment screws(3pcs)

④Tripod mounting screw holes(Upper and lower) ⑤AUTO IRIS SOCKET ⑥VIDEO OUT


①CCD front face (light receiving face of the CCD camera)

NOTE: 1. Handle the CCD and the lens with special care.

2. Always attach the lens cap so as to protect the lens and the CCD from contamination and damage.

3. Dirt, water or oil deposits on either will cause an unclear picture on the monitor and scratches will

become permanent damage.

②Lens mount (CS mount type)

NOTE: Any standard model C mount lens can be attached to the WAT-902H, if our optional C mount ring,

30CMA-R is fitted to the unit.

③Hexagonal focusing adjustment screws (for fine focusing adjustment by the lens mount ring.)

There are three hexagonal focusing adjustment screws each placed at intervals of 120°around the lens mount

ring for the forward and backward motions of the lens mount.

④Tripod mounting screw holes (Upper and lower)

Thread size and depth are the same as those for the standard camera tripods.(U1/4″)


Female connector for the auto-iris lens.

NOTE: When the BLC(back light compensation)switch is ON in conjunction with the auto iris lens, the iris

control is shown within the restricted area on the monitor screen. See Sec. 9 of OPERATION in the

operation manual for a more detailed explanation.

⑥VIDEO OUT-The RCA terminal for video signal output.

Iris connector

NOTE: A 3C2V or 5C2V cable with 75Ω impedance must be used for connection with the WAT-902H.



When conversion of the AGC Lo/Hi⑨

switch is required, loosen the four corner

screws on the rear panel and pick them up

with tweezers.

Slide the ⑨switch towards your required

⑨AGC Lo/Hi

position with the tweezers and make sure to

position it firmly. Otherwise it may cause

instability to the WAT-902H.

NOTE 1. Be careful not to scratch the surface

of the rear panel during this

conversion work.

2. Do not bear any excess force to the

⑨switch on conversion. THIS


⑦SHUTTER switch-The electronic shutter speed conversion switch

Symbol Shutter mode selection chart (second)


EIA: 1/60~1/100000

CCIR: 1/50~1/100000


EIA: 1/60

CCIR: 1/50

⑧POWER-The power input terminal

NOTE: The optional power adaptor, AD-901 (DC+12V, 250mA) is recommended for use with the WAT-902H.

⑨AGC Lo/Hi-AGC gain switch

The switch is set to Hi gain at the upper position and to Lo gain at the lower position.

The switch is set to Hi upon shipment.


NOTE: Ensure that before any connections are made to the WAT-902H the power is switched OFF.

1) Remove the Lens Cap from ① the CCD front face and attach the lens.

NOTE: When the C mount type lens is used, mount the optional 30CMA-R, C mount conversion ring before the

lens is mounted.

: Confirm the specifications of the lens to be used, when it can not be mounted onto the WAT-902H smoothly.

(Mounting a non standardized lens may cause damage to the threads of the lens and lens mount too.)

2) Using the Auto Iris lens

Connect the iris control cable to AUTO IRIS SOCKET⑤ on the WAT-902H, when the auto iris lens is used.


: Ensure that the connector mentioned in the operation manual of the Auto-Iris lens

can be applied to the one shown in the diagram on the right connect it firmly to

the connector on the right side of the WAT-902H.

: Insert the pins as shown in the picture on the right. If the pin configuration is

different from that shown, use the special adaptor supplied with this unit.

CAUTION: Do not touch the power pin or the signal control pin with the Common

(GND) pins on the extra connector for the Auto Iris lens.

:The power (pin) in the drawing on the right must be used for connection

with the auto iris lens only, otherwise this may cause damage to the WAT-902H.

3) Insert the DC plug of the power adaptor to POWER⑧ on the rear panel of the WAT-902H.

NOTE: Ensure that the power adaptor is not ON before insertion of the DC plug into POWER⑧.


: Use a stabilized power adaptor designed for DC+12V±10% with a current

capacity of 250mA.

: Use the optional DC plug when the shape or polarity of the DC plug of the DC

power adaptor can not be fitted to POWER⑧ on the WAT-902H.

: Connect the cables to the DC adaptor using the drawing on the right.

CAUTION : Be careful not to touch any other terminal while wiring.

NOTE : This may cause damage to the WAT-902H and power adaptor or may cause

fire if the above care and attention is not adhered to.

4) Connect VIDEO OUT⑥ on the WAT-902H to the monitor, using the coaxial cable with 75Ωimpedance such as

3C2V or 5C2V.


: Select a monitor with the same transmission mode as the WAT-902H.

There are two versions, EIA and CCIR.

: A monitor with 700TV lines is recommended.

Caution: Do not use a monitor which uses a video signal/power multiplex transmission cable.

Common (GND)

Signal Control

Common (GND)


Configuration of the Auto Iris lens connector

(on the side of the WAT-902H)



Артикул: ЛМ000003941

Watec WAT-902H2 ULTIMATE, Камера видеонаблюдения миниатюрная Watec WAT-902H2 ULTIMATE


Артикул: ЛМ000003941

Высокочувствительные модели WAT-902H2 и WAT-902H3 серии ULTIMATE японской компании Watec Co. предназначены для видеосъемки… подробнее

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  • Описание
  • Характеристики
  • Сертификаты
  • Отзывы

Характеристики Watec WAT-902H2 ULTIMATE:

Базовая единица
Напряжение питания, В
Нижний порог чувствительности
0.0002 лк
Отношение сигнал/шум, дБ
Потребление тока, А
Потребляемая мощность, не более, Вт
Рабочая температура °C
Размер матрицы
Разрешение по горизонтали цв/чб, ТВЛ
Тип корпуса камер
Тип матрицы
Тип объектива
Без объектива
Масса, кг
Габаритные размеры, мм

Описание представленного продукта содержит справочный характер и может отличаться от технической документации производителя.
Советуем вам при оформлении заказа проверять наличие выбранных вами функций и свойств.
Если вы выявили отклонения в описании, то вы всегда можете об это сообщить – отметив ошибку и нажав кнопки клавиатуры SHIFT + ENTER

Ознакомиться с полными характеристиками Камера видеонаблюдения миниатюрная Watec WAT-902H2 ULTIMATE на Layta.ru

Другие производители категории Аналоговые камеры

Видеокамера Watec WAT-902H3 ULTIMATE отличается высокой чувствительностью и невероятно качественной передачей видео изображения. Она прекрасно подойдет для создания видеонаблюдения внутри жилых, офисных и других помещениях.

Благодаря хорошим техническим характеристикам, прибор способен без проблем работать на протяжении суток без перерывов Среди отличительных особенностей этой модели — миниатюрные размеры, незначительный вес и минимальное потребление электроэнергии. Камера помещена в разборный корпус и оборудована специальным креплением для подсоединения съемного объектива.

Артикул 106396
Гарантия 12 месяцев.
Страна производства Китай
Инструкция В комплекте.
Сертификат Посмотреть

Технические характеристики:

  • черно-белые камеры видеонаблюдения;
  • WAT-902H2 ULTIMATE- матрица 1/2 «, чувствительность 0,0001 Лк F1.4;
  • WAT-902H3 ULTIMATE- матрица 1/3 «, чувствительность 0,0002 Лк F1.4;
  • разрешение 570 ТВЛ;
  • настройки камеры выведены на корпус;
  • сигнал/шум более 50 дБ;
  • электронный затвор EI1: 1/50 сек. – 1/100000 сек., EI2: 1/120 сек. – 1/100000 сек., FL: 1/120 сек., OFF: 1/50 сек;
  • гамма-коррекция Г=0,35 (Hi), Г=0,45 (Low), Г= 1 (OFF);
  • АРУ 5-60 дБ (Hi), 5-32 дБ (Low), 5-60 дБ (MGC);
  • компенсация заднего света;
  • питание DC 12 В ± 10%, 110 мА;
  • габариты 35,5 х 40 х 63 мм;
  • вес 98 г;
  • объектив CS, объектив в комплект камеры не входит.

* Информация о технических характеристиках, комплекте поставки, стране изготовления, внешнем виде и цвете товара в
интернет-магазине Борн носит справочный характер и основывается на последних доступных к моменту публикации сведениях.

5) Switch on the WAT-902H, monitor and all other allied equipment.

NOTE: When the picture dose not appear on the monitor screen, switch off all equipment and check that all

connections to all the appliances are correct.

6) Focusing

Focusing the lens of the WAT-902H is achieved while looking at the monitor screen.

NOTE: In cases when the unit can not be focused manually, use the focusing adjustment method set out below.


: Attach the required lens on the WAT-902H and loosen the hexagonal screws③. (3pcs.)

Be extremely careful not to drop the lens.

: Set the focus ring to the infinitive (∞) position, and while looking at the monitor screen, move the lens forwards or

backwards to focus.

: Tighten the hexagonal focusing adjustment screws③ (3pcs.) when focusing is completed.


: An optimal picture may not be obtained on the monitor screen due to the different kinds of lenses used which give

different angular views and different contrasts of objects. In this case adjustment must be made by reading through as

shown below.

①Check that the required auto iris lens has the adjustment control as shown in the drawing on

the left.

②Set the ALC(Automatic Level Control) adjustment control in the center between AV and PK

on the lens using a small screw driver.

③Point the lens towards the object while looking at the screen.

Turn the LEVEL adjustment control clockwise or anti-clockwise to obtain the optimal

brightness of an object on the monitor screen.

④Turn the ALC adjustment control towards PK when the contrast of the object needs to be stronger or towards AV when

it needs to be weaker.

⑤Continually repeat the procedures ③ and ④ to obtain an optimal picture.

7) Select any required shutter speed by changing SHUTTER ⑦.


ON: When a fixed lens without auto iris function is used.

When brightness of an object is continually variable such as continuous monitoring of the

outdoors through a 24 hour cycle.

OFF: When an auto iris lens is used.

When an optimal picture can be obtained on the monitor screen in conditions that light is less

variable such as indoors.

FL: When a flickering phenomenon on the monitor screen is caused by a source such as

fluourescent or mercury lighting.

NOTE: Select the most appropriate function out of the above three that correspond to your required monitoring.

: Smear phenomenon (a portion of an object with high brightness projecting bright trails up and down) appear

on the monitor screen, when an object with high brightness is monitored. (especially in the ON position) This dose

not mean the camera is damaged. This is normal.

8) AGC Lo/Hi⑨ switch

It is recommended to set the ⑨ switch to the Hi (upon shipment) position, when the WAT-902H is used in dark

environments or through a 24 hour cycle.

The ⑨ switch must be set to the Lo position, when improvement of S/N (Signal/Noise level) is required. In this case,

the AGC range corresponds to the lens set at three stops smaller.

9) Back Light Compensation

Back Light Compensation on the WAT-902H is in normal operation as a standard function.

The function is what the area measuring the light intensity of the field of view in the WAT-902H is restricted, when

an auto-iris lens is used or the SHUTTER ⑦ switch is ON.

In the field of view which corresponds to the monitor screen, when an object brighter in illumination such as sun or

bright illumination is placed exceeding the slant area in the field of view, the auto-iris lens can select the brightness

of the slant area in the field of view in priority to the light intensity of the brighter object exceeded in the slant area in

the field of view.

The same operation as the above is carried out at the ON position of the SHUTTER

switch even when an iris-fixed lens.

The left drawing shows the area where the light intensity can be measured by the Back

Light Compensation function in the field of view. Namely the area indicated by the middle

square and lower 3 squares in the drawing on the left applies the area operative by the

Back Light Compensation function.



WAT-902H (EIA)

Pick-up element

1/2″ Interline transfer CCD image sensor

Number of total pixels


Number of effective pixels


Unit cell size


Sync system


Scanning system

2:1 Interlace

Video output

1Vp-p 75Ω (Unbalanced)


570TV Lines

Minimum illumination

0.0003 Lux F1.4 (AGC Hi)

S/N ratio

46dB (AGC off)



1/60~1/100000 sec.


1/60 sec.


AGC Hi : 5~50dB, AGC Lo : 5~32dB

Gamma characteristic


Back light compensation


Power supply

DC +12V±10%



Storage temperature


Operating temperature



Approx. 90g

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.

Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

(1)This device may not cause harmful interference,and

(2)this device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired



The camera mentioned above does not comply with this regulation, if it is modified at your disposal.

Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.

WATEC is not responsible for any inconvenience or the attendant damages to the video, audio and monitoring recording equipment,

caused by misuse, misoperation or inproper wiring of our equipment.

If for any reason the WAT-902H does not work properly, or if you have any questions regarding installation or operation,

please contact the distributor or dealer from which it was purchased.

Watec Co.,Ltd.





0.002 Lux F1.4 (AGC Lo)

1/50~1/100000 sec.

1/50 sec.

Address : 254-2, Nihonkoku, Daihoji, Tsuruoka-Shi, Yamagata-Ken, 997-0017 JAPAN.

Phone : +81-235-23-4400

Fax : +81-235-23-4409


E-mail : info@watec.net

Миниатюрная телекамера WATEC WAT-902H2 ULTIMATE выпускается в двух вариантах: c ПЗС-матрицами формата 1/2″ (WAT-902H2) и 1/3″ (WAT-902H3). В линейке черно-белых телекамер Watec модель WAT-902H2 ULTIMATE — первая телекамера, где использована ПЗС-матрица типа ICX-249AL ExView компании Sony, благодаря которой видеокамера значительно выиграла в чувствительности перед ее предшественницами. Кроме того, матрицы ExView имеют спектральную характеристику, расширенную в инфракрасную область, и могут фиксировать изображение в отраженном инфракрасном свете с длиной волны более 700 нм. При лунном свете и отсутствии инфракрасной подсветки камера генерирует изображение высокого качества, а при освещенности 0,0002 лк дает четкие кадры, качество которых достаточно для идентификации объектов в зоне видеонаблюдения. При этом чувствительность WAT-902H2 ULTIMATE ограничивается только флуктуационным шумом матрицы, а не инструментальными помехами электронной начинки телекамеры, что говорит о высоком качестве ее изготовления. Использованная в камере ПЗС-матрица обеспечивает высокое разрешение получаемого изображения — 570 ТВЛ. В ходе независимых лабораторных тестирований, проводимых многими отечественными и зарубежными компаниями, WAT-902H2 ULTIMATE показала полное соответствие заявленным характеристикам, однако во избежание снижения четкости изображения при передаче видеосигнала на расстояние 100-200 м специалисты Watec рекомендуют использовать дополнительный усилитель. Эксперты отмечают, что для коррекции видеосигнала в видеокамере используется фильтр верхних частот первого порядка с небольшим коэффициентом коррекции, что обеспечивает «мягкую» прорисовку мелких деталей при минимальной видимости муара и «зазубренности» наклонных линий. Другая черно-белая телекамера WAT-902H2 ULTIMATE имеет соотношение сигнал/шум, превышающее 50 дБ, и позволяет получить чистую от шумов, четкую картинку. Это один из основных критериев качества телекамеры при работе на объектах, где важны мелкие детали: на автостоянках, в банках (в том числе и в системах видеонаблюдения банкоматов для идентификации действий с платежными средствами) и т.д. Эта аналоговая телекамера имеет низкое энергопотребление и формирует качественное изображение в широком диапазоне напряжений. Как показали тесты, телекамера WAT-902H2 ULTIMATE стабильно работает как при падении напряжения до 8,5 В, так и при скачках до 15 В. Такая устойчивость к колебаниям напряжения питания говорит о том, что телекамера может успешно работать даже в регионах с нестабильным электроснабжением. В то же время, широкий диапазон рабочих напряжений позволяет выносить видеокамеру далеко от блока питания и использовать телекамеру для построения систем видеонаблюдения больших объектов. Приобретая WATEC WAT-902H2 ULTIMATE в ТД «Лидер-СБ», Вы получаете качественный товар по отличной цене, а также грамотную техподдержку.

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