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Summary of Contents for MyKronoz ZeTime
Page 1
Questo manuale d’istruzione è fornito da trovaprezzi.it. Scopri tutte le offerte per MyKronoz ZeTime o cerca il tuo prodotto tra le migliori offerte di Smartwatch U S E R G U I D E… -
Page 2
ZeTime is assembled with some high quality materials and technologies to make it not only an amazing smartwatch but certainly a beautiful piece of jewelry you’ll be proud… -
Page 3: Table Of Contents
T a B l e o f c o n T e n T s — 39 — — 08 — Charging — 09 — Battery life — 10 — Set up — 11 — Calibration — 12 — System requirements — 13 — Incoming calls — 14 -…
Page 4
o V e r V i e w Upper button Color Smart crown touchscreen Lower button UPPER bUtton press to light up the screen, return to home page from any menu or put the device in standby mode. LowER bUtton •… -
Page 5
Basic ToUchscreen operaTions FRom thE watCh FaCE Long press to change your watch face. Swipe right Swipe left to access to access activity main menu. menu. Swipe down Swipe up Marketing weekly to display to display meeting with Fred… shortcuts notification Hi , Jack ! H… -
Page 6
ZeTime is equipped with a smart crown to enhance the navigation experience in the watch menus. it can be used from many different screens to select, navigate or adjust some settings. pressing the crown will validate your selection. -
Page 7
ZeTime shortcuts. heart rate Keep track of your heart rate. monitor it. weather brightness instantly access the local set screen brightness weather conditions and for better visibility. next 3 days forecast. -
Page 8
Unplug the cable after ZeTime is charged. ZeTime will operate for up to 3 days in smartwatch mode and an additional 30 days in traditional mode. when the battery level gets low, a low battery indicator will appear on the watch screen. -
Page 9: Battery Life
30 days battery life on a single charge. CHARGE when fully charged, ZeTime will deliver about 3 days battery life in its fully operational smartwatch mode, tracking your activity and alerting you of incoming notifications or calls.
Page 10: Set Up
ZeTime. This will ensure that you have the most up to date software on your device and benefit from all the latest features. Before the update make sure to have more than 30% battery on your smartphone.
Page 11: Calibration
ZeTime with your smartphone. calibration can be done after the set up process directly on the watch in the settings or from the mobile app by following the steps below: •…
Page 12: System Requirements
Y s T e m r e Q U i r e m e n T s it is required to install ZeTime mobile app on your smartphone to properly set up and use your watch. ioS 8+ devices with bluetooth 4.0 bLE iphone 4s, 5, 5c, 5s, 6, 6s, 6s plus, 7, 7 plus, 8, 8 plus &…
Page 13: Incoming Calls
G c a l l s when receiving a call, a notification will appear on your ZeTime. You can accept or reject it straight from your wrist. The phone call will occur on your smartphone, not on your watch.
Page 14: Sms
ZeTime you can receive and read your sms straight from your wrist. Thanks to its proprietary smart movement, ZeTime detects the information that is displayed on the screen and moves the hands horizontally to maximize visibility, allowing the text to be seen clearly.
Page 15: Notifications
T i f i c a T i o n s ZeTime is able to receive virtually all notifications received by your phone. each notification will appear over your selected watch face with its dedicated icon to identify the service. some notifications may be identified with a blue generic icon.
Page 16
SEttInGS: when you open your ZeTime mobile app and select notifications in the settings menu, the following screen will appear: Press on the slider buttons to activate or disable the notifications. For each type of notification you can select the type of alert you want: ring, vibrate or silent. -
Page 17: Reminders
(ringtone, vibration or both). a single tap on your ZeTime helps dismisses the reminder. if not dismissed, the same alert will repeat after two minutes.
Page 18: Activity
The activity tracker resets at midnight and ZeTime has the ability to store up to 10 days of your activity data. Then, you will have to synchronize your ZeTime with your mobile app in order to avoid loss of data.
Page 19: Customize Your
FRom ZEtImE mobILE aPP CUStomIZE yoUR aCtIVIty DaShboaRD: when you have set up your watch with your mobile app, you will be able to customize your activity page at your convenience. in order to do so, you just have to long press on one of your activity bars for 3 seconds.
Page 20
30 minutes of physical activity per day. Your ZeTime tracks your progress towards a daily goal of your choice. some of the watch show a goal progress ring or bar to keep you motivated. -
Page 21
ShaRE yoUR aCtIVIty: Use the sharing function to publish your daily activity or special workouts on your preferred social networks. 1. press on the top right icon to start sharing your activity data with your friends and family. 2. You can choose an image (by sliding left and right) or take a picture that you want to share. -
Page 22: Inactivity Alerts
You can set up when and how frequently you want to your ZeTime to alert you. to EnabLE thE InaCtIVIty aLERt • Go to the settings menu of ZeTime mobile app. • click on advanced settings and select inactivity alert. •…
Page 23: Heart Rate
Measuring to SEt yoUR hEaRt RatE aLERt ZeTime can also alert you when your heart rate is going above or below preset limits. You can customize those limits in the mobile app settings. warning: setting automatic hr on a very regular basis will impact the battery life.
Page 24: Sleep
1 4 . s l e e p with ZeTime you can monitor both the length and the quality of your sleep. Detailed reports are available both in the mobile app as well in the watch interface. LAST NIGHT StaRt/EXIt SLEEP moDE manUaLLy FRom yoUR watCh •…
Page 25: Alarm
• set the alarm and click on save. for each alarm, ZeTime will vibrate and ring continuously for 1 minute. You can snooze wake up alarms several times. snooze length can be set in the advanced settings from the mobile app or in the watch settings.
Page 26: Camera Remote
USE ZEtImE aS a CamERa REmotE • Go to the settings tab of your ZeTime mobile app and click on camera. • click on the camera app icon on your watch.
Page 27: Music Control
1 7 . m U s i c c o n T r o l with ZeTime you can take control of your favorite music player on your smartphone. if you’re using third party players like spotify or Deezer you’ll first need to connect your account with the ZeTime mobile app in the music settings menu.
Page 28: Anti-Lost Function
T h e r f o r e c a s T You can check the weather forecast of your desired location on your ZeTime, once you have set it up with the mobile app. You can access the weather forecasts from shortcuts or the main menu page.
Page 29: Stopwatch
2 0 . s T o p w a T c h to USE thE StoPwatCh: open the stopwatch app in the watch menu. start counting • by pressing the green play icon. You can track individual lap performance by pressing the round green button while measuring is on.
Page 30: Timer
2 1 . T i m e r to USE thE tImER: open the timer app in the watch menu. • adjust the countdown length by using the digital crown and • start counting by pressing the green button. at the end of countdown, your watch will alert you with sound •…
Page 31: Customize Your Watch
2 3 . cUsTomiZe YoUr waTch to ChanGE thE watCh FaCE FRom yoUR ZEtImE • long press on the current watch face. • swipe left or right to go through the different watch faces available (you can also use the crown).
Page 32
to ChanGE thE watCh FaCE FRom thE aPP • Go to the settings tab of the mobile app. • click on watch faces. • click on select your watch face. to CREatE yoUR own watCh FaCE • Go to the settings tab of the mobile app. •… -
Page 33: Home Time Zone
2 4 . h o m e T i m e Z o n e ZeTime allows you to display two different time zones on the same screen. with selected watch faces, analog hands will provide the local time while a digital clock will provide corresponding home time zone.
Page 34: Left Hand Mode
2 6 . l e f T h a n D m o D e ZeTime is the only smartwatch to provide a full left-hand user mode by rotating both on screen information and the analog mechanism at 180° when worn on the right wrist.
Page 35: Settings
2 8 . s e T T i n G s GEnERaL VIbRatIon & SoUnDS Language: Vibration: set your language. set your vibration mode. Unit: Sounds: choose between metric set your sound mode. or imperial. Do not disturb : bluetooth: set a time frame when you enable or disable it.
Page 36: Firmware Update
Zetime, all these updates need to be done by oTa (over The air) and through the mobile app.
Page 37: Watch Band
3 0 . w a T c h B a n D ZeTime uses standard 22mm (regular) or 18mm (petite) inter- changeable wrist bands, in order to make it easy for you to perfectly match your watch and your style.
Page 38: Accessories
The 2-in-1 charger has a built-in 400 mah battery, allowing you to charge your ZeTime when you are on the go with no power plug available. You can fully charge your ZeTime up to 2 times with this built-in battery.
Page 39: Tech Specs
1 year what’s in the box: charger dock, ZeTime, Get started guide. * ZeTime is water resistant up to 50 meters. ZeTime is resistant to water splashes, rain, submersion and showering. ZeTime can be used for shallow water activities like swimming but should not be exposed to water at high pressure, such as ocean waves or a waterfall.
Page 40
This product is not a medical device and should not be used to diagnose or treat any medical condition. ZeTime is water resistant up to 50 meters. ZeTime is resistant to water splashes, rain, submersion and showering. ZeTime can be used for shallow water activities like swimming but should not be exposed to water at high pressure, such as ocean waves or a waterfall. -
Page 41
Before using the device, read these instructions carefully. battERy • ZeTime has built-in batteries. Do not disassemble the battery on your own. KronoZ llc is not responsible for any damage or personal injury caused by the removal of the battery or any component. -
Page 42
r e G U l a r Y n o T i c e FCC StatEmEnt This device complies with part 15 of the fcc rules. operation is subject to the following two conditions : (1) this device may not cause harmful interfe- rence, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. -
Page 43
REQUIRED InFoRmatIon on thE E-LabEL Users can access the e-label screen on ZeTime by going to settings > General > regulatory. no special access codes or permissions are required to go through the above steps beyond entering a user-de- fined password to protect against unauthorized access to the device. -
Page 44: System
DISPoSaL anD RECyCLInG InFoRmatIon after the implementation of the european Directive 2002/96/eU in the national legal system, the following applies : electrical and electronic devices may not be disposed of with domestic waste. consumers are obliged by law to return electrical and electronic device at the end of their service lives to the public collecting points set up for this purpose or point of sale.
Page 45
R E t h a n t I m E JOIN US MYKRONOZ w w w . m y k r o n o z . c o m — 45 -…
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Инструкция по эксплуатации умных часов MYKRONOZ ZeTime Regular Elite Titanium Modern Link.
Скачать инструкцию к умным часам MYKRONOZ ZeTime Regular Elite Titanium Modern Link (3,27 МБ)
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